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LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, OGBOMOSO DEPARTMENT OF PURE/AND APPLIED PHYSICS HARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINATION, 2010-2011 Academic Seasion PHY 403- MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS 3 C. INSTRUCTION: Answer any FOUR Questions Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Quesgtign 4 i — The @quation of motion of a particle Mbving from rest towards a center of attraction situated at distance ‘q’ cm apart is given by ay. ‘9, wherekisa sy, om constant. Using the gamma function, show that it will reach the center of .=* attraction in a time given by T= Briefly explain the meaning of Dirac- — delta function. Hence, show that the .unction 5) — zim Sin 28) is 8 Digso-Detta Le ages function. — 2 Find the Fourier series'for the square 277-periodic wave defined on the interval [-7, —— Establish the recurrence relation P, (x)#P,,,(x)-2xP, (x) + P,4(@) V 421 given that the generating function of the Legendre polynomial is Fen)=(-20+r)! yrne Hence or otherwise show that P, (1) =1 estion 3 In the circuit shown below, the capacitor is uncharged at time t = 0. If the switch is thenclosed, find the currents i; and ig, and the charge on C at time t greater than zero. 4 ite length whose faces are Consider a thin rectangular plate of breadth 1 and infinite length pt constant impervious to heat. Assuming that (ithe two edges of the plate are Kept come) «i temperature zero (i) one of the short edges (say the base) of the plate is Kept unit temperature and (ii) the temperatures of the points in the plate decreases indefinitely as we recede from the base| show that the temperature at any Poin “h 8 wolfe sineteiterteite...o] avon frat the charge in temperature at | | | different points of a solid when heat flows within the plate is. ft 2) i where *t" represents the time, u the telnperature at any point (xy, 2) of the plate and “a” is a constant uestion § | ‘What is a Fourier series? Mention FOUR physical applications of Fourier series. 5 Assuming that x° = 5" (a, cosnx +, sinnx), show that the Fourier series of * = “ vers FON 1S an Even ios e 4 Define the gamma and beta functions. Hence show that SY Te+)=2Q).- i 4 = \ TG) Vem ye. 2) hit oye dhe = Hage” ' * et hy a 2 a 1th Yr i + Petey es yey vet? f 2 My soe gre Aj a beg {i By * | 7% amen sae Tg gpl8OP gato LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Oz 1 5k6° DEPARTMENT OF PURE, ‘AND APPLIED PHYSICS 2011/2012 ACADEMIC SESSION RAIN SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS. PHY 403- MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS 3.C.U, INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any FOUR questions TIME ALLOWED: 2.5 hours ram) ae +BY Write expression(s) to define gamma (I") function and show that I(t) = ar Ney Evaluate r(3y, 12-5) and 1-05) - (Ye) SesnGs\nmaa, bs (€)_ Given thatthe equation ofa particle moving from rest towards a center of attraction situated at distancem 'p' cm apartis given by 2°= ,k _ 9 dx ‘where k is a constant. Using gamma function, show that will reach the center of attraction point in a lak } oY (@) Consider the Lenegdretts differential equation (1 - - axe n(n+l)y=0 time given by ‘Assuming a series solution of the form y = }).a,x'*", a, #0 ‘show that the recursion formula is Og = Era a (b) Staring from the generating function F(z, h) = (I— 24h +h? )* = pen show the recurrence formula nP, (14) = (2n —1)uP,.,(H) - (n-1)P,_.(H) 3. Jat From the complete solution of Bessel’s equation, derived Bessel's function — (0) () Evaluate the Bessel is functions J(x) and Jy(x) when x= 1 correct to 3d.p (ii) Determine the power series solution of Bessel's equation x? es + Pa +(x? -v7)y=0 when = 2, up to and including term in x° + (@) (What the Laplace transionm(L7 of a function ft? (i) Given that f) =coscut, find from first principles L f(t), the Laplace transform of f(t) 5508 ~{0)FFind the Laplace of the following expressions (5Cos 2t- 3sin3t Giye *sin4t <{0}'The position of a particle of mass moving along the x-position and attracted towards a fixed point in its pathis gen 22.5 4. 