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Why Site Exploitation

Forcing the return on investment

by Maj David S. Pummell, USMC(Ret)

irca 1980s, the posting of the
warning order in the squad >Maj Pummell is a retired Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer who spent the
area drove training and pa- majority of his career supporting Force Reconnaissance and Special Operations
trolling. This was a single- units. As a civilian, he was the Sensitive Site Exploitation Program Manager for
page outline, completed with grease MARSOC and currently serves as a MARSOC Strategist.
pencil or alcohol pen, providing the
situation, mission, and then general
instructions. Millions of patrols con- 1) ENEMY

ducted during the Vietnam War proved A. SITUATION: 2) FRIENDLY

this format. The general instructions C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:
contained a column for “special org. 1. NAME
or teams.” (See Figure 1.) One of the UTILITIES

standard teams was the “search team,” BOOTS


whose task was to search the enemy CAMO PAINT

dead or captured as well as the objec- LBV
tive area during the post assault or post CANTEEN CUPS

ambush phase. Another team was the FIRST AID

“POW Handling” team, responsible for NOTEBOOK

executing the standard procedure “5 S”: LAMINATED MAP


search, silence, segregate, speed, and EXTRA SOCKS


safeguard. The items found could range COMPASS

from pocket litter of little intelligence CLEANING GEAR

value to notebooks and maps contain- T.O.D.



grease pencils, acetate overlays, lensatic
2. SPECIAL PURPOSE TEAMS/KEY INDIVIDUALS:______________________________________________________________________________________
compasses, and PRC 77 VHF FM com-
munications. All forces operating today Figure 1. Patrol Warning Order format, note column 4 Special Organization Teams. This is
fully appreciate that we are now well where the Patrol Leader would identify “Search Teams.”
into the digital age. The patrol warning
order was replaced by the PowerPoint These tasks are commonly referred crimes sites, critical government facili-
concept of operations, the CONOP, in- to as sensitive site exploitation (SSE) ties, and areas suspected of containing
dividual GPS devices, tactical software or usually site exploitation (SE). These high value targets.1
applications on smartphones, and satel- tasks support identity intelligence (I2), Sensitive site exploitation. A series of
lite communications supporting today’s the type of intelligence that helps con- activities to recognize, collect, process,
patrols. nect the operations and intelligence fu- preserve, and analyze information, per-
Our enemies and adversaries have sion concept behind the intelligence- sonnel, and/or materiel found during
also progressed into the digital age. driven operations. the conduct of operation.2
Today’s pocket litter is contained on During Operations E NDURING Site exploitation. Systematically
thumb drives, cellular phones, and other F REEDOM and I R AQI F REEDOM , searching for and collecting informa-
electronic devices. The force must be exploitation became a common “post tion, material, and persons from a des-
trained and equipped to effectively assault” task. The terms SSE and SE ignated location and analyzing them to
triage collected exploitable material to were often used to describe the tasks not answer information requirements, facili-
determine value in order to drive imme- appreciating the difference in meaning. tate subsequent operations, or support
diate follow on targets and support the Sensitive site. A geographically lim- criminal prosecution. Site exploitation
higher headquarters deliberate targeting ited area that contains, but is not limited contributes to exploitation, defined as
process. to, adversary information systems, war taking full advantage of any informa-

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tion that has come to hand intelligence elements for de-

