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My oral

Freud said that the unconscious plays a crucial
role in the formation of personality and human
Jung said that the collective unconscious contains universal archetypes
that influence human behavior.
Skinner said that behavior is
determined by its consequences,
through processes of reinforcement
and punishment.
Rogers said that personal growth
requires an environment that
provides authenticity,
unconditional acceptance, and
Bandura said that observational learning and modeling are important
in the development of new behaviors.
Piaget said that children go through specific stages of cognitive
development that influence their understanding of the world.

Maslow said that human needs are organized in a hierarchy,
culminating in self-actualization.
Erikson said that psychosocial development
consists of eight stages, each with its own
challenges and crises.
Vygotsky said that social and cultural
context plays a crucial role in cognitive
development, through interaction and
Ainsworth said that early attachment is
important in a child's emotional
development, as shown by her studies
on the "strange situation."

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