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The Horror Feadue

"I wish only for power, Dark Lord; I wish only for great strength," Vladimear explained.
An unsettling smile crept over the Horror's face. "And you shall have it!" rang its sweet voice. "Immortality, power, all you desire--
simply free me from this formless prison, and I will give to you all you could dream of!"

Game Stats:
DEX: 22 STR: 24 TOU: 23
PER: 28 WIL: 26 CHA: 30
Initiative: 22 Physical Defense: 18
Number of Attacks: (2) Spell Defense: 18
Attack: 25 Social Defense: 20
Damage: 28 Armor: 10
Number of Spells: 2 Mystic Armor: 8
Spellcasting: 30 Knockdown: 24
Effect: see below Recovery Tests: 3
Death Rating: 180 Full Movement: 100
Wound Threshold: 20 Combat Movement: 50
Unconscious Rating: Immune
Karma Points: 10 Karma Step: 18
Powers:Animate Dead 20, Cursed Luck 13*, Damage Shift 20, Skin Shift 24, Spells: Circle
6 Illusion*, Terror 25, Unnatural Life 20
(* denots powers that can be used on anyone in the ruins of Tyre)
Legend Points: 300,000
Equipment: None
Loot: None

Physical Description:

Feadue resembles a human male. It is well porportioned, though a slight bit lanky. It stands about six and a half feet in
height. Its facial features are attractive, though somewhat alienated by Feadue's ash colored skin. In place of hair,
Feadue has a black substance. His "hair" will billow much like fire, but it is pitch black--simply a total absense of light.

Attitudes and Agendas:

Lacking many of the powers synonemous with Horrors, Feadue cannot use Horror Mark or even Thoughtworm to control
the minds of men. This limitation not only lead to Feadue's gift for bribery and manipulation, but also lead to its jealousy
and fear of other Horrors. Feadue will attempt to destroy any Horror or Horror tainted character that enters its city walls.

Feadue will also bargain with "normal" people who manage to survive their attempt to enter his city, seeing them as
powerful enough to be of potental use in whatever plot it is hatching at the moment. He will offer anything the wish to
have. It has the entire treasury of the Empire at its fingertips, as well as the magical trinkets of an entire culture. He also
can offer Legend Points, should it wish to.

Place of Residence:

Feadue resides in the old Senate building in the ruins of Tyre. For more information on the city, check out the "The City"
section of this site. Also, when Feadue is inside Tyre, an extrodinairy success is required for spells such as "Horror
Call," which would summon him out of the city. If anyone is foolish enough to call Feadue out of his perminant residence
to another place within Tyre, only the normal success level is required. It will, however, anger Feadue, as anything that
would subject him to another would.

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