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Nielsen Norman Group

Heuristic Evaluation
Use this workbook to conduct your own
heuristic evaluation.
For each of Jakob’s 10 Usability Heuristics, look for specific
places where the interface fails to adhere to the guideline. Write
your recommendations for how to fix those usability issues.
Nielsen Norman Group Evaluator: Khadija
Date: 6/26/2024
Heuristic Evaluation Product: Health
Insurance App
1.Coverage Overview
2.Claim Assistance
3.Community Forum
4.Coverage Comparator
5.Coverage Care Finder
Issues Recommendations
Visibility of System Status
4.1. The Coverage 4.1. Enhance the visibility of
Comparator progress the progress indicator,
The design should always keep users indicator is present but could perhaps by using a
informed about what is going on, be more prominent to give contrasting color or making it
through appropriate feedback within users a clear sense of where larger.
they are in the process.
a reasonable amount of time.

Does the design clearly 2.1. The claim Assistance 2.1. Make simple and easy
page used the shadows and to use the features such as
communicate its state?
blur effects which makes claim filling process.
Is feedback presented quickly unrealistic to the design.
after user actions?

Issues Recommendations
Match Between System
and the Real World 3.1. The community forum 3.1. The system should use
the users or native English words, phrases, and
speakers cannot the concepts familiar to the
The design should speak the users' understand the language user, rather than technical
language. Use words, phrases, and they used in the review terms or internal jargon.
sections, message and FAQ This makes the system
concepts familiar to the user, rather section as well. more intuitive and easier to
than internal jargon. Follow real-world understand.
conventions, making information
appear in a natural and logical order.

Will user be familiar with the

terminology used in the design?
Do the design’s controls follow
real-world conventions?
Nielsen Norman Group

Heuristic Evaluation

Issues Recommendations
User Control and Freedom
3.1. In the community 3.1. The Users does not
Users often perform actions by forum the users cannot go have a freedom of control
mistake. They need a clearly marked back to the previous action in case of an errors
in the 'Make Your Review' appeared they cannot
"emergency exit" to leave the undo rather confirming with
unwanted action without having to errors
go through an extended process.
3.1. Make undo support to
back and rectify the errors
Does the design allow users to
before submit add back
go back a step in the process? button.
Are exit links easily discoverable?
Can users easily cancel an action?
Is Undo and Redo supported?

Issues Recommendations
Consistency and Standards
2.1. Claim assistance 2.1. Follow the rules and
there no consistency and regulations of heuristics to
Users should not have to wonder standards follow to fulfil achieve consistency to
whether different words, situations, the users needs. in short achieve better design and
or actions mean the same thing. the design did not the ease of use the services or
heuristics evaluation rules. products.
Follow platform and industry

Does the design follow industry

Are visual treatments used
consistently throughout the design?
Nielsen Norman Group

Heuristic Evaluation

Issues Recommendations
Error Prevention
1.1. In the coverage 1.1. Include back button to
Good error messages are important, overview page there is no prevent errors and go back
back button in the policy to the page easily.
but the best designs carefully details section the user fills
prevent problems from occurring in the input fields incase there
is an error there no going
the first place. Either eliminate back to the the policy rather
error-prone conditions, or check for than confirming.
them and present users with a
confirmation option before they
commit to the action.

Does the design prevent slips by

using helpful constraints?
Does the design warn users before
they perform risky actions?

Issues Recommendations
Recognition Rather
Than Recall 5.1. In the coverage care 5.1. Use dropdown
finder the list of the menu the list of hospitals
hospitals may not be and their coverage plan.
Minimize the user's memory load by
remembered by all the
making elements, actions, and options users and cannot be recall 5.1. Use search bar to
visible. The user should not have to as well. indicate that the users also
remember information from one part of can search the nearby
the interface to another. Information
required to use the design (e.g. field
labels or menu items) should be visible
or easily retrievable when needed.

Does the design keep important

information visible, so that users
do not have to memorize it?
Does the design offer help
Nielsen Norman Group

Heuristic Evaluation

Issues Recommendations
Flexibility and
Efficiency of Use

Shortcuts — hidden from novice

users — may speed up the interaction
for the expert user such that the design
can cater to both inexperienced and
experienced users. Allow users to tailor
frequent actions.

Does the design provide

accelerators like keyboard
shortcuts and touch gestures?
Is content and funtionality
personalized or customized for
individual users?

Issues Recommendations
Aesthetic and
Minimalist Design 2.1. In the Claim Assistance
2.1.Remove unnecessary
elements that do not
page the screens have
contribute to the user's
Interfaces should not contain numerous elements, which
primary tasks.
can overwhelm users
information that is irrelevant or rarely
2.1.Limit the number of 2.1.Group related actions
needed. Every extra unit of information together and use
buttons per screen to avoid
in an interface competes with the overwhelming the user. dropdowns or menus where
relevant units of information and
2.1. The typography is not 2.1. Use different font
diminishes their relative visibility. consistent throughout the weights and sizes to
page distinguish between
Is the visual design and content headings, subheadings,
focused on the essentials? and body text. This helps
users scan and
Have all distracting, unnescessary understand the content
elements been removed? quickly.
Nielsen Norman Group

Heuristic Evaluation

Issues Recommendations
Help Users Recognize,
Diagnose, and Recover
from Errors

Error messages should be expressed

in plain language (no error codes),
precisely indicate the problem, and
constructively suggest a solution.

Does the design use traditional error

message visuals, like bold, red text?
Does the design offer a solution that
solves the error immediately?

Issues Recommendations
Help and Documentation

It’s best if the system doesn’t

need any additional explanation.
However, it may be necessary to
provide documentation to help
users understand how to
complete their tasks.

Is help documentation easy

to search?
Is help provided in context right
at the moment when the user
requires it?

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