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Phase 1

I n Progress Completed

Progress Checker
Pending Approved Rejected

Filter by 1 Login 2 Account opening information 3 KYC 4 Nomination 5 KYC & FATCA 5 Profiler

Name PAN Mobile number Email ID

Primary customer name PAN number Mobile number Email ID D igiLocker D ate created Bank verification

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L Failed 16/06/ 2022 Failed

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L Failed 16/06/2022 Failed

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L Failed 16/06/2022 Failed

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L S uccess 16/06/2022 Success

K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L Failed 16/06.2022 Failed

Achieve moderate capital growth and income

L oss of 7%; Gains of 18%
Achieve strong capital growth with modest income
phone number
L oss of 10%; Gains of 25%
Achieve maximum capital growth
OTP Option to edit mobile no.
0 4. How much decline in a single investment could you tolerate over a 1 year period?
PAN & Name (Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group levelprimary)primary optional Option to add secondary and tertiary 3. Select the investment scenario you would be most comfortable with :
0 1. Based on your investment experience, please select a category, wherein you have taken the highest risk? 0

Email only for primary Points No decline

Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Bank account U pload signature Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Bank account U pload signature Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Bank account pload signature
U Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login PreferablNomination
KYC details
y fixed returns viz. BankCKYC
deposit igh quality Profiler
and, hFATCA Debt funds, tax free bonds Login No loss;Nomination
KYC gains of 6% details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler
OTP Option to edit email Up to 5% decline
I n Progress Completed S ome variability in returns viz. Dynamic Debt Funds, Balanced Funds, Index Funds, large cap PMS, PSU Bonds L oss of 3%; Gains of 9%
U p to 10% decline
Declaration checkbox - link Take your selfie M oderate risk & variability in returns viz. High yield Debt Funds, Equity Funds, Mid cap PMS, large cap stocks, AAA rated bonds L oss of 4%; Gains of 11%
Pending Approved Rejected U p to 15% decline
N omination Details Personal Details High risk & variability of returns viz. Equity Funds, Alternative Funds (Long/Short fund, Structured Credit Fund), PMS products, Large & mid cap Stocks, AA rated Bonds L oss of 7%; Gains of 18%
M ore than 15% decline
Success Enter PAN card number CKYC Number Name: Father/Spouse's name other name
High risk, lock in, leverage and potentially higher returns viz. Alternative Funds (Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture Capital), Small & Midcap Stocks, Equity & Currency Derivatives, A rated Bonds L oss of 10%; Gains of 25%

Enter account opening details KYC KYC KYC KYC Enter bank account details Enter bank account details U pload signature Filter by
I wish to make a nomination I do not wish to make a nomination
Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA CXMPS1666F 1234567890 Mr. Input text Mr. Input text Mrs. Input text Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA U pload cancelled cheque Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA U pload cancelled cheque Investor risk PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE Investor risk PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE Investor risk PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE Investor risk PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE Investor
0 riskyouPROFILE
5. How long would invest majQUESTIONNAIRE
ority of your portfolio before you think you would need to withdraw it? (Assuming you already have plans in place to meet short term cash fl ow and/or emergencies.) Investor risk PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE
0 2. What is your investment objective? 0 4. How much decline in a single investment could you tolerate over a 1 year period?
ess than 1 year
Customer name 1 details Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (secondary holder)

Enter PAN card number YC for Customer 1 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) YC for Customer 1 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) Enter account number Enter IFSC code Enter account holder name Address Details FATCA / Crs Details First holder name First holder name First hPreserve
older name
capital First hNolder
o decline
name First holder name
Login with InCred Wealth Login with InCred Wealth Login with InCred Wealth Login with InCred Wealth
KYC for Customer 1 (name here) K K K KYC for Customer 1 (name here) K K K
Loader page Sign on screen pload Name PAN Mobile number Email ID Gender 1 year to 2 years ased on your responses to above questionnaire, your Risk Profile Rating is - Balanced (You have a Moderate attitude to risk. You are willing to maintain a balance between capital growth and capital security. You accept the scenario that investments may lose some capital

Nominee 1
Enter bank name Enter account number Enter IFSC code Enter account holder name CR code
CXMPS1666F erify G et documents MI

Lorem ipsum CXMPS1666F CXMPS1666F inor name / Name of sole proprietary concern Guardian relationship with minor Male Female Others Current Permanent Overseas Personal Details Input text Input text Generate
Input text income with some capital appreciation Inputp to
U 5 decline
text %
Input text and that the investments will be volatile, in orderto gain achieve greater returns.)
see mail -supriya redirect to digilocker
Click your selfie V erify via DigiLocker Add bank account details Add signature Click your selfie Click your selfie Click your selfie U ploaded selfie V erify via DigiLocker Add bank account details pload signature
I mage uploaded Click your selfie Click your selfie Name Date of birth Relationship Enter PAN card number Guardian name (if minor) D o KYC & FATCA for Customer 1 Status: Not done M
Place of birth Country of birth Country code (as per ISO 3166) D o KYC & FATCA for Customer 1 Status: Completed 2 years to 3 years
KYC Take selfie File name.jpg Powered by DigiLocker, a Govt of India service Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum CXMPS1666F Input text Input text Achieve moderate capital growth and income p to 10% decline
Notify on success
erifying Enter PAN card number CKYC Number Name: Father/Spouse's name other name

