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Electrical Energy Production

Dec 8, 2022

Pg 508, Questions 4-5

4. A battery, load and wires, a switch is optional and helpful✔
5. Static is when electrons build up. An example is a hand and a doorknob. Another one is lighting.
Current electricity is the flow of electrons✔

Part Function
Switch Controls the flow of electrons

Wires (conducts electricity) A conductive medium that allows electrons to flow

Load (ex. Bulb, motor) Converts electrical energy to other forms of energy

Source of electrical energy (power source) Provide a source of electrons

Ex. battery

Pg 510, Questions 2, 4-6

2. Chart Above✔

4. Yes, a switch is missing, without the switch, it would always stay on✔

5. The student may have not used the positive and negative pins correctly, power source
might be dead, wires could be broken, the student may not have placed the alligator clips in the
correct place and the student may have faulty parts✔

6. I would consider a light and a motor to be a load. This is because they are both
converting electrical energy into other forms of energy, witch is what all loads do✔

Pg 514, Questions 6-8

6a. Joule is energy, Watt is power✔
6b. Lithium batteries are rechargeable, whereas alkaline batteries are not rechargeable✔
6c. A battery stores energy whereas a fuel cell generates energy✔
7. You need an electrolyte solution and 2 different electrolytes, an example is acid, zinc and

8. I believe that it would not work. This is because even though the lemon has acid inside of it, the
nails are the same, so it would not work✔

Pg 517, Question 2
2. Direct current only moves in 1 direction whereas alternative current moves in many✔

How Does A Generator Work

It creates electricity in the water by spinning around an axel. An example of this is a water

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