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13 October 2018



Today, at a festive ceremony which took place at the Urania National Cinema
Theatre in Budapest, Notis Georgiou received the PRO CULTURA
The award is offered every year by the Hungarian State to eminent
personalities who live in Hungary as recognition of their excellence in cultural
and public educational activities.
According to the official announcement, "Notis Georgiou received the award
for the popularization of the Hungarian and Greek culture and language, as
well as for his classical music art activities".

Notis Georgiou, the internationally renowned soloist, composer, conductor and dramaturg received
honorary Hungarian citizenship for reasons of national interest during a festive ceremony at the Buda
Castle Municipal Hall on the 18th September 2013. The ceremony was filmed by the Hungarian
Television as part of Notis’ portrait film production released in 2014.

“...A born conductor”

Maestro Yuri Simonov, Bolshoi Theatre

“Maestro Notis Georgiou is a highly recommended conductor and an excellent guitarist. A most
sensitive musician of solid and painstaking training…/ He knows precisely how to achieve, with precise
and elegant gestures, that musicians reach a high level of performance in their concerts.”
Teatro Colón Argentina, Pablo Saraví, Concertmaster of Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra,
Concertmaster of Academia Bach de Buenos Aires, Member of the World Orchestra for Peace

Concert of 28th May, 2008

“…he is a multitalented musician and even more he is one of the very rare conductors who conduct
everything by memory, be that symphonies, concertos etc! His repertoire is absolutely enormous. I was
indeed impressed by the musical understanding and the technical skills of Maestro Georgiou. The
communication between us was perfect and the truth of the matter is that something positively
"special" happened during the concert.
It was music-creating and not just routine as one can experience too often during concerts.
Moreover, Notis Georgiou conducted Beethoven's Concerto N°3 for piano and orchestra by heart
(additionally to the symphonic works), which is quite unusual.
As far as I am concerned, I have already performed this concerto about 90 times worldwide and this
was the only time that I ever saw a conductor doing it by memory.
I would like to stress that I am totally independent in my judgement and that I have no personal
interest in recommending him, apart from a real admiration.”
Cyprien Katsaris, pianist

« A small country like Cyprus, has exported a Nicolas Economou, a Martinos Tirimos, a Marios
Papadopoulos, a Notis Georgiou. »
Cyprien Katsaris, pianist 25.09.2011

"A conductor with an overwhelming, effortless dynamism, extraordinary talent with

extraordinarily high standard musical gifts, sovereign artistic value and psychological mastery. A most
mature artist predestinated for a beautiful future."
Hungarian State Opera House music review (Medveczky Ádám)

Review of Concert of 16th November, 2004

“... Never have I heard Tchaikovsky`s Rococo Variations accompanied with such mastery-not even by
the Russians.”
Mezo Laszlo, Cellist of the Bela Bartok String Quartet, Professor of the Liszt Academy of Music

Review of Concert of 21st May, 2002

“... Maestro Notis Georgiou simply has everything.”
Musica Nostra

“What Notis Georgiou achieves with a performance is a bombastic experience of catharsis”

Imre Patkós, General Director of Szolnok Symphony Orchestra

Review of Concert of 27th June, 2005

“... Hearing the Notis Georgiou-Marku Susan duo in the premiere of my work Rebetikο Suite, I felt, for
the first time, justified.”
Vassilis Tenidis, Composer

“Notis Georgiou’s performances reveal features of my works that even myself ignored.”
Vassilis Tenidis, Composer
Review of Concert of 12th June, 2001
“... The best classical symphony performance held in Liszt Academy in the last 50 years.”
Lukacs Ervin, President of Budapest Philharmonia.

"A completely new age of guitar playing: Notis is for the guitar what Glenn Gould has been for the
“…The Hungarian Symphony Orchestra invites the artists par excellence of the Hungarian and
International music life : amongst its world-renowned conductors are Kocsis Zoltán, Kovács János and
Notis Georgiou…"
Tamás Gál, Conductor, Artistic Director on the occasion of inviting Notis Georgiou to perform 4 guitar
concertos at a single concert (Tarregiana, Rebetiko suite, Concierto de Aranjuez, Fantasía para un
gentilombre) as soloist-conductor of the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra.

Review of concert as guitar and piano soloist-conductor of 13th December, 2011

Featuring Mozart: Piano concertos no. 21, 27, J. Haydn: Piano concerto in D major
Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez and Pachelbel : Canon
“…Mr Kocsis, Mr Vásáry, welcome the new member of the pianist-conductor generation: Maestro
Notis Georgiou.”
Kovács Dávid

“…A man of renaissance”

Szabó Julianna


Concert of June 11th, featuring the world premiere of Cypriot Diptychon and the world premiere of Folías all'
antica, both by Notis Georgiou, and the Hungarian premiere of Rebetiki Suite by Vassilis Tenidis.

“A most beautiful programme, real music delicacies, gentle music in the hands of masters!”
Sebestyén Márta, Hungary's best known vocalist, composer and Unesco Artist for Peace, mainly known as the
vocalist of the “English Patient”, awarded with 9 Oscars (including Best Soundtrack) in 1997

23rd April 2013

„ …his professional career is exemplary. His work in local and international music life is outstandingly
worth noticing. Not only the usual bio data, the reviews and the references certify Mr Georgiou’s
exceptional qualities, but also the high esteem which embraces him in our country’s music life.”
Dénes Gulyás, tenor, Franz Liszt Prize, Artist of Merit of the Hungarian People's Republic, Outstanding
Artist of the Republic of Hungary, Hungarian Heritage Award, Music Director of Pécs State Theatre,
Professor at Liszt Music University and University of Pécs.

Review of Erkel’s Hunyadi László Opera performance, 12th May, 2013

“Authentically Magyar. Full of breathtakingly passionate emotional breakouts, with irresistible drive
and electrifyingly dramatic impact, unmistakable, incisive, sharply defined, conscientious, meticulous:
simply magnificent’’
Anikó P.Szabó, Hungarian State Opera House music review

16th September 2012

“I first performed with Notis Georgiou 8 ye ars ago. His readiness and talent were already
extraordinarily high-standard, his knowledge of Hungarian overwhelming. Notis Georgiou has always
proved he was born to be a guitarist, as well as his musical sensitivity and his non compromising
ambition in his work both as a conductor and as a sensitive musician. Both as a man and a musician, his
excellent properties predestine him to satisfy even the highest demands.”
Vilmos Szabadi, violinist, Docens of Liszt Ferenc Music Academy,
Liszt, Hungaroton and Midem prize-winner
Bonn, Beethoven-Haus
« A really overwhelming performance !»
Anthony Pilavachi, opera director (German Critic Award 2011, Echo Klassik Award 2012/
(European Grammy for Classical Music) for the best opera DVD 2012 worldwide)

«...His gestures, his music instructions are indubitable, his tempo changes captivating, the
communication with both the orchestra and the choir highly intensive…He conducted every single
opera performance with unerring, firm hand and high intellectual confidence. A pleasure working with
him, both as a man and a professional”
Kalman Strausz, Conductor of the Hungarian State Opera Choir

„Notis Georgiou’conducting is able to bring out very special forces in his colleagues. His disciplined and
honest personality, his humble dedication to music are exemplary. I am glad we worked together.../… it
was very inspiring indeed.
Daniel Patkos, violist

„As a professional, perfect, as a man, we got to know an exceptional colleague. Opera theatres can
benefit a lot from his knowledge, his work ethic and persistence.”
Tamás Daróczi, tenor soloist of Hungarian State Opera House

„…It is thanks to this ingenious young couple that the Bratislava audience first met Márta Sebestyén.
Their performance was an overwhelming music experience !”
Erzsébet Pogány, editor, Cleveland, Bratislava

„This concert is as special as you are: beautiful, harmonic and exalting, placid and serene !”
Hedvig Dvorsky, art critic

„We are deeply grateful for the stunningly beautiful melodies..., for bringing to us ART, as it was
handed over by our ancestors.”
Gitta Pálinkás, Bratislava

“Un genio! A genius!”

