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1) “Motivation is fundamental to influencing others”(CEO magazine) .

organizational justice means employees perception of fairness in workplace, the
four basic motivation are status, belongings, mastery and protection which can be
linked to four basic categories of organizational justice ;
Informational justice and protection; informational justice involves the correct
and transparent information provided by the organization. People will be self-
motivated if they are protected, they feel the organization are concerned about
their safety, security and well-being in workplace. When the informational justice
is supported, employees will receive correct and timely information about
decisions and changes in the workplace. This helps every individual to feel secure
and informed about the activities in the organization this will surely result in
reducing anxiety and uncertainty. Procedural justice and mastery; Individual who
are motivated by the mastery their desire will increase to develop their skills and
competence which will concerned with how things are done. When the
procedural justice became high it provides employees with the sense of control
and forecasting, with the need of mastery individuals feel that their efforts will be
recognized and rewarded. This will motivate them to perform best in their role
and continue to develop their skills. Belonging and interactional motivation; when
the employees experience respectful and good treatment from the colleagues
and superiors it will fulfills their belonging motivation. Status and Distributive;
when the individuals in the organization are concerned that they are fairly
compensated for their efforts, it enhances their status within organization which
fills the status motivation.
2) “You can have a corporate culture that puts people first and achieves strong
business results” (The fortune article), The organizational culture and
organizational justice perception are related to each other in Fortune article it
describes about the different steps that 100’s of company cared for their people
and bring strong business results and increase in productivity. Employees want to
be heard, valued and cared. So open and effective communication in culture help
them to feel heard and cared and also Organizational culture takes places with
shared values and beliefs in an organization when this happens the employee’s
cultural elements are accepted in an ethical behavior at the time employees feel
that they are more likely to perceive and they are treated justly within the
organization. Ut will also impact
Yes, I believe organizations who care about their employees will also exhibit
higher organizational justice because of their shared values and priorities,
Leadership behavior, investment in employee development and effective conflict
resolution. When employees believe that their organization genuinely cares about
them they feel satisfied that they were treated fairly which gives them an
motivation in the workplace.
3. I worked as an manager in Five star chicken restaurant . My boss was happy in
hiring me because of my talent in maintaining the places in my previous
experience. He gave me the task as an manager where I need to implement new
ideas where customers will be impressed and comes to the restaurant regularly.
And after my idea which had been implemented became successful and the boss
gave me favorable pay. So I believe that organizational justice includes fairness
related to the outcomes which is called distributive justice. So this have been
demonstrated as an organizational justice.

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