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SN Questions and Answers

1 Name the procedure in which different chemicals are added to bottom samples of an
emulsion to determine which chemicals is the most effective at breaking, or separating,
the emulsion into oil and water. Bottle test
2 What is the name of the function of time that is proportional to leakoff volume after shut-
in in a minifrac test? It was developed by Nolte. G-function
3 A thick mud filter cake can lead to stuck pipe. If a drillstring became stuck due to thick filter
cake, what category of stuck pipe would this fall into? Differential sticking
4 This procedure is conducted to establish the rate and pressure at which fluids can be
pumped into the treatment target without fracturing the formation. Name the procedure.
Injectivity test, injection test, step rate test
5 In the context of waste to fuel and feedstock, what does the acronym W T E stand for?
Waste To Energy
6 In coalbed methane production, permeability results from small interconnected fractures
which exist in the coal seams. What are these fractures called? Cleats
7 What carbonate sedimentary rock is composed of mostly calcite? Limestone
8 Name the process by which turqoise hydrogen is produced. Pyrolysis
9 What is the most important parameter to monitor while starting up an E S P well that has a
history of gas production? Motor amps/current
10 What is the most common type of remedial or secondary cementing operation? Squeeze
11 In the context of renewable energy integration and connection concepts, what does the
acronym H V D C stand for? High-voltage Direct Current
12 What is the name of the term that represents the recoverable amount of hydrocarbons
initially in place? Ultimate recovery or recovery factor
13 Ratio of volume at reservoir pressure and temperature to the volume at ideal conditions is
called? z-factor
14 The overriding design criterion for a good completion fluid is the hydrostatic requirements
to maintain well control. Name one waste-soluble salt that can be used to control fluid
density. sodium chloride, sodium brointermediatee, potassium chloride, ammonium
chloride, calcium chloride, calcium brointermediatee, zinc brointermediatee, lithium
15 Identify the type of hazard relating to sounds that reach dangerous levels. Noise hazards
16 What is the main technology to produce power from sunlight? Photovoltaic (cell)
17 Name the small platform that the derrickman stands on while drilling. Monkeyboard
18 Name the equation which represents steady-state fluid flow, assuming total mechanical
energy is conserved for incompressible, low viscosity, isothermal flow, with no heat
transfer or work done. Bernoulli equation
19 What is an invert mud? water-in-oil emulsion muds
20 What common tool in engineering involves plotting one variable against another to
understand how they are related and if they are correlated with one another?
21 What is the portion of produced oil that is used to allocate costs and expenses called? Cost
22 Any packer that forms a seal between tubing and annulus during production. Production
23 What is the name of the measurement and analysis of pressure data taken after an
injection well being shut in? Fall off test
24 What term refers to the absolute pressure of a reading device minus the atmospheric
pressure? Gauge pressure
25 What do we call an additive that is used in the preparation of foam used as a drilling fluid?
Foaming agent
26 What is the name for a gas containing hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide or mercaptans, all
of which are extremely harmful? Sour gas
27 What emissions are classified as scope 2 emissions? Indirect GHG emissions
28 What type of fracturing fluid should be used for designing a hydraulic fracturing job in a
highly brittle formation? slick water
29 The internet of things may be considered as an extension of another systems architecture
as S C A D A. What does S C A D A stand for? Supervisory control and data acquisition
30 The main purpose of a vapor recovery unit is to recover vapors from crude oil. Provide one
building block in a vapor recovery unit. Scrubber, compressor, switch
31 A thick mud filter cake can lead to stuck pipe. If a drillstring became stuck due to thick filter
cake, what category of stuck pipe would this fall into? Differential sticking
32 The sum of proved, probable and possible reserve is commonly expressed as what? 3P
33 In the context of machine learning applications in the oil and gas industry, what does CART
stand for? Classification and Regression Trees (CART)
34 In sucker rod pumping there are several reasons for incomplete pump fillage, name one of
the 3 most common. 1. Gas entry/compressibility effect, 2. Pump choking 3. Fluid Pound
(Low reservoir/well deliverability)
35 in the context of fuel cells, what does the acronym HT-PEM FC stand for? high
Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
36 Gamma ray log interpretation has been used to indicate barium sulfate scale because a
naturally radioactive element precipitates as an insoluble sulfate with this scale. Name this.
