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A Changing Urban Environment Comprehension

1. What is an urban environment?

2. Draw one line from each animal to the location in which it has been seen recently.

Animal Location

deer streets in Santiago, Chile

geese roads in Tirupati, India

olive ridley sea turtle runways of Tel Aviv, Israel

puma coasts of India

3. What nocturnal animal is an evening curfew perfect for? Why?

4. Describe how an urban environment can change when humans are unable to go out.

5. State one way this may impact animals in the area.

6. Explain why animals are venturing into new areas.

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A Changing Urban Environment Comprehension Questions

Extension Activity
When an environment changes, species can adapt to increase their chances of survival. Research
a species and explain how it has evolved over time to adapt to its environment.

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A Changing Urban Environment Comprehension
1. What is an urban environment?
A built-up area with high population densities, such as the area surrounding a city.

2. Draw one line from each animal to the location in which it has been seen recently.

Animal Location

deer streets in Santiago, Chile

geese roads in Tirupati, India

olive ridley sea turtle runways of Tel Aviv, Israel

puma coasts of India

3. What nocturnal animal is an evening curfew perfect for? Why?

Badgers because they can scavenge for food without the fear of being run over by

4. Describe how an urban environment can change when humans are unable to go out.
• There are fewer people in the streets and city centres.
• There is less traffic on roads.
• There are fewer boats on coasts and in canals/rivers.
• There is less air traffic/aeroplanes in the sky and on runways.
• There is less food discarded on the streets.

5. State one way this may impact animals in the area.

Any one from:
• they can roam streets and roads
• they can play in residential areas
• there may be an increase in successful births/hatchings
• they can move into other areas/waters
• there may be less food available so animals may have to compete for food

6. Explain why animals are venturing into new areas.

There is a decrease in the numbers of people in public areas like city centres, markets
and beaches. Therefore, they do not have to be as concerned about human interaction
or disturbance such as traffic.
A Changing Urban Environment Comprehension Answers

Extension Activity
When an environment changes, species can adapt to increase their chances of survival. Research
a species and explain how it has evolved over time to adapt to its environment.
Students should mention evolution in terms of:
• variation/mutation of genes
• natural selection
• inheritance of specific genotypes
• evolution give rising to specific phenotypes

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