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21 (Sem-5) LDLW 5-4


e0hagon Paper : 5:4vl

Full Marks : 80 9
Time : Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate
o1 vi full marks for the questions.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words as

given in brackets : lx10=10

(a) The Government in Assam

welcomed the theory of absolute state
ownership of lands. (British, Ahom)
Ab) The Ahom King regarded himself as the
2 absolute of all lands in the
AAhom Kingdom. (proprietor, landholder)

O Contd.
c) Settlementholder is defined under
of the Assam Land and
Revenue Regulation, 1886. (section 3(h.
section 3(0]
(d) For the recovery of an arrear the order
for the attachment and sale of
defaulter's movable property can be
given by (The Court, The
Deputy Commissioner)
le) The Assam (Temporarily Settled Area)
Tenancy Act 1971 applies only to
agricultural tenants and their
2a ph (landlords in rural areas, tenant in
areas) 2
() The three F's of all tenancy
laws are to
Sucure namely L, freedom from
arbitrary ejectment and fixity of tenure.
(fair rent, fair right)
(g) Tenant is defined
the Assam undero of

Areas TenancyNon-Agricultural
Act, 1955. [section 3(g)
section 3()]
21 (Sem-5) LDLW 5-4/G
2 21
of the Assam Non
Argicultureal Urban Areas Tenancy Act,
1955 can be applied retrospectively.
tavo (Section 5, Section 6)
() Standard rent is rent fixed by
(proper authority, the parties)
6) In the Hon'ble Gauhati High
a Court held that the Assam Urban Areas
Rent Control Act, 1972 is a social
legislation governing the relationship of
landlords and tenants. (Surajmal V.
Kanaklata, Ramesh Chandra Basak V.
Deonarayan Prasad)

Write short notes on any five of the

following: 2x5=10
(a) Eminent domain.
Cb) Brahmottor lands.artbis
Permanent Structure.
le) Objectives of the Assam Urban Areas
Rent Control Act, 1972.
) Annual lease.

(Sem-5) LDLW 5-4/G 3

3 What is the theory of absolute stat.
ownership of land in Assam ? Discuss wit
reference to the Assam Land and Revenle
Regulation Act, 1886.bsbni2 h 12


Write brief notes on : oc st06+6=12

19(a) Property as legal right.goi

(b) Original history of land rights in Assam.

4. wThe Assam Land and Reveue Regulation

n 1886 is the Magna Carta of Land Rights in
Assam.? Discuss.

What are the important land reforms

measures taken by the Government of
Assam ? Can you suggest some new
measures for reformation of Land Laws in
Assam ? 6+3+3=12

21 (Sem-5) LDLW 5-4/G 4


rWhat is Registration' ? Who can apply for

registration of name and what is the
procedure for Registration under the Assam
Land and Revenue Regulation, 1886 ? Is
for non
there any provision for penalty2+8+2= 12
registration ?

5. State the important changes brought
Settled Areas)
by the Assam (Temporarily agrarian
Tenancy Act, 1971, in the field of salient
reforms in Assam. What are the
tenancy as
features of the Act and what is
olaid down in the Act ?
Write notes on :
under Assam
(a) Personal cultivation Tenancy Act.
(Temporary Settled Areas)
(b) Occupancy Tenant and

o(c) Procedure for payment of (Temporarily
with reference to Assam
Settled Areas) Tenancy Act 1971.

5 Contd.
21 (Sem-5) LDLW 5-4/G
Assam Non-Agricultural Urban Areas
6. "The
regulate in
Tenancy Act 1955 is an Act to
certain respects the relationship between
arl non
landlord and tenant in respect of
agricultural lands in the urban areas of the
el 12
oL State of Assam. Discuss.


Write notes on : 3+3+6=12

a)Rent' under
under the Assam Non
Argicultural Urban Areas Tenancy Act

(b) Fair Rent' under the Assam Non

Agricultural Urban Areas Tenancy Act

(c) Procedure for ejectment of a tenant

eA under the Assam Non-Agriculture
DAon Urban Areas Tenancy Act, 1955.

What are the obligations of a landlord under

the Assam Urban Areas Rent Control Act,
1972 ? What are the remedies opened to a
tenant to comnpel inforcement of the
obligations of the landlord?7+5=1
21 (Sem-5) LDLW 5-4/G 6

What are the differences between standard

rent and contractual rent ? Explain
the grounds of enhancement of
rent and their limitations.

7 1100
21 (Sem-5)LDLW 54/G

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