Pablo Votti, Buenos Aires

Most personal, agile, engaging and full of brilliance. Georgiou proved to be an exceptional interpreter
(soloist) and an unbelievable conductor. He conducted from the guitar having the orchestra behind
him. No eye contact was possible. With light head movements he marked the entrances of the
instruments and guided the overall performance, demonstrating at the same time a most appreciated,
subtle tone, which eliminated the need of amplification of the guitar. A pleasant surprise was that
Georgiou conducted all the works by memory, including the world premiers, with absolute authority
and control…./ He triumphed with an electrifying interpretation that had everything: energy at
culmination points, solvency and drive in the development of the theme variations of the second
movement and total intensity in the Scherzo. He demanded the maximum from the musicians, who
responded to the limit, all emerging from a fascinating experience, which the audience attended with an
almost “sepulchral” silence. The ovation that erupted at the end was the full proof of the result. Such
performances that exalt the work of this extraordinary ensemble are very much welcome.”
Donato Decina, music critic, Buenos Aires
“Your body expresses each note and caresses every single instrument. You have the soul of Orpheus”
Inés Isolda Grünwaldt, Buenos Aires

“It is not You but us who should bow after every performance, to worship Your artistic greatness”
Nicole Boulanger, Brussels

Márta Sebestyén about Notis Georgiou / a Hungarian Television interview

available at:
Reporter: When and how did you get to know Notis?

Márta Sebestyén: I heard a great deal about Notis among the Greeks in Hungary, they kept mentioning
him. The Greek Administration and Community publish a newspaper about their cultural news, which
I used to receive too. There I continuously kept seeing „conducted by Notis Georgiou, Notis Georgiou”.
Once I asked: who is this man, this cypriot conductor, who lives here and is so active and appears in so
many forums? In secret I thought I should get to him, maybe I could learn something from him as well,
because I am terribly happy when I can personally collect songs from the homeland of a person, who is
obviously its best conoisseur. I thought a conductor will definitely be able to recommend f olksongs
from his native land. For it is hard to find cypriot folksongs. So once, I saw that he is giving a guitar
concert with his ensemble-with Susan, performing a very beautiful bouquet, a beautiful programme in
MOM. I attended the event, taking along a small notebook, which I filled up with notes and saw that
they perform entirely such music delicacies arranged on such an intellectual basis, but filled with
splendid content, for which delicacies I myself am v ery excited and through a knowledge-spreading
activity, that goes beyond music and entertainment, teaches and educates, of which I am particularly
fond. I found it very interesting. After the concert, when I went to him, it seemed that he was also very
happy we finally met and began discussing in a way, that already in the third minute I had the
impression that we are just continuing a d iscussion that began long ago. T hus, for some reason, this
meeting became quasi the continuation of a very deep, already existing friendship, after which we met
several times. We also discussed about professional issues and it seemed that we can participate in each
other’s artistic plans. I find very touching the fact that he got to know so thoroughly the Hungarian
culture. The way he speaks is simply fantastic: with such a splendid vocabular treasury, such a
pronounciation, that a lot of Hungarian people could feel ashamed with their 50-word sms dialect, so
rich is his speech. He has such a feeling and comprehension of the language that, for example, once I
asked him to help translating a peculiar Greek carol to Hungarian, to include it in the material of the
upcoming recording both in original and in translation. Well, not only did he translate the text, but he
somehow did it in a splendid way, in rhythm, taste and tone, as a true literary translator. I myself only
know of László Nagy, who was capable of translating folksongs in rhythm, B ulgarian folksongs to
Hungarian, in a way that in Hungarian language the translation perfectly cites the original. In a word,
he is an astonishing man. And at the same time, he is always so delicate, playful, simple, in far distance
from factitiousness of any kind. I very much like that he is so strongly attracted to nature, that he often
goes to excursions and practically knows this country so well, as if it were his palm. Therefore, the fact
that he has now become a Hungarian citizen is self-comprehensible. I wish there were plenty of
Hungarian-Hungarian people that love and know this country and its culture as much.

A prize-winning composer, soloist, conductor, ex-double bass leader and literary translator from and to
Hungarian, French, English, Italian, Modern and Ancient Greek, dramaturg. He speaks 8 languages. One of the
very rare conductors who conduct an enormous repertoire of operatic, orchestral, chamber music and ballet
works by memory and have perfect pitch. His activities spread in 5 continents.

Notis has received exceptional acclaim throughout his career, encompassing prestigious engagements in the
foremost concert halls and opera houses of Europe, Americas, Asia and Africa. His repertoire encompasses more
than 100 operas, hundreds of concerti and even more symphonic works. He has conducted extensively
collaborating with the most important vocal and instrumental soloists of the last two decades. Equally dividing
his time between symphony and opera conducting, he has appeared as a frequent guest on nationally telecast
performances and was also featured in televised concerts and opera performances.

Both as a soloist and conductor he has built a strong reputation for championing contemporary music. Several
composers have written works especially for him. He regularly performs in the double role of soloist (guitar,
keyboard, percussion) - conductor.

At 17 he won the Hungarian Guitar Competition and its Audience Prize which lead to an everlasting series of
world premieres, among which the first Hungarian guitar concerto by Rózsa. He graduated with honors from the
Franz Liszt Music Academy in guitar performance, composition and orchestral conducting. In the history of the
Institution and the Hungarian Ministry of Education only he has been allowed, due to exceptional talent, to
complete a 5-year course in only 3 years. He also studied composition and conducting in Florence with masters
such as Carlo Maria Giulini, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky, Giuseppe Sinopoli, Piero Bellugi, Zubin Mehta, Rudolf
Barshai, Yuri Simonov, Peter Eotvos, Gianluigi Gelmetti, e.o.

While still a student he served as Conductor, Manager and Music Director (Symphony Orchestra of the
Hungarian Ministry of Interior, Béla Bartók Music Academy, Vass Lajos Symphony Orchestra, MÁV Zenekar).
He has been Conductor of the Budapest Concert Orchestra, a world known orchestra mainly remembered
through its participation in several prestigious projects such as The 3 tenors with Luciano Pavarotti, José
Carreras, Placido Domingo, Conductor and Dramaturg of the Hungarian State Opera House. Collaborations
include high-end artists such as Erika Miklósa (MET, Covent Garden, Scala), the Béla Bartók quartet, Cyprien
Katsaris, Andrei Ilyushnikov (Kirov Opera), Márta Sebestyén, Leonidas Kavakos etc…

In 2005 he declined invitation to Carnegie Hall. When Alfred Brendel asked him the reason, Notis explained:
”by accepting the invitation to Carnegie Hall, I would also be obliged to significantly limit my artistic liberty,
which liberty I consider invaluable and vital.” In a film-portrait produced by Hungarian TV he quoted
Hippocrates: “allow the deeds of a liberal art to be free”.

In 2015 the legendary Hungarian Radio Studios and a most experienced Studio Orchestra with exceptional
members of the Hungarian Opera House Orchestra, under the baton of NOTIS GEORGIOU, launched an
international collaboration programme with composers of chamber, orchestral, symphonic, film and choral

He is the only artist who, for reasons of national interest, has received honorary Hungarian citizenship. He has
received numerous Hungarian Ministry awards, the '' Excellent Ensemble'' award (twice), the Hungarian
Syndicates Award, the Vasas Artistic Award of Excellence, the Budapest Council Memorial Plaque, the “Pro
Cultura Award 2018” e.o
The Hungarian Television produced his film portrait in 2013.
Notis Georgiou is the youngest member inducted into the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Personal Statement

Dear Committee,

Since childhood, apart from performing on guitar, I have also performed on the piano, have been
doublebass leader in youth and professional symphony orchestras, chamber orchestras and opera
productions, performed a lot of chamber music and attended intensively concerts and master classes
of all kinds. I always tried to keep my musical and cultural horizons open and broad, even after I had
already mastered guitar playing and established myself as a performer.

At the age of 17 I began my university soloist studies at the world famous Franz Liszt Music Academy
in Budapest, a region with special weight as regards culture and classical music, and with an Opera
House and choral and music educational culture with legendary background and prestige. I
remember the president of the entrance examination asking me :”are you sure you have not come to
take the final exams?”, such was his astonishment for my performance and my extremely demanding

The same year, while still a first year student, I won the International guitar competition in Hungary
and its audience prize. This resulted to an everlasting series of world premiers and dedications by
several European masters, among other, that of the first Hungarian guitar concerto by the famous
composer Rozsa.

To achieve a holistic view of music, after graduating with ‘excellent’ as soloist (M.Mus.) and music
teacher (M.Mus), I continued my studies in Florence Italy in composition and orchestral conducting,
with masters such as Carlo Maria Giulini, Giuseppe Sinopoli, Zubin Mehta, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Piero
Bellugi e.o. in close proximity to another well known Opera Theatre, the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.
Back in Budapest I graduated with Honors (M.Mus) from the most demanding Orchestra Conducting
Faculty, being the only student in the history of the Institution and the Hungarian Ministry of
Education, who, due to exceptional talent, was allowed to compact this 5 year course into 3 years (the
entry exams and the program of studies being also famous for their extreme difficulty level in music
theory, sol-fa, piano, percussion and composition).

