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Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr ce (G)REatEST ॐ


12 Tweets • 2022-04-15 •  See on 

Who is Saturn? Biblical El? Set? Shiva? {Thread}

“El, the sun-god of the Syrians, the Egyptians & the

Semites, is declared by Pleyte to be no other
than Set or Seth. El is the primeval Saturn. Siva is an
AEthiopian god, the same as the Chaldean Baal–Bel;
also Saturn."

Pt 1
"Saturn, El, Seth and Kiyun, or the biblical Chiun of
Amos, are all one and the same deity, and may be all
regarded in their worst aspect as Typhon (Set) the

Pt. 2
"When the religious pantheon assumed a more
definite expression, Typhon was separated from his
androgyne—the good deity, and fell
into degradation as a brutal unintellectual power.”

- HP Blavatsky

Pt. 3
"The 1st man, according to the Egyptians, was
Hephaestus (Ptah), the inventor of . From him
descended the . After whom Agathodaemon. Then
Cronus (Saturn). Then Osiris. And then Typhon (Set),
brother of Osiris. After was Horus, son of Osiris & Isis.
The 1st Egyptian kings."

“A Greek ostracon cited by the eminent classicist
Franz Boll identifies the Egyptian Sun god Ra, not with
our sun, but with our Original sun, Saturn.”

- David Talbot

Pt. 5
"Antiquity disposes of its sun-gods. The Hebrews
turned sun gods into
Patriarchs. Adam, Abraham, Israel, were names
of Saturn. Edom is Adam; the ancient usage was to
name the nation, the land or city after the chief god.
The Greeks made these deities founders of tribes.”

Pt 6
"Jesus Christ, the man-god of the Christians copied
from the Avataras of every country, from the Hindu
Krishna as well as the Egyptian Horus, was never
a historical person."

Pt. 7
"He is a deified personification of the glorified type of
the great Hierophants of the temples, and his story, as
told in the New Testament, is an allegory, assuredly
containing profound esoteric truths, but still an

- Helena Blavatsky

Pt. 8
“The biography of Jesus was invented after the first

- HP Blavatsky

Pt. 9
According to Blavatsky, Seth (El or Saturn) was the
Father of Hermes (Enoch, Latin Mercury or Greek

"The Egyptian god of Wisdom -- Teth, Thoth, Tat, Sat

(the later Sat-an), or Hermes, who are all one."

HPB stated Hermes, Thoth & Satan are One & the

Pt. 10
"THOTH in Coptic is the Egyptian God of Magick &
Wisdom. TAHUTI, who was evoked by the Golden
Dawn & Crowley (known to the Greeks as Hermes,
where get “Hermetic”). AZAG-THOTH is, therefore, a
Lord of Magicians but the “Black” magicians, or the
Sorcerers of the Other Side."

Pt 11
Thoth is, also known as, Ningishzidda (Sumeria) or
“Quetzalcoatl” (Central America). According to the
Church of Satan, He is one of the 7 sons of Satan.
The Emerald Tablet ends with Thoth saying “Now I
depart from ye into darkness. Now go I to the Halls of
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