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Plan de crecimiento

Kevin Andrés González

Grade :10.01.
Activitys:one moment
around they world
Level 2 reading.
 Solution:
 One moment around the world.
 in this activities i do any exercises the one video the hours in all the world, i
see in the video many people’s in different parts the world do different
activities routines the day.
 Level 2 reaeing
 Activitys 11 .
 Solution:
 1. At the aquarium: in this activity i learning the animals and the advertens
 About help the animals ambientes ,i learning what the shark love i’m oceans
 Does 400 millones year .i read texts about animals whit:sharks,
penguins,turtles ,coral reef.
 2.chocolate cake in a mug :in this activity i learning whit prepararon a cake
 Chocolate y the ingredientes.
 3. Eco y Hera: in this activity,read an text the fairy off tales.i read a historia
about Zeus ,eco y Hera . I read what Zeus hides the Hera,ando eco help a
Zeus a hides the Hera .
 4.future cities:in this activity i read a text about future cities ,whit this
 Activitys improve in My pronunciation and learn new Word ando write improve
.in the text i read what imagination the people about the future cities.the
people imagination :more people ,need the water and energy cars eletric .
 5. Hanukka: the fest Hanukkah,un the fest celebrate an tradition ,the
tradition is people light candle at Hanukka ,they ligh one candle every ninght
.the good the this fest is: the pancakes ,the potatoes ,onion,eggs.
 6.Health quiz :in this quiz i read a custionary about the health,in the
cuestionary the questions :how many pieces off fruit do You eat each day.
 7.hiking:in this activity i read a article about hiking the información the this
article are about what’s herramientas is useful foro the hiking .
 8.Holi diary:in this activity i learning about holi y diary the one person.
 The holi diary are about an festival wher3 we have diferents activitys in all
the festival.i edad about the harious the activitys in de fest .
 9.Oat biscuits: the activitys i read about how i do oat biscuits,i read the
ingredients ,preoarqtion,ando instrutions.the activitys were about how are
the preoarqtion .
 10.the solar sistem:in this activity i read a text about the solar system ,here i
read curios datas the solar sistem and all the planets.i do one Game wher3 i
aswer a questions.
 11.the three rs:in this activity i read about three rs,this is :reduce ,reuse
,recycle .in the text i read about materials
 . Evidence of activities done:
 Evidence of activities done:

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