While still a first year student and for 6 years, Hungary entrusted me the post of Conductor and
Manager of the Symphony Orchestra of the Ministry of Interior as well as the post of Conductor,
Artistic Director and Professor at the Béla Bartók Music Academy State University and its Youth
orchestra. At this time I began performing in the double role of soloist-conductor, arriving at a record
of 5 guitar concertos in a single concert (Rodrigo: Aranjuez, Fantasia, Dodgson: Concerto no.1,
Vassilis Tenidis: Tarregiana, Rebetiki Suite/version for guitar and orchestra). As a
guitarist/pianist-conductor, I performed in one concert Mozart: Piano concertos no. 21, 27, J.
Haydn: Piano concerto in D major and Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez, for which Kovács
Dávid wrote: “…Mr Kocsis, Mr Vásáry, welcome the new member of the pianist-conductor
generation: Maestro Notis Georgiou.”

Since 2006, I have been working as the Conductor of the world famous Budapest Concert Orchestra,
mainly known through its participation in the prestigious project „the 3 tenors’’ featuring Domingo,
Carreras and Pavarotti, and since 2003 as Artistic Director and Conductor of the Vass Lajos Orchestra,
an institution with special stress on modern and contemporary music. All of my posts also meant
dealing with youth, addressing the audience, supporting new talents.

In spring 2012 I was named Conductor of the Hungarian State Opera House, Budapest and since 2014
I also work there as a Dramaturg. Furthermore, I have served in numerous festivals, productions,
workshops, recording projects, orchestras, choirs and Opera theatres in Hungary and abroad as
founder, conductor, artistic director, organizer, manager, soloist, chamber musician, educator,
correpetiteur and accompanist, as well as a translator from and to Italian, English, Hungarian,
Modern and Ancient Greek and French.

I possess a vast and ever enlarging repertoire covering orchestral works, opera, ballet, vocal, choral,
chamber and solo music, which I conduct, perform and rehearse by memory.

For my activities I have received several honors and international prizes, the most important being
my election, at the unprecedentedly early age of 32, as member of the European Academy of
Sciences and Arts, numbering among others, 29 Nobel Prize winners. The Academy is particularly
active and interested in collaborations and publications worldwide, thus it is a potential strategic
partner for the Sydney University. Previous honors include Honorary Jury Membership of the
International Festival of Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels.

In 2005 I declined invitation to Carnegie Hall.

At the age of 34 I conducted in the prestigious Berlin Philharmonic Hall, with world famous soloist
Cyprien Katsaris. Other collaborations as conductor include high-end artists such as Erika Miklósa
(Metropolitan, La Scala), tenor Andrei Ilyushnikov (Kirov Opera), Éva Marton (Metropolitan, Vienna
Opera), Marta Sebestyen-UNESCO ARTIST FOR PEACE (Oscar winner singer in ‘The English
patient”), Ilona Tokody, József Gregor, Dénes Gulyás, Leonidas Kavakos, Vilmos Szabadi,
Martino Tirimo e.o. most of which became possible due to my initiative and fundraising efforts.

In 2013, the Management of the Hungarian State Opera House asked me to conduct the
performances of Erkel’s opera Hunyadi upon the reopening of the Erkel Theatre. The Erkel Theatre,
the largest Opera House in Central Europe with over 2OOO seats, closed since 2007 for restoration as
part of a 1O billion Hungarian forints project, celebrated its reopening with performances of the
Erkel’s Hunyadi László.
Hunyadi is considered the first Hungarian opera work, standing for what Ruslan is for Russia, or The
Bartered Bride for the Czech.

In 2013, for reasons of national interest I received honorary Hungarian citizenship.

Under my leadership, several institutions have received numerous Hungarian Ministry awards, the
'' Excellent Ensemble'' award (twice), the Hungarian Syndicates Award, the Vasas Artistic Award of
Excellence, the Budapest Council Memorial Plaque e.o

The Hungarian Television produced my film-portrait in 2013.

I met international acclaim conducting from the guitar, percussion and the keyboard.
Due to my reputation as a guitarist but also as a music personality in general (conductor, composer,
dramaturg, academic etc) the Rector (Chancellor) of the prestigious Franz Liszt Music Academy
(University) in Budapest decided to engage me as a lecturer in 2015 in an attempt to enrich the
guitar students’ education, mentality and skills, by applying a special methology I developed based
on the interdisciplinary experience I gained through my various roles as a musician. This rare
combination of music fields that marks my guitar approach, has already been applied in various
institutions and masterclasses where I taught, with astonishingly outstanding and genuine results.

Apart from being an inspiration and a pioneer performer of contemporary music also as a guitarist,
(next world premiere is the guitar concerto IN MEMORIAM PIERO BELLUGI by Martin Palmeri-
Argentina), a significant part of my guitar repertoire consists of my own compositions and

I regularly perform live in radio and tv broadcasts and record for Orpheo label.
Near future publication activities include the completion of my book Music Methology, an exclusively
scientific approach to music terminology, theory and practice and a bilingual book (ancient
greekhungarian) on Epicurus.

NOTE: My application material already contains several critical reviews and recommendation letters.

Ádám Medveczky, Conductor of the Hungarian State Opera House, Prof. at the Liszt Music Academy
VI.Andrássy út 22
Budapest Hungary
Tel +36 1 462-4611
(recommendation letter attached)

Imre Patkós, General Director of Szolnok Symphony Orchestra

(cited in critical reviews)

Cyprien Katsaris, pianist, composer
(2 recommendations letters attached)
Upcoming concerts

November 2010
6 nov. : Marseille (France) (With the Philharmonic Orchestra of Marseille)
10 nov. : Berlin Philharmonie (With the Symphony Orchestra of Cyprus conducted by
Notis Georgiou)

