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A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Metabolites with

Antialgal Activity from Marine Macroalgae against Red

Tide Microalgae

Authors: Sun, Yingying, Dong, Shasha, Zhou, Wenjing, Guo, Lei, Guo,
Gan-Lin, et al.
Source: Journal of Coastal Research, 93(sp1) : 475-488
Published By: Coastal Education and Research Foundation

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Journal of Coastal Research SI 93 475–488 Coconut Creek, Florida 2019

A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Metabolites with Antialgal

Activity from Marine Macroalgae against Red Tide Microalgae
Yingying Sun†‡*, Shasha Dong†, Wenjing Zhou†, Lei Guo†, Gan-Lin Guo†§, and Xin Zhang†

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Marine

Co-innovation Center of Jiangsu

Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Marine

Bioresources and Eco-environment Marine Bio-industry Technology Biotechnology

Huaihai Institute of Technology Lianyungang 222005, China Huaihai Institute of Technology
Lianyungang 222005, China Lianyungang 222005, China


Sun, Y.; Dong, S.; Zhou, W.; Guo, L.; Guo, G., and Zhang, X., 2019. A comprehensive review of
secondary metabolites with antialgal activity from marine macroalgae against red tide microalgae. In:
Guido-Aldana, P.A. and Mulahasan, S. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources and Exploration. Journal of
Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 93, pp. 475–488. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. Red tide, mainly caused by the large-scale reproduction of microscopic algae, has virtually affected every coastal
country or region in the whole world over the last several decades. In order to control and mitigate the proliferation
and diffusion of red tide microalgae, there are many methods or strategies for fighting or inhibiting red tide
microalgae species, these methods or strategies included mechanical, chemical, biological, genetic methods and
others. Unfortunately, the use of these methods or strategies is usually ineffective. There are some evidences that
the inhibition effect of marine macroalgae on the growth of red tide microalgae is mainly due to the release of
bioactive molecules, which are mainly secondary metabolites. Thus, antialgal secondary metabolites, isolated
marine macroalgae, have become an environmentally friendly alternative approach. And relevant researches of
antialgal secondary metabolites in marine macroalgae, such as screen, isolation, identification and other research
etc., have also become very important subjects to biological control of red tide microalgae. The inhibition effects
of marine macroalgae on red tide microalgae are here reviewed, focusing on antialgal secondary metabolites,
isolated from marine macroalgae, against red tide microalgae growth. Further, this paper describes isolation
and EC50-96 h (half maximal effective concentration) or IC50-96 h (half maximal inhibitory concentration) for red
tide microalgae of some antialgal secondary metabolites, including the recently discovered compounds. Finally,
this review is the first to demonstrate that development relationships between macroalgae and red tide using
CiteSpace, and cluster view of macroalgae and red tide is given for the first time. This work provides scientists in
the field with the necessary information and the urgent need to isolate and identify screening antialgal secondary
metabolites in different marine macroalgae. Also, analysis result, which obtained through CiteSpace, has pointed
out that allelopathic interaction between marine macroalgae and red tide microalgae has been developed into a
study area during the last twenty years.

ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Antialgal secondary metabolites, inhibitory activity, marine macroalgae,
microalgae, red tide.

INTRODUCTION methods (actinomycete, bacteria, algae, shell, zooplankton, fishes

Red tide, also called harmful algal blooms (HABs), occur and others) (Demeke, 2016; Pajdak-Stós, Fiałkowska, and Fyda,
frequently in marine areas, and it poses a serious threat to water 2001).
reservoir, fisheries, aquaculture, public health and tourism in the Marine macroalgae, are considered to be a potential source
last decades (Hallegraeff, 2003; Zhou and Zhu, 2006). Therefore, of secondary metabolites with wide variety of biology activity,
the control and mitigate the proliferation and diffusion of HAB including antialgal, antibacterial, antifouling, antioxidant
is important and urgently required issue for marine environment activities, and so on (El Gamal, 2010). Among these various
protection. Different strategies have been adopted (Kim, 2006), metabolites, antialgal secondary metabolites have been found in
such as physical treatment (barriers, filters, pumps, carbon many kinds of marine macroalgae including green (Alamsjah et
absorption, ultra-sonic disturbance, and ultraviolet irradiation, al., 2005; Jeong et al., 2000; Jin, 2005; Tang and Gobler, 2011)
etc.) (Visser et al., 2005), chemical manipulation (clay minerals, (Table 1), red (Alamsjah et al., 2005; An et al., 2008; Jeong et al.,
copper sulfate, yellow loess, organic amines, and so on) (Choi et 2000; Nan et al., 2004; Xu, 2005; Xu, 2008) (Table 2) and brown
al., 1998; Holdren, Jones, and Taggart, 2001; Sandrini, Huisman, macroalgae (Alamsjah et al., 2005; An, 2008; Bazes et al., 2009;
and Matthijs, 2015; Seder-Colomina et al., 2013), and biological Cho et al., 1999; Jeong et al., 2000; Kim et al., 2006; Nagayama
et al., 2003; Takedai et al., 2003; Zhang, 2009) (Table 3). Some
reports revealed that releasing of antialgal secondary metabolites
DOI: 10.2112/SI93-062.1 received 22 May 2018; accepted in revision be the inhibitory mode of action with marine macroalgae. It is
24 March 2019.
*Corresponding author:
now widely accepted that marine macroalgae can produce and
Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2019 release some secondary metabolites with inhibitory activity into

