W Identifying the Identity Reviewed

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GRADE - 2-3 | WORKSHEET - Identifying the Identity Reviewed

MODULE - Math in Colors

TOPIC : Identity Property


• Each question is marked with the Answer Type (Single Answer, Multiple Answer, etc.), answer accordingly.

• Use white space/back-side of the paper for rough work.

• Attend all the questions.

Question 1: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

We have a cake and we cut out zero slices.
What is left?
(Choose from the following options.)
1. Half of the cake
2. The entire cake

Answer :

Question 2: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

If we have a piece of string and we cut off zero inches, how long is the string?
(Choose from the following options.)
1. It remains in its original size
2. It becomes shorter than its original size

Answer :

Question 3: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Maria had a bag full of 20 dolls. If you add 0 dolls to her bag, how many dolls does she have?
1. 20
2. 21

Answer :

Question 4: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Which of the following is the additive identity?
1. -1
2. 0

Answer :

Question 5: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Which of the following DOES NOT represent the identity property of multiplication?
1. 8 x 0

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GRADE - 2-3 | WORKSHEET - Identifying the Identity Reviewed

2. 8 x 1

Answer :

Question 6: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Which of the following represent identity property of addition?
1. 3 + 1
2. 3 + 0
3. 3 + 3

Answer :

Question 7: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Which identity property is represented by -2 x 1= -2?
1. Commutative property
2. Identity property of addition
3. Identity property of multiplication

Answer :

Question 8: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Which identity property is represented by 5 - 0= 5?
1. Commutative property
2. Identity property of subtraction
3. Identity property of multiplication

Answer :

Question 9: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Which identity property is represented by 777 x 1= 777?
1. Identity property of addition
2. Commutative property
3. Identity property of multiplication

Answer :

Question 10: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Fill in the blank: -4 + _____ = -4
1. -1
2. 0
3. 1

Answer :

Question 11: True & False

Identity property of multiplication states that any number multiplied by 0 is 0.

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GRADE - 2-3 | WORKSHEET - Identifying the Identity Reviewed

1. True
2. False

Answer :

Question 12: True & False

0.1 + 0= 1
1. True
2. False

Answer :

Question 13: True & False

100 - 0= 100
1. True
2. False

Answer :

Question 14: True & False

(1/2 + 3/2) + 0= 5/2
1. True
2. False

Answer :

Question 15: True & False

(0.241 + 1) + 0= (0.241 + 1)
1. True
2. False

Answer :


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