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Form Number: BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A

Form Title: Management of Change Categories
Process Owner: Global HSE/SQ
Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems

Rev # Rev Date: Revised By: Summary of Key Revisions:

10 5-Jan-24 Beth Burbank Complete review. Enumerated required approvals. Clarified
descriptions on when to use. Updated approvals to align with
ST 804.
9 20-Jun-23 Beth Burbank Added HMS Document Owner for approver on:
1. Job Related Changes - Deviation from Halliburton
Standards/Contract Requirements
2. Non-Job Related Changes - Changes to HMS
8 1-Feb-23 Marcus Simmons Administrative Review, No Change
7 19-Aug-22 Marcus Simmons
Administrative Review, Updated Non-Job Category to include
technology not included in Product Lifecycle changes

6 19-May-22 Beth Burbank Administrative Review, removed HSE/SQ VP approval for

Non-Job Changes to HMS Documentation
Administrative Review, HSE/SQ VP only required for Non-Job
5 31-Jan-2022 Marcus Simmons
Changes to HMS Documentation
4 25-Oct-2021 Marcus Simmons Administrative Review, no changes made.
Change Director of SQ or HSE to Director HSE/SQ; Removed
3 03-Sep-2021 Beth Burbank VP HSE requirement from Non-Job Deviations from Global
HSE/HMS documentation
2 24-Feb-2021 Christina Sanchez Added a non-job item related to changes ISO 45001
Added a note to select additional approver when originator of
1 02-Feb-2020 Jose Gonzalez-Petrone
owner will be approving an MOC
1 13-May-2019 Jose Gonzalez-Petrone Initial release of form

For questions, comments or previous versions of this document, please contact Global HSE & SQ team.

Printed versions are UNCONTROLLED.

Printed on 07/03/2024
If the originator or owner will be approving the
MOC, there must be at least one additional
approver that is not originator or owner

MOC Type Category Sub-category 1 Sub-category 2 Minimum Approval Authority Detail explanation

Well Design / Completions Design / Well Objectives

Geological uncertainty - Geology or Geophysics different than those
provided in the Basis of Design (Formation Pressure &/or Temperature
Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Customer Basis of Design Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
Profile, Geological Column, Reservoir)
Well profile provided in the Basis of Design is significantly different or
wellbore integrity has been compromised

Scope of Work and or deliverables, requirements, acceptance criteria,

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Customer Scope of Work (in Contract / PO / SO) Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
technical specifications, in Contract or Customer issued Purchase Order

Any amendment to a program or procedure that will, or has high possibility

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Customer Change to approved DoS Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee of, increasing the expenditure on the project by more than 10% above the
approved expenditure level.

Any proposed change to the Barrier Envelope in use or modifications to the

barrier elements, other than substituting an equal or superior rated “like-
kind” barrier.
Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Customer Change to barriers Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
Any proposed deviations to the approved verification requirements for any
barrier element

Changes requested to address change in well conditions, operations

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Customer Operational Change outside DoS parameters Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee window, parameters, sequence, requirements, or driven by other party
DOS changes

Change required to plan for a non-contemplated contingency situation,

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Customer Unplanned Contingency Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee correct well integrity issues or situation

Change to DOS Technical Design / operational parameters from decision

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Halliburton Program / DOS improvement Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
made during Job Validation / Corrective Action, Lessons Learned

Change to due to DOS specifications, operational parameters, volumes,

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Halliburton Well Conditions Change Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
quantities, functional requirements, intended purpose

Surface Equipment / Downhole String Change to equipment Set up or Configuration in DOS (Drilling, Completions,
Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Halliburton Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
Configuration or Set Up WO, CT, etc. equipment, downhole string, BHA, tool components)

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Halliburton Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Change of formulations / technical design due to change of materials /
Formulations / Materials
products in approved DOS formulation
Introduction of new technology to address well operations challenges or
Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Required by Halliburton New Technology Application Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
efficiency gains

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Equipment Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Equipment in DOS is not available. Requires approval to use equipment of
Equipment Availability
different operational capability, specs, and or qualifications

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Equipment Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Equipment in DOS does not perform to expected results. Requires to use
Equipment Problems
equipment of different operational capability, specs, and or qualifications

