INE004_Apunte_Semana 4_2023

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Expresiones, esquemas léxicos y gramaticales en

idioma inglés

Coordinadora nacional de inglés: Susana Baeza


Experta disciplinar: Cecilia Urra

Diseñador instruccional: Hernán Apablaza

Editora instruccional: Rocío Gómez


Experto disciplinar: Diego Aldana

Subdirectora de diseño y desarrollo tecnopedagógico: Alejandra Muñoz





Tabla de contenidos
Introducción ............................................................................................. 8

1. What Is SWOT Analysis? ....................................................................... 9

2. How booking an appointment ............................................................. 10

3. Social Media Marketing for Salons & Spas............................................ 11

4. Software for Spa ................................................................................. 18

4.1 Software for Salon.......................................................................... 20

Conclusión............................................................................................. 23

Referencias ............................................................................................ 24

Aprendizaje esperado de la semana
Utilizan léxico variado, esquemas gramaticales y tecnicismos en preparación y evaluación
de proyectos, considerando etapas y costos requeridos de acuerdo con su área profesional.

Fuente: Istock (2023)

En esta semana encontraremos ideas, herramientas y métodos que ayudan y organizan un
Spa o salón de belleza, además de vocabulario y de otros conocimientos.

What kind of tools and methods should you know when working in a spa or

1. What Is SWOT Analysis?
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a method
for identifying and analyzing internal strengths and weaknesses and external
opportunities and threats that shape current and future operations and help
develop strategic goals. SWOT analyses are not limited to companies.
Individuals can also use SWOT analysis to engage in constructive introspection
and form personal improvement goals.

Check this Spa


Figura 1. SWOT
Fuente: Kulasza (2022)

2. How booking an appointment
Your client should make an appointment by calling or by email. When you are
booking an appointment, you should write the person’s name and the reason
for wanting an appointment or complete this kind of form. Be careful with
months, days, and time. Let’s check this example.

Figura 2. Appointment date

Fuente: (s.f.)

3. Social Media Marketing for Salons & Spas
Social media can help your spa business get in front of the right audience and
grow your customer base. It allows you to interact with customers easier and
faster, keeping them engaged.

An effective social media strategy can help you grow your business as a spa
owner. In this article, we highlight four major ways to use social media
marketing for salons and spas.

One of the first social media strategies for salons and spas that we’ll look at is
choosing your platforms. When you build a social media strategy, you want to
ensure you’re reaching your audience on the right platforms, so they engage
with your content.

You can choose from numerous platforms to reach your audience, including
Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok.

• Facebook for Salons & Spas.

Facebook has all data about people that you can imagine.

They know people’s demographics, how they behave, and what their interests
are. And you can use this to your advantage to grow your salon and spa

Facebook allows you to run extremely targeted ads. In fact, you can even
upload your list of existing customers and ask Facebook to find people that are
similar to your existing customers. The possibilities are endless.

Facebook ads are currently also the cheapest form of marketing you can do. If
you execute them right, you can get new clients through the door for less than

Imagine that:

You pay $10 and you get a new client that over the coming year will bring you
10-50x that investment.

This is how you should use Facebook.

Facebook is also putting more emphasis on groups now. This is good for larger
brands and communities but less often relevant for a salon.

Figura 3. Facebook Advertisement
Fuente: (s.f)

• Attracting New Clients to Your Instagram

To get new clients you need to first attract new people to your salon’s Instagram
account and then guide them to book with you.

Good images are crucial on Instagram. But to ensure your post reaches more
potential new clients there are a number of things you need to have in place for

your post captions. I’m not only talking about a good local hashtag strategy but
also how to write in a way that increases the engagement of your posts.

• Maximize Your Salon or Spa’s Instagram Bio

I don’t know your goal with being on Instagram, but it’s quite likely that you
don’t just want more people to hear about your salon and engage with your
posts. I’m guessing you also want your presence on Instagram to generate new
clients and grow your salon business.

To enable this, you need also a deliberate strategy of where to send people that
engage with you. I’ll talk more about how you can do this in the section below
called Converting Social Media Followers into Clients. However, what’s crucial
for Instagram specifically is that you make the most out of the tiny real estate
you have at the top of your Instagram account page which is your Instagram

On Facebook and other channels, you can put a lot of information about your
salon on the profile page but on Instagram, you only have a few lines of text
and one link that you’re allowed to include.

