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_______________________ SCHOOL

_______________Olutanga, Zamboanga Sibugay

Monitoring Tool for the Conduct of Quarterly Examination

Name of Teacher:____________________________________ Date of the Test:__________________
Grade & Section:____________________________________ No. of Male Test Takers:___________
Subject :____________________________________ No. of Female Test Takers:__________
Quarter, SY : ____________________________________ No. of No-Show Test Takers:________

N Activities done before / during the actual conduct of Quarterly Observe Not Implementation
o Assessment d Observed Issues
1 List of examinees posted outside the designated examination
2 Examination room/s is numbered and labelled (1,2,3,4, & etc…)
3 Set plan properly followed by the room teacher-examiner.
4 Phones & other personal belongings of the examinees place near
the examiner’s table.
5 No standbys and loitering during the conduct of the assessment
test / assessment.
6 All test takers are provided with chairs.
7 Assessment started on time and ended on time was written on
the board.
8 Designated examination room/s is conducive, well-ventilated,
free from noise & disturbances.
9 Test package was safely kept at the Office of the School Head for
security & confidentiality purposes.
10 Posted name who served as room examiner, if reshuffled.
11 Attended orientation on the examination protocols and the
breach of security in quarterly examinations.
12 Posted/ wrote on the board the total number of actual test takers
and the absences.
13 Rooms and school surrounding are clean and safe for test takers
14 No reproduction / photocopying / taking pictures of test
Note: For Number 10, mark N/A if teacher-examiners are not reshuffled.
Findings, Observations and Recommendations/Analysis Report:

Monitored by:

______________________________________ _______________________________
Signature Over Printed Name of Teacher-Examiner School Head
Date:_____________________________ Date: _________________________
Possible Findings, Observations and Recommendations/Analysis Report:

1. As gleaned in the table, 14 activities were properly observed before and during the conduct of the
____ Quarter Examination. It was observed that 100% of the total activities were performed by the
teacher-adviser/teacher-examiner without any issues encountered. Thus, the examination was

2. Based on the results of monitoring, out of 14 activities, 10 activities were observed and 4 were not.
There were 2 learners whose bags and notebooks were not placed near the examiner’s table, room
was not labelled, number of present and absent takers were not posted or written on the board and the
assessment had lapsed from its allotted given time.

In the issues at hand, teacher-adviser/teacher-examiner is recommended to strictly observe and follow

the activities of this tool.


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