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Follow stargazer1682

The Inner Light (Again)
This is my own personal fan theory About “The Inner Light”, purely speculative:
The probe was a paradox machine.
Working optimally, the probe would seek out and find its matching specimen, then
send the biological code back in time and incorporated one of their own at the
moment of conception. It would then maintain a neural-link between that person on A space for sharing fiction I write, graphics
Kataan in the past, Kamin, and Picard in the future(present). The person from the and other media I produce, including blogs,
future would have their memories suppressed and would experience life on Kataan podcasts and videos.
from childhood on, but again, the timestream would be compressed; with years on
Kataan happening while only minutes passed on the Enterprise.
Ask me anything
But then Riker ordered the Enterprise to back away from the probe, disrupting the
connection. Because of the compressed nature of time stream and link, it didn’t
_just_ disrupt the link during the naming ceremony as we saw; it had the Search
retroactive effect of disrupting the link earlier, causing the sickness Kamin and
Picard’s natural consciousness to become unsuppressed. My blog All of Tumblr
And of course, it’s a paradox, because when the scientists of Kataan choose
Kamin as the representative in this effort, they programmed it to seek out Kamin’s
DNA, which was always Jean-Luc Picard’s DNA, because he always became
linked to the probe, which would always incorporate his DNA into Kamin at his
But this means that Picard really was on Kataan all those years ago, he _was_ Following
Kamin and those really were his children and grandchildren.
Of course, everything comes with a cost, and the tragedy is that to power the
device, they focused the temporal beam through their dying sun - and why not, it’s
dying and taking them with them, _but_ it’s _*because*_ they focused the RSS Feed Random
temporal beam through their sun that had the retroactive effect of causing it to die.
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Posted 4 days ago

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A coda immediately after “Chosen,” addressing Buffy’s instructions to Angel to set

up a second front.
Having survived the fight, the Scoobies get back on the bus and start heading
down the road, looking for the next town over; arguing where to stop, especially for
those who need medical attention (that ending kind of glosses over some of their
very urgent needs for medical attention….). It’s now late, the sun’s gone down.
Dawn and Buffy sit near the front of the bus, talking with Giles. Buffy mentions
they should locate Angel, to tell him they succeeded, so he knows they can stand
down. Dawn wonders what sort of “second front” Angel put together, when Giles
hits the brakes, calling Buffy’s attention to the blockade in the road faintly made
out through the light of the headlights.
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Posted 7 months ago

Wesley’s Price
Each of the members of Angel Investigations team got something out of their
agreeing to take over Wolfram and Hart - Angel was able to give his son the life he
deserved, Fred was given access to every cutting edge piece of science her
enormous brain could think of. Lorne could rub elbows with the glitterati. Gunn was
given the opportunity to be more than just the muscle. There was a time being the
muscle was enough; when he was the leader of his own team, and his ingenuity
and determination helped protect those who society had forsaken. But he had
since move on from leader to follower and while he had lost track of all the good he
had done as a result, he couldn’t help feel like he had faulted; that he had lost the
mission somehow. Or his role in it had become less clear. Because he didn’t have
a brain for monsters and spells or for science. Yet Wolfram and Hart offered him
the chance to be something more, something important. Wolfram and Hart was a
lot of things, but first and foremost, it was a law firm; and none of them were
lawyers - but he could become one. At least, that’s what the cat promised him;
and for some reason he felt he could believe it.
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Posted 8 months ago

Stargate and the Gate Addresses

The original models of the gates, which were of the same or similar model or
complexity as the ones the Seed ships built/deposited in SGU, had limited range
and were programmed using the constellation based coordinate system. This was
easy enough to implement when the gate network was first starting out and
encompassed only a handful of planets in proximity to each other to dial. The
Alterans were smart enough even then to probably be able to memorize (or
perhaps calculate) all of the addresses going to each planet from any other planet
in all their various combinations.
But then the network began to expand across the Milky Way. This required a more
complex dialing system for dialing a gate; they needed something more consistent
so as not to have to memorize or track potentially millions or billions of
permutations of addresses.
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Posted 9 months ago

The Ancients and the Furlings

Daniel mistranslated the story of the Alterans; the Ancients weren’t the refugees,
but rather there was a race of refugees the Ancients helped. The Ancients were in
fact once called Alterans; that much Daniel got right, but the refugee race was
called the Furlings.
The Furling’s home galaxy had been destroyed as a result of their early
experiments with zero-point energy; a technology the Alterans, who had not yet
harnessed, found intriguing. The Alterans gave the Furlings refuge on Earth and
together they learned from each other; sharing technology and information. They
were already two of the most advanced species in the Milky Way. Their closes
technological rivals were the Asgard and the Knox.
The four races eventually formed an alliance, traded and shared in a mutual
exchange of knowledge; though there were many advances the Alterans and the
Furlings held back from the Asgard and the Knox, feeling they were not yet ready
for the developments.
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Posted 10 months ago

Batman Has a Plan
Superman: Batman, some of the members of the league were discussing
contingencies in case one of us went rogue for any reason; and it was mutually
agreed that, tactically, you were the best person to come up with plans to
incapacitate each of us.
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Posted 10 months ago

Dawn and Angel - Buffy Season 2

(Season 2, Dawn and Angel are sitting on swings in the Summers backyard)
Dawn: I don’t get it, why are you always so nice to me? It can’t be to get in good
with Buffy, because she doesn’t even like me that much.
Angel: Yes she does. She might not always show it, but you mean the world to
Dawn: And you?
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Posted 10 months ago

The Santa Clause is a Horror Movie

VERY random thought - in The Santa Clause… stay with me - Did Scott Calvin
actually learn a lesson/learn the true meaning of Christmas? Or did the suit
overwrite his personality and core identity the same way it changed his physical
appearance to match the Santa ideal? And is the movie actually a horror story
about a man who puts on an enchanted parasitic suit whereby he unwittingly
enters into a bargain for his soul; and by the end of the movie he effectively

ceases to exist and the suit is essentially wearing him?

Posted 10 months ago

Origin of Section 31
As for Section 31’s origins, it goes a bit deep. A directive was issued in the late
20th century, at the tailend of what history refers to as he Eugenic Wars; which is
a quaint name given to a time with no real open hostilities between nations based
on the Eugenics arms race, but was really mostly a pissing match to see who had
the bigger genes. There was bloodshed, but nothing compared to the riots
(including the Bell Riots) happening at the time or World War III, which was on the
During this period there were many experiments intended to improve upon the
human design. Scientists had managed to crack the human genome and modify it
in the 1970s; first with embryos, but by the late 80s techniques were developed to
genetically enhance humans at almost any stage of development. This was a
world of super-men.
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Posted 10 months ago

Buffy is what we do now. This is who we are.

Posted 11 months ago 1 note

Tagged: buffy the vampire slayer.

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