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Mayank Saraf

for Flowchart:

1. Draw a Flowchart for finding the sum of first 100 odd numbers.
2. Draw a flowchart to compute simple interest by taking inputs from the user.
3. Draw a flowchart to compute simple interest by taking P=₹ 1,00,000, R=12% and T=3 years.
4. Draw a flowchart to calculate SI in the following cases –
• If it’s a FD – rate to be taken at 7%
• If it’s a savings account – rate to be taken at 3.5%.
5. Compute 2 different simple interests by taking inputs –
• On FD (interest receivable)
• On loan taken (interest payable)
Calculate and print higher simple interest.
6. Imported goods are classified into four categories for the purpose of levying custom duty. The rate of duty
to be levied on the value of goods for each category is given below:

Category (Y) Class of goods Custom duty (%)

1 Food and beverages 10
2 Textile and leather goods 20
3 Heavy machinery 30
4 Luxury items 40
Draw a flowchart to compute the custom duty after including a cess of 4% of the value of custom duty.
7. A university has 5000 students divided into 4 houses:
• Red
• Blue
• Yellow
• Orange
Draw a flowchart to find the percentage of students in each house.

8. A book publisher of EIS-SM offers discount to its customers on the basis of customer type as shown below:

Customer type Discount (%)

Book seller 30
Library 20
Student 10
Further, if the number of copies purchased is more than 20, then additional discount of 5% is allowed
irrespective of customer type.
Customer type, number of books and unit price of each book are taken as input.
Draw a flowchart to calculate the net amount to be paid and print customer type, number of books
purchased and net amount.
9. A housing society having 500 members pay electricity bills at the following rates:

No. of units consumed Charges/unit (₹)

For the first 200 units 2.65
For the next 300 units 3.90
Over 500 units 5.00
Computer database of the electricity company has the following information: customer name, house
number, units consumed, bill date, payment date.
• If the consumer pays his bill within 15 days from the bill date, 10% discount is given.
• If he makes the payment after 15 days from the bill date, 5% surcharge is levied.
Draw a flowchart to print the net amount of the bill for each consumer with name, house number and units
10. Draw a flowchart to compute and print income tax, surcharge and cess on the income of a person, where
total income is to be taken as input and tax is calculated as per the following rates:

Slab (₹) Rate

1 to 2,50,000 Nil
2,50,001 to 5,00,000 5% on excess of 2,50,000
5,00,001 to 10,00,000 ₹12,500 + 20% of total income exceeding 5,00,000
Above 10,00,000 ₹1,12,500 + 30% of total income exceeding 10,00,000
Surcharge rate: 10% of income tax if total income exceeds ₹50 lacs and 15% of income tax if total income
exceeds ₹1 crore,
Cess: 4% on total tax

Mayank Saraf

11. An E-commerce site has the following cash back offers.

• If purchase mode is via website, an initial discount of 10% is given on bill amount.
• If purchase mode is via phone app, an initial discount of 20% is given on bill amount.
• If done via any other purchase mode, the customer is not eligible for any discount.
Every purchase eligible to discount is given 10 reward points.
• If the reward points are between 100 and 200 points, the customer is eligible for a further 30% discount
on the bill amount after initial discount.
• If the reward points exceed 200 points, the customer is eligible for a further 40% discount on the bill
amount after initial discount.
Taking purchase mode, bill amount and number of purchases as input; draw a flowchart to calculate
and display the total reward points and total bill amount payable by the customer after all the discount
12. A bank has 500 employees. The salary paid to each employee is sum of his Basic Pay (BP), Dearness
Allowance (DA) and House Rent Allowance (HRA). For computing HRA, bank has classified his employees
into three classes A, B and C. The HRA for each class is computed at the rate of 30%, 20% and 10% of the BP
Pay respectively. The DA is computed at a flat rate of 60% of the Basic Pay. Draw a flow chart to determine
percentage of employee falling in the each of following salary slabs:
(i) Above ₹ 30,000 (ii) ₹ 15,001 to ₹ 30,000
(iii) ₹ 8,001 to ₹ 15,000 (iv) Less than or equal to ₹ 8,000
13. A company is selling three types of products namely A, B and C to two different types of customers viz.
dealers and retailers. To promote the sales, the company is offering the following discounts. Draw a
flowchart to calculate the discount for the below mentioned policy.
• 10% discount is allowed on product A, irrespective of the category of customers and the value of order.
• On product B, 8% discount is allowed to retailers and 12% discount to dealers, irrespective of the value
of order.
• On product C, 15% discount is allowed to retailers irrespective of the value of order and 20% discount
to dealers if the value of order is minimum of ₹10,000

Output Based Questions

14. Start 15. Start

X = 10, Y = 20, Z = 30, S = 0, I = 0 INPUT N

Step A S=Z Yes

Z=Y N > 1000 ? Stop


Step B
If I = 1 ?

Print X, Y, Z


(a) What is the output of the flowchart?

(b) In Step B, put I = 3 in place of I = 1; what will be the output then?
(c) In Step B, put I = 6 in place of I = 1; what will be the output then?
(d) In the given flowchart; replace I = 0 by I = 1 at Step A, what will be the output?

15. (a) Write the output sequence (at least first five numbers) for the given flowchart, if N=0 is selected as the
value for N as input.
(b) If the statement “N=N*N” in the computation box of the flowchart is modified as “N=N*(N-1)”. Write
the output sequence (at least first five numbers) for the flowchart with N=0 as the input value for N.


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