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Time allowed: 50 ‘

Misrak Poly Technic College

Department: Hotel and Tourism
Occupation: Culinary Art Level –I Date ----Jan 2016 E.C
Unit of Competency: Understanding Hospitality and Tourism Industry Services
Name: ________________________________ ID_________
I) Say ‘True’ if the statement is correct unless ‘False’ (2pts.)
1. Hospitality industry is unique in its nature which tends to be service-oriented and has a
strong emphasis on human exchange in the service delivery processes.
2. Ethics hasn’t relevant in hotel and hospitality industry services.
3. Overbooking is accepting more bookings than you have space.
4. Mandatory training that is made compulsory by government/or a company for certain
personnel job.
5. International hotels and resorts are commercial establishments.
II) Choose the best answers. (2pts)
6. Ethical issues are encounter in the hospitality environment. Some of the common ones that
raise ethical consideration are
A. Confidentiality C. Money matters E. All of the above
B. Product Recommendations D. Codes of conduct
7. One of the following is sourcing information provides local and national newspapers, trade
magazines and journals, specialist magazines, and travel programs on television and radio
provide information about hospitality and tourism industry services.
A. Reference Books C. Industry contact mentors
B. Media D. Industry Unions
8. Which one of the following is true classification of hotel according to location?
A. Suburban hotels centers of city or town. C. Down town hotel away from a city.
B. Motels situated main roads D. All of the above
9. On the basis of their size hotels can be classified small hotel with a room number between
A. hotels with rooms less than 25 C. hotels with 50-100
B. hotels with rooms more than 150 D. hotels with less than 300 rooms
10. In the hospitality and Tourism industry Information Technology has played an important role
over the last decade. One is not correct about this statement.
A. helped reduce costs C enhanced operational efficiency
B. Improved communication D. Replaced expensive human labor with technological labor
E. None
11. A hospitality character which is involving receiving order can understood from guest by
A. Two way communication C. Diversity in culture
B. Labor intensive D. Product service mix
12. ______________the knowledge that’s gained over time through personal experience and
usually difficult to articulate.
A. Tacit knowledge C. Network-related knowledge
B. Customer-related knowledge D. Market-related knowledge

Prepared by: Endeg B. 1|Page

Time allowed: 50 ‘
Misrak Poly Technic College
Department: Hotel and Tourism
Occupation: Culinary Art Level –I Date ----Jan 2016 E.C
Unit of Competency: Understanding Hospitality and Tourism Industry Services
13. Code of Conduct in hospitality industry is
A. Govern working relationship.
B. Relates to how we interact with customers and colleagues, truly and honesty in the
dissemination of information.
C. Practice or ethics as a guide for employee behaviors
D. All are possible answers.
14. One of the following statements is different from others concerning the application of
technology in the hospitality and tourism industry.
A. Express check-out using electronic devices
B. Opening guest rooms using electronic key cards
C. Reserving air tickets using airline applications
D. None
III) Match column ‘A’ from ‘B’ (2 pts)

15. Causes of Issues of A Training is on the workshop running
16. Hospitality B Welcoming and warm greeting include accommodation, gaming, food and
17. On job training C Located in the heart of the city
18. Hospitality Law D The body of law relating to the foodservice, travel, and lodging industries.

19. Down town Hotel E Technological changes

i. Although Ethiopia has high potential for tourism based economy, she is not profiting enough
from the tourism potential. What are the main reasons? (3 pts.)
ii. How to Updating your hotel and hospitality industry knowledge? (3 pts.)
iii. What are divisions’ hotel departments? (3 pts.)

Prepared by: Endeg B. 2|Page

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