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476 Sun et al.

the environment (Alamsjah et al., 2005; Jeong et al., 2000). This study is restricted to a summary of antialgal secondary
Hence, they have drawn great attention (Cui, 2014; Hirao et al., metabolites from marine macroalgae, while non-secondary
2012; Pu et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017; Tang et metabolites with antialgal activity (for example, fatty acids and
al., 2015; Ye and Zhang, 2013). their derivatives) are not included here, and their review was
Recently, the isolation of secondary metabolites from marine presented by others researchers (Alamsjah et al., 2005; Jin, 2005;
macroalgae has been regarded as an environment friendly Oh et al., 2010; Suzuki et al., 2001).
alternative to control red tide microalgae in marine systems In addition, this review is the first to demonstrate that
(Accoroni et al., 2015; Alamsjah et al., 2005; An et al., 2008; development relationships between macroalgae and red tide by
Ben et al., 2017; Jeong et al., 2000; Nan, Zhang, and Zhao, using CiteSpace (Chen, 2009), and cluster view of macroalgae
2004; Sun et al., 2015; Tang and Gobler, 2011). These secondary and red tide is given for the first time. This is very important to
metabolites include a series of biologically active molecules, promote the development of this field and biological control of
for example, monoterpenes (Konig, Wright, and Linden, 1999), red tide microalgae using macroalgae (mainly using antialgal
bromide (Ohsawa et al., 2001), polyphenol (Gross, 2003), secondary metabolites isolated from macroalgae).
phenylpropanoids (Sun et al., 2018a), miscellaneous compounds
(Macίas et al., 2008; Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017; Sun et al., METHODS
2018a, c), and other not yet identified compounds (Accoroni et al., Utilizing data information from the Web of Science, Springer,
2015; An et al., 2008; Ben et al., 2017; Chowdhury et al., 2014; Google Scholar and CNKI, the reliable material sources of this
Sun et al., 2016; Tang and Gobler, 2011; Wang et al., 2007b). systematic manuscript paper were obtained from the literatures
However, isolation and identification of antialgal secondary published during recent twenty years. Further, to give a more
metabolites from marine macroalgae are difficult since there are explicit knowledge, development relationships between
no textbook guidelines for extraction and purification. Therefore, macroalgae and red tide in the last 20 years have been analyzed
this paper have assembled all available reference materials on by using CiteSpace (Chen, 2009).
antialgal secondary metabolites in marine macroalgae, including
growth inhibition of marine macroalgae against marine microalgae RESULTS
(Table 1, Table 2, Table 3), isolation, name of some antialgal Inhibition Effects of Macroalgae on Marine Microalgae and
secondary metabolites (Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 4), and EC50-96 Antialgal Secondary Metabolites
(half maximal effective concentration) or IC50-96 h (half maximal Tables 1, 2 and 3 summarize the inhibition effects of the
inhibitory concentration) of some antialgal secondary metabolites antialgal components from marine macroalgae in Chlorophyta,
for red tide microalgae (Tables 5-6). Rhodophyta and Ochrophyta against marine microalgae (mainly

Table 1. Inhibition effects of Chlorophyta on marine microalgae.

Chlorophyta Microalgae Antialgal Components References

Caulerpa sp., C. crassa, F. japonica, G. mikimotoi, Methanol or ethanol extract of dry

Alamsjah et al., 2005; Sun et al., 2016
Cladophora sp. H. akashiwo powder
C. polykrikoides, F. japonica, G.
mikimotoi, Methanol or ethanol and water extract Alamsjah et al., 2005; Jeong et al., 2000;
C. fragile H. akashiwo, of dry powder Sun et al., 2016
O. luteus
K. mikimitoi Tannin, organic acids and flavones? Pu et al., 2016
Chladophora sp. H. akashiwo In co-culture conditions Xu, Dong, and Jin, 2005
K. mikimotoi, Fresh tissue, dry powder and aqueous
C. ocellatus Li, Cai, and Liu, 2007
P. minimum extracts of fresh tissue
E. clathrata P. tricornutum Aqueous extracts of fresh tissue Wang et al., 2007a
An et al., 2008; Bie et al., 2011; Tian,
E. clathrata G. breve, S. costatum Aqueous extracts of dry powder
E. linza C. polykrikoides, Methanol and water extracts of dry
Jeong et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2007a
P. donghaiense powder
Alamsjah et al., 2005; Jin, Dong, and
E. linza, F. japonica, G. mikimotoi, Fresh tissues, dry powder, aqueous
Wang, 2005; Sun et al., 2012; Sun et al.,
E. intestinalis, H. akashiwo, O. luteus, and methanol or ethanol extracts of
2016; Wang et al., 2007a; Wang et al.,
U. conglobota P. micans dry tissues
2012; Xu, Dong, and Yu, 2005
A. tamarense,
A. anophagefferens, C. marina,
C. polykrikoides, H. akashiwo, K.
In co-culture conditions, dry powder,
U. lactuca brevis, Nan et al., 2008; Tang and Gobler, 2011
fresh thalli extracts
K. veneficum, Pseudo-nitzschia
multiseries, P. minimum, S.

