Writing skills rubric

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Objective 1: Content and Ideas

Criteria: 4 - Exceeds expectations: The writing presents compelling and well-

developed ideas that are clearly supported with relevant evidence. 3 - Meets
expectations: The writing presents developed ideas that are supported with
relevant evidence. 2 - Approaching expectations: The writing presents basic
ideas that are somewhat supported with evidence. 1 - Below expectations: The
writing lacks focus and presents underdeveloped ideas that are not supported.

Objective 2: Organization and Structure

Criteria: 4 - Exceeds expectations: The writing has a clear and logical structure,
with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion that are well-connected and
effectively convey the main ideas. 3 - Meets expectations: The writing is mostly
well-organized, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that are mostly
well-connected and convey the main ideas. 2 - Approaching expectations: The
writing is somewhat organized, with an introduction, body, and conclusion that
are not consistently well-connected and may not effectively convey the main
ideas. 1 - Below expectations: The writing is disorganized and lacks a clear
structure and connection between ideas, making it difficult to understand the
main ideas.

Objective 3: Language Use and Style

Criteria: 4 - Exceeds expectations: The writing demonstrates a high level of

accuracy and complexity in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, with
few errors. The writing has an engaging and appropriate style for the intended
audience that enhances the message. 3 - Meets expectations: The writing
demonstrates a good level of accuracy and complexity in grammar, vocabulary,
and sentence structure, with some errors. The writing has an appropriate style
for the intended audience that effectively conveys the message. 2 -
Approaching expectations: The writing demonstrates a basic level of accuracy
and complexity in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, with several
errors. The writing has an inconsistent or unclear style for the intended audience
that may detract from the message. 1 - Below expectations: The writing
demonstrates a low level of accuracy and complexity in grammar, vocabulary,
and sentence structure, with many errors. The writing has an inappropriate or
unclear style for the intended audience that makes the message difficult to

Objective 4: Conventions and Formatting

Criteria: 4 - Exceeds expectations: The writing follows all conventions and
formatting requirements with a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail.
3 - Meets expectations: The writing follows most conventions and formatting
requirements with some minor errors. 2 - Approaching expectations: The writing
follows some conventions and formatting requirements, but with several errors
or inconsistencies. 1 - Below expectations: The writing does not follow
conventions and formatting requirements, making it difficult to read and

Objective 5: Creativity and Originality

Criteria: 4 - Exceeds expectations: The writing is highly creative and original,

demonstrating unique and engaging ideas that are effectively communicated. 3
- Meets expectations: The writing is moderately creative and original,
demonstrating some unique and engaging ideas that are effectively
communicated. 2 - Approaching expectations: The writing is somewhat creative
and original, but relies heavily on established conventions and ideas. 1 - Below
expectations: The writing is not creative or original, relying heavily on
established conventions and ideas and lacking engagement.

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