cyprien katsaris © 2004 , tous droits réservés

concept & design : robin pauletto

-Conducted by memory-

1. Adam Giselle
2. Adamis Michalis KAI EIDON KAI IDOY visions de l’ Apokalypsis
3. Albéniz Isaac Iberia (arr.Arbós)
4. Albinoni Adagio in G minor
5. Bach Christmas Oratorio
6. Bach Johann Sebastian 4 orchestral suites
7. Bach Johann Sebastian Brandenburg concertos no 3,4, 5
8. Bach Johann Sebastian Mass In B Minor
9. Bach Johann Sebastian Passion-St. John
10. Bach Johann Sebastian Passion-St.Mathew
11. Bach Magnificat
12. Barber Samuel Adagio for Strings
13. Bartók Béla Cantata profana
14. Bartók Béla Concerto for Orchestra
15. Bartók Béla Music for strings, percussion and celesta
16. Bartók Béla Romanian Folk Dances
17. Bartók Csodálatos Mandarin
18. Bartók: Divertimento
19. Bartók Táncszvit- Dance suite
20. Beethoven Ludwig van all Ouvertures
21. Beethoven Ludwig van Choir-Fantasy
22. Beethoven Ludwig van Missa Solemnis
23. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 1
24. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 2
25. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 3
26. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 4
27. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 5
28. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 6
29. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 7
30. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 8
31. Beethoven Ludwig van Symphony no 9
32. Berlioz Hector Harold in Italy
33. Berlioz Hector Ouvertures
34. Berlioz Hector Requiem
35. Berlioz Hector Roman Carneval
36. Berlioz Hector Romeo and Juliet
37. Berlioz Hector Symphonie Fantastique
38. Bizet Georges Carmen suites,
39. Bizet Georges Symphony in C major
40. Bizet Suite Arlesienne
41. Boccherini Luigi: Symphonies
42. Borodin Alexander In the steppes of Middle Asia
43. Borodin Alexander Prince Igor-Polovec dances
44. Borodin Alexander Symphony no 2
45. Brahms Johannes Academic Ouverture
46. Brahms Johannes German Requiem
47. Brahms Johannes Symphony no 1
48. Brahms Johannes Symphony no 2
49. Brahms Johannes Symphony no 3
50. Brahms Johannes Symphony no 4
51. Brahms Johannes Tragic Ouverture
52. Brahms Johannes Variations on a theme by Haydn
53. Brahms Liebeslieder
54. Britten Benjamin Purcell variations
55. Britten Benjamin Simple Symphony
56. Britten Benjamin Soirées Musicales
57. Britten Benjamin War Requiem
58. Britten Notturno for Tenor Horn and Strings
59. Bruckner Anton Symphony no 4 in E flat major "Romantic"
60. Bruckner Anton Symphony no 5 in B flat major
61. Bruckner Anton Symphony no 7 in E major "Lyric"
62. Bruckner Anton Symphony no 8
63. Bruckner Anton Symphony no 9
64. Chabrier Espana
65. Chausson Poeme
66. Chausson Symphony in E
67. Cherubini Ouverture Anacreon
68. Cherubini Symphony in re maggiore
69. Cherubini Requiem
70. Cimarosa Il matrimonio segreto Ouverture
71. Copland Aaron Appalachian Spring
72. Darius Milhaud/Couperin: Ouverture and Allegro from „La sultane”
73. Debussy Claude Après-midi d’ un faune
74. Debussy Claude Jeux
75. Debussy Claude La Mer
76. Debussy Fetes
77. Debussy Images
78. Debussy nocturnes
79. Debussy Petite Suite
80. Delibes Coppelia suite no 1
82. Dukas Paul the Sorcerer's Apprentice
83. Durufle Maurice Requiem
84. Dvorak Antonin Slavonic Dances
85. Dvorak Antonin Stabat mater
86. Dvorak Antonin Symphonic Variations
87. Dvorak Antonin Symphony no 7
88. Dvorak Antonin Symphony no 8 in G major
89. Dvorak Antonin Symphony no 9 "From The New World"
90. Elgar Edward Enigma Variations
91. Elgar Edward Symphony no 1
92. Erkel Ferenc Hunyadi Ouverture
93. Erkel Ferenc Palotás
94. Eszterházy Harmonia celestis
95. Falla Manuel de El amor Brujo
96. Falla Manuel de El Sobrero both suites
97. Falla Manuel de La vida breve
98. Faure Gabriel Pavane
99. Faure Gabriel Requiem
100. Franck Cesar Psyché excerpts
101. Franck Cesar Redemption-symphonic version
102. Franck Cesar Symphony in D minor
103. Glazunov Concert Waltz
104. Glazunov Symphonic poem Stenka Razine
105. Glinka Ruslan and Ludmilla Ouverture
106. Gluck Alceste Ouverture
107. Gluck Iphigenia in Aulis Ouverture
108. Goldmark Sakuntala ouverture
109. Gorecki Henryk Symphony no 3 "Symphony of Sorrowful Songs"
110. Granados 3 danzas espanolas- (arr.L. de Grignon)
111. Granados Goyescas- intermezzo
112. Grieg Peer Gynt Suite no 1
113. Grieg Peer Gynt Suite no2
114. Grieg Holberg Suite
115. Grieg Norwgiesche Tanze
116. Gossec Sinfonie B dur
117. Handel Frideric Georg Concerti grossi
118. Handel Frideric Georg Messiah
119. Handel Frideric Georg Music for Royal Fireworks
120. Handel Frideric Georg Water music
121. Hatchaturian Gayane suite no3
122. Hatchaturian Spartacus suite no 3
123. Haydn Joseph Franz Ouvertures
124. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 26
125. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 31
126. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 39
127. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 44
128. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 45
129. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 49
130. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 63-second version
131. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 82
132. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 83
133. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 92
134. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 94
135. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 95
136. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 99
137. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 100
138. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 101
139. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 102
140. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 103
141. Haydn Joseph Franz Symphony no 104
142. Haydn Kindersymphonie
143. Haydn Nelson Mass
144. Haydn Seasons
145. Haydn Creation
146. Haydn Seven last words (Chorus and orchestral version)
147. Hindemith Paul Mathis der Maler
148. Holst Gustav The Planets
149. Honegger Symphony no2
150. Honegger Symphony no3
151. Janacek Taras Bulba
152. Janacek Sinfonietta
154. Kodály Zoltán Galántai dance
155. Kodály Zoltán Marosszéki Dances
156. Korsakov Nikolai Rimsky Scheherazade
157. Korsakov Antar symphonic suite
158. Korsakov Grande Pasque Russe
159. Lalo Edouard Symphonie Espangole
160. Ligeti Atmospheres
161. Liszt Franz Faust symphony- both versions
162. Liszt Franz Hungarian Rhapsodies
163. Liszt Franz Les Preludes
164. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem Die Ideale
165. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem Heroide Funebre
166. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem from Cradle to grave
167. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem Hamlet
168. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem Mazeppa
169. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem Orpheus
170. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem Prometheus
171. Liszt Franz Symphonic poem Tasso
172. Liszt Liebeslied- András Béla
173. Lully Ballet suites
174. Lully Le Roi danse
175. Lutoslawski Little suite for symphony orchestra
176. Mahler Gustav Symphony no. 1
177. Mahler Gustav Symphony no 4
178. Mahler Gustav Symphony no 5
179. Mahler Gustav Symphony no 9
180. Mahler Kindertotenlieder
181. Mahler Lied von der Erde
182. Martinu Piero della Francesca Frescoes
183. Martinu Divertimento serenata for orchestra
184. Massenet suite for orchestra no. 7
185. Mendelssohn Felix A Midsummer Night's Dream
186. Mendelssohn Felix all Ouvertures
187. Mendelssohn Felix Symphony no.1
188. Mendelssohn Felix Symphony no.2
189. Mendelssohn Felix Symphony no 3 "Scotch"
