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Developmental Milestones: 0-12 months

Gross Motor Fine Motor Communication

• Keeps head in middle of body and kicks • Brings hands to mouth and • Turns head towards sounds
legs when on back middle of body and voices
• Lifts head to 45 - 90 degrees when lying • Hands mostly open and thumbs • Coos and smiles
By 3 Months on tummy
• Rolls from side to back
are out
• Reaches for and bats toys
• Different cries to indicate pain,
hunger or tiredness
• Can hold head upright when held • Can hold toy briefly • May start to giggle at 3 months.
in sitting

• Lifts head and brings both feet to mouth • Holds a toy in both hands at the • Starting to use consonant
when lying on back same time sounds in babble. Eg. da, da.
• Lifts head and chest off ground and will • Passes toys between hands and • Has a variety of sounds to
reach for toy with one arm when on will bang/pat/suck toys express feelings (babbling,
By 6 Months tummy
• Rolls from tummy to back and may roll
• Holds smaller toys with palm,
fingers and thumb (radial palmar
blowing raspberries, squealing)
• Reacts to sudden noises
from back to tummy (4-7 months) grasp) • Takes turns talking to people
• Bounces on legs when held in standing • Uses raking motion to get small • May start to respond to their
• Uses hands to support self when sitting items name

• Sits independently and plays with toys • Points and pokes with index • Uses a variety of syllable
• Can get into sitting from tummy or back finger combinations when babbling. Eg
• May commando crawl or crawl on hands • Holds blocks using thumb and Bababba.

By 9 Months
and knees fingers (radial-digital grasp) • Looks at familiar objects and
• Can stand with support and may start • Purposefully drops toys people when named
cruising (taking side steps) along • Shakes/bangs/ manipulates toys • Uses simples gestures, such as
furniture shakes head for no and raises
• May walk with 2 hands held hands to be picked up

• Crawls with alternating arm and leg • Pokes/points with index finger • Knows and turns to own name
movements only • Understands simple instructions
• Pulls self to stand and cruises along • Picks up small items with thumb such as "Come to mummy"
By 12 Months furniture. Stands alone briefly
• May walk independently (10-15 months)
and index finger (pincer grasp)
• Drops items into containers
• May have a few words
• Uses gestures to communicate
• Moves in and out of lying/sitting/ • Attempts to stack 2 blocks with you. Eg points, makes
standing freely • Scribbles with fisted hand sounds or nods/shakes head

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