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A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Metabolites with Antialgal Activity from Marine Macroalgae against Red Tide Microalgae477

U. fenestrata Epiphytic microalgae Extracts of dry tissue Nelson et al., 2002

U. fasciata, Ulva sp., F. japonica, G. mikimotoi,
Methanol extracts of dry powder Alamsjah et al., 2005; Sun et al., 2016
U. pencilliformis H. akashiwo, O. luteus
A. tamarense,
A. carterae, C. gracile,
C. placoidea,
Alamsjah et al., 2005; Bie et al., 2011;
F. japonica, G. breve,
Jeong et al., 2000; Jin and Dong, 2003;
G. mikimotoi, H. akashiwo, Fresh tissue, dry powder, organic
Nan, Zhang, and Zhao, 2004; Nan,
U. prolifera K. mikimitoi, solvent extracts (methanol, acetone,
Zhang, and Dong, 2004; Sun, Liu, and
N. closterium, ethyl acetate, chloroform, ether)
Wang, 2010; Tian, 2009; Wang et al.,
O. luteus, P. donghaiense,
P. subcordiformis,
S. costatum,
T. subcordiformis
P. helgolandica Extracellular products? Alamsjah et al., 2005; Ding et al., 2009;
A. tamarense,
Jin, Dong, and Wang, 2005; Nan, Zhang,
C. polykrikoides,
U. pertusa and Li, 2007; Wang et al., 2007b; Wang,
Cocconeis sp., F. japonica, Organic solvents extracts (petroleum
Zhou, and Tang, 2009; Wang et al.,
G. mikimotoi, H. akashiwo, ether, acetate, ethanol, distilled water)
2013; Xu, Qian, and Jiao, 2005; Zhang
K. mikimitoi, O. luteus,
et al., 2006
P. donghaiense, S. costatum
U. obscura Epiphytic microalgae Extracts of dry tissue Nelson et al., 2002; Timothy et al., 2003
A. pacificum, C. monotis, In co-culture conditions, fresh tissues,
U. rigida Accoroni et al., 2015; Ben et al., 2017
O. ovata, P. lima media and dry powder

Table 2. Inhibition effects of Rhodophyta on marine microalgae.

Rhodophyta Microalgae Antialgal Components References

A. flabelliformis,
B. atropurpurea,
C. crassicaulis, D. pulvinatum, G. amansii,
G. japonicum,
G. furcata,
G. chouae, Methanol or ethanol extract Alamsjah et al., 2005; Hirao et
G. lemaneiformis, H. akashiwo of dry powder, or in co- al., 2012; Xu, Qian, and Jiao,
G. ramosissima, culture conditions 2005
G. turuturu,
G. flabelliformis,
H. pannosa,
L. undulata,
P. carnosa, P. elliptica, P. haitanensis
Trichodesmium sp., Methanol extract of dry Alamsjah et al., 2005; Manilal et
A. taxiformis
F. japonica, O. luteus powder al., 2010
C. polykrikoides,
C. pilurifera,
F. japonica, Alamsjah et al., 2005;
G. chorda,
G. mikimotoi, Methanol and water Jeong et al., 2000; Oh et al.,
G. chorda,
H. akashiwo, extracts of dry powder 2010; Wang, Xu, and He, 2007;
G. vermiculophylla, P. telfairiae, P. capillacea,
O. luteus, Wang, Tang, and Sun, 2008;
S. marchantioides
P. donghaiense
Methanol extracts of dry
G. intermedia, G. prolongata C. polykrikoides Jeong et al., 2000
A. sanguidea,
A. carterae,
A. tamarense,
Chai, 2016; Lu et al., 2008; Sun
H. akashiwo, Fresh tissue, culture filtrate,
G. lemaneiformis, et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2007a, b;
K. mikimitoi, and methanol extracts of
G. tenuistipitata Wang, Zhou, and Tang, 2009; Wu,
P. donghaiense, dry powder
2017; Yu, Lu, and Yang, 2010
P. micans,
S. costatum,
S. trochoidea

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478 Sun et al.