for tactical, operational, or tailed exploitation both in
strategic purposes.3 theater and back in the Unit-
Identity intelligence. The ed States. The technical unit
intelligence resulting from supported the development
the processing of identity of new tactics and weapons
attributes concerning indi- systems. The exploitation
viduals, groups, networks, or also provided political effects
populations of interest—also proving the Soviet involve-
called I2.4 ment as captured enemy ma-
terial was presented to the
History United Nations as evidence
Going back 75 years of Soviet involvement.5
to the forced innovation Military Assistance Com-
of World War II, military mand-Studies and Obser-
forces recognized the value vation Group (SOG) Ex-
of taking the time on the ploitation (Hatchet Force)
objective to conduct post- conducted small clandestine
assault tasks and collect operations in the Republic
items of intelligence value. of Vietnam and neighboring
Most everyone is familiar areas of influence, specifical-
with the Ian Fleming nov- ly along the Ho Chi Minh
els that supplied the movie trail from 1966 until deacti-
industry the adventures of vation in 1973. The trail was
the secret agent 007, James a critical enemy supply route
Bond. In 1942, Ian Flem- for trucks, tanks, weapons,
ing was a British naval of- and troops; SOG provided
ficer holding the rank of “eyes on” intelligence and
commander and responsible capitalized on the oppor-
for the organization of “30 tunity to capture enemy
Commando Unit,” initially personnel and material for
known as the Special In- intelligence purposes.6 The
telligence Unit. Under the SOG teams mastered the art
motto “Attain by Surprise,” of conducting special opera-
the elements were tasked to tions missions with the task
move ahead of advancing World War II Memorandum from Commander Ian Fleming to the Royal of conducting exploitation to
conventional formations to Navy Admiralty outlining the concept for a special operations exploita- support the commander’s in-
conduct infiltrations into tion capability. formation requirements. The
enemy territory to capture operating procedures estab-
items of intelligence value such as codes, the evolution of the modern-day capa- lished by the SOG teams established
new equipment, or high value personnel. bility. the foundation for special operations
During the Normandy Campaign, some During the Korean War, North Ko- forces conducting similar tasks today.
of 30 Commando’s accomplishments rean troops used Soviet designed and DESERT SHIELD /STORM proved
included the capture of a radar station, Chinese built armor. As the attacks to be the largest joint exploitation ef-
exploitation of German V-1 missile sites, continued, the United States needed fort since World War II, providing an
and the capture of 20 German intel- to learn about the threat systems be- enormous amount of captured enemy
ligence officers and 500 troops. ing employed against our forces. The material in a short period. The Joint
As with many specialized units dur- Foreign Material Intelligence Battal- Captured Material Exploitation Cen-
ing World War II, they were deemed ion at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, ter was formed and included personnel
unnecessary and disbanded in 1946. was established into order to conduct from across the DOD. The technical
An interesting note, the Royal Marines weapons technical intelligence to de- intelligence personnel were able to re-
formed the 30 Commando Information termine the effectiveness of the current port the modification of tanks showing
Exploitation Group in 2000 with the friendly ordnance systems as well as the improved external armor presenting a
task to achieve information superiority requirements for new weapons systems greater threat to friendly forces.7
through the process of find, exploit, and to defeat the threat. The command sup- The U.S. military involvement in
understand, influence, and enable. Op- ported the exploitation by transporting Bosnia further refined the exploitation
erations in Iraq and Afghanistan drove captured T-34/85 tanks to technical capability by combining the results of

