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Read "The Scarlet Ibis" beginning on page 384.

Both the short answer and the multiple-

choice questions will come from this selection.
This graded assignment is the short answer test. You must answer both questions.
1. In “The Scarlet Ibis”, how does the narrator’s point of view affect the story? Explain
your answer and support it with details from the selection.

2. In “The Scarlet Ibis”, how does the author characterize Doodle? Explain your answer
and support it with details from the selection.

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 30

Thesis and Organization - SA1
30 pts 0 pts
10 points each for the following: Full No
-robust thesis Marks Marks
-clear organizational structure with transitions,
introduction and conclusion
-Correct grammar and mechanics

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 10

Significant Idea and Support #1 - SA1
10 pts 0 pts
5 points for each of the following: Full No
-strong significant ideas Marks Marks
-strong evidence with connection between ideas
and evidence

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 10

Significant Idea and Support #2 - SA1
5 points for each of the following:
-strong significant ideas
-strong evidence with connection between ideas
and evidence
10 pts 0 pts
Full No
Marks Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 30

Thesis and Organization - SA2
30 pts 0 pts
10 points each for the following: Full No
-robust thesis Marks Marks
-clear organizational structure with transitions,
introduction and conclusion
-Correct grammar and mechanics

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 10

Significant Ideas and Support #1 - SA2
10 pts 0 pts
5 points for each of the following: Full No
-strong significant ideas Marks Marks
-strong evidence with connection between ideas
and evidence

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 10

Significant Ideas and Support #2- SA2
10 pts 0 pts
5 points for each of the following: Full No
-strong significant ideas Marks Marks
-strong evidence with connection between ideas
and evidence

Total Points: 100

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