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Afystomurst - Astral Form

By Strands Dude Brian Dunn

Attribute Steps: Characteristics:

Dexterity: 15 Initiative: 15
Strength: 2 Physical Defense: 5
Toughness: 6 Spell Defense: 17
Perception: 16 Social Defense: 10
Willpower: 12 Movement: 400/200 (Flight)
Charisma: 15 Carrying/Lifting: NA
Spell Attacks: 3
Spell Power Spell Power Step Spell Power Effect
Manna Blast 18 18
Spellcasting 17
Power Power Step Quantity
Karma Points 8 20
Manifest 18
Defense and Damage
Physical Armor: 5 Mystic Armor: 16
Death Rating: 65 Wound Threshold: 20
Uncon. Rating: 50 Knockdown: Immune
Recovery Tests: 6

Legend Points: 1575

Loot: None

The astral from of Afystomurst is physically weak, but extremely quick and magically
strong. It appears as a solid, fist-sized ball textured like a brain. When Afystomurst is not
Dormant, blue arcs of energy spark about its surface. The ball has no visible appendages
or openings. The astral form of Afystomurst will generally flee battle if possible.
If the Astral from of Afystomurst is knocked unconscious, its physical manifestation is
unaffected. If the Astral form is destroyed, the physical manifestation ends immediately.
The astral Afystomurst has only one power, which enables it to take form in the physical
Cultural Note: A favored song of Air Sailors recounts the legendary journey of the HMS
Renzo, which was sent into astral space with a net fashioned of Orichalcum links for the
sole purpose of snaring and destroying the Astral form of Afystomurst. HMS Renzo never
returned, but the ten year war affecting the region was quickly ended.

Game Mechanics:
The astral Afystomurst can lash out with up to three magical Manna Blasts per round.
Mystic Armor protects against these blasts.

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