36 www.mca-marines.org/gazette Marine Corps Gazette • September 2020

technical intelligence and human in- Based on the standard protocols used
telligence to determine the capability to support the targeting process, the
and intentions of warring parties. The information provided was of an accept-
capability of providing this level of intel- able standard.
ligence into joint operational planning The collection modalities producing
allowed force commanders to make in- information valuable to the targeting
formed decisions by the determining process are further explained below:
with high confidence the capability and Biometrics. Process of recognizing an
intentions of the various threat organi- individual based on measurable ana-
zations.8 tomical, physiological, and behavioral
September 11, 2001 placed our Na- characteristics.10
tion in a war posture for at least the Trace. Trace material is an amount
next two decades with the early years so small that it cannot be reasonably
focused on Afghanistan and Iraq. The weighed. It is described as residue or
common threat in both areas of opera- minute quantities. Trace evidence can
tion was the insurgent use of the im- consist of hairs, fibers, and a variety of
provised explosive device (IED). The residue solids.11
enemy learned early that the tactical Latent print. When an item is
use of IEDs produced deadly results touched the oils or contaminants from
against our forces. Counter measures the finger, palm, and soles of feet leave
were quickly developed and utilized, but MACV SOG holding a Soviet made helmet an impression called a latent print. La-
the IED cat and mouse game moved at and gas mask found while conducting a bat- tent prints can be left behind on most
an unpredictable pace; in 2002, com- tle damage assessment in Southeast Asia. materials.12
(Photo courtesy of Mr. Jason M Hardy author MAC V
mander’s would accept a 30 percent so- SOG: Team History of a Clandestine Army.)
Field chemical analysis. Identifies
lution to defeat the device.9 Born from unknown substances to a presumptive
the “defeat the device” effort were the or confirmatory standard: typically,
combined exploitation modalities aimed The collection modalities associ- gunshot residue, drug, explosive, pre-
at defeating the network, the effort to ated with SE are broken down into cursor materials commonly associated
stop the IED threat before it could even subcategories. Each has the potential with a tactical significant activity. The
be emplaced. The early logic was purely to provide information of intelligence level of tests conducted range from field
defensive; the exploitation of IEDs and value. This will only come full circle and presumptive tests using colorimetric
associated components then feeding the be of value to the commander if they methods to confirmatory tests using
results into the intelligence channels was are processed properly and in a timely a combination of Raman spectroscopy
the offensive solution to take the fight manner in order to provide accurate and Fourier transform infrared spec-
to the enemy. results. That information must then be trometers. The standards for the result
vary based upon the regulation used
(e.g., U.S. law, international agreements,
The early logic was purely defensive; the exploitation DOD).13
The value of field chemical analysis
of IEDs and associated components then feeding the is the potential to not only identify the
results into the intelligence channels was the offen- hazard or differentiate between a drug
lab and explosive making facility but to
sive solution to take the fight to the enemy. identify the materials used. The source
of supply and potential facilitators can
then be investigated and become lines
of effort in the continued targeting pro-
Exploitation Capability Defined incorporated into the battle rhythm that cesses.
Many lessons were learned, un- supports the commander’s information Facial recognition. Images of the vis-
fortunately in blood. The experience requirements. ible physical structure of a face for both
demonstrated that the Nation must There may be times when items identification and verification purposes.
be able to transition from peacetime are provided to a partner nation for Many nations now use facial recogni-
presence operations to major combat evidentiary reasons. This process was tion as a standard method to identify
operations with an understanding of maturing during the final surge years someone. Facial recognition capabilities
the “gray zones” in between. The lines of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. are being used at international ports
of operation must be in place to defeat The processed exploitation results were of entry and closed-circuit television
the enemy; a solid exploitation capabil- provided as an annex to the legal pros- surveillance systems. Combine facial
ity enhances the warfighting functions. ecution package for the partner nation. recognition with some of the current

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artificial intelligence learning algo- are becoming broader and individual exploitation. Recent practices showed
rithms allows a positive identification information shared on the commercial the investigation of Hawalas showing
to be made from searching thousands of market when people purchase DNA funds to support weapons systems and
hours of recorded video footage within tests and associated reporting options components to cross-border facilita-
minutes. (e.g., “23andMe”). tors. Today, the use of crypto currency
Voice printing is based upon the voice Document and media exploitation is becoming more common as the cyber
spectrogram using the vocal tract unique (DOMEX) is the processing and anal- domain matures. The requirement for
to the person; it can also be based upon ysis of both hardcopy and electronic cyber dominance and the ability to fol-
speech patterns. Voice printing is anoth- media. DOMEX sub-categories consist low crypto-currency transactions on the
er emerging technology and currently of document exploitation, media exploi- dark net will be a requirement for the
not a primary forensic tool. tation, and cellular phone exploitation. success of military operations.
DNA profiling is the technique used These terms are often used by those not When conducting counterinsurgency
to assist in the identification of individu- familiar with the actual target material operations or operating in the gray zone
als by their prospective deoxyribonucleic and processes involved in DOMEX.15 the insurgent or proxy enemies use of
acid (DNA) profiles. DNA profiles are The scope of weapons technical intelli- the IED has become the norm. The
a series of numbers that reflect an indi- gence (WTI) relative to site exploitation intelligence value of the IED and associ-
vidual’s DNA makeup and are a unique is the technical collection and exploita- ated components are critical to attack-
identifier. The DNA molecule is com- tion of captured material associated to ing the network and having the ability
posed of two chains that coil around IEDs, improvised weapons, and other to attack the enemy “left of boom.”
each other to form the double helix. The weapons systems. WTI, in the broader Processing this material has an obvi-
double helix carries the unique genetic definition, also includes technical in- ous increased risk requiring additional
instructions. telligence on threat weapons systems, subject matter experts to perform the
Generally, DNA can be divided into and weapons seen for the first time in collection tasks. Explosive ordnance
two categories: nuclear DNA, which order to determine the capability, threat, disposal must render safe the IED and
is inherited from ancestors, and mito- and development of countermeasures. make the decision to gather items of
chondrial DNA, which is inherited from WTI is used strategically to conduct intelligence value; items must then be
a single lineage. The single lineage is exploitation of ordnance residue used by transported to a safe area for detailed
from the maternal link, whereas nuclear our enemies and adversaries to confirm exploitation after confirming it is safe
DNA is inherited from all ancestors. violations of international arms agree- to do so. The many variations of IED
Nuclear DNA is usually referred to as ments and embargos. are here to stay.
the more informative DNA.14 Threat financing is the investigation
DNA collected from tactical events of different forms of currency used to Exploitation Concept of Operations
can be from samples containing bodi- support enemy action against our Na- A solid exploitation concept of op-
ly fluid residue, skin, hair, or a buccal tion. Identifying the funding methods erations is required to ensure the in-
swab sample collected directly from an and key facilitators can severely limit the formation gathered from the various
individual. DNA is another emerging enemy’s capability, often forcing them exploitation modalities is incorporated
technology and can be cost prohibitive to operate in a stressed state that results into any unit’s battle rhythm, feeding
for routine collections. DNA databases in errors and opportunities for other the appropriate events such as the tar-
geting board. If exploitation does not
support the commander’s information
requirements, the “So what?” value is
questionable. In the early years of ex-
ploitation during Operations ENDUR-
it was a common perception that col-
lected exploitable material, specifically
IED components, disappeared into a
black hole. This perception—often
justified—drove the question of: Why
should an individual or unit take the
risk and time to exploit the area after
a significant activity? Fortunately, over
the years, the combined improvements
of technology, training, and procedures
specifically in the Special Operations
Command program of record that has
Figure 2. Legacy graphic depicting the process for HVI targeting. (Figure provided by author.) established a global architecture to man-