H. akashiwo,
Alamsjah et al., 2005; An et al.,
F. japonica, In co-culture conditions,
G. filicina, 2008; Bie et al., 2011; Sun et al.,
G. breve, ethanol or aqueous extracts
P. tenera 2016; Tian, 2009; Xu, Qian, and
G. mikimotoi, of dry powder
Jiao, 2005
S. costatum
C. salina, Methanol extract of dry
H. musciformis Pramitha and Lipton, 2011
I. galbana powder
A. anophagefferens, C. marina,
C. polykrikoides,
K.brevis, Fresh thalli and aqueous
P. purpurea Tang et al., 2015
K. veneficum, extract of fresh thalli
P. minimum,
Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries
A. carterae,
A. tamarense,
C. polykrikoides, Methanol extracts of dry Alamsjah et al., 2005; Jeong et
P. yezoensis
F. japonica, powder al., 2000; Sun et al., 2010
G. mikimotoi, H. akashiwo,
K. mikimitoi, S. costatum
Fresh tissues, media and
R. pseudopalmata O. cf. ovata Accoroni et al., 2015
dry powder

Table 3. Inhibition effects of Ochrophyta on marine microalgae.

Ochrophyta Microalgae Antialgal Components References

C. bullosa, D. undulata,
Chowdhury et al., 2014;
E. cava, E. binghamiae, P.
Methanol or ethanol extracts of dry powder, or in Hirao et al., 2012; Jeong et
coriaceum, C. polykrikoides, H. akashiwo
co-culture conditions al., 2000; Sun et al., 2016;
S. tenuifolium,
Xu, Qian, and Jiao, 2005
S. latiuscula
C. sinuosa, C. cylindrica, D. F. japonica, G. mikimotoi,
Fresh tissues, media, dry powder and/or methanol Accoroni et al., 2015;
dichotoma, D. linearis, D. H. akashiwo, O. luteus,
extracts of dry powder Alamsjah et al., 2005
prolifera O. cf. ovata
C. antiqua,
E. kurome Phlorotannins extract Nagayama et al., 2003
C. polykrikoides, K. mikimotoi
McLachlan and Craigie,
F. vesiculosus M. lutheri, Porphyridium sp. Phenolic substances
C. polykrikoides, F. japonica, G. Alamsjah et al., 2005;
I. foliacea,
mikimotoi, H. akashiwo, Methanol extract of dry powder Hirao et al., 2012; Jeong et
P. crassa
O. luteus al., 2000
Alamsjah et al., 2005; An et
L. japonica, S. fusiforme, Methanol or ethanol, chloroform and aqueous
G. pacificus, S. costatum al., 2008; Bie et al., 2011;
S. pathen extracts of dry powder
Sun et al., 2016; Wu, 2016
C. antiqua, H. akashiwo,
S. horneri Acetone extract of wet tissues Takedai et al., 2003
S. costatum
Alamsjah et al., 2005; An et
S. micracanthum, S. F. japonica, G. mikimotoi,
al., 2008; Bie et al., 2011;
muticum, S. siliquatrum, S. G. pacificus, H. akashiwo,
Methanol or ethanol extracts of dry powder Sun et al., 2016; Wang et
thunbergii, O. luteus, P. micans,
al., 2007a, b; Wang, Wang,
U. pinnatifida S. costatum
and Tang, 2012; Wu, 2016
S. latiuscula P. tricornutum Aqueous extracts of fresh tissue Zhou et al., 2009
Zonaria sp. G. pacificus Methanol extracts of dry powder Wu, 2016

was red tide microalgae, and also included others marine and some solvent extracts of many marine macroalgae (Table
microalgae), respectively. 1, Table 2 and Table 3), there have been few researches into
Reported researches showed that marine macroalgae are isolation of antialgal activity compounds of marine macroalgae
potential source of antialgal activity compounds. However, so (An et al., 2008; Bie et al., 2011; Hirao et al., 2012; Kim et al.,
far, most studies on the effects of marine macroalgae on red 2006; Lu, 2011; Sun et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al.,
tide microalgae have been limited to co-cultured ecosystems 2017; Sun et al., 2018a, b, c).

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A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Metabolites with Antialgal Activity from Marine Macroalgae against Red Tide Microalgae479

Dry powders of marine macroalgae

Extraction with acetone or methanol at 25°C for 36 hor 48 h in the darkness

Filtration, evaporation to dryness in vacuo at 45°C

Methanol extracts

Re-dissolving the residue in distilled water

Removal of pigments
Place at 4°C for 24 h in the darkness
Filtration, concentration in vacuo at 60°C

Supernatant fraction

Adjusting to pH 10 or 11 with NaOH (4 N)

Extraction with ethyl acetate

Ethyl acetate phase Aqueous phase

Evaporation to dryness under reduced pressure

Ethyl acetate phase Lower layer

Evaporation to dryness
Adjusting to pH 3 or2 with HCl (1 N)
Extraction with ethyl acetate

Ethyl acetate phase Residual solution

Evaporation to dryness Dialysis for 24 h

Inorganic ions
FC Evaporation to dryness


Filtering though 0.22 μm micron syringe filter

Silical gel column or Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography

Sephadex LH-20 column or preparative thin-layer chromatography (twice)

Structure identification

(HR-ESI-MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR or UV)

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a simplified protocol for isolation and purification of some antialgal secondary metabolites in marine macroalgae (for
details, see reference (Sun et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2018a, b)).

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480 Sun et al.

