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4 bài Task 1 và 4 bài Task 2 cho đủ Test 1,2,3,4 trong bộ Cam 19. Hy vọng tài liệu sẽ
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Speaking, Listening & Reading của Cam 19 nhé.

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The line chart illustrates the number of attendees across various pastimes at a social
centre in Melbourne, Australia between 2000 and 2020. Overall, most activities
witnessed an increase, except for amateur dramatics which declined, and martial arts
that remained unchanged over the period. Additionally, the number of film enthusiasts
was the highest throughout.

Regarding the categories that rose, the number of members of the film club started at
approximately 65 and finished at roughly 67, despite a minimal dip of about 5 people
in 2010. Moreover, table tennis ranked last in 2000 at around 17 participants, which
then rose slightly to 20 people five years later, followed by a surge to about 55 attendees
in the end to become the second most popular club. No members of musical
performances were documented before 2005, however, it ascended continuously to
reach nearly 20 people by 2020.

Concerning the remaining categories, amateur dramatics documented approximately 26

members in 2000, prior to a slight increase of about 2 individuals in 2005. From this
point, it plunged constantly to the lowest result of roughly 7 participants in 2020.
Finally, the figure for martial arts fluctuated marginally around 37 attendants over the
entire period.

(198 words)


Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good
thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than
competing against each other. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There is a debate over whether competition in workplace, educational and everyday

settings is beneficial or alternatively, people are advised to collaborate. In my opinion,
working as a team can foster success in many aspects.

Proponents of competitions argue its importance with two major reasons. First of
which is its role of being a catalyst for excellence. In many contexts, competitive
features can drive motivation and enhance personal performance, leading to
innovative ideas or increased effort for improved productivity. For example, due to the
limited number of scholarship awardees, students are motivated to study assiduously
to beat other competitors. Moreover, this can lead to self-improvement. Individuals
can gain valuable life skills such as the ability to handle pressure diligence or
resilience, conducive to building a strong character.

However, an opposing opinion emphasises the significance of working together to

achieve common goals. One valid justification is conflict avoidance. In contrast to
competing against others, team members have to work harmoniously to achieve a
mutual goal, potentially enhancing team morale and eradicating the risk of eroding
relationships. Furthermore, interactive learning can thrive more positively in a
cooperative environment where participants do not hesitate to teach, exchange
knowledge and participate in meaningful discussions. To illustrate, in a group project,
diverse approaches or past experiences can be shared within a team to achieve a

In conclusion, I admit that a good degree of competition is a favourable trait as it can

facilitate efficiency and self-development. However, I firmly contend that cooperation
should not be underestimated because teamwork can better result in less discord and
the transfer of precious skills. Where possible, fair competition should only be
encouraged primarily in contexts like contests or tournaments where rankings are

(285 words)


The illustrations depicts the changes to the layout of Porth Harbour from 2000 to the
present. Overall, more public amenities and accommodation have been introduced, as
well as the addition of a new dock.

In 2000, the western main road ran from north to south, connecting to two sides of Porth
Harbour by two smaller routes. In the north, a group of facilities containing a car park,
showers and toilets, and a marina for private yachts was situated in the northwest. A
dock for passenger ferries was located in the northeast, from this point northward was
the direction to the public beach. Moreover, another car park and an area for fishing
boats was positioned in the southwest. The small southern route led to an edge for
lifeboats, and another branch from this route led further eastward to a castle that was
not longer in use, with a public beach to its southeast.

Between then and the predent day, additional showers and toilets have been opened to
the north of the southern car park, while the marina and the fishing boat locations have
been swapped. Another dock for passenger ferries has been introduced, and cafes and
shops have been erected to the west of the lifeboats. Finally, the castle has been
converted to a hotel, and the public beach nearby is now restricted to the hotel’s guests

(227 words)


The working week should be shorter and workers should have a longer weekend.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many believe that the days people spend on working per week should be reduced,
allowing employees to enjoy an extended weekend. While this reformation can
improve work-life balance, I still mostly disagree with this opinion due to a decrease
in service ability and economic hurdles.

One valid argument for my disagreement with shorter workweeks is that fewer
services would be available. With fewer working days, essential services such as
general healthcare or public administration may face significant disruptions. For
example, the efficacy of timely treatment may be compromised if patients face longer
wait times to consult with a general practitioner.

Another legitimate justification to oppose prolonged weekends is economic concerns.

Decreased working hours mean that employees might earn less money, which can be
challenging for them to afford their daily necessities, namely groceries, utility bills or
transportation. Consequently, this negatively affects the quality of life of many
households because they have to reduce their spending.

However, I concede that this change could help employees balance their occupational
and personal life. They can divert more time to their personal commitments, such as
pursuing their hobbies, spending time with loved ones or even relaxing, which
mitigate stress and work burnout. For instance, the implementation of four-day
workweeks in Iceland has received overwhelming praise from the masses, enabling its
citizens to have a longer recovery time from work.

In conclusion, I largely contend that having fewer working days during a week may
pose logistical and financial challenges so this policy should not be encouraged.
Nonetheless, I admit that this confers opportunities for striking a balance between
work and personal endeavours. Where possible, a more effective approach of offering
flexible working hours or remote working arrangements for certain jobs should be

(288 words)


The illustration demonstrates the cycle of manufacturing ethanol. Overall, there are nine
steps in the sequence, starting with energy being absorbed by vegetation, followed by
the conversion of energy into cellulose, and ending with produced ethanol being used
by various types of vehicle.