38 www.mca-marines.org/gazette Marine Corps Gazette • September 2020

age the amount of information being ()*+  *+ 
processed by the deployed forces.
A common misspeak is that exploi-
tation needs to support the find, fix,  
)+  * 
finish, exploit, analyze, disseminate  *+*+ 
(F3EAD) process. (See Figure 2 pre- ++ +
vious page.) F3EAD is a methodology,  
not a general staff process. F3EAD was  '
)   +
originally designed to target personali- + *)* * *)+
ties. The commander may find that a
blend of several targeting methodologies
(e.g., F3EAD, Decide, Detect, Deliver,
and Assess [D3A], Find, Fix, Track,  #
Target, Engage, Assess [F2T2EA]) will $* *)+ ++*+
* * *
develop the best targeting process to fill +") 
+  *
%&  *)+
the requirement.  !
The commander’s staff will put the )+
methodology into process by typically  * *)++") 
as a default following the dynamic tar- *++
geting process:
• Objectives, guidance, intent. Figure 3. Joint Targeting Process from JP 3-60, Joint Targeting.
• Development and prioritization.
• Capabilities analysis. Preparing for the next? volving the upload of large data files.
• Decision and force assignment. What is beyond the next ridgeline? This has become a common task to all
• Mission planning and execution. The requirements to engage the next maneuver elements of any size.
• Combat assessment.16 threat need to be resourced now. There In a force reliant upon the full spec-
The phases of the process will be is a lot of dialogue articulating the need trum of communications equipment,
transferred to a functional task by way to shift the focus from an asymmetric, what signature is presented every time
of the unit’s battle rhythm and specifi- counterterrorism focus to a near-peer a handset is keyed or the “send” but-
cally the targeting board serving as the adversary/enemy engagement. Will the ton pressed? Tactics, techniques, and
nexus. (See Figure 3.) force be operating in a declared theater procedures must be refined to reduce
In summary, in order to master any of active armed conflict/Phase 0 envi- the potential of being geo-located by the
skill, it must be continuously rehearsed ronment or decisively engaged in a de- “digital exhaust” created when conduct-
and used in order to be of value to the clared theater of active armed conflict/ ing operations.
force. This is the same with SSE collec- Phase 3? Are we postured to conduct During DESERT SHIELD /DESERT
tion tasks. All operational units must both individually and consecutively? STORM, Iraqi Army detainees were
consider immediate follow-on tactical in the thousands, each individual had
targeting opportunities based upon pocket litter of the analog age, note-
sound intelligence, and then continue to The requirements to books, and letters from home. Handling
feed the intelligence community to re- the same amount of detainees today,
fine targeting efforts on the operational engage the next threat each individual can be expected to have
level. The initial steps to facilitate those a cellular phone with a minimum of
levels of targeting are SE techniques
need to be resourced a terabyte memory capacity. Com-
and procedures utilizing the associated now. mander’s battle plans will no longer be
individual and team techniques and visually identified as map folders but
equipment. A thorough understanding as digital media products contained on
of the supporting architecture is needed hard drives and peripherals.
to ensure all materials are submitted We have had the luxury of operating To process, exploit, and disseminate
to the appropriate agency for further in a posture of dominance across all do- collected materials, the force must be
exploitation. Special Operations Com- mains. How will our systems perform in able to triage all items and determine
mand has a matured program of record a space or cyber contested environment? the immediate value for continued or
connecting special operations forces, In the digital age, one critical require- follow on operations. The remaining
joint force, inter-agency, and other ment is the capability to transfer large material will continue triage by higher
supporting elements. Communicating data. Multiple formations conducting headquarters to determine what items
via the special operations exploitation a large campaign will require a reliable are of value and worth the effort to
web-based architecture collection sub- digital architecture to communicate transmit across the already strained
missions are enabled across the globe. while performing collection tasks in- digital network. Physical items will be