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Equipment Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Well conditions require equipment of different operational capability, specs,
Equipment suitability or adequacy
and or qualifications
Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Material Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Materials / Product in DOS is not available. Requires to use Materials /
Materials / Product Availability
Product of different operational capability, specs, and or qualifications
Materials / Product does not perform to expected results, requires to use
Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Material Materials / Product Problems Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Materials / Product of different operational capability, specs, and or
Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Material Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Well conditions require Materials / Product of different operational capability,
Materials / Product suitability or adequacy
specs, and or qualifications

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Well Site Facility Well Layout Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Changes to Well site layout drive changes to DOS or Operation's reliability

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Well Site Facility Rig Equipment Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee Changes to Rig Equipment drive changes to DOS or Operation's reliability

Changes to Well Mechanical Condition drive changes to DOS or Operation's

Job Related Change to or deviation from approved Design of Service Well Site Facility Well Mechanical Condition Service Coordinator/Engineer/PSL Designee
Authorization to continue operations without key equipment / materials
Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Operate outside of Halliburton requirements in HMS HMS Document Owner or Designee availability or with limited operational capability
Authorization to continue operations with key equipment that are no
compliant to qualifications, QA/QC (preventive maintenance, certifications,
Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Operate equipment outside of compliance HMS Document Owner or Designee inspection, calibration, operation and test) requirements

Authorization to continue operations with key materials / formulations that

Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Formulations / Materials operate outside of compliance HMS Document Owner or Designee are no compliant to properties, qualifications or QA/QC requirements

Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Personnel not compliant with requirements HMS Document Owner or Designee Personnel competency not appropriately documented
Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Operate with unproven service provider HMS Document Owner or Designee Provider whose performance is not fully vetted
Authorization to continue to operate “Outside of the approved Operational
Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Operate outside of operational design window HMS Document Owner or Designee Design Window" or defined safe operating limits (temperature, pressure,
H2S, torque, tension, etc.)

Owner: Global HSE/SQ Non-Job Related Changes

Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A
Management of Change Categories
MOC Type Category Sub-category 1 Sub-category 2 Minimum Approval Authority Detail explanation
Personnel Health, Safety, and Environmental Risk exposure higher than
anticipated due to critical safety equipment limited availability or
operational capability. i.e. Ambulance or support vessel or emergency
Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements HSE Risk higher than planned and contingency required HMS Document Owner or Designee facility not available or temporally out of operation, or safety equipment,
detection equipment out of order, operating with severe fluid losses

An alternative proposed process not compatible with approved HMS

Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Changes to Original Manufacturer Specifications HMS Document Owner or Designee
processes or deviation from contract requirements
Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Field Equipment Modification HMS Document Owner or Designee Changes to configuration or way equipment normally works

1) PSL Service Manager or Manufacturing Director

or, Maintenance Manager( as applicable)
2) Regional Manager and/or Global Support
A deviation from Global HSE Standards where compliance with Global HSE
Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards/Contract Requirements Global HSE/HMS Documentation Services Manager
Standard is impracticable or rendered ineffective by specific circumstances.
3) Director of HSE/SQ or HMS Document Owner

Job Related Changes to Critical Suppliers (products, components, activities) Service Coordinator/PSL Designee Changes in critical suppliers that directly impact operations
Changes in key personnel to the operation. This does not include crew
Job Related Changes to Key Personnel Service Coordinator/PSL Designee

Job Related Changes to Contract Changes to contractual terms and conditions PSL Country Manager Changes to contractual terms and conditions and or commercial agreement

Addition or reduction of project scope - number of wells or deliverables, add

or reduce the number of rigs
Request an additional service that is not in the scope / price list of the
Job Related Changes to Contract Change to approved Project Scope PSL Country Manager
Change of technical specifications, requirements, acceptance criteria will
affect approved plan
Change in well design (will impact the cost of the project….)