3 years to 4 years
Input text Input text

of each task A GOI service A GOI service Primary customer name PAN number Mobile number Email ID igiLocker ate created Bank verification Input text Input text Input text Drag and drop files to upload Drag and drop files to upload
Mr. Input text 23/10/2001 Select one CXMPS1666F Input text Date of birth
Enter your email id You will receive one time password (OTP) on your
Enter mobile number You will receive one time password (OTP) on your
ine 1 ine 2 ine 3 City / Town / Village Pincode p to 15% decline / we agree with the assessment of my Risk Profile Rating
for kyc create shareable links for 3 customers The fAc hieve stron g capital growth with modest income
The following questions will help us assess your investment experience, investment objectives, portfolio dependency and risk tolerance. Based on the above we would categorize your investment behavior and recommend suitable investment
The following questions will help us assess your investment experience, investment objectives, portfolio dependency and risk tolerance. Based on the above we would categorize your investment behavior and recommend suitable investment
ollowing questions will help us assess your investment experience, investment objectives, portfolio dependency and risk tolerance. Based on the above we would categorize your investment behavior and recommend suitable investment
The following questions will help us assess your investment experience, investment objectives, portfolio dependency and risk tolerance. Based on the above we would categorize your investment behavior and recommend suitable investment
The f4ollowing
years andquestions will help us assess your investment experience, investment objectives, portfolio dependency and risk tolerance. Based on the above we would categorize your investment behavior and recommend suitable investment


email id mobile number xxxxxx1111 Digilocker link Digilocker link Digilocker link Digilocker link Digilocker link
Why we use DigiLocker Digilocker link or CXMPS1666F 1234567890 Mr. Input text Mr. Input text Ms. Input text or
avenues to suit your investor type. avenues to suit your investor type. avenues to suit
If failed option to enter manually PAN & aadhaar aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 Failed 16/06/ 2022 Failed D o KYC & FATCA for Customer 2 Status: Not done 23/10/2001 Input text Input text Input text Input text D o KYC & FATCA for Customer 2 Status: Not done Achieve ma your
imuminvestor type.
capital gro w th avenuesoretothsuit
M an 15your investor type.
% avenues to suit your investor type.
Input here 9911223344 K L x
I /We disagree with the assessment of my Risk Profile Rating, and would like to opt for the following rating
Enter received OTP Enter received OTP ode Of Operation erify identity using Aadhaa
Link will be send to customer to process the journey
PAN - name & pan number M V Relationship of Guardian with Nominee Allocation % Email ID Mobile number Tax residency other than India: Yes No Upload Upload 1. Based on your investment experience, please select a category, wherein you have taken the highest risk? 1. Based on your investment experience, please select a category, wherein you have taken the highest risk? 0 6. What is your expectation of Annual Household Income (pre-tax) over next 3 years :
KYC for Customer 2 (name here) KYC for Customer 2 (name here) 0 0
Aadhaar - aadhaar number & address You will receive one time password (OTP) on your email id You will receive one time password (OTP) on your mobile number Single Joint Either or Survivor
Retrieve PAN verification record and Aadhaar car aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 uccess 16/06/2022 uccess Personal Details Gender 0 3. Select the investment scenario you would be most comfortable with : 05 . How long would you invest majority of your portfolio before you think you would need to withdraw it? (Assuming you already have plans in place to meet short term cashflow and/or emergencies.)
111111 111111 Enter mobile number Enter mobile number
Select one 30% Input text 9999999999 arital Status District tate tate code (as per Indian Motor Vehicle, 1988) Country Country code (as per ISO 3166) Preferably fixed returns viz. Bank deposit, high quality Debt funds, tax free bonds Preferably fixed returns viz. Bank deposit, high quality Debt funds, tax free bonds pto 50 lakhs
Male Female Others
o KYC & FATCA for Customer 3 Status: Not done Country code of jurisdiction of residence
Tax Identification Number (TIN) or
o KYC & FATCA for Customer 3 Status: Not done
Upload pan & aadhaar Ensure 100% data safety and security Enter PAN card number CKYC Number (optional) Name: Father/Spouse's name other name ess than 1 year
Get notifications via Whatsapp
Marrie Others Country of tax residency (as per ISO 3166) Functional Equivalent dentification type [TIN or other please specify]:
No loss; gains of 6% L
Please wait, processing request d Unmarried I
ome variability in returns viz. Dynamic Debt Funds, Balanced Funds, Index Funds, large cap PMS, PSU Bonds ome variability in returns viz. Dynamic Debt Funds, Balanced Funds, Index Funds, large cap PMS, PSU Bonds 50 lakhs – 1 crore Thank you! for submitting your details, we will get back to you in x working hours
Resend in 0:45 Resend in 0:45 aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 uccess 16/06/2022 uccess Input text Input text Input text Input text Input text S S

