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Project Managment

Business Intelligence and Emerging





Student name:
Amaguaya Carpio Michael Douglas

Kingston - Ontario
Year: 2024
Discovering Where ChatGPT Can Create Value for Your Company

The article suggests that while ChatGPT is making a significant impact by

transforming many areas of business and society, this phenomenon is not unique.
This is because the rapid evolution and adoption of new technologies that
fundamentally change how businesses operate and how we engage in society
are not exclusive to ChatGPT. Other technological advancements have also had
a significant impact in the past, and it is likely that we will continue to see the
arrival of new technologies that change the business and social landscape in
various ways.

According to the article, some activities involving leveraging ChatGPT or other

emerging technologies for innovation tend to contradict good business practices.
For example, the focus on emergent thinking involves starting to use the
technology without directing it towards specific customer problems, which goes
against the conventional business paradigm that emphasizes identifying
customer problems as a starting point for solution development. Additionally, the
article mentions that the emergent thinking process involves evaluating ideas
without fully understanding the success criteria, improvising ideas with little
preparation or planning, and changing the expected project outcomes. All these
aspects may go against business practices that promote efficiency and reliability.
Although these activities may seem contrary to best business practices, they are
essential for fully leveraging emerging technologies like ChatGPT for innovation.

Companies should not be discouraged from leveraging emerging technologies

like ChatGPT, despite some activities associated with their implementation
seeming to contradict conventional business practices. While it is true that a focus
on emergent thinking may challenge some established norms in business, it is
also important to recognize that the business world is constantly evolving and
that the adoption of innovative technologies is essential to maintaining
competitiveness and fostering innovation. Companies that embrace the
opportunity to leverage emerging technologies like ChatGPT can position
themselves to find new ways to create value for their customers, improve
operational efficiency, and differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive
market. Rather than discouraging the use of emerging technologies, companies
should focus on developing robust strategies to effectively integrate these
technologies, addressing potential challenges and risks while capitalizing on the
opportunities they offer for innovation and business growth.

Pathway 1: Exploiting a current value proposition

This pathway involves leveraging ChatGPT to enhance an existing value

proposition offered by a company. By understanding ChatGPT's core functions
and exploring how they can improve current offerings, leaders can identify
opportunities to further exploit their strengths and provide additional value to
customers. By keeping an open mind and deeply engaging with the tool,
companies can discover new applications and integrations that align with their
strategic goals, thus avoiding the danger of having a narrow vision that limits their
ability to see the broader potential of ChatGPT.

Pathway 2: Expanding the value proposition

Leaders can use ChatGPT to expand their company's value proposition by

addressing new problems for customers in a way that complements their existing
offerings. By defining their perspective and learning to adapt it, organizations can
break down their value proposition into core elements and evaluate how
ChatGPT's functions can help expand each element in innovative directions. By
keeping an open mind, collaborating with trusted partners, and avoiding
premature conclusions, companies can navigate uncertainty and identify
opportunities to leverage ChatGPT in ways that enhance their value proposition
while mitigating the risk of pursuing impractical or irrelevant solutions.

Pathway 3: Exploring a new value proposition

This pathway involves using ChatGPT to explore entirely new value propositions
that customers may not yet recognize as needs. Despite the inherent uncertainty
in pursuing such innovation, leaders can draw inspiration from examples like
Apple's approach with the iMac, recognizing that breakthroughs often come from
offering solutions that customers didn't know they needed. By brainstorming
various goals, contexts, and target demographics, companies can identify
potential areas of opportunity and develop clear analogies to communicate
effectively their value proposition. Through careful consideration, collaboration,
and a willingness to embrace ambiguity, organizations can navigate the
challenges of converging on a shared direction while maximizing ChatGPT's
potential to unlock value in uncharted territory [1].


[1] J.-F. H. Johnathan R. Cromwell, «Harvard Business Review Home,» [En

línea]. Available:
create-value-for-your-company. [Último acceso: 16 April 2024].

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