190. Mendelssohn Felix Symphony Italian
191. Mendelssohn Felix Symphony Reformation
192. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus 12 Deutsche Tanze K586
193. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus all Ouvertures, divertimenti, Serenades
194. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Concert arias
195. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Coronation mass
196. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Gran Partita
197. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Masonic funeral music
198. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Requiem-Süssmayr
199. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Serenade no 13 "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"
200. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony K183 no 25
201. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony Adur K201 no 29
202. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony no.31
203. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony K319 no 33
204. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony Haffner no.35
205. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony Linz no.36
206. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony Prague no.38
207. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony K543 no 39
208. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony no 40
209. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony no 41 "Jupiter"
210. Mussorgsky Modest Night On Bald Mountain
211. Mussorgsky Modest Pictures At An Exhibition (orch. by Ravel)
212. Mussorgsky Modest Songs and dances of death
213. Nicolai Merry wives of Windsor Ouverture
214. Nielsen Carl Symphony no 3"Sinfonia Espansiva"
215. Nielsen Carl Symphony no 4 "Inextinguishable"
216. Nielsen Carl Symphony no 5
217. Offenbach Orpheus in der Alterwelt
218. Orff Carl Carmina Burana
219. Pachelbel Johann Canon
220. Pergolesi Giovanni Stabat Mater
221. Ponchielli Danza delle Ore
222. Prokofiev Peter and the wolf
223. Prokofiev Sergei Classical Symphony
224. Prokofiev Sergei Romeo and Juliet suite no 2
225. Prokofiev Sergei Symphonies no 1-5
226. Prokofiev Suite Lieutenant Kijé op.60
227. Purcell Pavane and Chaconne in g minor
228. Rachmaninov Sergei Isle of Dead
229. Rachmaninov Sergei Symphonies no 1, 2 , 3
230. Rameau Ballet suites
231. Ránki György King Pomádé’s new clothes
232. Ravel Maurice Bolero
233. Ravel Maurice Daphnis suite no 2
234. Ravel Maurice La Valse
235. Ravel Maurice Le Tombeau de Couperin
236. Ravel Maurice Mother Goose
237. Ravel Maurice pavane
238. Reichardt Symphony D major
239. Respighi 3rd set of Antiche danze ed arie
240. Respighi Fontane
241. Respighi Pini di Roma
242. Respighi Uccelli
243. Rossini all Ouvertures
244. Rossini La danza
245. Rózsa Viva Ludwig Van
246. Saint-Saens Camille Carnival of Animals
247. Saint-Saens Camille Symphony no 3 "Organ"
248. Saint-Saens Un nuit a Lisbonne
249. Satie Erik Trois Gymnopedies
250. Schoenberg Arnold Verklaerte Nacht
251. Schubert Franz G major mass,
252. Schubert Franz Ouvertures
253. Schubert Franz Rosamunde incidental music
254. Schubert Franz Symphony no1
255. Schubert Franz Symphony no 2
256. Schubert Franz Symphony no 3
257. Schubert Franz Symphony no 4
258. Schubert Franz Symphony no 5
259. Schubert Franz Symphony no 6
260. Schubert Franz Symphony no 7
261. Schubert Franz Symphony no 8 Unfinished
262. Schubert Franz Symphony no 9 „Great”
263. Schumann Ouverture Scherzo and finale
264. Schumann Robert Genoveva Ouverture
265. Schumann Robert Manfred Ouverture
266. Schumann Robert symphony no 1
267. Schumann Robert symphony no 2
268. Schumann Robert symphony no 3
269. Schumann Robert symphony no 4
270. Scriabin Alexander Poem of Ecstacy
271. Shchedrin Rodion Carmen suite
272. Shostakovich C minor string quartet-string orchestra version
273. Shostakovich Dmitri Film music from the Gadfly
274. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 6
275. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 1
276. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 10
277. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 14
278. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 5
279. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 7
280. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 8 in C minor
281. Shostakovich Dmitri Symphony no 9
282. Sibelius Jean En saga
283. Sibelius Jean Finlandia
284. Sibelius Jean Symphony no 1 in E minor
285. Sibelius Jean Symphony no 2
286. Sibelius Jean Symphony no 4
287. Sibelius Jean Symphony no 5
288. Sibelius Jean Symphony no 6
289. Sibelius Jean Symphony no 7
290. Sibelius Jean Tuonela
291. Sibelius Valse triste
292. Sissilanos Yorgos 6 Pieces Fantastiques
293. Sissilianos Yorgos 1st string quartet (string orchestra adaption by Notis Georgiou)
294. Sissilianos Yorgos Erotic Epigrammes
295. Sissilianos Yorgos Metamorphoses
296. Sissilianos Yorgos Symphony no 2
297. Sissilianos Yorgos Symphony no1
298. Skalkottas Nikos 36 Greek dances
299. Smetana Ma Vlast
300. Smetana Die Verkaufte Braut Ouverture
301. Strauss family The Blue Danube, Polkas, Marches
302. Strauss Richard Metamorphoses
303. Strauss Richard Also Sprach Zarathustra
304. Strauss Richard Don Juan
305. Strauss Richard Don Quixote
306. Strauss Richard Till Eulenspiegel
307. Strauss Richard Tod und Verklarung
308. Stravinsky Igor 4 russian songs
309. Stravinsky Igor Firebird
310. Stravinsky Igor Octet
311. Stravinsky Igor Petroushka
312. Stravinsky Igor Rite Of Spring
313. Stravinsky Igor Soldier's Tale
314. Stravinsky Igor Svadebka-Les Noces
315. Stravinsky Igor Symphony in Three Movements
316. Stravinsky Igor Symphony of Psalms
317. Suk Serenade op. 6
318. Svoboda Ouverture of the season
319. Tchaikovsky Mozartiana suite no 4
320. Tchaikovsky Ouverture 1812
321. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Francesca da Rimini
322. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Italian Caprice
323. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Manfred
324. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Nutcracker
325. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Romeo and Juliet
326. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Symphony no 1
327. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Symphony no 2
328. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Symphony no 4
329. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Symphony no 5
330. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch Symphony no 6 "Pathetique"
331. Tschaikovsky Sleeping beauty
332. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilitch The Swan Lake
333. Tchaikovsky Seasons
334. Tchaikovsky Serenade for strings
335. Tenidis Vassilis 5 Archaic dances
336. Tenidis Vassilis Archaic Symphony
337. Tenidis Vassilis Byzantine Ouverture
338. Tenidis Vassilis Charkcircle-Brecht
339. Tenidis Vassilis Christmas Suite
340. Tenidis Vassilis Great Ballade of Shepherds
341. Tenidis Vassilis Greek Suite for strings
342. Tenidis Vassilis Music for ancient greek dramas
343. Tenidis Vassilis Ouverture 1940
344. Tenidis Vassilis 5 Mythological Scenes
345. Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis
346. Vaughan Williams Symphony no 5
347. Verdi Giuseppe Messa Da Requiem
348. Verdi Quattro pezzi sacri
349. Vivaldi Antonio Concerti Grossi
350. Wagner Richard Ouvertures
351. Wagner Richard Wesendock Lieder
352. Walton Facade 2nd suite
353. Weber Invitation to dance
354. Weber Jubel Ouverture
355. Weber Oberon Ouverture
356. Weber Freischütz Ouverture
357. Webern 6 Stücke für Orchester
358. Weiner Leo Divertimento
359. Weiner Leo Hungarian Folk Dances
360. Xenakis Morsima Amorsima