9911223344 9911223344 K L S S
CXMPS1666F 1234567890 Mr. Input text Mr. Input text Ms. Input text oss of 3%; Gains of 9% 1 year to 2 years
Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group level: Input text Input text ABC12345 ABC12345 Uploading cancelled cheque Date of birth Uploading cancelled cheque M oderate risk & variability in returns viz. High yield Debt Funds, Equity Funds, Mid cap PMS, large cap stocks, AAA rated bonds M oderate risk & variability in returns viz. High yield Debt Funds, Equity Funds, Mid cap PMS, large cap stocks, AAA rated bonds
1 crore – 1.5 crore
Bank a/c Enter bank details - a/c no + IFSC code + a/c holder name Nationality 2 years to 3 years
Loader with msg Add referral code (optional) Clear Thank you for submitting your details, we will get back to you in sometime. aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 uccess 16/06/2022 uccess L oss of 4%; Gains of 11%
If failed option to upload cancelled cheque Preferred Family/ Group Name Name of Family/ Group Head Enter PAN card number K L S S
Add second and third nominee (optional): Others - Please specify:-
ploading 40%
23/10/2001 ploading 40%
High risk & variability of returns viz. Equity Funds, Alternative Funds (Long/Short fund, Structured Credit Fund), PMS products, Large & mid cap Stocks, AA rated Bonds High risk & variability of returns viz. Equity Funds, Alternative Funds (Long/Short fund, Structured Credit Fund), PMS products, Large & mid cap Stocks, AA rated Bonds 1.5 crore – 2 crore
Proceed Indian
Address type 3 years to 4 years
Or first page of passbook Gender L oss of 7%; Gains of 18%
Input here dd second nominee Residential Registered Office Unspecified TIN is not available, please tick the reason A, B or C [as defined below] High risk, lock in, leverage and potentially higher returns viz. Alternative Funds (Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture Capital), Small & Midcap Stocks, Equity & Currency Derivatives, A rated Bonds High risk, lock in, leverage and potentially higher returns viz. Alternative Funds (Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture Capital), Small & Midcap Stocks, Equity & Currency Derivatives, A rated Bonds 2 crore and above
Input text Input text CXMPS1666F Business If
aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F uccess 16/06/2022 uccess
Send OTP K 9999999999 L S S Male Female Others oss of 10%; Gains of 25% 4 years and above
Upload signature / sign on device S tatus L

signature A dd third nominee Reason A - The country where the Account Holder is liable to pay tax does not issue TIN to its residents. M arital Status
Resident Minor Non Resident Foreign National Person of Indian origin Sea Fearer Sole Proprietor 0 2. What is your investment objective? 0 2. What is your investment objective? 0 7. What are your estimated Investable Assets (Financial Portfolio), total assets excluding primary house and business?
aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 Failed 16/06/2022 Failed Date of birth Marrie Unmarried Others 6. What is your expectation of Annual Household Income (pre-tax) over next 3 years :
4. How much decline in a single investment could you tolerate over a 1 year period?

Reason B - No TIN required [Select this reason only if the authorities of the respective country oftax residence do not required the TIN to be collected] 0 0

Correspondence L ocal Preserve capital Preserve capital L ess than 5 crs

Thanks, we will get back to you
Continue with Google 23/10/2001 Occupation No decline U pto 50 lakhs
Add secondary and tertiary account holder name (optional): aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 uccess 16/06/2022 uccess Reason C - Others – Please specify the reasons Nationality Generate income with some capital appreciation Generate income with some capital appreciation 5 crs to 15 crs
Send OTP Proceed K L S S
Self Em ployed c
Servi e Retired Housewife Others 50 lakhs – 1 crore
dd secondary account holder name s correspondence and permanent address same? Indian Others - Please specify:- U p to 5% decline
Retake U pload
Achieve moderate capital growth and income Achieve moderate capital growth and income 15 crs to 25 crs
OPs manually checks and approves - not for customer aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 uccess 16/06/2022 uccess p to 10% decline 1 crore – 1.5 crore
A dd tertiary account holder name K L S S M arital Status Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

tatus Achieve strong capital growth with modest income Achieve strong capital growth with modest income 25 crs to 35 crs
1.5 crore – 2 crore
Marrie d Unmarried Others Yes Related to PEP No U p to 15% decline
OPs check OPs screen where they will get a queue
K aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 L Failed 16/06/2022 Failed Resident Minor Non Resident Foreign National Person of Indian origin Sea Fearer Sole Proprietor Achieve maximum capital growth Achieve maximum capital growth 35 crs and above
Add details - things in office us M ore than 15% decline 2 crore and above
Approve/Reject - CTA Nationality
aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999 uccess 16/06/2022 uccess 0 3. Select the investment scenario you would be most comfortable with : 0 3. Select the investment scenario you would be most comfortable with :
agree to declaration and undertaking K L S S Indian Others - Please specify:- 7. What are your estimated Investable Assets (Financial Portfolio), total assets excluding primary house and business?
05 . How long would you invest majority of your portfolio before you think you would need to withdraw it? (Assuming you already have plans in place to meet short term cashflow and/or emergencies.) 0
Save Proceed Save Proceed Save Proceed Save N ext Save Proceed Save Proceed Save & Proceed Save & Proceed Save & Proceed Save & Proceed Save & Proceed Save & Proceed Save & Proceed No loss; gains of 6% No loss; gains of 6% I agree to GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS Save Proceed I agree to GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS Save Proceed
I agree to creating an account on BSE Star for mutual fund transactions ess than 1 year ess than 5 crs
aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F uccess 16/06/2022 uccess
Email email customer for verification - from this link journey will continue K 9999999999 L S S