Dry powders of G. lemaneiformis

Extraction with 95% ethanol

Concentration in vacuo at 45 °C

Crude extracts

Adding distilled water

Extraction with petroleum ether

Evaporation to dryness

Petroleum ether phase Aqueous phase

Evaporation to remove petroleum ether

Extraction with ethyl acetate
Silical gel column chromatography
Evaporation to dryness

Ethyl acetate phase Aqueous phase

Evaporation to remove ethyl acetate

Silical gel column or Extraction with n-butanol

Evaporation to remove n-butanol Evaporation to dryness

Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography

Aqueous phase n-butanol phase

Macroporous resin column
Silical gel column chromatography chromatography

Sephadex LH-20 column or

ODS chromatography

HPLC or ODS/HPLC chromatography

Structure identification

(HR-ESI-MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and UV)

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of isolation and purification of some antialgal secondary metabolites in G. lemaneiformis (for details, see reference (Lu,

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A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Metabolites with Antialgal Activity from Marine Macroalgae against Red Tide Microalgae481

Table 4. Antialgal secondary metabolites in marine macroalgae.

Marine Macroalgae Microalgae Antialgal Secondary Metabolites References

E. clathrata S. costatum 9-octadecyne? Diisobutyl phthalate? Bie et al., 2011
A.tamarense, Glycerol monopalmitate, 1-O-octadecanoic acid-3-O-β-D- galactopyranosyl
H. akashiwo, glycerol, 9-hexadecenoic acid, 2, 3-dihydroxypropyl ester, 1-O-palmitoyl-
U. prolifera K. mikimitoi, 3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl glycerol, 1-O-palmitoyl-2-O-oleoyl-3-O-β-D- Sun et al., 2016
P. donghaiense, galactopyranosyl glycerol, loliolide, lsololiolide, zeaxanthin, cholest-5-en-3-
S. costatum ol, pyrrolopiperazine-2, 5-dione
A. tamarense,
U. pertusa H. akashiwo, Alkaloids and phenolic acids? Sun et al., 2015
P. donghaiense
A. carterae 3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, 8-hexadecenol
(-)-dihydromenisdaurilide, 3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol,
H. akashiwo
8-hexadecenol, 17-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid
Trehalose, twenty-two methyl carbonate, 17-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid,
K. mikimitoi
trans-asarone, 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid
U. pertusa Twenty-two methyl carbonate 3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, Sun et al., 2018c
P. globosa 8-hexadecenol, 17-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid trans-asarone, 2-amino-3-
mercaptopropanoic acid
Trehalose, (-)-dihydromenisdaurilide, isophytol, 17-hydroxyheptadecanoic
P. donghaiense
acid, trans-asarone
Twenty-two methyl carbonate, 17-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid, trans-asarone,
S. costatum
2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid
C. pilulifera Epiphytic microalgae CHBr3 Ohsawa et al., 2001
A. carterae Stigmasterol
Gossonorol, stigmasterol, 15-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 10, 18, 22, 26,
H. akashiwo,
30-heptamethyl-14-methylene-17-hentriacontene, 4-hydroxyphenethyl
P. globosa
alcohol, margaric acid
G. lemaneiformis 15-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 10, 18, 22, 26, 30-heptamethyl-14-methylene-17- Sun et al., 2017
K. mikimitoi
P. donghaiense Gossonorol, glycerol monopalmitate
Gossonorol, 15-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 10, 18, 22, 26, 30-heptamethyl-14-
S. costatum
methylene-17-hentriacontene, 4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol, margaric acid
1-O-palmitoyl -3-O-β-D- galactopyranosyl glycerol, 1-O-palmitoyl
2-O-palmitoleoyl -3-O-β-D- galactopyranosyl glycerol, 1-O-palmitoyl-
G. lemaneiformis S. costatum Lu, 2011
2-O-oleoyl-3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl glycerol, uridine, 8-hydroxy-4E,
G. lemaneiformis Sun et al., 2018b
H. akashiwo Gossonorol, 7, 10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol, cyclonerodiol
K. mikimitoi Gossonorol, 7, 10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol
P. yezoensis Sun et al., 2018a
P. donghaiense Gossonorol, cyclonerodiol
P. globosa, S. costatum Gossonorol
H. akashiwo,
D. dichotoma Dictyolactone, sanadaol, dictyol J Kim et al., 2006
K. mikimotoi
A. catenella,
α-monoglyceride, 1-O-palmitoyl-3-O-(6-sulfo--D-quinovopyranosyl)-sn-
I. sinicola H. akashiwo, Hirao et al., 2012
K. mikimotoi
Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate?
L. japonica S. costatum Diisobutyl phthalate? An et al., 2008
Note: a. collected from the coast of Rizhao, Shandong Province, China; b. collected from aquaculture zone in Nanao Island, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China; c.
collected from the coast of Rizhao, Shandong Province, China; d. collected from aquaculture zone in Nanao island, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, China.

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482 Sun et al.

Table 5. EC50-96 h (µg/mL) of antialgal secondary metabolites isolated from marine green macroalgae for red tide microalgae.