1. Albinoni Tomaso Concerti per oboe
2. Albinoni Tomaso Oboe Concerto in D minor, Op. 9, no 2
3. Bach Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto no 1 in F major
4. Bach Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto no 2 in F major
5. Bach Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto no 3 in G major
6. Bach Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto no 4 in G major
7. Bach Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto no 5 in D major
8. Bach Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto no 6 in B flat major
9. Bach Johann Sebastian Concerto for 2 Violins in D minor "Double"
10. Bach Johann Sebastian Harpsichord Concerto no 1 in D minor
11. Bach Johann Sebastian Harpsichord Concerto no 2 in D minor
12. Bach Johann Sebastian Harpsichord Concerto no 3 in D minor
13. Bach Johann Sebastian Harpsichord Concerto no 4 in D minor
14. Bach Johann Sebastian Harpsichord Concerto no 5 in F minor
15. Bach Johann Sebastian Violin Concerto no 1 in A minor
16. Bach Johann Sebastian Violin Concerto no 2 in E major
17. Barber Samuel Violin Concerto
18. Bartók Béla Concerto for Orchestra
19. Bartók Béla Piano Concerto no 1 in A major
20. Bartók Béla Piano Concerto no 2 in G major
21. Bartók Béla Piano Concerto no 3 in E major
22. Bartók Béla violin concerto
23. Bartók Béla Violin Concerto no 2 in B minor
24. Beethoven Ludwig van Ah perfido
25. Beethoven Ludwig van Choral fantasy
26. Beethoven Ludwig van Piano Concerto no 1 in C major
27. Beethoven Ludwig van Piano Concerto no 2 in B flat major
28. Beethoven Ludwig van Piano Concerto no 3 in C minor
29. Beethoven Ludwig van Piano Concerto no 4 in G major
30. Beethoven Ludwig van Piano Concerto no 5 "Emperor" in E flat major
31. Beethoven Ludwig van Romance no 1, 2 for Violin and Orchestra
32. Beethoven Ludwig van Triple Concerto C major
33. Beethoven Ludwig van Violin Concerto in D major
34. Berg Alban Chamber Concerto (violin and piano and 13 instruments)
35. Berg Alban Violin Concerto
36. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 1
37. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 10
38. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 11
39. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 12
40. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 2
41. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 3
42. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 4
43. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 5
44. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 6
45. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 7
46. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 8
47. Boccherini Luigi Cello Concerto no 9
48. Boismortier Concerto for 4 flutes
49. Borne Carmen Fantasy for flute and Orchestra- (arranged by Bogár)
50. Bottesini Double concerto for violin and Doublebass
51. Brahms Johannes Double Concerto in A minor
52. Brahms Johannes Piano Concerto no 1 in D minor
53. Brahms Johannes Piano Concerto no 2 in B flat major
54. Brahms Johannes Violin Concerto in D major
55. Bruch Max Violin Concerto no 1 in G minor
56. Bruch Max Violin Concerto no 2 in D minor
57. Cannabich Double Concerto
58. Chopin Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise op.22
59. Chopin Frederic Lá ci darem
60. Chopin Frederic Piano Concerto no 1 in E minor
61. Chopin Frederic Piano Concerto no 2 in F minor
62. Corelli Arcangelo Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 6, no 8
63. Devienne Flute Concerti
64. Dittersdorf Double bass concerti
65. Dodgson Stephen Guitar Concert no 1
66. Dodgson Stephen Guitar Concert no 2
67. Dohnányi Nursery song variations
68. Doppler Duettino Americano
69. Dvorak Antonin Cello Concerto in B minor
70. Dvorak Antonin piano Concerto
71. Dvorak Antonin Violin Concerto in A minor
72. Elgar Edward Cello Concerto in E minor
73. Elgar Edward Violin Concerto in B minor
74. Falla Manuel de harpsichord concerto
75. Falla Manuel de Noches en los Jardines de Espana
76. Faure Gabriel Elegy for cello and orchestra
77. Franck Cesar Symphonic Variations
78. Franck Les Djinns
79. Gershwin George Piano Concerto in F major
80. Gershwin George Rhapsody In Blue
81. Giuliani Mauro Guitar concerto
82. Glazunov Alexander Violin Concerto in A minor
83. Goldmark Violin concerto
84. Grieg Edvard Piano Concerto in A minor
85. Handel Frideric Georg Concerto Grosso in B flat major, Op. 6, no 7
86. Handel Frideric Georg Concerto Grosso in D major, Op. 6, no 5
87. Handel Frideric Georg Concerto Grosso in D minor, Op. 6, no 10
88. Handel Frideric Georg Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 6, no 6
89. Handel Frideric Georg Organ Concerto no 11 in G minor, Op. 7/5
90. Handel G. F. Organ Concerto no 13 in F major "The Cuckoo & the Nightengale"
91. Hatchaturian violin concerto
92. Haydn Franz Josef Keyboard Concerto in D major, H. 18/11
93. Haydn Joseph Cello Concerto no 1 in C minor
94. Haydn Joseph Cello Concerto no 2 in D major
95. Haydn Joseph Horn concerto D dur
96. Haydn Joseph Sinfonia Concertante in B flat major
97. Haydn Joseph Trumpet Concerto in E flat major
98. Hummel Johann Nepomuk Piano Concerto no 2 in A minor
99. Hummel Johann Nepomuk Trumpet Concerto in E flat major
100. Ibert Flute concerto
100. Koussevitzky Doublebass concerto fis moll
101. Lalo Edouard Symphonie Espagnole
102. Liszt Franz Piano Concerto no 1 in E flat major
103. Liszt Franz Piano Concerto no 2 in A major
104. Liszt Franz Totentanz in D minor
105. Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody
106. Lutoslawski Witold Cello Concerto
107. Lutoslawski Witold Concerto for Orchestra
108. Massenet Thais-meditation
109. Mendelssohn Felix Piano Concerto no 1 in G minor
110. Mendelssohn Felix Piano Concerto no 2 in D minor
111. Mendelssohn Felix violin concerto in d minor
112. Mendelssohn Felix Violin Concerto in E minor
113. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Bassoon Concerto in B flat major
114. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Clarinet Concerto in A major
115. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Flute and Harp Concerto in C major
116. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Flute concerto D major
117. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Flute Concerto no 1 in G major
118. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Horn Concerto no 1
119. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Horn Concerto no 2
120. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Horn Concerto no 3 in E flat major
121. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Horn Concerto no 4 in E flat major
122. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Oboe Concerto in C major
123. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 9 in E flat major "Jeunehomme"
124. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 14 in E flat major
125. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 15 in B flat major
126. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 17 in G major
127. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 18 in B flat major
128. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 19 in F major
129. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 20 in D minor
130. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 21 in C major
131. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 22 in E flat major
132. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 23 in A major
133. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 24 in C minor
134. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 25 in C major
135. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 26 in D major "Coronation"
136. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Concerto no 27 in B flat major
137. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Sinfonia Concertante for Winds in E flat major
138. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Sinfonia Concertante in E flat major violin, viola
139. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Violin Concerto no 1
140. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Violin Concerto no 2
141. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Violin Concerto no 3 in G major
142. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Violin Concerto no 4 in D major
143. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Violin Concerto no 5 in A major "Turkish"
144. Nielsen Flute Concerto
145. Paganini Niccolo Violin Concerto no 1 in D major
146. Paganini Niccolo Violin Concerto no 2 in B minor
147. Pergolesi Giovanni Battista Violin Concerto in B Dur
148. Pergolesi flute concerto in G major
149. Poulenc Francis Concerto for 2 Pianos in D minor
150. Poulenc Francis Organ Concerto in G minor
151. Prokofiev Sergei Piano Concerto no 2 in G minor
152. Prokofiev Sergei Piano Concerto no 3 in C major
153. Prokofiev Sergei Piano Concerto no 5
154. Prokofiev Sergei Violin Concerto no1 in D major
155. Prokofiev Sergei Violin Concerto no 2 in G minor
156. Quantz e moll flute concerto
157. Rachmaninov Sergei Piano Concerto no 1 in F sharp minor
158. Rachmaninov Sergei Piano Concerto no 2 in C minor
159. Rachmaninov Sergei Piano Concerto no 3 in D minor
160. Rachmaninov Sergei Piano Concerto no 4 in G minor
161. Rachmaninov Sergei Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini
162. Ravel Maurice Piano Concerto in D major(for the left hand)
163. Ravel Maurice Piano Concerto in G major
164. Ravel Tzigane
165. Reinecke Flute Concerto
166. Rodrigo Fantasia para un gentil ombre
167. Rodrigo Joaquin Concerto De Aranjuez
168. Rózsa Guitar concerto
169. Saint-Saens Camille Allegro appassionato
170. Saint-Saens Camille Cello Concerto no 1 in A minor
171. Saint-Saens Camille Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso in A minor
172. Saint-Saens Camille Piano Concerto no 2 in G minor
173. Saint-Saens Camille Piano Concerto no 4 in C minor
174. Saint-Saens Camille Piano Concerto no 5 in F major "Egyptian"
175. Saint-Saens Camille Violin Concerto no 3 in B minor
176. Saint-Saens Danse macabre
177. Schubert Wanderer-arr. Liszt
178. Schumann Konzertstück op.86
179. Schumann Robert Cello Concerto in A minor
180. Schumann Robert Piano Concerto in A minor
181. Shostakovich Dmitri Cello Concerto no 1 in E flat major
182. Shostakovich Dmitri Cello Concerto no 2 in G major
183. Shostakovich Dmitri Piano Concerto no 1 in C minor
184. Shostakovich Dmitri Piano Concerto no 2 in F major
185. Shostakovich Dmitri Violin Concerto no 1 in A minor
186. Sibelius Jean Violin Concerto in D minor
187. Sissilianos Yorgos Piano Concerto
188. Skalkottas Doublebass Concerto
189. Stamitz Concerto for Flute C dur
190. Strauss 4 letzte Lieder
191. Strauss Burleske
192. Strauss Richard Horn Concerto no 1 in E flat major
193. Strauss Richard Horn Concerto no 2 in E flat major
194. Strauss Richard Oboe Concerto in D major
195. Stravinsky Igor Violin Concerto in D major
196. Szervánszky Clarinet Serenade
197. Szervánszky Flute Concerto
198. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilyich Piano Concerto no 1 in B flat minor
199. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilyich Piano Concerto no 2 in G major
200. Tchaikovsky Peter Ilyich Violin Concerto in D major
201. Tchaikovsky Rococo variations
202. Tedesco Castelnuovo Guitar concerto
203. Telemann Georg Double Horn Concerto in E flat major
204. Telemann Georg Trumpet Concerto in D major
205. Telemann Georg Viola Concerto in G major
206. Tenidis Vassilis In memoriam John Lennon guitar concert
207. Tenidis Vassilis Rhapsody of pontos
208. Tenidis Vassilis Rockconcert
209. Tenidis Vassilis Tarregiana
210. Villa Lobos Guitar concerto
211. Vivaldi Antonio Flute Concerto in G minor, Op. 10/1, RV439
212. Vivaldi Antonio Double Trumpet Concerto in C major
213. Vivaldi Antonio Flute Concerto in F major, Op. 10/2, RV433 "La Tempesta di Mare"
214. Vivaldi Antonio Mandolin Concerto in C major
215. Vivaldi Antonio The Four Seasons
216. Vivaldi Antonio Violin Concerto a minor
217. Vivaldi Antonio Violin Concerto in E major, RV271 "L'amoroso"
218. Vivaldi Antonio Double cello concerto g minor
219. Walton William Cello Concerto
220. Walton William Viola Concerto
221. Walton William Violin Concerto
222. Weber Carl Maria von Bassoon Concerto in F major
223. Weber Carl Maria von Clarinet Concerto no 1 in F minor
224. Weber Carl Maria von Clarinet Concerto no 2 in E flat major
225. Weber Carl Maria von Konzertstuck in F minor
226. Wieniawski Henryk Violin Concerto no 2 in D minor