Radium (Ra226)
37 What type of valve is used in sucker-rod pumps to permit flow up the tubing to fill the
pump-barrel chamber while preventing downward flow. Standing Valve
38 In the context of pipelines and corrosion, what does the acronym MIC stand for?
Microbiologically influenced Corrosion
39 Name the piece of equipment that separates solids from drilling fluid systems where the
solids exit the bottom and cleaned fluid exits the top hydrocycione, mud cleane
40 in the context of machine learning applications in the O&G industry, what does MLP stand
for? Multi Layer Perception
41 A perforating gun that contains more than 4 shots/foot is known as what? high-Shot
Density Gun
42 In the context of energy transition technologies, what does the acronym B O S stand for?
Balance of Supply
43 The fine paid to a host country for failure to attain specified production rates over a
defined period of time is called what? production penalty
44 What do certain types of flooding projects such as CO2 flooding, steam flooding and
miscible gas flooding often use as a mobility control agent? foam
45 Shale Shakers are used to remove drill solids. They are usually employed to remove
particles larger than what size in microns. 140 microns
46 What do we call a percentage of ownership in an oil and gas lease granting its owner the
right to explore, drill and produce oil and gas from a tract of property? Working interest
47 The jacket of which platform was removed by Heerema's Sleipnir crane vessel in 2020,
which set the record of the largest single lift jacket removal? Jotun-B
48 in alternative transportation fuel what does M 85 mean? The fuel is mix of 85% of
methanol and 15% of gasoline
49 What is a small sensor device used in a production logging tool that the type of fluid in its
vicinity as it is moved up and distinguishes down a production well? Optical probe
50 What is the characteristic of a fluid that has the ability to develop gel strength over time
when not subject to shearing and then liquefy when agitated? Thixotropic
51 What is the name of the test used to determine the cation exchange capacity of a sample
of water base drifting fluid based on the amount of methylene blue dye absorbed by the
sample? MBT Test or Cation Exchange Test
52 In the context of energy transition technologies, what does the acronym TCFD stand for.
Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
53 Name the process by which brown hydrogen is produced. Gasification
54 Referring to the levels of automation, in which automation level the task is complete
human controlled? Level 1
55 What term involves the linking of surface and downhole measurements with near real-
time predictive models to improve the safety and efficiency of the drilling process? Drilling
56 What term is used to describe a condition whereby the interface of two fluids, such as oil
and water, bypasses sections of reservoir as it moves along, creating an uneven profile.
viscous fingering
57 in the context of the transportation sector, what does the acronym ICE stand for? Internal
Combustion Engine
58 In the context of waste to fuel and feedstock, what does the acronym LCA stands for? Life
Cycle Analysis
59 What is the name of the saline liquid usually used in the completion operation? Brine
60 What is the primary hydrostatic barrier during workover operations in a well? Kill Weight
brine (KWB)
61 Who was the first female winner of the Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum
Engineering Faculty in 1982 ? Christine A Ehlig-Economides
62 Directional wells are grouped into three major types One group is Horizontal Wells and
another is Multi Lateral wells. Name the third group. Extended reach wells
63 in the context of the charger technology for electric vehicles, what does the acronym CCS
stand for? Combined Charging System
64 Who was the first man to have attempted to secure an expert opinion as to the possibility
of refining crude oil? Samuel M. Kier
65 The right of a company to operate property or concession as long as the property or
concession produces a minimum paying quantity of oil or gas is abbreviated as H B P What
does it stand for? held by production (HBP)
66 What is the industry term used for a long, continuous length of pipe wound on a spool. The
pipe is straightened prior to pushing into a wellbore. coiled tubing
67 Name one type of completion that would be considered a combination completion. More
than one size of tubing,More than one size of casing,Two or more fluids in the,tubing
and/or annulus One or more of these
68 What is called the loss of metal due to chemical or electrochemical reactions, which could
eventually destroy a structure? Corrosion
69 in subsea terminology, multiple steel and thermoplastic conduits, often bundled together
