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Evans: Well, welcome to Top Notch travel

agency. Let me introduce you to my staff, then we’ll
talk about Tokyo. Marie, I would like you to meet…
Marie: Giorgio Moretti!
Mr. Evans: Oh, you know him!
Giorgio: It’s very nice to meet you. What is your
Marie: My name? Ahn, a… Marie. Yes. Marie
Giorgio: Very nice to meet you Marie.
Mr. Evans: Marie is our receptionist. She’s from
Paris. Mr. Moretti is a new client. He is from Italy.
Cheryl: AHHH! Giorgio Moretti! Giorgio Moretti!
That’s Giorgio Moretti!
Mr. Evans: Yes, I know. He is a new client. He is
from Italy.
Cheryl: Introduce me! Introduce me!
Marie: Oh yes. This is…
Cheryl: Cheryl!
Marie: Yes, this is Cheryl. She is our…
Cheryl: Office manager! Hello Mr. Giorgio.
I mean, Mr. Moretti.
Giorgio: Please, call me Giorgio.
Cheryl: Call him Giorgio. It’s so meet to
nahh… I mean, It’s so nice to meet you.
Giorgio: It’s nice to meet you too.
Cheryl: Bob, Bob. Come meet Giorgio Moretti!
Bob: Hey, Giorgio Moretti. Hey man, how
are you? I’m Bob, but everyone calls me Roberto!
Mr. Evans: Bob is a travel agent. Who calls you
Paul: Giorgio Moretti!
Mr. Evans: Paul is a tour guide!
Paul: (singing)
Mr. Evans: So Mr. Moretti, what is your
All: He is a singer!!!
Mr. Evans: Everyone knows that.

SISTER: Hi, is Rachel here? I’m her sister.

RACHEL: OH my god, jill!

JILL: OH my god, Rachel!

CHANDLER: Oh my god, introduce us

RACHEL: This is chandler
RACHEL: and you know Monica and Ross... and
that's Phoebe and That's Joey
JOEY: How are you doing?
RACHEL: Honey, what are you doing here?

Girlfriend: This is my father, Paul Stevens... dad, this
is Ross Keller.

Ross: It is... it's great to meet you, Paul.

Paul: I usually prefer Liz’s boyfriends who address

me as Mr. stevens.

Ross: Well, of course! of course Mr. stevens, yeah!

Paul: So, Ross. what's your(watcha) problem?

Ross: Excuse me?

Paul: Why can't you get a girlfriend your own age?

Joey: Hey everybody! Uh I’d like you to meet
Janine, she's... she's gonna be my new roommate.
Ross: Hiiiii!
Janine: Hi.

Joey: Yeah, she's gonna live with me.

Monica: It's nice to meet you Janine...
Janine: Lecroix, Janine Lecroix.
JOEY: I didn't know that! well what a pretty last

CHANDLER: So, uh... where where are you from?

JANINE: Australia, I just moved here a couple of
weeks ago
JOEY: From the land down under?
Janine: Yeah
JOEY: I didn't know that either.
Ross: So, uh... wha uh what do you do?
Janine: I'm a dancer
JOEY: you're a dancer?! She's a dancer!!!
Janine: Well, I think I'll go and unpack.

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