9 ‘Assuming that the partcle is initially at rest at x = 5, determine using the Laplace transformation, the Position of the particle at any time t when there is a damping force whose numerical value is 6 times the instantaneous velocity. <5 (@) (Explain what is meant by periodic function. (i) Write down expressions for Fourier series ofa periodic function and a Fourier transform pair. (0) The output ofa rectir series is given by (x)=Sinx,0 0. . {c)__ Give the physical interpretation of the problem. 1 Wp Fl oe rs Ue ey 7 ste 8 ca er mn FetsGo Ym Ms > LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY | DEPARTMENT: OF PUXE & APPLIED PHYSICS 2012/2013 ACADEMIC SESSION HARMATTAN SEMESTER EXAMINATION PHY 403- MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS< §%'—_Instrvetions: Answer any FOUR questions. Time allowed: 2 Hours Question 1 o (a) Starting from first principle, that is, from the definitions: of gamma and beta functions, stor th that, fier | Y @ pon [EE (ii r(s)- ev Plow) J. te id” a T(m+n) ey Rect 4 be Eva.uate the following: on . ni |e of ) w (2) wd af? : Question 2 (a)Prove directly that the Legendre polynomials (x) are mutually orthogonal over the interval -1 ¢ x <1. . _E WGiven pression for Legendre polynomial as rca) =f 22") generate th? firot five Legendre polynomials, 4.-¢. P,(%),P,00,P, %),P4(X) and P(x). Hence, deduc= that Sx” = [2P,(x)+3P,(x)] Question 3 @) Expressing the Be-sel generating function as | ae ; G(x,n) =e of (+-3)}- De (2h BN? 2 VU tiven by / € formula for the Bessel function J ) & (b)DedyasAhe following rev srrence te Je “he first kind and of order ¥. yy yuh 3000 Se “hay gen pn. tans 2) we er ne LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 6K DEPARTMENT OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS 7 oy 2013/2014 HARMATTAN EXAMINATION PHY 403 (MATHEMATICALMETHODS OF PHYSICS) Instructions: Answer ANY FOUR Questions Time: 24 Hours %, Ques > “% aos Define Fourier and Laplace transforms. ce) % Hence or otherwise; + °%, (i) Find the Laplace transform of the followin function /() =5e~ +3? +4sindr . by using appropriate properties of Laplace, transform. -2 JX ~ A oe Ay ei (ii) Establish a relationship between Fourier and Laplace transform given -7./ 7 ee i Eo c that w= ( 2 fr x2 é Fo {i Ge i, Ir 4 2 (©) Find the function f(t) whose Laplace transform is ———— 2 4 fe (e+) ° Se o fion 2. (a) What is a Periodic function? Differentiate between odd and even functions. _ i ft apex re (b) Let £(x) be a function of period 2x such tha re 0, Ocxex nent — (@ Skecth a graph of f(x) in the interval ~2x) Evaluate the following--4) {-3) [we at {t pols fet t cow LA \ pee ae eo oy « Prestion 5: a ar Question 6: J (b) Par > 5 Os a: (%) -pbet. 9 eey> * Giving that the generating function for the Legendre polynomials is Bs 2 OSE G(x h)=(1—2xh+ yt = S.P,@)A , show that 2K nP, Gi (n+1)P, = Pen - =o (YP, = Phy -22P, + Pry Gi) XP, Prs Gy) (=x) P=n(PLy-xP]) de x*)P) -2aP,e- nt DP Prove directly that the Legendre polynomials P;(x) are mutually orthogonal over the interval -1 0 if B = By, 8 constant a Edas (©), Evaluate It [=25] S geese 7 5.(a) Prove the following recurrence relations for Bessel equation given that the generating function for J, (x), one of the solutions to the Bessel equation of the first kind of integral order is A (x, ) = eon oy = GA) xa,0) = 05,00 - 1,400 ii) Oa) = 1.00) IG) Ha I, (9) nae 3,001) GY) 109) CW) xT) + XS, C9 = 2nJ, (x) (>) Using (ii) above and given that syo-(2) 2 and that yor?) exoress s,¢gand J 4(x) in terms of 7 ~ (a1ws425(e-9 trigonometric funct ions FeO sso coe Sass 5 paroey(ss § ue ctses tas | “ease ps5 (a) When is a function said to be periodic? Differentiate also between Odd and even functions. Gives examples. gaysertsene (b) Consider the Lenegire’ s differential equation Assuming a series solution of the forny = a,x!” +4, #0, show that the = \ex)tlandefatacnan ae > po recursion formula is a,,, =A+?