1. Bartók Béla Duke Bluebeard's Castle

2. Beethoven Ludwig van Fidelio
3. Bellini Vincenzo I Puritani
4. Bellini Vincenzo La Sonnambula
5. Bellini Vincenzo Norma
6. Berlioz Hector Beatrice et Benedict
7. Berlioz Hector Les Troyens
8. Bizet Georges Carmen
9. Bizet Georges Les Pecheurs des Perles
10. Boito Arrigo Mefistofele
11. Borodin Alexander Prince Igor
12. Britten Benjamin Peter Grimes
13. Debussy Claude Pelleas and Mellisande
14. Donizetti Gaetano Don Pasquale
15. Donizetti Gaetano La Fille du Regiment
16. Donizetti Gaetano L'Elisir D'Amore
17. Donizetti Gaetano Lucia Di Lammermoor
18. Erkel Ferenc Hunyadi Laszlo
19. Erkel Ferenc Bank Ban
20. Giordano Umberto Andre Chenier
21. Gluck Christoph Willibald Orpheus and Eurydice
22. Gluck Alceste
23. Gounod Charles Faust
24. Gounod Charles Romeo and Juliet
25. Humperdink Engelbert Hansel and Gretel
26. Janacek Leos Jenufa
27. Korsakoff Nikolai Rimsky Le Coq d' Or
28. Leoncavallo Rugierro I Pagliacci
29. Mascagni Pietro Cavalleria Rusticana
30. Massenet Jules Thais
31. Monteverdi Claudio Orfeo
32. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Cosi Fan Tutte
33. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Don Giovanni
34. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Idomeneo
35. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus The Abduction from the Seraglio
36. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus The Magic Flute
37. Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus The Marriage of Figaro
38. Mussorgsky Modest Boris Godunov
39. Offenbach Jacques Tales of Hoffman
40. Pergolesi Giovanni La Serva Padrona
41. Ponchielli Amilcare La Gioconda
42. Poulenc Frances Dialogues des Carmelites
43. Puccini Fanciulla del West
44. Puccini Giacomo Gianni Schicchi
45. Puccini Giacomo La Boheme
46. Puccini Giacomo Madame Butterfly
47. Puccini Giacomo Manon Lescaut
48. Puccini Giacomo Tosca
49. Puccini Giacomo Turandot
50. Purcell Henry Dido and Aeneas
51. Rossini Gioacchino La Cenerentola
52. Rossini Gioacchino The Barber Of Seville
53. Saint-Saens Camille Samson and Delilah
54. Strauss Richard Ariadne auf Naxos
55. Strauss Richard Der Rosenkavalier
56. Strauss Richard Elektra
57. Strauss Richard Salome
58. Stravinsky Igor The Rake's Progress
59. Tchaikovsky Peter Eugene Onegin
60. Tchaikovsky Peter Illitch Pique Dame
61. Verdi Giuseppe Aida
62. Verdi Giuseppe Don Carlos
63. Verdi Giuseppe Ernani
64. Verdi Giuseppe Falstaff
65. Verdi Giuseppe Il Trovatore
66. Verdi Giuseppe La Forza Del Destino
67. Verdi Giuseppe La Traviata
68. Verdi Giuseppe Macbeth
69. Verdi Giuseppe Nabucco
70. Verdi Giuseppe Otello
71. Verdi Giuseppe Rigoletto
72. Verdi Giuseppe The Masked Ball
73. Wagner Richard Der Ring des Nibelungen
74. Wagner Richard Die Meistersinger
75. Wagner Richard Parsifal
76. Wagner Richard Tannhauser
77. Wagner Richard The Flying Dutchman
78. Wagner Richard Tristan Und Isolde
79. Wagner Richard. Lohengrin
80. Weber Carl Maria von Oberon
81. Weber Carl Maria von Euryanthe
The Prestige Agency Artist Management

Acco Duo Nicholas Anderson Claudia Antonelli Volodja Balzalorsky Giuliano Belotti Philippe Bertaud Luz Maria Bobadilla Elena Bresciani
Bayan and Cellist Harpist Violinist Guitarist Guitarist Guitarist Soprano
Accordion Duo “...solid talents in a “...An excellent “...An extremely “...endowed with great “...Astonishing “...virtuous or better “...powerful, dark-hued
“...Young musicians handsome program... Italian harpist...” fine artist... musical finesse...” virtuosity...Dazzling prodigious was each smoothly controlled
already masters of generated a pleasant BERNARD HOLLAND, a gifted musician...” ALBERTO PONCE, technique...” performance by this soprano voice...”
their instruments...”. evening of music...” NEW YORK TIMES SALVATORE GRILLO, CLASSICAL LOS ANGELES TIMES brilliant artist...” LA GAZZETTE

Eugenius Chevkenov April Clayton Ensemble Flavio Cucchi Alain Daboncourt Elida Dakoli Duo de Salzburg Duo Equal
Violinist/Conductor Flutist Concertante Vienna Guitarist Flutist Pianist Cellist & Pianist Temperament
“... displayed considerable “...Elegance and Chamber Orchestra “...a musician of the “...elegance and “ artist of “...they possessed Percussionists
virtuosity...An artist style...intonation “ orchestra of highest order. He has passion...the flutist’s gifted musicality... what true musicians “...Terrific...Their
of outstanding gifts!” and technique highest quality...” an incredible facility soaring sound Elida Dakoli is a have, passion...” energy and musicianship
for speed...” was stunning.” rare find...” DECCAN HERALD, infected everyone”

Duo Mento Goran Filipec Notis Georgiou Leticia Gómez-Tagle Gulay and Halaf & Langheim Ana Belen Herrezuelo Gabriel Hwang
Pianist Siblings Pianist Conductor Pianist the Ensemble Aras Violin & Viola Pianist Conductor
“...really exquisite “...Virtuosity “...A most mature “...brilliant touch, “...a concert worth to “...a beautiful “...Incomparable “...Deep, wonderful
playing, clarity, in the blood...” artist predestined for a balanced dynamic... see...marvellous music and unforgettable sensitivity, artistic expression and
colors, phrasing... BOSILJKA beautiful future.” excellent technique...” from the peoples of the performance...” extraordinary super leadership...”

Vladislav Kovalsky Gianluca Luisi John McArthur Steven Mento Tali Morgulis Alessio Nanni Ignacio Ornes Daniele Petralia
Pianist Pianist Pianist Composer Pianist Pianist Guitarist Pianist
“ outstanding “...a very strong “...incredibly “...compositions are “...Tali Morgulis “...a phenomenon, “...a gifted guitarist “Daniele Petralia is
performer...” and imaginative artist beautiful... heartfelt, beautifully is a pianist of a piano virtuoso, able and a sensitive an accomplished and
MILWAUKEE JOURNAL who deserves unforgettable crafted, fresh and exceptional talent...” to arouse enthusiasm of worthwhile pianist”.
more recognition...” performance...” expressive...” BYRON JANIS in the audience”. the best guitarists VLADIMIR ASHKENAZY

Gregory Rivkin John Rose Carlos Seise Dimitris Sgouros Sona Nova Robert Katkov- Lei Weng Claudia Zorbas
Trumpeter Composer/Pianist Tenor Pianist Duo Performers Trevino Pianist Violinist
“...a musical genius... “...his compositions are “...demonstrated an “...the best pianist “...brilliant virtuoso... Conductor “...Fabulous playing... “...Little girl,
An extraordinary rewarding to play exceptional dominion I have ever heard, absolutely boundless “...the talented young really fresh, giant talent...”,
trumpet player...” and which deserve of the stage with his including myself...” joy of music-making... conductor made a personal!...Lovely NEVILLE COHN,
PAUL MERCER to be heard”. pure Tenor voice...” ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN unbelievable range...” strong impression...” shaping of phrases...” THE WEST

131 W EST SENECA STR EET, SUITE 309 • M A NLIUS, NEW YORK 13104 • TEL: 315.637.2786
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Cypriot Conductor Elected to European Academy of Sciences and Arts
2008-03-20 08:33:29

Nicosia, March 19th

Cypriot conductor Notis Georgiou has been elected member of the European Academy of
Sciences and Arts during a ceremony held in Salzburg, Austria. The honorary diploma
was presented to Mr. Georgiou by the President of the Academy, in the presence of the
Chancellor of Austria Alfred Gusenbauer.

Born in Nicosia in 1976, Notis Georgiou began studying music at the National Odeum of
Cyprus. He soon became the lead Double Bassist of the National Youth Orchestra of
Cyprus and continued his studies in music performance and composition at the Franz
Liszt Academy of Music-in Budapest, Hungary.

At the age of 17 he won First Prize in the Hungarian Guitar Competition, gaining an
international reputation. Three years later, Notis Georgiou made his solo debut in the
World Premiere of Concertino per Ventidueby Pai Rozza, the first guitar competition
ever written by a Hungarian composer which was dedicated to this young musician. In
1998, he graduated with honors from the Liszt Academy of Music.

In 1999, Georgiou was enrolled in a one year post graduate course in conducting with the
Florence Symfonietta, under the guidance of the widely reputed Maestro Piero Bellugi .
While there, he received his diploma in conducting from the Conservatory of Music Luigi
Cherubinii, in Florence Italy.

After returning to the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in 2000, he received his masters in
music degree under the supervision of Maestro Ervin Lukacs and Tamas Gal.

In the same year, Georgiou gave another World Premiere, this time as the conductor of
Pal Rozsa's orchestral work, Viva Ludwig Van, a work also dedicated to him by the
composer. Having now gained an international reputation, the young conductor was
offered a series of world premiere works to conduct by several European masters.

In the last few years, Maestro Georgiou has served in numerous conducting posts as the
Conductor and Manager of the Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Ministry of the
Interior, Music Director and Conductor of the Bela Bartok Music Academy Symphony
Orchestra and Music Director and Conductor of the International Youth Orchestra
Workshops of Godolio, Hungary.

The European Academy of Sciences and Arts was created in 1985 in Salzburg, by heart
surgeon Felix Unger of Salzburg, the archbishop of Vienna, Franz Cardinal Konig, and
the political scientist and philosopher Nikolaus Lobkowicz.

