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Rabun 1 DeVareon Rabun Mrs.

Johnson LNG 331 December 4, 2011 The affects of the Scarlet Letter The penalty is death. But in their great mercy doomed Mistress Prynne to stand only a space of 3 hours (Hawthorne 58). Hester being a woman affects her a lot more because she dont have the same rights as a man, so the crime of adultery is a lot more shun upon on her. Throughout the novel it is easy to identify how the letter affects Hesters way of living her personal life, affects how her physical and emotional appearance declines, and also affects how her daughter acts towards her and the world. The letter has a lot of twist and turns and brings the evil out of a lot of people. Hester Prynnes life forever changes at the beginning of the story when she was standing on the platform of the pillory and the town people were glaring and gossiping about her. In Chapter 2 the Townspeople gossips about Hester The mother of the child --- stood fully revealed before the crowd clasp the infant close to her bosom (Hawthorne 48). After, the 3 hour stand of shame and Hesters encounter with the unidentified man, Hester was allowed to go back to the prison. The horrid words of the gossipers leave the feelings of a sinner in Hesters heart. In Chapter 4 Hester was in a state of nervous excitement that demanded constant watchfulness, lest she should do some mischief to the poor babe (Hawthorne 65). After The Interview, Hester began to get in to something like a state of depression. She was banned from the city so she had an abandoned little hut like house on the outskirts of the town. In Chapter 5 The Poor, as

Rabun 2 we have already said. Whom she sought out to be the objects of her bounty, often revealed the hand that was stretched forth to succor them (Hawthorne 79). Doing these deeds, lead to show how Hester was helping the poor out of guilt and not good. The letter began to affect Hester emotional appearance in chapter 5 She stood apart from mortal interest, yet close beside them, lie a ghost that revise its the familiar fireside and can no longer make itself seen or felt(Hawthorne 79). Hester is in a state of realizing that she will have to live with the letter on her chest for the rest of her life. Therefore, she trying to keep to herself and ignore all the spectators. In Chapter 5 it says Hester had schooled herself long and well; and she never responded to these attacks into the depths of her bosom (Hawthorne 79). Also, the letter affects Hesters personal appearance she began to dress plain, hair is always up and her face look like something is bothering her. In Chapter 16 Pearl says to Hester that The sunshine doesnt love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom (Hawthorne 180). The letter also kind of affect the way Pearl, Hesters daughter, acts toward her mother. She didnt really have friends not because of the letter but because she was mean to the other kids. In Chapter 6 Hester says O Father in Heaven--- if Thou art still my Father--- what is this being which I have brought into the world?(Hawthorne 89). She does not understand why Pearl is so horrid with everything she does and says. Throughout the story Pearl becomes more curious of the letter and the ministers weird gestures. In Chapter 15 Pearl ask Hester Mother! --- Mother! --- Why does the minister keeps his and over his heart?(Hawthorne 177). Pearl began to make the connection between the letter and the minister hand over his heart. She wonders about her mothers

Rabun 3 letter that she Took some eelgrass, and imitated, as best she could, on her own bosom, the decoration with which she was so familiar on her mothers( Hawthorne 174). The Scarlet Letter is a novel that greatly accepts the responsibility of doing wrong. Hawthorne does a great job of explaining how Hesters personal life is ruin, emotional and physical appearance is ruin, and how the letter ruins Pearl child hood and the way she looks at her Hester. It is crazy to think how Hester with-stood those unbearable remarks and hateful words and was Able to move on with her life.

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