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which metadata management architecture ensures minimal effort during integration

----centralized metadata management

2. Which metadata contains scheduling and reconciliation information?

--process metadata

3. Which among the following is component of front room metadata ?

--user documents

4. Which of the following is used to design the internal schema of the database?

--physical data model

5. purging refers to hashing using purging algorithms --false

6. hardware & supervisor rdms --- false

7. data profiling is not part of data migration methodology --- false

8. raid provides fault tolerance against only the disk failures --- True

9. data quality tracking involves matching merging and linking data -- False

10. backup is primary copy of data -- False

11. The process of removing misspellings, transpositions and variations called –Data profiling

12. data consolidation will have a major impact on --uniqueness

13. Which among the following is an iterative process---phased migration

14. which metadata spans across the bi technical metadata and the business metadata—front room

15. which is not challenge for data migration---mapped data

16. etl and target database systems do not have access to update source data when doing data cleaning
at source to be deleted from source system---False

17. A materialized view – denormilized view

18. Not valid DQM source to target---external process

19. Not part of cleansing--- Data consolidation

20. Which architecture utilizes optimal hardware resources---centralized

21. in which architecture no need for maintaining bi directional connections between various tools --

22. Which meta data used primarily for front room for business users---- Front -room

23. Who is responsible for data management & data quality from a business perspective ---data steward
24 . Federated data management ensures relative autonomy for local repositories--- true

25. spelled same but different meanings---homonyms

26 . RAID full form --- Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

27 . Data quality assessment deals with – AS-IS

28. best approach for data migration--- based on migration requirements
29. HP—neo view , sun --green plum , IBM – balanced configuration unit
30 . which one provides optimal performance – RAID 0+1
31. Logical data deals with --- business rules

32. base module within BIDS DQM framework is reffered as --- data quality framework

33. Reports generated out of Analysis & profiling --- Matrices

34. Transfering Data from Online to Offline ---Archieving
35. Greater down time ---- Big Bang
36 Which is gaining Data an understanding Quality of data with respect to a Quality
Specification? Data Profiling
37. is it possible to minimize data quality problems in system --- false
38. data storage refers to storing structured and semi --- false
39. data matching identify similar data only --- false
40. data profiling is not a part of data migration—false
41. front room metadata is primarily used by the business users --- True
42. centralized metadata architecture involves – True
43. Which metadata is /are primarily used by the business users---- Front -room
44. which option is not best suited for impact analysis --- distributed metadata

45. In order to achieve data quality following activities are performed ---- ALL

46. unmanaged data issues can be solved by ---- data parsing

47. which among the following is not a part of cleansing---- consolidation

48. backup is a primary copy of data – false

49. internal/external hard disks cannot be used for data storage--- false

50. parallel running strategy eliminates for problem of having --- false
51. etl and target database systems do not have access to update source data when doing data cleaning
at source to be scrubbed or cleaned manually or by applying some rules---True

52. bids dqm is a modular approach --- false

53. compressed data being just the way In which data is stored --- True

54. data quality specifications forms the base module – false

55. . raid provides fault tolerance against all the hardware failures --- false

56. data archival and data backup are synonymous --- false

57. metadata is useful only to the technical staff creating a data warehouse--- false

58. bids dqm has the flexibility to adopt various technologies --- True

59. data quality tracking involves matching merging –false

60. data security covers not only production environment – true

61. typically much of the information you need in order to start designing and developing metadata---

62. which among the following is a data management practice that characterizes the quality --- data

63. choose two dimensions of data quality --- accuracy , uniqueness

64. inspection of data for errors inconsistencies and redundancies is called --- data profiling

65. data governance council does not provide --- application development support

66. which among the following is not a part of steps --- data redundancy

67. which is not a challenge for data migration – mapped data

68. data profiling program includes -- analysis relationships , threshold analysis of certain fields

69. a column of a table contains following information in its city column JUIJMARI TELAIYA ---- data

70. which of the following is not part of the enterprise data management framework --- corporate
performance management

71. which of the following is used to migrate data --- ETL extract , oracle wherehouse builder

72. what type of checks examine whether the data is complete at micro-level --- structural integrity

73. within data migration phases , extraction transformation and load scripts are deliverable – develop
program and testing

74. In the DQM methodology DQM framework governs --- data cleaning , data quality specification

75. physical model is created by following role --- database architect

76. which is the process o9f transferring data from online to offline storage --- archiving

77. data architecture will include all of the following except --- data security

78. which of the following is not a valid way for providing DQM in source to target architecture --- DQM
is a part of external processes

79. select all the data quality and data profiling tools among the following – select all options

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