The Academy currently hosts around 1,300 of Europe's top scientists and artists as
members -among them fifteen Nobel laureates - who approach the questions facing
Europe and the globe in various colloquia and publications.
Notis Georgiou

Notis Georgiou, Conductor

The youngest and the only Cypriot member to be inducted into the
European Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Maestro Georgiou is one of Europe's acclaimed young conductors, soloist, chamber
musician and educator.

Conductor Guest Conductor

He has served as the Conductor and Manager Guest Conductor positions include the Greek
of the Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian State Orchestra, Cairo Opera House- Cairo
Ministry of Interior, Music Director and Symphony Orchestra.
Conductor of the Bela Bartok Music Academy
Symphony, Principal Conductor of the Vass
Lajos Symphony Orchestra, and is the
Artist Collaborations
Conductor of the Budapest Concert Orchestra,
Cyprien Katsaris (Cyprus, France); Andrei
known for its participation in several
Iliushnikov (Kirov Opera); Vilmos Szabadi
prestigious projects such as The Three Tenors,
(Hungary) - a Hungaroton World Premier
with Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, and
recording will be released in late 2008; Eva
Jose Careras.
Marton (Hungary); Leonidas Kavakos (Greece)

Previous Honors
Previous honors include: Honorary Jury Membership of the International Festival of Palais des
Beaux Arts, Brussels.

Music Samples
Berlioz: Fantastique: Budapest Concert Orchestra
Mendelssohn: Die Hebriden: Orchestra "Danube" of Hungarian Ministry of Interior
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5: Budapest Concert Orchestra

----- Original Message -----
From: Katsaris piano21
To: undisclosed recipient
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 9:41 AM
Subject: Message from Cyprien Katsaris





-----Original Message-----
From: Katsaris piano21
Cc: Françoise Calteux

I had the pleasure to collaborate in 2009 with the remarkable Cyprus Conductor
Notis Georgiou.

We performed Beethoven's Concerto N°3 with the "MAV" Orchestra in Budapest. I

was indeed impressed by the musical understanding and the technical skills of
Georgiou. The communication between us was perfect and the truth of the matter is
that something positively "special" happened during the concert.

It was music-creating and not just routine as one can experience too often during
concerts. Moreover, Notis Georgiou conducted Beethoven's Concerto N°3 for piano
and orchestra by heart (additionally to the symphonic works), which is quite unusual.

As far as I am concerned, I have already performed this concerto about 90 times

worldwide and this was the only time that I ever saw a conductor doing it by

I warmly recommend Mr Georgiou to your kind attention.


Cyprien Katsaris.
To whom it may concern

I was the teacher of Panagiotis Georgiou at the conducting Faculty of

the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music for 3 years.

During this period I perfectly realised that we have to deal with an

extraordinary talent.

His technique was far more advanced than this brief triennal period.
However, this is of minor importance compared to his unbelievably
unique and personal, though always reasonable and well founded
concept and his extraordinarily high-standard musical gifts and artistic

While conducting, in a minimum of time he succeded in

communicating with every single member of the orchestra applying his
rare psychological mastery and sensitivity.

His exams always belonged to the most outstanding cultural events of

the Academy.

I consider him one of the most talented and most mature artists. I
kindly ask you to provide him all the necessary assistance required,
the standard of its fruits I willingly guarantee.

Ervin Lukács
Président de la Philharmonie du Budapest,
Chef d’ Orchestre de l’ Opera Nationale Hongroise

O2/O4/2OO6, Budapest
Review of February 27th's concert

Listening to colleague Notis Georgiou conducting the Savaria Symphony Orchestra in the
concert of February 27th was an extraordinary joy.
During the first part of the programme, he convinced the audience fully of his absolute
control over the orchestra, of his readiness to unceasingly serve every single musical need
and of his ability to support the soloist’s interpretation with mastery and flexibility.
The second part of the concert, featuring W.A.Mozart’s most challenging „Jupiter”
Symphony, calls for particular acknowledgment. Here too, the excellent quality of preparatory
sessions was undoubtedly evident.
I congratulate Maestro Notis Georgiou, for I strongly beleive that, thanks to his unique artistic
and conducting gifts, he inspired the orchestra to employ the maximum of its potentials.


Original text in Hungarian:

Kedves Kolléga,
nagy örömmel hallgattam az Ön koncertjét a Szombathelyi Szimfonikus Zenekarral február
27-én. A mĦsor elsĘ felében már meggyĘzĘ bizonyságát adta a hallgatónak, hogy a zenekart
minden zenei igényt illetĘen a kezében tartja és a zongoraversenyt a szólista elképzelését
megfelelĘen támogatja.
Számomra különleges elismerést érdemel a koncert második része, ahol W.A.Mozart
"Jupiter" szimfóniája hangzott el. Félreismerhetetlen volt a kitĦnĘ próbamunka az elĘkészítés
folyamán. Azt hiszem, hogy az elhangzott koncerten az Ön képessége a zenekart a maximális
teljesítĘképességre inspirálta, amihez tiszta szívbĘl gratulálok:

Sebestyén ErnĘ

2006.Március 29
From: Martino Tirimo
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 4:04 PM
To: Notis Georgiou
Subject: Re:

Dear Notis

In fact, I thought a lot about you last week when I played with the Thessaloniki State
Orch. and had an Israeli conductor who was very pleasant, but who could not allow
me (or the orchestra) to breathe - and in Chopin this is especially vital! This is
something which you did wonderfully well and I thank you for it.

All my best wishes,


T: 020 8677 4847

M: 07799 410 970

Kedves Notis!

Tény, hogy sokat gondoltam rád múlt héten, amikor a Thessaloniki Állami
Zenekarral játszottam és egy izraeli karmesterem volt, nagyon kellemes ugyan, de
aki nem volt képes megengedni nekem (sem a zenekarnak), hogy lélegezzünk- és
Chopinnél ez kiváltképpen életfontosságú! Köszönöm, amiért ezt Te gyönyörűen

Legjobb kívánságaimmal,

T: 020 8677 4847

M: 07799 410 970
Fax: +43-1/337 23 – 400, e-mail: ·
Universal Edition AG, Bösendorferstraße 12 A-1010 Wien, Telefon: +43-1/337 23 – 0,
Panagiotis Notis Georgiou

Cenkhegy u. 9
Budapest 1112, Hungary

Vienna, 21.10.02

Refr.: Zoltán Kodály „Psalmus Hungaricus“, translation into ancient Greek

Dear Mr. Panagiotis,

We are pleased to inform you that we are agreeable to your above translation.

Our authorization applies to own performances.

The translator does not have the right to make photocopies of the ancient Greek version,
neither to rent nor to distribute it.

We kindly ask you to inform us about the performance dates of the above version.

The complete material will be sent to you on condition that you undersign and return one copy
of this letter.

With kind regards,

Aygün Lausch

Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft · Sitz Wien · FN 73843v

Handelsgericht Wien · DVR: 0836702 · UID-Nr.: ATU 14891900
Piano, coaching and accompaniment
My abilities are documentated as follows:

1.During my first cycle of studies at the Liszt Academy of Music (obligatory piano
entry exams, obligatory piano education and final piano exams). A copy of the
detailed programme of studies and index is available upon request.

2.Successful exams of the 7th year in composition at the Luigi Cherubini

Conservatory in Florence Italy, which include, among other, exams in piano and sight
reading of orchestral full score on the piano.

3.During my cycle of studies at the Orchestral Conducting Faculty of the Luigi

Cherubini Conservatory (obligatory entry exams on piano and orchestral full score
sight reading on piano, final piano exams, final orchestral score sight reading exams
on piano, coaching, correpetition and accompaniment of Opera in original language
(subjects lasting 6 semesters each). A copy of the detailed programme of studies and
index is available upon request.

4. During my cycle of studies at the Orchestral Conducting and Composition Faculty

of the Liszt Academy (obligatory entry exams on piano and orchestral full score sight
reading on piano, final piano exams, final orchestral score sight reading exams on
piano, coaching, correpetition and accompaniment of Opera in original language
(subjects lasting 1O semesters each). A copy of the detailed programme of studies
and index is available upon request.

5. Through my performance practice as keyboardist (soloist and continuo player).

Please see concert programmes and work certificates.

6. Through my practice as coach, correpetiteur and accompanist.

7.Through my experience as artistic director of choirs.

8. Through my experience as conductor of opera, oratorium, cantata, lied etc, with

the participation of choirs and singer soloists.

9. Through my experience as chamber music tutor at the Béla Bartók Music


1O. As conductor of the Hungarian State Opera House.

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