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Proprietor A proprietor is an individual who owns and operates a business or property. They
have full control and responsibility for the management and decision-making of their
business or property

Appurtenances An appurtenance refers to something that is considered to be an accessory or

addition to a main or larger thing. It is typically associated with real estate and refers
to any right, privilege, or improvement that is attached to or belongs to a property,
such as a building land or structure.

In-personam refers to a legal term that signifies a legal action or proceeding that is directed
against a specific person. In legal context, in-personam actions typically involve
disputes between individuals or entitites, where on party seeks to enforce their
rights or see redress against another party

Inter-parte Is a Latin term that refers to a legal meaning “between the parties” it is used to
describe actions, agreements or disputes that occur between the individuals or
entities involved in a legal case or contract.

Indefeasibility refers to the legal concept that once a person acquires a certain right or interest in a
property, it cannot be easily or unjustly taken away from them.

Perpetuated means continue or prolong a situation, behavior, or belief, often in a negative or

harmful way.

Defraud refers to the act of deceiving or tricking someone in order to obtain money, goods,
or services dishonestly. It involves intentionally misleading or misrepresenting
information to gain an unfair advantage or to cause harm to other financially.

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