Projects Start Up change

Changes to the approved staff team deployment schedule
Changes to equipment deployment / delivery schedule
Job Related Changes to Contract Changes to approved Project Schedule PSL Country Manager Change plan is required to ensure that the project will meet the project
schedule delivery
Change of Well Plan Sequence, Location or resources availability changing
the approved project schedule delivery

Prices from suppliers changes. Service Provider resulted in higher / lower

Changes to the approved staff team. Cost of well resulted in higher cost
Job Related Changes to Contract Changes to Approved Project Cost Baselines PSL Country Manager Technology or resources to solve a challenges and or address scope delivery
Change in the execution plan, resources, technology to maintain cost within

Change to project risk profile and or risk budget resulting from any of the
above or other circumstances
Job Related Changes to Contract Risk Profile PSL Country Manager
Changing a supplier changes performance risk
Wells risk profile require Risk Budget change

Owner: Global HSE/SQ Non-Job Related Changes

Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A
Management of Change Categories
Recent changes in RED If the originator or owner will be approving the MOC,
there must be at least one additional approver that is not
originator or owner

MOC Type Category Sub-category 1 Sub-category 2 Minimum Approval Authority Detail explanation

Operations: Country/District Manager/Designee

Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

approvers, including but not limited to: Changes in specifications for critical products /
Changes in specifications for critical - Real Estate Manager equipment that affect support for job
Non-Job Related
products/equipment/software - HSE Manager operations
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership

Operations: Equipment Design Owner

Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as A change that alters the original manufacturer
approvers, including but not limited to: design or intended use of equipment, or that
Non-Job Related Changes to approved equipment design or use - Real Estate Manager impacts the safe operation of equipment
- HSE Manager and/or auxiliary of that equipment
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership

Operations: Country/District Manager/Designee

Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

approvers, including but not limited to:
Changes to critical suppliers (products, components, - Real Estate Manager Changes in critical suppliers that directly impact
Non-Job Related
activities) - HSE Manager operations
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership
- Process/Procedure Owner

1) Country/District Manager/Designee and
2) HSE Manager

Changes to Equipment, Processes, Facilities, Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

Non-Job Related Infrastructure, or Technology that significantly impact Impact to Environmental Legal Register approvers, including but not limited to: These changes include temporary operations
support operations - Real Estate Manager
- HSE Manager
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership

Owner: Global HSE/SQ Job Related Changes

Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A
Management of Change Categories
MOC Type Category Sub-category 1 Sub-category 2 Minimum Approval Authority Detail explanation

1) Country/District Manager/Designee and
2) HSE Manager

Changes to Equipment, Processes, Facilities, Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

Non-Job Related Infrastructure, or Technology that significantly impact Impact to Permits and Authorizations approvers, including but not limited to: These changes include temporary operations
support operations - Real Estate Manager
- HSE Manager
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership

1) Country/District Manager/Designee and
2) HSE Manager

Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

Changes to Equipment, Processes, Facilities,
No impact to permits, authorizations and approvers, including but not limited to:
Non-Job Related Infrastructure, or Technology that significantly impact These changes include temporary operations
environmental legal register - Real Estate Manager
support operations
- HSE Manager
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership

1) Country/District Manager/Designee and
2) HSE Manager

Changes to Equipment, Processes, Facilities, Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

Technology changes - not part of the product
Non-Job Related Infrastructure, or Technology that significantly impact Tasks approvers, including but not limited to: These changes include temporary operations
Lifecycle process
support operations - Real Estate Manager
- HSE Manager
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership

Operations: Country/District Manager/Designee

Any agent of the following characteristics:
Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as
• Carcinogens
approvers, including but not limited to:
• Corrosives
- Real Estate Manager
Non-Job Related Changes to hazardous chemicals used in the facility • Toxics
- HSE Manager
• Irritants
- Quality Manager
• Sensitizers
- Engineering
• Target organic effectors
- Production Leadership
- Process/Procedure Owner

Owner: Global HSE/SQ Job Related Changes

Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A
Management of Change Categories
MOC Type Category Sub-category 1 Sub-category 2 Minimum Approval Authority Detail explanation

Operations: HMS Document Owner or Designee

Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

approvers, including but not limited to:
These changes are as a result of Corrective or
- Real Estate Manager
Non-Job Related Changes to HMS Documentation Changes as a result of a corrective action Preventive Action from incidents, audits or
- HSE Manager
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership
- Process/Procedure Owner

Periodic updates to HSE Standards

Non-Job Related Changes to HMS Documentation Changes to Global HSE Standards Director of HSE/SQ or HMS Document Owner
Only for use by Global HSE/SQ

Periodic updates to SQ Standards

Non-Job Related Changes to HMS Documentation Changes to Global SQ Standards Director of HSE/SQ or HMS Document Owner
Only for use by Global HSE/SQ