L oss of 3%; Gains of 9% L oss of 3%; Gains of 9%

1 year to 2 years 5 crs to 15 crs
oss of 4%; Gains of 11% oss of 4%; Gains of 11%
aleem Mohd CXMPS1666F Failed 16/06.2022 Failed
Journey Nominee detail K 9999999999 L
2 years to 3 years 15 crs to 25 crs
Cancelled chequ
CKYC & FATCA in FATCA address permanent pre filled - for correspondence give checkbox same as permanen L oss of 7%; Gains of 18% L oss of 7%; Gains of 18%
L oss of 10%; Gains of 25%

0 4. How much decline in a single investment could you tolerate over a 1 year period?

No decline

U p to 5% decline
U p to 10% decline
U p to 15% decline
Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Bank account U pload signature Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler
Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler M ore than 15% decline
Login KYC Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler

Take your selfie 05 . How long would you invest majority of your portfolio before you think you would need to withdraw it? (Assuming you already have plans in place to meet short term cashflow and/or emergencies.)

Details of primary customer D elete Edit

N omination Details I s correspondence and permanent address same? L ess than 1 year
Upload finished 1 year to 2 years

Enter account opening details KYC KYC KYC Enter bank account details Enter bank account details U pload signature I wish to make a nomination I do not wish to make a nomination L ine 1 L ine 2 L ine 3 City / Town / Village Pincode
2 years to 3 years
Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: D ate created: 16/06/2022
Input text Input text Input text Input text
Client details with KYC & FATCA Investor risk PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE
3 years to 4 years
Customer name 1 details otification D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka
Enter PAN card number YC for Customer 1 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) N

Login with InCred Wealth

KYC for Customer 1 (name here) K K K

We are unable to fetch your bank details based on your details, please submit account statement to proceed. Sign on screen Upload FATCA / Crs Details 4 years and above
Enter bank name Enter account number Enter IFSC code Enter account holder name MI CR code PAN card: V iew here Aadhaar card: V iew here Bank verification: Success Account number: 1000100010001000 IFSC code: PUNB0999900
CXMPS1666F District tate tate code (as per Indian Motor Vehicle, 1988) Country Country code (as per ISO 3166)
ased on your responses to above questionnaire, your Risk Profile Rating is - Balanced (You have a Moderate attitude to risk. You are willing to maintain a balance between capital growth and capital security. You accept the scenario that investments may lose some capital

Click your selfie V erify via DigiLocker Add bank account details Add signature Click your selfie Click your selfie Click your selfie S S
and that the investments will be volatile, in orderto gain achieve greater returns.)
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum CXMPS1666F Input text Input text Signature: V iew here View image Place of birth Country of birth Country code (as per ISO 3166) 0 6. What is your expectation of Annual Household Income (pre-tax) over next 3 years :
Input text Input text Input text Input text Input text

A GOI service U pload cancelled cheque

You will receive one time password (OTP) on your
Input text Input text Input text U pto 50 lakhs
mobile number xxxxxx1111 Digilocker link Digilocker link Digilocker link I / we agree with the assessment of my Risk Profile Rating
Details of secondary customer D elete Edit 50 lakhs – 1 crore
Enter received OTP ode Of Operation Address type

2 (name here) Drag and drop file to upload 1 crore – 1.5 crore I /We disagree with the assessment of my Risk Profile Rating, and would like to opt for the following rating
KYC for Customer
Residential Business Registered Office Unspecified Tax residency other than India: Yes No
Single Joint Either or Survivor

111111 Edit mobile number 9999886644 Your photo has been successfully uploaded or Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: D ate created: 16/06/2022 1.5 crore – 2 crore Conservative S table B alanced Growth Aggressive
Drag and drop files to upload
Phone number obile number Email ID Country code of jurisdiction of residence
Tax Identification Number (TIN) or
2 crore and above
Didn’t receive an OTP? Resend OTP Oops! K indly try again, there was some technical error. or U pload D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka M

Country of tax residency (as per ISO 3166) Functional Equivalent dentification type [TIN or other please specify]: You are very risk averse. Preservation of capital is most important while deciding

Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie Verify via DigiLocker Add bank account details I
on your investments. You are uncomfortable with investment products that may at times

Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group level: We are unable to fetch your identity based on the submitted details. PAN card: V iew here Aadhaar card: V iew here Bank verification: Success Account number: 1000100010001000 IFSC code: PUNB0999900 9999999 9999999999 Input text result in investment losses. You are ok with lower potential investment returns and prefer

A GOI service U pload Input text Input text ABC12345 ABC12345 0 7. What are your estimated Investable Assets (Financial Portfolio), total assets excluding primary house and business? stability & security of capital.
Preferred Family/ Group Name Name of Family/ Group Head Enter PAN card number Please proceed to upload documents Signature: iew here
View image ess than 5 crs
Okay L

Input text Input text CXMPS1666F Add signature

If TIN is not available, please tick the reason A, B or C [as defined below] 5 crs to 15 crs
Gross Annual Income
ploading cancelled cheque F or office use Reason A - The country where the Account Holder is liable to pay tax does not issue TIN to its residents. 15 crs to 25 crs
ncome Range
Proceed Proceed 25 crs to 35 crs
Uploading 40%
Client group name Relationship manager name/Employee ID Service manager name/Employee ID 1 0 < lacs 1 0 - 50 lacs 50 lacs to 1 crore >1 crore Reason B - No TIN required [Select this reason only if the authorities of the respective country oftax residence do not required the TIN to be collected]
Add secondary and tertiary account holder name (optional): KYC for Customer 3 (name here)
35 crs and above
Reason C - Others – Please specify the reasons
dd secondary account holder name Edit mobile number 9999886644 Or retry with DigiLocker Input text Input text Input text
A dd tertiary account holder name
Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie Verify via DigiLocker Add bank account details Date Place
A GOI service
0 2/01/2023 Input text

I agree to declaration and undertaking Add signature

Save Proceed Save Proceed Save Proceed Save Proceed Reject A pprove Proceed
I agree to creating an account on BSE Star for mutual fund transactions Save & Proceed Save & Proceed I agree to GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS Save Proceed

Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Bank account U pload signature Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler

Edit details of primary customer

Take your selfie
Details of primary customer
Primary customer name Enter PAN card number M obile number Email ID D elete Edit

Enter account opening details KYC KYC FYI - live messages KYC KYC KYC Primary customer name:
Kaleem Mohd
Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F
Mobile number: 9999999999
Email ID:
D ate created: 16/06/2022

D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka
Enter PAN card number Name on the basis of PAN card YC for Customer 1 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) YC for Customer 2 (name here) Date created Aadhaar number Address Edit details of primary customer
Login with InCred Wealth
KYC for Customer 1 (name here) K K K KYC for Customer 1 (name here) KYC for Customer 1 (name here) KYC for Customer 1 (name here)

PAN card: View here Aadhaar card: V iew here

DigiLocker: Bank verification: Success
Success Account number: 1000100010001000 IFSC code: PUNB0999900
CXMPS1666F Input text Click your selfie Click your selfie Click your selfie ploaded selfie 16/06/2022 121212121212 Bangalore
Click your selfie V erify via DigiLocker Add bank account details Add signature U
Documents Failed Add bank account details U pload signature U ploaded selfie ubmit documents Add bank account details pload signature Uploaded selfie erify via DigiLocker Add bank account details pload signature Primary customer name Enter PAN card number M obile number Email ID
Signature: iew here

V erified File name.jpg File name.jpg File name.jpg

View image
You will receive one time password (OTP) on your
A GOI service A GOI service Kaleem Mohd CXMPS1666F 9999999999
mobile number xxxxxx1111 Digilocker link Digilocker link Digilocker link Pincode State PAN card Aadhaar card
Enter your documents details Details of secondary customer D elete Edit
Enter received OTP ode Of Operation 560057 Karnataka iew here iew here
Enter aadhaar card number Enter address Enter pincode Enter city
Date created Aadhaar number Address
KYC for Customer 2 (name here) KYC for Customer 2 (name here) Copy and share KYC link Oops! KYC for Customer 2 (name here)
Single Joint Either or Survivor
Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: ate created: 16/06/2022 DigiLocker: Success
Edit mobile number 9999886644 CXMPS1666F Input text CXMPS1666F Input text Enter mobile number Congratulations! Your KYC has been successfully completed.
D 16/06/2022 121212121212 Bangalore
Click your selfie ubmit documents
We are unable to fetch yourAdd
identit y based on

bank account details Add signature Account number I FSC code Signature

the submitted details.

