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Nowadays, the idea of using tablets and iPads in education become more and

more popular. More and more students choose technological solutions and facilities
rather than traditional ways of learning. It is often said that this solution is healthier
than carrying heavy textbooks. On the other hand it can also be argued this type of
device is can distract students. In this essay I will describe the advantages and
disadvantages of using gadgets at school.

One advantage is that a tablet is much more convenient for students than
paper books. Bringing to school many heavy books and notebooks is very bad for the
spine, especially for children in the early grades. Carrying instead of them one light
tablet can help prevent the development of postural defects in children and youth.

Secondly, it seems evident it is more comfortable to have all your text books,
workbooks and notes in one place – it helps to keep an order in the workplace and
there is no risk you will forgot to take something .

Nevertheless, there are also some disadvantages of having tablet instead of

notebook. First of all, our brain remember what we write digitally much worse than by
hand. During writing on the keyboard or iPad we do not focus on information and we
can be less concentrate.

Furthermore, handwriting is really important in learning orthography and

punctuation. Digital writing does not require concentration on writings correctness
because the text is checked and corrected by a program. For this reason there are
those who say that having a tablet in school is not good for children at the early
stages of education.

To conclude, there are many advantages and disadvantages of having tablets

instead of notebooks. I believe that judicious use of technological achievements can
help in learning, but it will not be a good idea to completely replace traditional forms
of writing by digital device for younger students.

Words: 318

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