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1. animation (n) /'ænɪˈmeɪʃən/: phim hoạt hoạ
2. critic (n) /'krɪtɪk/: nhà phê bình
3. direct (v) /dɪˈrekt/: làm đạo diễn (phim, kịch...)
4. disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstə/: thảm hoạ, tai hoạ
5. documentary (n) /,dɒkjə'mentri/: phim tài liệu
6. entertaining (adj) /,entə'teɪnɪŋ/: thú vị, làm vui lòng vừa ý
7. gripping (adj) /'ɡrɪpɪŋ/: hấp dẫn, thú vị
8. hilarious (adj) /hɪˈleəriəs/: vui nhộn, hài hước
9. horror film (n) /'hɒrə fɪlm /: phim kinh dị
10. must-see (n) /'mʌst si:/: bộ phim hấp dẫn cần xem
11. poster (n) /'pəʊstə/: áp phích quảng cáo
12. recommend (v) /,rekə'mend /: giới thiệu, tiến cử
13. review (n) /rɪˈvju:/: bài phê bình
14. scary (adj) /:skeəri/: làm sợ hãi, rùng rợn
15. science fiction (sci-fi) (n) /saɪəns fɪkʃən/: phim khoa học viễn tưởng
16. star (v) /stɑː/: đóng vai chính
17. survey (n) /'sɜːveɪ/: cuộc khảo sát
18. thriller (n) /'θrɪlə /: phim kinh dị, giật gân
19. violent (adj) /'vaɪələnt/: có nhiều cảnh bạo lực
1. Cách thành lập tính từ V-ing/ V-ed
Cách thành lập tính Ví dụ
từ từ một động từ
Thêm “-ed” vào sau I’m interested in science-fiction films.
động từ để tạo ra (Tôi rất thích thú với các bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng)
tính từ miêu tả ai đó I was so moved when I watched the end of the film.
cảm thấy như thế (Tôi đã rất xúc động khi tôi xem đoạn cuối của bộ phim)
nào, cảm xúc của I was really surprised at the achievement at the Cannes Film Festival.
một người. (Tôi đã rất ngạc nhiên với thành tích của họ tại Liên hoan phim
Thêm “-ing” vào sau Last night, I saw an interesting science-fiction film.
động từ để tạo ra (Tối qua, tôi xem một bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng rất thú vị)
tính từ miêu tả ai, cái The end of the film was so moving.
gì mang lại cảm giác (Kết thúc của bộ phim thật cảm động)
như thế nào cho đối They have got a surprising achievement at the Cannes Film Festival.
tượng (Họ vừa giành được thành tích đáng ngạc nhiên tại Liên hoan phim
2. Một vài cặp tính từ phổ biến:
Tính từ-ed Tính từ-ing
Entertained (thú vị) Entertaining (làm thú vị)
Embarrassed (bị bối rối, ngượng ngùng) Embarrassing (làm bối rối, xấu hổ)
Annoyed (bị bực mình) Annoying (làm bực mình)
Interested (thích thú) Interesting (làm thú vị)
Disappointed (thất vọng) Disappointing (làm thất vọng)
Excited (sôi nổi) Exciting (làm sôi nổi)
Exhausted (kiệt sức) Exhausting (làm kiệt sức)
Surprised (bất ngờ) Surprising (làm bất ngờ)
Confused (bối rối) Confusing (làm bối rối)
Frightened (hoảng sợ) Frightening ( làm hoảng sợ)
Bored (nhạt nhẽo, tẻ nhạt) Boring (làm cho nhạt nhẽo)
BÀI 1: Thành lập tính từ đuôi “ed” và tính từ đuôi “-ing” từ những động từ sau:
V -ed -ing
Bài 2: Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây với tính từ đuôi “ed” hoặc “-ing” cho sẵn.
1. moved/ moving
- The film was so_______________
- I was deeply _______________ by the film.
2. terrified/ terrifying
-Both of us were _______________ of that violent scene.
-That violent scene was _______________.
3. tired/ tiring
-Going shopping all day makes me feel_______________.
-Going shopping all day is _______________.
4. interested/ interesting
-Jim’s _______________ in reading books.
-Jim finds reading books_______________.
5. fascinated/ fascinating
-Jane sometimes has many _______________ ideas.
-We are _______________ by Jane’s ideas.
6. depressed/ depressing
-The weather was _______________ yesterday.
-The weather made me fell _______________yesterday.
7. annoyed/ annoying
-His tone of voice is so _______________
-I am so _______________ by his tone of voice.
8. shocked/ shocking
-His latest news was _______________.
-We were _______________ at his latest news.
Bài 3: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.
1. Are you (interested/ interesting) in classical music?
2. I always feel (exhausted/ exhausting) after long working hours.
3. The movie I saw last night was (excited/ exciting).
4. I find it (astonished/astonishing) you didn’t like sci-fi movies.
5. My sister easily gets (embarrassed/ embarrassing).
6. Tom, you look (tired/ tiring). What have you done?
7. I think all my teachers are (amazed/ amazing). I love them very much.
8. Last week, my father threw a (surprised/ surprising) party to celebrate my birthday.
9. I didn’t find the jokes at all (amused/ amusing).
10. Last year, I had a really (terrified/ terrifying) experience at the camp site.
11. I never find reading books (bored/ boring).
12. His wife looked (astounded/astounding) at the news.
13. Ann was (thrilled/ thrilling) to bits that she got the job.
14. This complicated system really makes me (confusing/confused).
15. The film was terribly (disappointed/ disappointing).