Red Tide Microalgae EC50 of Antialgal Secondary Metabolites

A.carterae 3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol (9.50)

8-hexadecenol (10.6)
(-)-dihydromenisdaurilide (0.240)
3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol (10.5)
H. akashiwo Isophytol (1.50)
8-hexadecenol (0.130)
Trehalose (3.27)
twenty-two methyl carbonate (0.620)
K. mikimitoi 17-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid (4.15)
Trans-asarone (3.25)
2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid (1.47)
Trehalose (18.1)
U. pertusa
(-)-dihydromenisdaurilide (12.0)
P. donghaiense Isophytol (15.0)
17-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid (2.02)
Trans-asarone (15.3)
Twenty-two methyl carbonate (15.5)
3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol (3.32)
P. globosa 8-hexadecenol (7.50)
17-hydroxyheptadecanoic acid (5.46)
Trans-asarone (27.5)
2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid (26.1)
17-hydroxyheptadec Twenty-two methyl (16.6)
S. costatum Carbonate anoic acid (18.3)
Trans-asarone (19.7)
2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid (14.3)
1, 2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, butyl 2-methylpropyl ester (3.95)
U. pertusa Gymnodinium breve
1, 2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-methylpropyl) ester (14.0)
Note: a. see reference (Sun et al., 2018c); b. see reference (Kang, 2006).

Therefore, further, several schematic representations of µg/mL, according to the literature (OECD, 1984). It’s easy to
simplified protocol for isolation and purification of antialgal found these antialgal secondary metabolites with extremely
secondary metabolites have shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The high or high toxic against red tide microalgae, including
antialgal secondary metabolites isolated from marine macroalgae (-)-dihydromenisdaurilide, 1-O-palmitoyl 2-O-palmitoleoyl-3-
have been listed in Table 4, and some possible antialgal compounds O-β-D-galactopyranosyl glycerol, 7, 10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol,
which no final determination has yet been made in the antialgal gossonorol, and etc. That alone is not enough for determining
components have also been included in the list above. Even if their usability in control of red tide microalgae.
there is no direct evidence, it is probable that the high diversity of Potassium dichromate is a commonly used positive control in
antialgal secondary metabolites isolated from marine macroalgae. the inhibition experiments of algae growth. So, by comparing
Furthermore, Tables 5-6 have given EC50-96 h or IC50-96 h, which EC50-96 h or IC50-96 h values, it has shown that some antialgal
are important parameters for controlling red tide microalgae in the secondary metabolites have the better application potential
future, of minority antialgal secondary metabolites listed in Table than potassium dichromate as an algal inhibitor against red tide
4 for red tide microalgae. microalgae in some recent studies (Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al.,
Quantitative criterion of toxicity of compounds in the inhibitory 2017; Sun et al., 2018c).
experiments of algae growth is as follows: extremely high toxic, To get more accurate information, this paper classified the results
EC50-96 h< 1 µg/mL; high toxic, EC50-96h for 1-10 µg/mL; medium of these studies for specific red tide microalgae. All antialgal
toxicity, EC50-96 h for 10-100 µg/mL; low toxicity, EC50-96 h>100 secondary metabolites obviously better than potassium dichromate

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A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Metabolites with Antialgal Activity from Marine Macroalgae against Red Tide Microalgae483

Table 6. EC50-96 h or IC50-96 h (µg/mL) of antialgal secondary metabolites isolated from marine red macroalgae and brown macroalgae for red tide microalgae.

Red Tide Microalgae EC50 or IC50 of Antialgal Secondary Metabolites

1-O-palmitoyl-3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl glycerol (IC50=40.5)

1-O-palmitoyl 2-O-palmitoleoyl-3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl glycerol (IC50=26.4)
G. lemaneiformis S. costatum 1-O-palmitoyl-2-O-oleoyl-3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl glycerol (IC50=41.5)
Uridine (IC50=30.4)
8-hydroxy-4E, 6E-octadien-3-on (IC50=20.6)
G. lemaneiformis S. costatum 3β-hydroxy-5α, 6α-epoxy-7-megastigmen-9-one (IC50=147.6)
Stigmasterol (EC50=32)
A. carterae Gossonorol (EC50=1.7)
7, 10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol (EC50=3.7)
Stigmasterol (EC50=1.7)

15-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 10, 18, 22, 26, 30-heptamethyl-14-methylene-17-hentriacontene

H. akashiwo (EC50=2.0)

4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol (EC50=2.2)

Margaric acid (EC50=1.5)
15-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 10, 18, 22, 26, 30-heptamethyl-14-methylene-17-hentriacontene
K. mikimitoi
Gossonorol (EC50=3.0)
Stigmasterol (EC50=3.0)
G. lemaneiformis 15-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 10, 18, 22, 26, 30-heptamethyl-14-methylene-17-hentriacontene
P. globosa
4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol (EC50=12)
Margaric acid (EC50=4.3)
Gossonorol (EC50=5.1)
P. donghaiense
Glycerol monopalmitate (EC50=4.8)
Gossonorol (EC50=13)

