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"The impact of positive
parenting on academic

Jacqueline Espino Hernández

In few sentences, can you tell 2

us what your study is all

My study explores the relationship between
positive parenting and children's academic
performance. It examines how emotional
support, effective communication, and
constructive discipline from parents influence
school success. The research shows that children
with positive parenting tend to achieve better
academic results and have a more positive
attitude towards learning.
What is your motivation 3

for this study?

I’ve seen that children thrive academically

with positive parental support. This led me
to explore how parenting practices
influence academic success, aiming to offer
insights for parents and educators to
enhance children’s educational outcomes
and well being.
Did you bridge any

gap from your study?

My study has contributed by exploring how
positive parenting practices directly
influence children's academic
performance, offering new perspectives in
less explored areas. By identifying these
connections, it provides a unique approach
benefiting parents and educators in
improving educational outcomes and
children's well being.

Why you choose this title?

I chose this title because it clearly

reflects the focus of my study on
positive parenting and children’s
academic performance, capturing the
essence of the research conducted.

What is the significance

of the study?
This study is significant because it
contributes to the body of knowledge
by exploring how positive parenting
practices directly influence children’s
academic performance. Additionally,
it provides crucial insights for
government policy development and
implementation, assists other students
interested in researching this topic,
and benefits organizations and
society by enhancing educational
outcomes and children’s well being.

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