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The Charter Act of 1861, also known as the India Councils Act 1861, was a

significant piece of legislation that further reformed the governance of British

India during the colonial period. Some important points of the Charter Act of 1861

1. **Central Legislative Council:** It expanded the size and scope of the central
legislative council. It allowed for the addition of non-official members to the
council for the first time, who were either elected or nominated.

2. **Portfolio System:** The act introduced the portfolio system, where members of
the executive council were assigned specific departments, making them responsible
for specific aspects of governance.

3. **Local Government:** It granted powers to local bodies, like municipalities and

district boards, to levy and collect taxes and make decisions on local issues.

4. **Indian Representation:** The act allowed for greater representation of Indians

in the legislative councils at both the central and provincial levels. A certain
number of seats were reserved for Indian members.

5. **Separation of Powers:** It further separated the executive and legislative

functions of government. The executive council was distinct from the legislative

6. **Financial Provisions:** The act laid down provisions for the budget and
financial procedures of the government.

7. **Uniform Civil Service:** It established a unified and competitive civil

service, known as the Indian Civil Service (ICS), to provide a professional cadre
for administration.

8. **Renewal of the Act:** The Charter Act of 1861 was initially intended to be in
force for ten years, but it was renewed and extended several times, continuing to
shape the governance of India.

The Charter Act of 1861 was an important step in the evolution of the British
colonial administration in India, as it introduced elements of representative
government and administrative reforms.

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