with hydraulic lines, chemical injection lines, power conductors and fiber-optic cables are
known as? Umbilicals
70 How do we refer to the measurement and analysis of pressure data taken after a well is
put on production, either initially or following an extended shut-in period. Drawdown Test
71 Two measurements are obtained from an M W D survey. One is the inclination name the
other parameter. Azimuth (also known as Compass Heading)
72 The document containing operational and test data used to transfer custody of a well from
drilling to operations or production after completion or from production to drilling when
repairs are needed is called what? Hand over document
73 Which machine leaming group becomes attractive in applications where data labels are not
available? Unsupervised learning
74 With respects to well monitoring operations, what does SCVF stand for? Surface Casing
Vent flow
75 What is the name of the term that represents the recoverable amount of hydrocarbons
initially in place? recovery factor
76 With regards to offshore petroleum production facilities, what does the term HIPPS refer
to? High Integrity Pressure Protection System
77 In the context of fuel cells, what does the acronym M C F C stand for. Molten Carbonate
Fuel Cell
78 What is the name for the area surrounding the wellbore that has been harmed by the
drilling process, generally as a result of mud or cement-filtrate invasion? Damaged Zone
79 Hydrocarbon production that is delayed due to any of several reasons, specifically well
repairs, restrictions that curtail production regulations, etc is known as what? Deferred
80 in the context of digitalization in the O& G industry, what does D R A stand for? Digital
Rock Analysis (DRA)
81 Refering to geothermal energy generation, what is the maximum value of temperature
recorded for the rock and water in the Earth's crust? up to 370 °C (700 °F) Acceptable
range of 350 to 400 "C
82 in what year was the Society of Petroleum Engineers organization founded? 1957
83 What term refers to the transformation of business by revamping the business strategy or
digital strategy models operations, and others, through the adoption of digital
technologies? Digital transformation/ Digitalization
84 Name the conservative equation that allows petroleum engineers to compute the velocity
of a plane of saturation moving through a linear reservoir system. Buckley Leverett
85 Environmental regulations dictate that a refinery has to remove certain pollutants from the
products before they leave a plant. What component of acid rain is removed in the refining
process? Sulphur
86 I B M originally referred to the characteristics of Big Data as the three V's. Name one of the
original three vs proposed by IBM. Volume, velocity, and variety
87 In oil and gas business, what is the separation of mineral and/or royalty interest from fee-
simple title called? severance
88 The terms of reference of the human factors integration register is stated by. Human
factor integration plan
89 Name a widely-distributed carbonate mineral and chief constituent of dolostone. Dolomite
90 According to OSHA, at what concentrations nearly instant death occurs when inhaling H2S?
1000-2000 ppm
91 The isothermal oil compressibility for an undersaturated reservoir, can be calculated as a
function of pressure and which oil property? Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bo)
92 Which SPE discipline covers topics related to artificial lift systems, well intervention, well
operations and optimization. and others? Production and Operations
93 What is the name of the vessel that separates water, gas and oil treams from the well.
Three-phase gravity separator
94 Mechanical sticking of the drill string can be caused by inadequate removal of drilling
cutting, by borehole instability , and a third factor. What is this third factor? Key seating
95 List one non-hydrocarbon species that can be present in natural gas. Carbon dioxide,
helium, nitrogen and hydrogen sulfide
96 Name the secondary porosity that is created commonly through dissoultion or
dolomitization or both. Diagenetic porosity
97 Name the UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 16. Peace, Justice and strong
98 A transient sudden rise or fall of pressure in a pipeline is called what? Surge
99 Progressing cavity Pumps (PCP) are commonly used to artificially lift which kind of fluids
from the reservoir. Viscous fluids and abrasive fluids (heavy oil and fluids with high sand
cuts is also correct)
100 The ownership of the right to exploit, mine or produce all minerals lying beneath the
surface of a property is called what? mineral interest
Petrobowl Practice Score sheet, Date:

Rules: Correct answer = +10, Wrong answer = -5, No answer = 0

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