Operations: HMS Document Owner or Designee

Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

approvers, including but not limited to: A change to Halliburton HMS documentation
- Real Estate Manager when the magnitude of the change warrants
Non-Job Related Changes to HMS Documentation Regular Changes
- HSE Manager such or when judged necessary by the
- Quality Manager document owner.
- Engineering
- Production Leadership
- Process/Procedure Owner

Operations: HMS Document Owner or Designee

Manufacturing, consider all appropriate stakeholders as

approvers, including but not limited to:
- Real Estate Manager Changes in International Norms ISO 9001, ISO
Non-Job Related Changes to HMS Documentation
- HSE Manager 14001, ISO 45001, API Q1, API Q2
- Quality Manager
- Engineering
- Production Leadership
- Process/Procedure Owner

Owner: Global HSE/SQ Job Related Changes

Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A
Management of Change Categories
MOC Type Category Sub-category 1 Sub-category 2 Minimum Approval Authority Detail explanation

Changes in key personnel to the operation. This

Non-Job Related Changes to key personnel Country/District Manager/Designee
does not include crew changes.

1) PSL Service Manager or Manufacturing Director or, A deviation from Global HSE Standards where
Maintenance Manager( as applicable) compliance with Global HSE Standard is
2) Regional Manager and/or Global Support Services impracticable or rendered ineffective by specific
Non-Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards Deviations from Global HSE/HMS Documentation Manager circumstances.
3) Director of HSE/SQ
Do not use for Incident Management. Please
utilize Exception category.
An alternative proposed process not compatible
with approved HMS processes
Operate outside of Halliburton requirements in
Non-Job Related Deviation from Halliburton Standards HMS Document Owner or Designee
Do not use for Incident Management. Please
utilize Exception category.

1) PSL VP and Exception to exclude COPQ according to the

Non-Job Related Exception Exception for COPQ
2) Director of HSE/SQ work method WM-GL-HAL-HMS-804C
Exception for HSE-SQ Strategy 1) PSL VP and Exception not to execute a HSE-SQ Strategy
Non-Job Related Exception Exception for HSE-SQ Strategy
(generic) 2) Director of HSE/SQ deliverable

See ST-GL-HAL-HMS-804: Event investigations

1) HSE/SQ Director or Global Incident Management with a higher level of internal or external
Manager and: analysis requiring additional time to complete
require an approved MOC within 60 days with
Non-Job Related Exception Exception for Incident Management milestones Severity Level 1 event 2)HSE: Region VP or Supporting Function VP (for expected timeline for completion by the
Miscellaneous non-Country incidents) HSE/SQ Director and/or Global HSE
Investigation program Manager and approving
2) SQ: PSL or Support Function VP Manager as indicated in Table 1 - Event Severity
and Investigation Actions Management.

See ST-GL-HAL-HMS-804: Event investigations

with a higher level of internal or external
analysis requiring additional time to complete
1) Country/NWA VP and
require an approved MOC within 60 days with
Non-Job Related Exception Exception for Incident Management milestones Severity Level 2 event 2) HSE Manager
expected timeline for completion by the
approving Manager as indicated in Table 1 -
SQ: PSL or Support function Regional Manager
Event Severity and Investigation Actions

See ST-GL-HAL-HMS-804: Event investigations

with a higher level of internal or external
analysis requiring additional time to complete
require an approved MOC within 60 days with
Non-Job Related Exception Exception for Incident Management milestones Severity Level 3 event Designee by PSL/Support Function Country Manager
expected timeline for completion by the
approving Manager as indicated in Table 1 -
Event Severity and Investigation Actions

1) PSL VP and
Non-Job Related Exception Exception for NCR Closure
2) Director of HSE/SQ
1) PSL VP and Exception to exclude NPT according to the work
Non-Job Related Exception Exception for NPT
2) Director of HSE/SQ method WM-GL-HAL-HMS-804C

Owner: Global HSE/SQ Job Related Changes

Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A
Management of Change Categories
MOC Type Category Sub-category 1 Sub-category 2 Minimum Approval Authority Detail explanation

Project Organizational Structure - Technical or

Operations: Manager for the level of change
Non-Job Related Organizational Changes Operational Authority, Changes to RACI Chart,
Manufacturing: Production Leadership
Line of Command and Control

Owner: Global HSE/SQ Job Related Changes

Approver: Manager, Global HSE/SQ Systems BSD-GL-HAL-HMS-712A
Management of Change Categories

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