1. Although/ In spite of/ Despite:
Chức Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai thông tin trong cùng một câu
Cấu trúc Although + mệnh đề 1 (S+V), mệnh đề 2 (S+V),
Ví dụ We enjoyed our camping holiday although it rained every day.
(Chúng tôi đã rất thích chuyến đi cắm trại mặc dù ngày nào trời cũng mưa)
Although he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam.
(Mặc dù anh ấy học hành chăm chỉ, nhưng anh ấy đã không thi đỗ)
2. However/ Nevertheless:
However/ Nevertheless:
Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai câu
Cấu trúc Mệnh đề 1. However/ Nevertheless, mệnh đề 2.
Ví dụ I love London. However, the weather is bad.
(Tôi yêu Luân Đôn. Tuy nhiên thời tiết thì tệ)
I love London. The weather, however, is bad.
I love London. The weather is bad, however.
Bài 6: Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống thích hợp.
1. ________________ she has a good look, everybody hates her.
2. Jane seldom sees Jim ______they go to the same school.
3. ________________ her illness, Jane went to work yesterday.
4. ________________ it was chilly outside, we went fishing.
5. ________________ working hard, Peter failed the test.
6. ________________ the difficulties, Sarah managed to solve the problem.
7. My grandfather was very strong __________his old age.
8. The children slept deeply ________________ the noise.
9. ________________ the high salary, Marey refused the job offer.
10. ________________earning a high salary, Sara never wastes her money.
11. I find the film boring________________ many people like it.
12. ________________the bad weather, we went on our school picnic.
13. ________________the congestion, we weren’t late for the meeting.
14. ________________ he’s rich, he is always upset.
15. I couldn’t sleep________________ I was exhausted.
Bài 9: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.
1. We adore winter _________ the cold.
A. in spite of B. although C. however
2. She went to bed early_________ she didn’t finish her work.
A. despite B. although C. however
3. _________ the fact that he is 23 years old, he is so childish.
A. in spite B. despite C. however
4. I go to school by bus every day. I don’t like it much, _________.
A. despite B. although C. however
5. _________ Jim owns two cars, he rarely drives to work.
A. despite B. although C. however
6. The athlete completed the race _________ his pain.
A. despite B. although C. nevertheless
7. Jane looks pretty. She, _________, seems to lack personality.
A. despite B. although C. nevertheless
8. _________ we have a slim chance to win, we won’t lose hope.
A. despite B. although C. however
9. _________ of his bad luck, he won the medal.
A. in spite B. despite C. however
10. He is friendly _________ the fact that he’s very famous.
A. despite B. although C. however
Bài tập 1: Chia động từ cho đúng:

1. Alice didn’t get a good grade. She wishes she (work) harder.
2. Tom likes football very much. He wishes he (become) a professional football player.
3. He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. If only he (not/run) so fast.
4. She’s keen on computers. She wishes she (study) computer science next school year.
5. I am sorry I don’t know how to use the computer. If only I (know) how to use it.
6. I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I (not stay) at work late.

Bài tập 2: Chia động từ sao cho đúng.

1. I wish I (talk) to him yesterday.

2. I need help badly. If only you ______ help me.
3. My old car often breaks down. I wish I (buy) a new car.
4. He didn’t pass the exam. If only he (work) hard.
5. She was absent. I wish she (attend) the conference.
6. What a beautiful house! I wish I (have) a house like this one.
7. I wish I (be) rich. I would buy a farm and enjoy the calm of the countryside.
8. They had that bad accident because they were careless. If only they (be) more careful.
9. We saw the film. I wish you (see) it with us. It was an amazing evening.
10. I like traveling around the world. If only I (have) time to realize my dream.

Bài tập 3: Chia động từ sao cho phù hợp.

1. Bruce wishes he (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.

2. I wish I (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.
3. I wish you (stop) watching television while I am talking to you.
4. I wish you (not do) that. It annoys me.
5. I wish the holidays (come) so we could go off to the seaside.
6. Of course Tom wishes he (come) with us to Paris, but he has to stay here.
7. I wish we (go) to the match on Saturday but we’re visiting my uncle.
8. I wish you (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows.
9. If only I (not lose) all my money. Now I’m broke.
10. Peter is always late. If only he (turn up) on time for a change!

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