15-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 10, 18, 22, 26, 30-heptamethyl-14-methylene-17-hentriacontene

S. costatum (EC50=10.4)

4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol (EC50=16.5)

Margaric acid (EC50=8.7)
Gossonorol (EC50=1.7)
H. akashiwo
7,10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol (EC50=3.7)
K. mikimitoi 7,10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol (EC50=1.5)
P. yezoensis P. globosa Gossonorol (EC50=3.0)
P. donghaiense Gossonorol (EC50=5.1)
Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (EC50=7864.17)?
L. japonica S. costatum Diisobutyl phthalate (EC50=82.27)?
Cyanoacetylurea (EC50=45086.92)?
Note: a. see reference (Lu, 2011); b. see reference (Sun et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2018b).

(Hoang, O’Leary, and Fotedar, 2016), which EC50-96 h is significantly Cluster View of Macroalgae and Red Tide
lower than that of potassium dichromate, are listed in Table 7. As this paper concluded above, former research works have
This summary provides good reference for the development of been conducted result in some fruits. However, this is far from
environment-friendly algae inhibitors for red tide microalgae. enough for biological control of red tide microalgae using antialgal

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484 Sun et al.

Table 7. Antialgal secondary metabolites better than potassium dichromate for red tide microalgae.

Red Tide Microalgae Antialgal Secondary Metabolites References

Glycerol monopalmitate, 9-Hexadecenoic acid, 2, 3-dihydroxypropyl ester,

zeaxanthin, pyrrolopiperazine-2, 5-dione, (-)-Dihydromenisdaurilide, 3, 7, 11, Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017; Sun et
H. akashiwo
15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, isophytol, 8-hexadecenol, gossonorol, 7, al., 2018c
10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol, 4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol
Trehalose, isophytol, 17-Hydroxyheptadecanoic acid, trans-asarone, 2-amino- Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017; Sun et
K. mikimitoi
3-mercaptopropanoic acid, 7, 10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol al., 2018c
Glycerol monopalmitate, 1-O-octadecanoic acid-3-O-β-D- galactopyranosyl
glycerol, 1-O-palmitoyl-2-O-oleoyl-3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl
glycerol, zeaxanthin, pyrrolopiperazine-2, 5-dione, twenty-two methyl Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017; Sun et
P. globosa
carbonate, 3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, 8-hexadecenol, al., 2018c
17-Hydroxyheptadecanoic acid, trans-asarone, 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic
acid, gossonorol, 4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol
1-O-octadecanoic acid-3-O-β-D- galactopyranosyl glycerol, 9-Hexadecenoic Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017; Sun et
P. donghaiense
acid, 2, 3-dihydroxypropyl ester, 17-Hydroxyheptadecanoic acid, gossonorol al., 2018c
S. costatum Glycerol monopalmitate, cholest-5-en-3-ol, pyrrolopiperazine-2, 5-dione Sun et al., 2016

In the course of a series of explorations by scientists, a series
of exciting results have been achieved in the studies about growth
inhibition between macroalgae and marine microalgae (Alamsjah
et al., 2005; Bie et al., 2011; Chai, 2016; Chowdhury et al., 2014;
Hirao et al., 2012; Jeong et al., 2000; Jin, Dong, and Wang, 2005;
Lu et al., 2008; Manilal et al., 2010; Nan, Zhang, and Dong, 2004;
Nan, Zhang, and Zhao, 2004; Oh et al., 2010; Pramitha et al.,
2011; Tian, 2009; Wang, Tang, and Sun, 2008; Wang, Xu, and
He, 2007; Wu, 2017; Xu, Qian, and Jiao, 2005; Yu, Lu, and Yang,
2010, and etc.), which provides a new research methods, research
ideas and development directions for red tide biological control
(Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3). At present, it has been confirmed
that some secondary metabolites produced from macroalgae are
the main cause of this growth inhibition (Bie et al., 2011; Hirao
et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2006; Lu, 2011; Ohsawa et al., 2001; Sun
et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2018a,
b, c). Macroalgae release some metabolites with antialgal activity
into the environment through infiltration, volatilization and
secretion, etc. These metabolites secreted mainly include phenolic
acids (Sun et al., 2015), alkaloids (Sun et al., 2015), fatty acids
(Alamsjah et al., 2005; Jin, 2005; Oh et al., 2010; Suzuki et al.,
2001), glycolipids (Hirao et al., 2012; Lu, 2011; Sun et al., 2016),
Figure 3. Cluster view of marine macroalgae and red tide in 1998-2018
year. terpenoids (Lu, 2011; Sun et al., 2018a), and others compounds
(An et al., 2008; Bie et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2006; Lu, 2011;
Ohsawa et al., 2001) (Table 4).
secondary metabolites isolated from some macroalgae. Therefore, Original research articles and publications on overview of
to give a more explicit knowledge, development relationships secondary metabolites related to macroalgae are available, but
between macroalgae and red tide in the last two decades have a supportive systematic review account highlighted secondary
been analyzed by using CiteSpace (Chen, 2009) in this review. metabolites with antialgal activity is not nearly enough (Tables
Among these development relationships, this is very clear 5-7; Figure 1 and Figure 2). And what are the development
that allelopathic interaction (# 1) between macroalgae and red relationships between macroalgae and red tide microalgae? What
tide microalgae has been developed into an area during the are the research hotspots of the interaction between them? At
last twenty years (Figure 3). However, it is a great pity that present, no reports have been reported. This paper first reported
researches on screening, isolation and activity evaluation of that the development relationships between macroalgae and red
antialgal secondary metabolites are too little in this field so far tide and cluster view of macroalgae and red tide using CiteSpace.
(Guo et al., 2017). Therefore, it is urgent for researchers to screen And it clearly pointed out that isolation and purification of
and isolate antialgal secondary metabolites from more species of secondary metabolites with antialgal activity produced from
marine macroalgae. macroalgae are focus of the research in future (Figure 3).