The first four steps involve the transformation of the raw substance. Initially, plants and
trees absorb energy which includes sunlight and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
After this, vegetation is harvested by agriculture machinery and conveyed into a
chipping machine. Subsequently, cellulose is extracted, ready for the next stage.

The remaining steps produce a biofuel called ethanol. The collected cellulose undergoes
a chemical process to create sugars. In the following step, the sugars are combined with
microbes which results in ethanol, which is utilized to power vehicles including cars,
lorries and aircrafts. These vehicles in turn release carbon dioxide into the air as the
ethanol combursts in their powertrains, which is absorbed by plants and trees, renewing
the cycle.

(154 words)


It is important for everyone, including young people, to save money for their
future. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The importance of saving money for the future is a widely acknowledged principle for
individuals of all ages. Although enjoying earnings can help boost satisfaction, I
predominantly contend with this assertion as it fosters financial stability and
preparedness for future prospects.

The primary justification for my advocacy is that saving money teaches individuals
valuable lessons in financial responsibility and management. By learning to save,
people become more aware of their spending habits and are better equipped to make
informed financial decisions. Additionally, savings can act as a safety net during
unforeseen circumstances like job loss, medical emergencies, or other financial crises.
This financial security allows them to navigate life’s vicissitudes with more confidence
and less stress.

Moreover, having savings can provide people, especially the young, with greater
opportunities and flexibility in life. With a financial reserve, they are better prepared to
take advantage of opportunities such as investment, starting a business, or traveling. For
example, people with readily available funds can capitalize on stocks or real estate and
enhance their financial situation.

Granted, enjoying earnings rather than focusing excessively on saving can foster
fulfillment. Young people often have fewer responsibilities and more freedom to
explore and take risks. By focusing too much on saving, they might miss out on
experiences that could enrich their lives and create lasting memories. For instance,
traveling and experiencing different cultures, instead of focusing too much on saving,
can provide invaluable life lessons, broaden horizons and build essential life skills.

In conclusion, I mostly agree that saving money for the future is essential, especially
for the younger generation, since this habit teaches valuable financial management
skills, provides a safety net for future uncertainties and allows them to capitalize on
financial opportunities. Nonetheless, I acknowledge the importance of spending some
disposable income on investing in personal growth and enjoying living in the present.
Therefore, maintaining a balance between saving and spending is essential for long-
term financial security and life fulfillment.

(324 words)


The pie graph depicts the different places that organize dance classes for youngsters in
an Australian settlement, and the bar chart illustrates the number of participants
partaking in three types of dance classes, categorized into two age brackets. Overall,
private studios host the largest proportion of participants. Additionally, ballet attracts
the highest number of children aged under 11, whereas modern dancing is the most
popular among those from 11 to 16 years old.

Regarding venues, nearly half of dancing learners choose private studios for their
classes. Moreover, classes in school halls which operate after-school hours welcome
24% of young people. Community halls and unspecified locales host 18% of students,
while the lowest figure is exhibited by college-based studios at 10%.

Concerning types of dance classes, for attendants aged under 11, 600 of those choose
ballet, followed by around 450 and 300 people who join tap and modern dancing,
respectively. As for the 11 to 16 age cohort, the figure for modern classes is the highest
at approximately 510, which is moderately higher than tap classes at roughly 450
people. Finally, ballet represents the lowest number at around 300 participants.

(189 words)


In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food

produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative

The globalization of food markets has enabled consumers in many nations to access
products from around the world in their local supermarkets. In my opinion, although
this facilitation enables a diverse range of products for global citizens, it is
predominantly deleterious regarding its influences on domestic agriculture and the

One of the most significant concerns of the globalization of foodstuffs is the adverse
effect on local producers. Specifically, when consumers opt for imported goods as
alternatives, local businesses may suffer, leading to economic challenges for small-scale
farmers who cannot compete with the prices of large international producers. This can
result in the decline of local agriculture, loss of jobs, and economic instability in rural

Furthermore, the negative environmental impact of transporting food across long

distances is substantial. The carbon footprint associated with shipping goods globally
contributes to climate change, as does the extensive use of packaging required to keep
products fresh during transit. Local foods typically have a smaller environmental impact
due to reduced transportation and packaging needs, thus supporting sustainability

Admittedly, a profound benefit of this practice is that it increases the variety of food
available to consumers. Indeed, people can enjoy fruits, vegetables, spices, and other
products that are not locally grown or are out of season in their region. For example,
residents in Vietnam can consume imported Kiwis, a fruit that cannot be cultivated in
the country's tropical climate. This not only enhances the culinary experience but also
allows for a more balanced diet, as consumers have access to a wider range of nutrients

In conclusion, while the availability of international foods in supermarkets provides

consumers with greater choice, I believe it is an overall detrimental development as it
poses a greater challenge to local economies and the environment. Encouraging the
consumption of local produce, where feasible, alongside enjoying imported goods in
moderation can help mitigate some of the negative impacts associated with this

(323 words)

Các khóa học IELTS Online Cá nhân hóa tại IELTS I-Ready:

 Khóa học IELTS Mất gốc 4 kỹ năng – Pre IELTS:
 Khóa học IELTS Nền tảng 4 kỹ năng – IELTS Foundation:
 Khóa học IELTS Bứt tốc 4 kỹ năng Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – IELTS Intensive:
 Khóa học IELTS Speaking bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Speaking Acceleration:
 Khóa học IELTS Writing bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Writing Acceleration

(Với thế mạnh về Bứt tốc Band cao 4 kỹ năng, đặc biệt Writing/ Speaking đã được
khẳng định trước đến giờ với rất nhiều các bạn đạt 7.0, 7.5 và cả 8.0 Writing/
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