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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:

A. Describe the different sense organ.
B. Appreciate the importance of the sense organ of the body.
C. Give the function of the different sense organ of the body.

II. Content: Human Sense Organs

III. Learning Resources

A. References: K to 12 Grade 3 MELCs with CG CODES

Science 3
B. Materials: Visual Aids, gloves and fingers, chart, laptop

IV: Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Activities

1. Greetings

”Good evening, children!” ”Good evening, Teacher!”

”I am Teacher Marian and I will be
your Science teacher today.”

2. Prayer

” Before we begin our discussion (Daniela led the prayer)

today, I invite everyone to stand for
our opening Prayer. Daniella, please
lead our opening prayer today.”

”Class, before you sit down, could

you arrange your seats and pick up
the scattered pieces of paper.”

”Everyone will sit down first. So I will

see who is absent from our class.”

“Okay, let's give a clap for ourselves (students clapped)

because you are all complete today.”
3. Motivation

”Now, I will show some pictures and ”Yes, teacher!”

you will tell me what they are, do you

“What do you think is in the picture?” ”A perfume”

”What do you think we use to smell ”We use our nose to smell the
the perfume?” perfume.”

”Very Good! Next…”

”What do you see in the picture?” ”Sinigang po, A food!”

”What do you think we use to taste ”We use our mouth to eat food,
and eat food?” teacher!”


"Now, what do you see in the ”A kid listening to a music.”


"And what do we use when we listen ”We use our ears!”

to music?"

"What do you think the children are ”They are playing slime, teacher.”
doing in the picture?"

"And what do they use to play with "their hands"


”Very Good!”

"For the last picture, what do you "The children are watching TV."

"And what do they use to see or ”They use their eyes.”

watch what's on TV?"

”Alright, Very Good children!”

B. Presenting examples
or instances of the
new lesson

“Now, Teacher will sing a song (Students stand up and sings along)
first and follow after me

”My eyes, my nose

My ears, skin and tongue”

"There, very good! You can sit down ”sense organs”

now. Based on our song, what do
you think is our lesson for
”Yes, very good! Our
discussion will be about the human
sense organs”

"From the song we sang, what are “Eyes, nose, ears, skin (hand), and
the sense organs mentioned?" tongue”

”Yes that’s right! We will discuss the 5

sense organs.”

C. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills

”There are 5 senses and these are

the sense of sight, smell, hearing,
tasting and touching. We use different
parts of our body to sense the world.
We call them sense organs. Our
sense organs include eyes, nose,
ears, tongue and our skin(hands).

Eyes - this sense organ is used for

seeing things.
Nose - this sense organ is used for
Ears - this sense organ is used to
hear things.
Tongue - this sense organ is used for
tasting food.
Skin (hand) - this sense organ is used
for feeling and touching things.”

D. Developing mastery

”Now that we know the sense organs

and their function, let's answer the
short activity.”

"Identify which sense organs you will

use to describe the following"

_____1. The flavors of ice cream. ”Tongue”

_____2. The sound of the alarm clock ”Ears”
_____3. The texture of the cotton ”Skin (Hand)”
______4. The smell of freshly cooked ”Nose”
______5. The color of my t-shirt. ”Eyes”

”Very Good, everyone!”

E. Generalization

"Again, What are the five different ”Eyes, nose, ears, hands, and
sense organs?" tongue”

"We use our eyes to?" "To see"

"What sense organ is used for "Nose"
"We use our ears to?" "to hear things"
"What sense organ is used for "Tongue"
"And last, we use our hands to?" "To feel things"

”Alright, Excellent!”

F. Application

” Take the picture and paste it inside (Students will participate in this part,
the chart. Match the picture with its they will raise their hands and answer
correct sense organ. “ in front to identify the following.)
V. Evaluation

Directions: Under column B. write the sense and under C. write the sense
organ used for the observation in column A.


1. My father’s adobo tastes delicious. ___________ __________

2. The garbage is so smelly! ___________ __________

3. The sky today is dark. ___________ __________

4. My phone is ringing so loud. ___________ __________

5. The pillow has a soft texture. ___________ __________

VI. Assignment

• Draw 2 sense organ.



Balando, Marian Avigael

Maca, Daniella Ellyza
Manubay, Johnloyd
Revese, Jeson

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