Unix Reference Card

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June 21, 2000

Document No. UNIX 1.01
UNIX Reference Card mkdir directory-name - create a directory called directory-name ~ home directory (tilde)
~username another user’s home directory
. current or working directory
.. parent of working directory
Consulting Center - Mudd 103 (software questions)...............x4983 more filename - display the file contents one screen at a time
Operations - Mudd Lobby (hardware problems) .....................x4989 head filename - display first few lines of a file
tail filename - display last few lines of a file MOVE (OR RENAME) FILES AND DIRECTORIES
Computing Room - Mudd 101.................................................x4982 mv present-filename new-filename to rename a file
RAVL - 218 Anderson .............................................................x5153 PRINT A FILE mv source-filename destination-directory to move a file
Ryon - 102................................................................................x2293 into another directory
Mechanical Engineering - 241 .................................................x3615 setenv PRINTER printer - set the default printer options: -i interactive mode. Must confirm file overwrites.
Abercrombie Lab - A121 .........................................................x2613 lpr option filename - print file
Abercrombie Lab - B223 .........................................................x3379 lpq option - check status of print queue
Physics Lab- 221......................................................................x2517 lprm option - remove jobs from printer queue COPY FILES
fpr option filename - print Fortran file
options: -Pprinter - specify a printer other than the default cp source-filename destination-filename to copy a file into another
cp source-filename destination-directory to copy a file into another
options: -i interactive mode. Must confirm overwrites.
ls directory-name - list contents of directory
command-name -option(s) filename(s) or arguments -a list all files including invisible files
-l long list - shows ownership, permission, and links rm filename to remove a file
Example: wc -l sample -t list files chronologically rmdir directory-name to remove an empty directory
-f append “*” to executable file name, “/” to directory name options: -i interactive mode. Prompt for confirmation.
The first word of the command line is usually the command name. -d list directories
This is followed by the options, if any, then the filenames, directory -u list files using time of last access instead of time of last
name/names, or other arguments, if any, and then a RETURN. Options modification CHANGE FILE ACCESS PERMISSIONS
are usually preceded by a dash and you may use more than one option -F mark directories with forward slash, mark executables with
per command. an @-sign. chmod [ who op permission ] filename
-g lists ownership of each file or directory who can be any combination of:
The examples on this reference card use bold case for command u (user)
names and options and italics for arguments and filenames. pwd -display the name of present working directory g (group)
o (other)
Important Note about UNIX Commands a (all) (i.e. ugo)
UNIX commands are case sensitive. Type commands exactly as op adds or takes away permission, and can be:
shown; most UNIX commands are lower case. File and directory cd to change to your home directory + (add permission),
names can be lower, upper, or mixed case but must be typed exactly as cd directory-name to change to another directory - (remove permission), or
listed. = (set to exactly this permission).
cd ~ change to home directory permission can be any combination of
cd test change to directory test r (read)
w (write)
x (execute)
whatis command - display a one-line summary about command
Example: chmod a+x filename - makes filename executable by
man command - display on-line manual pages about command

Wild Cards PROCESS STATUS f77 filename.f FORTRAN compiler

single character wild card ps - display the status of the current processes cc filename.c C compiler
arbitrary number of characters options: pc filename.p Pascal compiler
-a include information about processes owned by other users options:
HISTORY: COMMAND REPETITION -g display all processes -o filename direct output of program to filename
-u display user-oriented processes -l library include library in program compilatio
history display list of most recent commands -x include processes with no controlling terminals
! repeat the entire last command line at any point -gx display all of your local processes USER INFORMATION AND HELPFUL
in the current command line COMMANDS
$ repeat the last word of previous command kill id-number - terminate a process owned by you
line at any point in current command line id-number (PID-Process ID) can be found by first using the ps command. env lists your environment settings
:n repeat the nth argument from previous who lists users on the local system
line at any point in current command line RUN COMMAND IN BACKGROUND: JOB CONTROL finger username@host.domain looks up information on an
^ repeat first argument from previous command other user
line at any point in the current command line To run a command in the background, as opposed to the more common method
n repeat command line n of running commands in the foreground, append an & to the end of a command whois username display real name of user
!:p display previous command string. Then, you can type more commands to the command prompt, or even clear clears screen
string command beginning with string run more commands in the background for simultaneous command execution. leave reminds you when you have to leave
* repeat all arguments to previous command ntalk username@host.domain talk to another user
Control-Z stop (interrupt) foreground job lprloc shows names and locations of printers
COMMAND I/O jobs list of background jobs stty sane resets terminal characteristics to a
> command output redirection (create new) bg run a stopped job in the background usable set
>> command output redirection (append) fg resume stopped job in the background stty display terminal characteristics
< command input redirection (from file) date displays current time and date
<< command input (from script or standard input) FILE OPERATIONS cal year for yearly calendar
cal month-year for monthly calendar
ALIAS SEARCH FOR PATTERNS IN FILES tn3270 ricevm1 full-screen remote login to mainframe
lias alias-string command-string tn3270 library full-screen remote login to Fondren
grep search-string filename [filename...] to find and type out lines containing Library Card Catalog. At the VM/SP
Alias abbreviates a command string with an alias string. For multi-com- the string in a file screen, press the RETURN key, and th
mand strings, enclose commands in quotes. enter dial libris after the screen clears
options: -v type out lines that don’t contain the string (invert the search) Hit RETURN again. To exit the LIBR
Example: alias shut chmod go-rwx system, enter CONTROL-] (Hold dow
To use the new aliased command shut on a file, and turn off read, write, the close bracket character), and then
nd executable permissions for all users except yourself, type shut file- wc filename(s) counts the number of words, lines, and characters in a file enter close at the TN3270 prompt.
COMPARE FILES rlogin host.domain log into remote host computer

diff filename1 filename2 compares contents of filename1 and filename2 on a telnet host.domain user interface to a remote system
line-by-line basis
whereis command locate a command; display its pathnam
penwin enter the Open Windows window environment (not FILE TRANSFER
spell filename report spelling errors
available on X terminals)
mail address sends mail to user at address ispell filename interactive spell-checker
tartx enter the X window environment (not required on X
address format is user@host.domain echo $path inspect your search path
pacinfo displays your current printing charges
tartx -m enter the Motif window environment (to
ftp host.domain use file transfer protocol to connect to remote host computer (IS systems only)
enter Motif from the login window of an X terminal,
Type ? for commands bc basic calculator
type your userid, RETURN, your password and then
(Control-D to exit)
COMPRESS FILES du display the number of disk blocks use
per directory or file
compress filename compress file and rename it filename.Z du -s display your total disk usage
uncompress filename Z uncompress file and rename filename quota -v display your disk quota and usage

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