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A Comprehensive Review of Secondary Metabolites with Antialgal Activity from Marine Macroalgae against Red Tide Microalgae485

CONCLUSIONS Ben, G.H.; Kéfi-Daly Yahia, O.; Cecchi, P.; Masseret, E.;
Recent studies on controlling red tide microalgae have mostly Amzil, Z.; Herve, F.; Rovillon, G.; Nouri, H.; M’Rabet, C.;
focused on the use of chemical, physical and biological agents, Couet, D.; Triki, H.Z., and Laabir, M., 2017. New insights
but these processes have shown some negative environmental on the species-specific allelopathic interactions between
consequences, such as cause secondary pollution (Park et al., macrophytes and marine HAB dinoflagellates. Plos One,
2013; Rounsefell and Evans, 1958). A variety of extracts from 12(11), 1-28.
marine macroalgae containing various bioactive ingredients were Bie, C.C.; Li, F.M.; Li, Y.Y.; Zhao, Y.H., and Wang, Z.Y., 2011.
tested. They have wide application range and high antialgal or Inhibitory effects of 6 macroalgae extracts on Skeletonema
algaecides activities (Jeong et al., 2000; Sun et al., 2018a, b, costatum and isolation of allelochemicals. Periodical of
c; Suzuki et al., 2001; Tang et al., 2015). However, most of the Ocean University of China, 41(7-8), 107-112.
bioactive compounds extracted from marine macroalgae have Chai, S.Y., 2016. Effects of the Massive Cultivation of Gracilaria
been applied to their biological (antifungal, anti-bacteria) and lemaneiformis on Plankton Community Structure and
drug activities (Zerrifi et al., 2018). There are relatively few Its Inhibition on Microalgal Bloom. Guangzhou: Jinan
reports about its antialgal or killing activity to red tide microalgae. University, Ph.D. dissertation, 4p.
To explore macroalgae as a source of environmental friendly Chen, C.M, 2009. CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing
algae inhibitor or algaecide, researchers suggest focusing on new emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature.
natural products extracted from marine macroalgae (Ben et al., Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical
2017). Information, 28(3), 401-421.
Some researches have shown that different marine macroalgae Cho, J.Y.; Jin, H.J.; Lim, H.J.; Whyte, J.N.C., and Hong, Y.K.,
can reduce the proliferation of red tide species and have relatively 1999. Growth activation of the microalga Isochrysis galbana
low adverse effects on the environment (Jeong et al., 2000; Tang by the aqueous extract of the seaweed Monostroma nitidum.
et al., 2015). There has been an increasing focus on the prospect Journal of Applied Phycology, 10(6), 561-567.
of exploiting marine macroalgae as an alternative strategy for Choi, H.G.; Kim, P.J.; Lee, W.C.; Yun, S.J.; Kim, H.G., and
controlling red tide microalgae. The inhibitory properties of Lee, H.J., 1998. Removal efficiency of Cochlodinium
marine macroalgae are mainly due to the release of the bioactive polykrikoides by yellow loess. Journal of the Korean Fish
molecules which mainly are secondary metabolites. The most Society, 31, 109-113.
well-known molecules are terpenoids, glycerolipids, and various Chowdhury, M.T.H.; Bangoura, I.; Kang, J.Y.; Cho, J.Y.; Joo, J.;
others secondary compounds (Table 4). Exploiting secondary Choi, Y.S.; Hwang, D.S., and Hong, Y.K., 2014. Comparison
metabolites with antialgal activity of marine macroalgae as a of Ecklonia cava, Ecklonia stolonifera and Eisenia bicyclis
promising alternative to control red tide microalgae evokes a new for phlorotannin extraction. Journal of Environmental
prospect. Biology, 35, 713.
Cui, F., 2014. Studies on Allelopathy Effects of Ulva prolifera
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Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (SJCX18_0938), and Ding, H.; Lin, C.G.; Zheng, J.Y.; Zhou, Y.Y., and He, K.J., 2009.
the project of Jiangsu key laboratory of marine biotechnology of Effect of extracts from Ulva pertusa kjellm on growth and
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Science, 28(6), 620-622.
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