Marine Corps Gazette • September 2020 www.mca-marines.org/gazette 39

Ideas & Issues (MCIsRe)

process of research and development,

education, exercising, operational test-
ing capturing metrics, and facts via the
lessons learned and after-action reports.

1. Joint Staff, Joint Publication 3-13, (JP 3-13)
DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated
Terms, (Washington, DC: January 2020).

2. Ibid.

3. Department of the Army, FM 3-90.15, Site

Exploitation Operations, (Washington, DC:
July 2010).

4. Joint Staff, JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence, (Wash-

ington, DC: October 2013).

Iraqi soldiers surrender during DESERT STORM . (Official U.S. Army photo.) 5. Department of the Army, FM 34-54, Techni-
cal Intelligence, (Washington, DC: November
shipped by established air, land, and sea to provide timely intelligence to answer 2009).
lines to a regional collection node and information requirements and support
potentially supporting agencies in the the targeting cycle. Not through lack 6. Jason M. Hardy, MACV SOG: Team History
of a Clandestine Army, (Las Vegas, NV: Hardy
continental United States. of effort, the early years of exploitation Publications, 2018).
Robust supporting systems utilizing 2004–2009 had a hard time in return-
innovative technology will be the criti- ing information of relative intelligence 7. FM 34-54, Technical Intelligence.
cal element for success. Artificial intel- value to the submitting unit. Today,
ligence and deep learning algorithms the list of tactical to strategic wins at- 8. Ibid.
utilized at the tactical level will reduce tributed to exploitation efforts is signifi-
the digital load significantly. As an ex- 9. Ibid.
ample, incorporating this technology
will reduce the time to review thou- 10. JP 2-0, Joint Intelligence.
sands of hours of full motion video to
Success across all
11. U.S. Special Operations Command, US-
complete collection tasks such as facial domains can only be SOCOM SOF Identity Intelligence Smartbook
recognition matching from hundreds of
hours to minutes. achieved by a tested Version 2015-01, (Tampa, FL).

Success across all domains can only joint solution ... 12. Ibid.
be achieved by a tested joint solution
including partnering with specific inter- 13. Ibid.
agencies. Established DOD programs
of record should be reassessed to ensure cant. Through the Special Operations 14. Ibid.
the scope meets the requirements then Command program of record, a global
assigned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as supporting architecture is in place that 15. Ibid.
the coordinating authority to establish facilitates the sharing of information
16. JP 3-60, Joint Targeting.
a globally reliant and survivable archi- across the combatant commands and
tecture. inter-agency networks. Collection triage
and collaboration is at a performance >Author’s Note: Some terms used in this ar-
Forcing the Return on Investment level to provide results to the submitter ticle are specific to the USSOCOCOM SSE
This is the vital discussion that fa- in a timely manner. Depending on the Program of Record and currently being staffed
cilitates the answer to “So What?” How forensic modality, results range from for Joint use approval.
does a commander force the return on minutes to months. The effort contin-
the investment when taking the risk ues with the goal to provide near-time
and time to conduct exploitation re- exploitation results across the range of
lated tasks? The process, exploit, and military operations. Success will only
disseminate cycle must move at a pace be accomplished by the tried and true

40 www.mca-marines.org/gazette Marine Corps Gazette • September 2020

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