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Paulo Jarrin II Bach

 Principles: one’s own personal rules or standards of behaviour/behavior
 Values: beliefs about how to live a moral life
 Religion: the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system
of belief and worship
 Faith: great trust or confidence in something or someone
 Spirituality: the quality that involves deep feelings and beliefs of a
religious nature, rather than the physical parts of life
 Intuition: (knowledge from) an ability to understand or know something
immediately based on your feelings rather than facts
 Dogmas: a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs that people
are expected to accept without any doubts
 Cult: a religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are
considered extreme or strange by many people
 Skeptical: doubting that something is true or useful
 Self-determination: the ability or power to make decisions for yourself,
especially the power of a nation to decide how it will be governed
 Mysticism: the belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each
human being can unite with God
 Atheist: someone who does not believe in any God or gods
 Agnostic: someone who does not know, or believes that it is impossible
to know, if a god exists
 Convert: to (cause something or someone to) change in form or
 Epiphany: a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or
suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you
 Secular: not having any connection with religion
 Fate: what happens to a particular person or thing, especially something
final or negative, such as death or defeat
 Reconcile: to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are
opposed to each other can agree and exist together
 Devout: believing strongly in a religion and obeying all its rules or
 Holy: related to a religion or a god
 Hymn: a song of praise that Christians sing to God
 Evangelism: the activity of persuading people to become Christians,
often by travelling around and telling people about your beliefs
 Ritual: a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly,
especially as part of a ceremony
 Disciples: a person who believes in the ideas and principles of someone
famous and tries to live the way that person does or did
 Grace: a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way

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