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Mock Checkpoint Examination Revision Sheet 2 Helpdesk

Grade: 8
Subject: Mathematics
Volume 2, 3 and 4:
Chapter 8 Fractions Chapter 12: Probability
Chapter 9 Sequences and functions Chapter 13: Position and transformation
Chapter 10: Graphs Chapter 14: Volume, surface area and symmetry
Chapter 11: Ratio and proportion Chapter 15: Interpreting and discussing results

1. Here are the first four terms in a sequence. 1, 8, 27, 64

(a) Find the next term in this sequence.
Solution: 125
(b) Find the nth term of this sequence.
Solution: n3

2. The line graph shows the number of people in a town from 2010 to 2019.

(a) Between which two years did the town have the greatest increase in the number of people?
Solution: Between 2018 and 2019

(b) Use the graph to estimate the number of people in the mid of the year 2011?
Solution: 7500

3. Rosa collects ingredients for making pizza. The ratio of the quantity of cheese, toppings and dough is 2 : 3 :
5. If she uses 70 g of dough, then find the quantity of cheese and toppings she collects.
Total number of parts = 2 + 3 + 5 = 10
5 parts = 70 g
1 part = 70 ÷ 5 = 14
Mass of cheese = 2  14 = 28 g
Mass of topping = 3  14 = 42 g

CAIE 2022-23 1
Mock Checkpoint Examination Revision Sheet 2 Helpdesk
Grade: 8
Subject: Mathematics
4. Two lighthouses are 120 km apart. Lighthouse A is to the west of lighthouse B.
A ship is on a bearing of 075° from lighthouse A and 290° from lighthouse B.
In the space, draw a scale diagram to show the position of the ship.
Use a scale of 1: 2000 000

Accept the scale from learners diagram; this is only representation of the scale diagram.

5. Draw a graph of the line on the coordinate grid.

x 0 2 4
y 2 1 4

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 X

CAIE 2022-23 2
Mock Checkpoint Examination Revision Sheet 2 Helpdesk
Grade: 8
Subject: Mathematics
6. The distance–time graph represents Jamila’s journey from home.

Stage 1. She travels at a constant speed of 50 km/h for 1 hour.

Stage 2. She stops for 1 hour.

Describe fully the next two stages of Jamila’s journey.
(Stage 3) She travels at (a constant speed of) 50 km/h an hour
(Stage 4) She travels at (a constant speed of) 25 km/h an hour

7. Two spinners with 1-5 numbers are rotated. Draw a sample diagram to show all the possible outcomes.
Spinner 1
1 2 3 4 5
1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Spinner 2 2 1, 2 2, 2 3, 2 4, 2 5, 2
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
3 1, 3 2, 3 3, 3 4, 3 5, 3
(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
4 1, 4 2, 4 3, 4 4, 4 5, 4
(5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
5 1, 5 2, 5 3, 5 4, 5 5, 5
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

(a) What is the probability that Paula scores a total of 10 on her next spin?

CAIE 2022-23 3
Mock Checkpoint Examination Revision Sheet 2 Helpdesk
Grade: 8
Subject: Mathematics
Solution: = 0.04

(b) What is the probability that the total score on her next spin is 3 or less?
Solution: = 0.12

8. The diagram shows the positions of a hotel and a restaurant.


(a) Write down the bearing of the hotel from the restaurant. 075°

(b) Write down the bearing of the restaurant from the hotel. 255°

9. Two friends share some money in the ratio 3 : 5 One friend gets $ 1.50 Find the two possible amounts that
the other friend gets.
$ …………… or $ .......................
$ 2.50 and $ 0.90

10. Safia rolls a fair blue dice and a fair green dice.

CAIE 2022-23 4
Mock Checkpoint Examination Revision Sheet 2 Helpdesk
Grade: 8
Subject: Mathematics
(a) Complete the tree diagram.
5 /6 in all three spaces
(b) Find the probability that she rolls exactly one 6
5 /18 or equivalent

11. The term-to-term rule for a sequence is ‘subtract k’. The 1st term of the sequence is 40. The 4th term of the
sequence is 35.5.
(a) Find the 2nd and 3rd terms of the sequence. 40, …………….. , ………………. , 35.5
Solution: 38.5 and 37

(b) Find the first negative term in the sequence.

Solution: –0.5
12. It takes 10 days for 3 people to build a wall. Work out the number of days 6 people would take to build the
same wall at the same rate.
3 people take 10 days to build wall
6 people will take 5 days to complete the task.

7 1
13. Workout 12 – 4
3 4
43 17

3 4
172  51
= 10

14. Here are two triangles, ABC and XYZ.

Describe fully the enlargement that maps triangle ABC onto triangle XYZ.
Solution: Scale factor of 2 and Centre (1, 3)

CAIE 2022-23 5
Mock Checkpoint Examination Revision Sheet 2 Helpdesk
Grade: 8
Subject: Mathematics
15. The nth term of sequence S is 2n + 5 and the nth term of sequence T is 3n – 6.
(a) Show that 91 is a term in sequence S.
2n + 5 = 91
2n = 86
n = 43
(b) Show that 91 is not a term in sequence T.
3n – 6 = 91
3n = 97
n = 32.3 or equivalent to 32
(c) Find the value of the term that is in both sequences and is in the same position in each sequence.
Solution: 27

16. Anna and Emily collect coins. The number of coins they have are in the ratio of 3 : 8.
Anna has 120 coins.
(a) How many coins do they have altogether?
Let the total number of coins be x
= 120
x = 440

(b) How many coins does Emily have?

Solution: Number of coins with Emily = 440 – 120 = 320 coins

17. The table shows information about the wingspans of 50 butterflies.

Wingspan (𝒙 cm) Frequency

4.0 ≤ x  4.4 5
4.4 ≤ x  4.8 12
4.8 ≤ x  5.2 23
5.2 ≤ x  5.6 8
5.6 ≤ x  6.0 2
Draw a frequency polygon to show this information.

Straight lines joining (4.2, 5) and (4.6, 12) and (5.0, 23) and (5.4, 8) and (5.8, 2).

CAIE 2022-23 6
Mock Checkpoint Examination Revision Sheet 2 Helpdesk
Grade: 8
Subject: Mathematics

18. Work out the volume of this cylinder.

V = πr2h
= 22/7 × 82 × 20
= 4022.85
= 4020 mm3

19. For each of these shapes

(a) Write down the number of planes of symmetry……………………………
Three planes of symmetry
(b) Draw the planes of symmetry onto the shape.


CAIE 2022-23 7

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