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¡Tarea 2 - It’s time to write!

Fernel Alejandro Amaya

Grupo 90030_101


Gloria Consuelo Gómez

Ingles 0

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente



“Hello, my name is Javier Mendes. I am from Curitiba. Curitiba is a city in Brazil. I

am a high school student. I am 16 yeas old. My father is a farmer. His name is Paulo and he

is 65 years old. He is from Parana. My mother is Belinda. She is a housewife and she is 60.

I have one sister and one brother. My sister is Andreia. She is 24 years old. She is a student

at the Polytechnic Institute in Manaus. She studies Agronomy. My brother is Jose. He is 45

years old. He is a truck driver. He has 2 kids: Mauro (2 years old) and Isabella (9 years


Taken from Ebook A1 Module 2- 4

How many brothers and sisters does Javier have?
Javier has a sister and a brother.

What does Javier’s mother do?

Javier´s mother is a housewife

Is Jose older or younger than Javier?

Jose is older than his brother Javier.

How many children does Jose have?

Jose has two children Mauro who is two years old, Elizabeth nine years old.

What does Andrea study?

Javier´s sister Andreina estudies agronomy.

Corrected Tex

My name is Fernel Alejandro Amaya, I am 33 years old, I am a student at UNAD

and I am Colombian. I like to read, watch soccer, the politics and the animals and I
don´t like staying up late. I am tall and thin, my eyes are green, black hair, weigh 62
kilos and measure 1.73 cm.

My family is made up of my father Jose Fernel Amaya, my mother María Piedad

Colorado and 3 siblings Sandra-Paula and Sebastián; they are currently they are at
school grades 10-7 and 5. My sister Sandra likes to write, read, study, sing and she
doesn´t like to travel, my sister Paula likes to dance, paint, run, doesn´t like the dogs,
and finally to mi brother Sebastián he likes animals especially dogs, to play. My parents
like the countryside and animals.

I get up at 6:30 am, I take a shower at 7 am and I´m having breakfast around
7:30, then I take my motorcycle and go to the farm where I have my business with
cows. At 12:30 pm I have lunch and rest for 30 minutes, at 1 am I return to my activites.
Being 4 o´clock return to my house, take a shower and turn on my computer to study
at UNAD where l study 4 semester of the zootechnics career; being 10 clock I go to

NOTE: Solo logre retroalimentar un compañero, dado que los demás participantes

no hicieron aportes a tiempo.

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