Please enter a valid OTP Please enter aadhaar address andra, Mumbai D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka
Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie erify via DigiLocker Add bank account details
9911223344 Bank verification: Success 1000100010001000 PUNB0999900 View here

Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group level: Please proceed to upload documents PAN card: View here Aadhaar card: View here Bank verification: Success Account number: 1000100010001000 IFSC code: PUNB0999900 Pincode State PAN card Aadhaar card
A GOI service U pload your documents
Preferred Family/ Group Name Name of Family/ Group Head Enter PAN card number Signature: iew here 560057 Karnataka iew here iew here
View image V V

U pload PAN card Upload Aadhaar card U pload Aadhaar card KYC for Customer 3 (name here) Copy and share KYC link
Input text Input text CXMPS1666F Add signature Front side of PAN card Front side of aadhaar card ack side of aadhaar card
Click your selfie ubmit documents Add bank account details Add signature Account number FSC code ignature
or office use
Proceed Bank verification: Success 1000100010001000 PUNB0999900 V iew here
Client group name Relationship manager name Employee ID S ervice manager name Employee ID
Add secondary and tertiary account holder name (optional): KYC for Customer 3 (name here) KYC for Customer 2 (name here)

A dd secondary account holder name Edit mobile number 9999886644 Edit mobile number 9999886644
Input text Input text CXMPS1666F Input text CXMPS1666F
A dd tertiary account holder name Cancel Save & proceed
Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie Verify via DigiLocker Add bank account details Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie Verify via DigiLocker Add bank account details Date Place
A GOI service A GOI service 0 2/01/2023 Input text

I agree to declaration and undertaking Add signature Add signature

Save Proceed Reject A pprove
I agree to creating an account on BSE Star for mutual fund transactions
Cancel Save & proceed

KYC for Customer 3 (name here)

Details of primary customer Edit

Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: D ate created: 16/06/2022

D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka

Enter PAN card number Enter name PAN card: V iew here Aadhaar card: V iew here Bank verification: Success Account number: 1000100010001000 IFSC code: PUNB0999900
Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Bank account U pload signature Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Bank account U pload signature Nomination details CKYC and FATCA Profiler
CXMPS1666F Input text Signature: V iew here View image

Take your selfie Details of secondary customer Edit

M ode Of Operation

Enter account opening details KYC KYC

Single Joint Either or Survivor

FYI - live messages Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: D ate created: 16/06/2022

D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka
K YC for Customer 1 (name here) K YC for Customer 2 (name here) K YC for Customer 2 (name here) KYC for Customer 1 (name here)
Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group level: PAN card: V iew here Aadhaar card: V iew here Bank verification: Success Account number: 1000100010001000 IFSC code: PUNB0999900

Preferred Family/ Group Name Name of Family/ Group Head Enter PAN card number Click your selfie Click your selfie Click your selfie I mage uploaded Digilocker link Failed Signature: V iew here View image

Input text Input text CXMPS1666F

Digilocker link Digilocker link Digilocker link Enter your documents details
F or office use
Enter name Enter PAN card number Enter aadhaar card number Enter address Enter pincode
Client group name Relationship manager name/Employee ID Service manager name/Employee ID
Add secondary and tertiary account holder name (optional): Lorem ipsum CXMPS1666F CXMPS1666F CXMPS1666F CXMPS1666F
Input text Input text Input text
S econdary account holder name Please enter aadhaar address Bandra, Mumbai
Enter city Upload PAN card
Enter PAN card number Name on the basis of PAN card Relationship with primary holder Date Place
Mumbai Mumbai
CXMPS1666F Input text Input text 0 2/01/2023 Input text

S pouse
U pload your documents
A dd tertiary account holder name
U pload PAN card Upload Aadhaar card U pload Aadhaar card
Please mention the reason for rejection/approval
S ibling Front side of PAN card Front side of aadhaar card Back side of aadhaar card

Your comments here...

I n-law
Other KYC for Customer 2 (name here)

Click your selfie Digilocker link

I agree to declaration and undertaking

Save Proceed Reject A pprove
I agree to creating an account on BSE Star for mutual fund transactions
KYC for Customer 3 (name here)

Click your selfie Digilocker link

Enter PAN card number Enter name

Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler
CXMPS1666F Input text

M ode Of Operation Details of primary customer

Enter account opening details KYC

Single Joint Either or Survivor

Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: D ate created: 16/06/2022

D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka
KYC for Customer 1 (name here)
Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group level:
PAN card: V iew here Aadhaar card: V iew here Bank verification: Success Account number: 1000100010001000 IFSC code: PUNB0999900
Preferred Family/ Group Name Name of Family/ Group Head Enter PAN card number ploaded selfie
Complete your KYC Documents Failed Add bank account details pload signature

File name.jpg Signature: V iew here View image

Input text Input text CXMPS1666F

An OTP has been sent to XXXXXXX for Enter your documents details F or office use
authentication Enter aadhaar card number Enter address Enter pincode Enter city
Client group name Relationship manager name Conygee
Emplo ratulations
! application has been approved.
ervice manager name Employee ID
Add secondary and tertiary account holder name (optional): S

econdary account holder name Complete your KYC 111111 CXMPS1666F Input text CXMPS1666F Input text
Input text Input text ChXM
S1666 F com/en/eapply page?app d Cop Input text CXMPS1666F
. . I y

An OTP will be sent to XXXXXXX for authentication Please enter aadhaar address B andra, Mumbai
Resend in 0:45
Enter PAN card number Name on the basis of PAN card Relationship with primary holder Please mention other relationship
U pload your documents Date Place Add RM name
CXMPS1666F Input text Others Others
Uploading your PAN card Upload Aadhaar card U pload Aadhaar card 0 2/01/2023 Input text Input text
Front side of aadhaar card Back side of aadhaar card
Uploading 40%
A dd tertiary account holder name