How you use this space is essential for you to get profile visits to engage further
with your business.

Figura 4. Instagram Advertisement

• How salons and spas can use TikTok to grow their business.

We’ve all heard of TikTok by now – the popular social media platform that’s
taken the world by storm. But how can it help you? Like all social media
channels, it’s a great place for inspiration and interaction.

It’s a good opportunity to showcase what you can do, take customers behind
the scenes and promote your brand.

One of the best ways to use TikTok for your business is for tutorial videos. As
well as being hugely popular on the social network, tutorials are a great way to

showcase what you do. You can use it to promote new services, how you work,
what your team is like and so much more.

Here’s an example of the type of video you can create and add to your TikTok
marketing strategy:

1. Film a quick video of a client’s hair before anything has been done (three

2. Film what happens next, including washing the hair.

3. Following that, get a quick video of you mixing the color.

4. Film the color being applied.

5. Capture the finished results (until time runs out)

6. Add the song.

In-feed ads appear when users scroll through your “For You” page. These are
similar to those you see when scrolling through Instagram Stories.

Use hashtags, hashtags can be used to search for topics and help your videos
to get discovered.

User generated content is material that is created by individual users rather than
brands. In this case, it could be the videos created by your customers or staff.
This content feels natural and less like a direct advert, which could appeal to

more users. Why not ask your clients to post a video review of their new
hairstyle? You could offer them money off their next treatment as an incentive.

TikTok is a great way for your brand to interact with people, build a strong
online presence and become relatable. TikTok’s content sparks good emotions,
it’s vibrant, makes people laugh and is a place to have fun. If that’s the image
you want to create – and if you want to showcase the skills of your employees
– then using TikTok for your business could be a smart move.

Figura 5. TikTok Advertisement


4. Software for Spa

It is designed specifically to meet the needs of spas at hotels and resorts, as well
as independently-owned spas and salons. Spa management software assists
spas and salons with scheduling appointments, organizing client information,
and payment collection.
Using a software, you can do many things like:

• Schedule Appointments
A simple tool with powerful calendar scheduling features that can handle
all your salon appointment bookings.
• Reduce No-Shows
Send automated reminders and custom messages to clients about
appointments and notify them of any changes.
• Online Bookings
Allow clients to book, cancel or reschedule their own appointment
bookings through the app.
• Manage your clients
Maintain client relationships with advanced salon software management
features with detailed client appointments history, booking preferences,
future bookings and contact details.

• Activity Dashboard
Keep track of daily appointment scheduling activities and never miss a
beat. The free dashboard displays up to date appointment bookings,
online bookings, appointment cancelations and client notifications.

• Sales & Products

Take care of your salon and Spa pos sales transactions, invoicing,
receipts, taxes and retail product management.




Debit cards
Figura 6. Software Spa

4.1 Software for Salon

Salon management software enables hair salons, beauty spas, and other
service-based businesses to manage their operations smoothly and attract and
retain customers. Typical salon software functions include appointment
scheduling, payment processing, marketing, and client information storage.

Things to Consider When Evaluating Salon Management Software:

1. Salon software should be able to meet all your daily needs and be easy
for staff to use.
2. Your chosen platform should offer important functions such as
appointment booking, as well as automated texts and email reminders,
to reduce no-shows.
3. Happy customers often return. As such, you'll want your software to
incorporate customer relationship management (CRM) features, which
will allow you to build and maintain your client base.

Figura 7. Software Salon

Look this form that you can find in a spa or salon software and complete it:





Non binary


Colorado Street 38

Figura 8. Form

Has concluido la cuarta semana del apunte perteneciente al módulo de inglés,
en el área de especialidad, donde encontraste variadas actividades en las
cuales se trabajaron las habilidades de lectura y escritura, incorporando los
aprendizajes esperados que debías adquirir como estudiante. Además, se
concluye que se han alcanzado los objetivos propuestos y has adquirido los
conocimientos de tu área de especialidad, de acuerdo con el nivel A2 del
marco común de referencia para las lenguas.

Referencias (s.f.). Facebook Advertising and Marketing Specialists [imagen].

Investopedia. (2023). SWOT Analysis: How To With Table and Example


Kulasza, B. (7 de abril de 2022). Spa SWOT Analysis. How To Write Yours

[Examples] [imagen]. Zolmi

The SM Guide. (2023). Best Salon Management Software [imagen].

The Salon Business (2023) Social Media Marketing for Salons &


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