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• Matter is anything which has mass and occupies space.
• All solids, liquids, and gases around us are made of matter.
• The Comparison of solid, liquid and gases are given below as follows:
State of Volume Density Shape Fluidity Compressibility Intermolecular
Matter Forces
Solids Fixed Highest Definite Doesn’t Can’t be Very strong
flow compressed
Liquids Fixed Lower Not Flow Can be Weak
Definite compressed
Gases No Fixed Lowest Not Flow Can be Very weak
Volume Definite compressed
• The chemical states of Matter are given below as follows:
o Elements:
▪ A chemical element is a pure substance, and it consists of
one type of atom distinguished by its atomic number.
▪ Examples of some elements are Helium, Carbon, Iron, Gold,
Silver, Copper, Aluminium, Hydrogen, Oxygen, etc.
▪ The Elements are of three types which are given below as
• Metals: Metals are malleable and ductile in nature.
They also show the tendency of being a good
conductor of heat and electricity. Examples are
Sodium, Copper, Gold, Silver etc.
• Non-Metals: Non-Metals are non-malleable and non-
ductile in nature. All the Non-metals are bad
conductor of electricity except Graphite. Examples
are Iodine, Oxygen etc.
• Metalloids: Metalloids are the types of elements
which show properties of metals and non-metals.
Some of the important examples of metalloids are
Silicon and Germanium etc.
o Compounds:
▪ Compounds contain more than one kind of atoms which
cannot be separated into constituent atoms by simple
physical methods.
▪ Examples are Salt and Silica etc.


o Mixture:
▪ These are obtained by mixing two or more substances in
any proportion.
▪ Mixtures are further classified as follows:
• Homogenous Mixture: They have uniform
composition throughout like sugar solution, air, true
• Heterogeneous Mixture: They have non- uniform
composition like a mixture of salt and sugar in
unknown concentration, colloidal solutions.
• Comparison of the various types of Heterogenous
mixture is given below as follows:
Type of Property Solution Colloid Suspension
Particle Size Less than 1 nm 1 to 100 nm More than 100 nm
Filterability Particle passes Particle passes Particle do not passes
through filter paper through filter paper through filter paper
Separation Does not separates Does not separates Separates
Tyndall Effect Does not show Shows Shows
Nature Homogeneous Heterogeneous Heterogeneous
Appearance Clear Cloudy Cloudy
Examples Salt Solution Milk Muddy Water
o The various process of separation of mixtures are given below as
▪ Crystallisation: It is used to separate a mixture of inorganic
solids with the help of a suitable solvent; their examples
include separation of a mixture of sugar and salt by using
ethyl alcohol.
▪ Vacuum Distillation: It is also known as distillation under
reduced pressure. It is used to obtain glycerol and H2O and
to concentrate sugarcane juice in sugar industry.
▪ Chromatography: It is the modern technique used for
separation and purification of organic compounds. It is used
for the separation of coloured pigments from a plant.

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