KYC for Customer 2 (name here)

Edit mobile number 9999886644

Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie Verify via DigiLocker Add bank account details

A GOI service

I agree to declaration and undertaking Add signature

Save Proceed Reject A pprove
I agree to creating an account on BSE Star for mutual fund transactions

KYC for Customer 3 (name here)

Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler

Details of primary customer Edit

Enter account opening details KYC Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: D ate created: 16/06/2022

D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka
Enter PAN card number Enter name KYC for Customer 1 (name here)

PAN card: V iew here Aadhaar card: V iew here Bank verification: Failed Cancelled cheque: V iew here
CXMPS1666F Input text ploaded selfie
Documents Failed Add bank account details U pload signature
File name.jpg Signature: V iew here View image

M ode Of Operation Enter your documents details Details of secondary customer Edit

Single Joint Either or Survivor Enter aadhaar card number Enter address Enter pincode Enter city
Primary customer name: Kaleem Mohd PAN number: CXMPS1666F Mobile number: 9999999999 Email ID: D ate created: 16/06/2022
CXMPS1666F Input text CXMPS1666F Input text
Please enter aadhaar address B andra, Mumbai D igiLocker: Success Aadhaar number: 121212121212 Address: Bangalore Pincode: 560057 State: Karnataka

PAN card: V iew here Aadhaar card: V iew here Bank verification: Failed Cancelled cheque: V iew here
U pload your documents
Signature: V iew here View image
Uploaded PAN card Upload Aadhaar card U pload Aadhaar card
File name.jpg Front side of aadhaar card Back side of aadhaar card

F or office use
Client group name Relationship manager name/Employee ID Service manager name/Employee ID
KYC for Customer 2 (name here)
Input text Input text Input text
Edit mobile number 9999886644

Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie Verify via DigiLocker Add bank account details Date Place

A GOI service 0 2/01/2023 Input text

I agree to declaration and undertaking Add signature

Save Proceed Reject A pprove
I agree to creating an account on BSE Star for mutual fund transactions

KYC for Customer 3 (name here)

N otification
Login KYC Nomination details KYC and FATCA Profiler Success message

KYC for Customer 1 (name here)

Uploaded selfie Documents Failed Add bank account details U pload signature
File name.jpg

Enter your documents details

Enter aadhaar card number Enter address Enter pincode Enter city

CXMPS1666F Input text CXMPS1666F Input text

Please enter aadhaar address B andra, Mumbai

U pload your documents

Uploaded PAN card Upload Aadhaar card U pload Aadhaar card

File name.jpg Front side of aadhaar card Back side of aadhaar card

KYC for Customer 2 (name here)

Edit mobile number 9999886644

Copy and share KYC link Click your selfie Verify via DigiLocker Add bank account details

A GOI service

Add signature

KYC for Customer 3 (name here)

incred incred incred incred incred incred incred


KYC for customer 1 KYC for customer 1 KYC for customer 1 Live messages Live messages
KYC for customer 1 KYC for customer 1 pload cancelled cheque
U U pload cancelled cheque Sign Below Sign Below Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA Client details with KYC & FATCA
(Your signature to match the same on PAN card) (Your signature to match the same on PAN card)
U ploading cancelled cheque Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (primary holder) Customer name (primary holder)
Login with InCred Wealth Login with InCred Wealth Login with InCred Wealth Login with InCred Wealth Enter account opening details Enter account opening details Enter account opening details KYC for customer 2 Click your selfie KYC for customer 2
ploaded selfie ploaded selfie
Upload D o KYC & FATCA for Customer 1 KYC & FATCA for Customer 1
ploading 40%
Minor name / Name of sole proprietary concern M inor name / Name of sole proprietary concern M arital Status * M arital Status * Address Details Correspondence FATCA / Crs Details FATCA / Crs Details
Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group
Copy and share KYC link File name.jpg File name.jpg
Enter your email id * You will receive one time password (OTP) on your
Enter mobile number * Enter received OTP * Enter PAN card number * Enter PAN card number * KYC for customer 3 erify via DigiLocker Married Married
email id level: V
D o KYC & FATCA for Customer 2 Input text Input text Current Local Place of birth * Place of birth * D o KYC & FATCA for Customer 2
Input here 9911223344 111111 CXMPS1666F CXMPS1666F Preferred Family/ Group Name * Click your selfie U nmarried U nmarried
111111 Add bank account details Submit documents Submit documents Failed Is correspondence and permanent address Input text Input text
Guardian relationship with minor Guardian relationship with minor Others Others same?
You will receive one time password (OTP) on your email id You will receive one time password (OTP) on your mobile number Resend in 0:45 Verifying erified
Input text o KYC & FATCA for Customer 3 Overseas o KYC & FATCA for Customer 3
Resend in 0:45 Verify via DigiLocker Enter your document details below: D D

