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Assignment Title: "Forecasting the Impact of Emerging Technologies on

Competitive Intelligence by 2030"


To evaluate how emerging technologies will transform competitive intelligence practices and
strategies by 2030, and to develop an understanding of how organizations can leverage these
technologies to gain a competitive edge.


1. Introduction to Emerging Technologies:

• Begin by researching emerging technologies expected to mature by 2030.

Consider technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing,
blockchain, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT),
5G/6G networks, and biotechnology.
• Provide a brief overview of each technology, its current state, and its potential
evolution over the next few years by doing a literature review.

2. Sector-Specific Impact Analysis:

• Select three industries of interest (e.g., finance, healthcare, manufacturing,

retail, etc.).
• For each industry, analyze how the identified emerging technologies could be
applied and what impact they could have on competitive intelligence practices
within that sector by 2030.
• Consider aspects such as data collection and analysis, predictive analytics,
customer insights, supply chain management, and security.

3. Case Studies:

• Develop hypothetical case studies (one for each selected industry) that
illustrate how a company could use one or more of these technologies to
enhance its competitive intelligence capabilities. Focus on the application,
implementation challenges, and the potential benefits for competitive

4. Ethical and Privacy Considerations:

• Discuss the ethical implications and privacy concerns associated with the
deployment of these technologies in competitive intelligence.
• Propose guidelines or measures that companies can adopt to mitigate these
concerns while leveraging the technologies for competitive advantage.

5. Future Skills and Competencies:

• Identify the skills and competencies that competitive intelligence professionals

will need to effectively utilize these technologies.
• Suggest educational or training pathways that could help current and future
professionals prepare for this tech-driven landscape.

• A comprehensive report including all the sections mentioned above.

• A presentation summarizing the key findings, case studies, and recommendations.

Evaluation Criteria:

• Depth and breadth of research on emerging technologies.

• Creativity and feasibility in the application of technologies within the chosen
• Insightfulness of the ethical and privacy considerations discussion.
• Clarity, coherence, and organization of the report and presentation.
• Evidence of critical thinking and analysis in forecasting the future of competitive

Submission Guidelines:

• The report should be around 30 pages, handwritten (excluding references).

• The presentation should be 10-15 slides (Hardcopy), suitable for a 30-minute
• Use APA style for citations and references.
• Submit the report and presentation by Wednesday, 10th April 2024.

This assignment encourages students to integrate their understanding of competitive

intelligence with their insights into technological advancements, fostering a holistic view of
how technology shapes competitive strategies.

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