—™Mk+r tne) 0 er kered (©) Starting from the generat ing funct ion F(4s,h) = (1 Duh + hy =F HP) m= show the recurrence formula nba) = n= NUP, (48) ~(n=1)P, (2) asf gatas nC 2RD ME (oe canes (stes\-108 Sas + satu) 2Phale= aides Pao) Fe eT tal. Falta oF f e [ADORE AMINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY yc | PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS DEPARTMENT \ ~ 2015/2016 ACADEMIC SESSION PHY 403-MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS. 3 €.0 fo Psi INSTRUCTIONS; Answer ANY FOUR Questions. Time Allowed: 3 Hours Question |. (a) Show hat 6 (p,q) = SEC. Hence, erate he inegal 1 = fo" eax ‘ () Show that for a simple pendulum of mass (a), suspended by a string of length will have a period T= fe J (agg) 4, where 0 < 0 90%, fora quarter of a period, where g is acceleration dae to gravity, Question 2. (a) Expand f (x) = x in Fourler series in the interval 0 0, if E = Ba a constant Question 4. (a) ine he geeraing fin fo Lae ponnil as F(x) = (12x00) * =yeP@) fl show that #(3}((3) “z - \ADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, OGBOMOSO PHY 408 CEPARTMENT OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS ‘403 - MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS TEST May, 2012 Answer ALL Questions Time: 30 minutes 2L"_Define the gamma function, Hence show that I(t) = /x. 5 av Hint: Let x= 2y (3° Given the generating function for Legendre polynomials as Fost) = (2x04) Pe) a ms eed show that P, (x) = Piuy(s) 2x Pi(x) + PLC) for AB1 ats Pa wey US ee LADOKE AKINTOLA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS PHY 403- MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS MAID - SEMESTER EXAMINATION ue Instructions: Answer ALL Questions. Time allowed: 45 Mins ‘wl (py Writ the expressions for Gamma and Beta functions, stating the conditions for thei, / convergence. (by Show that T(n + 1) =n P(n). Henge show that C 4) a nCh)> ar G3, Given the Legendre polynomial G(x,h) = (1-2xh+h')! = A, show that the Legendre functions P,(x) satisfy the Legendre equation . (1-x?)y" —2xy' + (U4 Dy = 0. (m0) Fe oreanar(!) = tower} (28 / eurin iv Bretinguish between interpolation and extrapolation (b) _ Ina simulation of flight, a bird’s flight is governed by 100sin? @ x os6s— & 2 % where (8) is the height as a function of angle 4. Evaluate this function at the points nO) = ij =0,1,2,3,4,5. By lagrange interpolation procedure, compute h(0) at 8 = - QUESTION 2 (a) Starting from Taylor’s series, prove the formula for Adams-Bashforth first order method. (b) Solve the initial value problem 2 Sasa, yO)=h x= (0.10.6 QUESTIO! oo (@. ferentiate between Gauss elimination and Gauss-Jordan elimination methods of solving system of linear equations. \ (nan experiment, it is discovered that the concentration of two heavy metals in a SS sample add to 20. If twice of each of the metals add to 8, using Gauss-Seidel “ iteration method, what is the concentration of each of the heavy metal? QUESTION 4 (a) Derive Richardson’s h” extrapolation formula. (b) Consider the function (x Jo [or 02 [03 04 0.5 06 | {£_[10 [0.90484 [0.81873 [0.74082 [0.67032 _| 0.60653 _| 0.54881 Evaluate (0.2) using a three point formula with hy = 0.2 and then with hy = 0.1. Hence extrapolate the value to a better one using Richardson h? formula. . QUESTION 5 The radius of Bohr’s atom and the energy of el i level are respectively given as By of clecon orbiting the nih energy & On? 1? y= = mmze 889 rq Derive the total energy of an electron i i lithium, : ‘By ron in first three orbits from the nucleus of What is the correlation coefficient of the relati of an electron in the first ten orbits of singly ior ionship between the total ‘the trend, ate nized helium atom? Comment on (b) Differentiate between interpolation and extrapolation. * Show that by Richardson h’ extrapolation formula Q,=42;-32 + where Q, isa computed value with hi, Q,is @ computed value with hy such that fan. : interi is i ement th’s interior at a location requires the measur The oy oon 3. If the trend mandates ; i 5 im of a geophysical quantity for point 1.0

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