Get notifications via Whatsapp Add referral code (optional) Name on the basis of PAN card * Name on the basis of PAN card * Add signature Add bank account details Enter aadhaar card number * Input text Input text Nationality * Nationality * Phone Number * Country of birth * Country of birth *
L ine1 *
Name of Family/ Group Head * Indian Indian
Add bank account details 999999999 Input text Input text
Input here Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Add signature Input field Input text
KYC for customer 2 Congratulations! Your KYC has been
Others - Please specify:- Others - Please specify:-
Input text
Add signature successfully completed. Personal details Personal details
Enter address * M obile Number * Country code (as per ISO 3166) * Country code (as per ISO 3166) *
ode Of Operation * ode Of Operation * ine2 *
KYC for customer 2

Enter PAN card number * KYC for customer 3 Enter PAN card number * Enter PAN card number *
Single Single tatus * tatus * Input text
Input field

Input text Input text Input text

KYC for customer 3 Input text Input text Resident Resident
Joint Joint Input text KYC for customer 3

Enter pincode * Minor Minor Email ID * Tax residency other than India: Tax residency other than India:
Either or Survivors Either or Survivors Clear Clear
CKYC Number (optional) CKYC Number (optional)
Add secondary and tertiary account holder
Non Resident Non Resident Yes No Yes No
Input field Input text
Send OTP Proceed Send OTP Proceed name (optional): Save & Proceed 1234567890 1234567890 Foreign National Foreign National Country of tex residency * Country of tex residency *
agree to declaration and undertaking
Add secondary account holder name

Enter city * Save & Proceed Save & Proceed Person of Indian origin Person of Indian origin City / Town / Village *
Add to creatin
tertiary g an account
account holderon E tar for mutual

nameBS S
Name * Name * Input text Input text
Continue with Google
Proceed Proceed fund transactions Sea Fearer Sea Fearer Gross Annual Income
Input field Input text
Or upload signature Or upload signature Mr. Input text Mr. Input text Sole Proprietor Sole Proprietor
I ncome Range *
Country code of jurisdiction of residence (as per ISO 3166) * Country code of jurisdiction of residence (as per ISO 3166) *
Proceed Save & Proceed Save & Proceed 10 < lacs
Occupation * Occupation * Pincode *
U pload PAN card Father/Spouse Name * Father/Spouse Name * 10 - 50 lacs Input text Input text
Front side of PAN card Self Employed Self Employed
Mr. Input text 50 lacs to 1 crore
Service Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Functional Equivalent * Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Functional Equivalent *
> 1 crore
pload Aadhaar card Retired District *
M other Name * ABC1234 ABC1234
Front side of aadhaar card
Input text
Ms. Input text
Others Save & Proceed I dentification type [TIN or other please specify] * I dentification type [TIN or other please specify] *
U pload Aadhaar card
tate *
incred Back side of aadhaar card Gender * Politically Exposed Person (PEP) *
ABC1234 ABC1234
Male Yes Input text
Female Related to PEP If TIN is not available, please tick the reason A, B If TIN is not available, please tick the reason A, B
KYC for customer 2 or C [as defined below] or C [as defined below]
Others No S tate code (as per Indian Motor Vehicle, 1988) *
Reason A - The country where the Account Holder is Reason A - The country where the Account Holder is
liable to pay tax does not issue TIN to its residents. liable to pay tax does not issue TIN to its residents.
Enter account opening details KYC for customer 3 Date of birth *
Input text Reason B - No TIN required [Select this reason only if Reason B - No TIN required [Select this reason only if
the authorities of the respective country of tax the authorities of the respective country of tax
Consolidated Portfolio Report at Family/ Group
Save & Proceed residence do not required the TIN to be collected] residence do not required the TIN to be collected]
23/10/2001 Country *
level: Reason C - Others – Please specify the reasons Reason C - Others – Please specify the reasons
Preferred Family/ Group Name * Input text

Input text
Save & Proceed Country code (as per ISO 3166) *
Save & Proceed
Name of Family/ Group Head * Input text

Input text KYC for customer 1 Save & Proceed

KYC for customer 1 KYC for customer 1 KYC for customer 1
Address type *
Enter PAN card number * Click your selfie Residential
KYC for customer 2 KYC for customer 2 KYC for customer 2
Input text
KYC for customer 3 Enter mobile number Edit mobile number 9999886644
Verify via DigiLocker Registered Office
Copy and share KYC link
9911223344 nspecified
Add secondary and tertiary account holder

name (optional):
Add bank account details
Click your selfie
Add secondary account holder name
KYC for customer 3
Add tertiary account holder name Save & Proceed
Add signature V erify via DigiLocker

agree to declaration and undertaking Add bank account details

KYC for customer 2
Copy and share KYC link
Iagree to creating an account on BSE Star for mutual

fund transactions Add signature

Click your selfie

Proceed KYC for customer 3


incred incred

Complete your KYC

An OTP has been sent to XXXXXXX for authentication


Resend in 0:45

Complete your KYC

An OTP will be sent to XXXXXXX for authentication

Proceed Proceed

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