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Vega Launch Operations and Ground Facilities

Davide A. Nicolini*
European Space Agency, ESRIN, Frascati, Rome, 00044, Italy

The Vega launch system is developed by the European 1.5 TheSpace fairing and adapters The qualification flight from
The 20 cu-m, 2.6 m-diameter composite fairing, made of 7.18 m-long half shells, protects the payload
Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana was performed in February
during 2012.
the ascent through A second
the atmosphere. The payloadsuccessful qualification
is mated to the launcher through a
flight was performed in May 2013 carrying the ESA Proba Vegetation
937 mm-diameter adapter. Specialspacecraft
adapters for multipleand the firstare non-ESA
payload arrangements under development.

institutional earth observation spacecraft, the VietnameseIndustrial The third flight is scheduled for April
2014 carrying the commercial earth observation spacecraft DZZ for the Government
Avio (Italy)
of Kazakhstan. This
AVUM integration and test
Thrust vector control
paper presents an overview of the Vega launch system, with a
EADS Astriumfocus
(Spain)launch operations
AVUM avionicsand on theunitlaunch
EADS Astrium Space Propulsion (Germany) Roll attitude control system
complex and launch range facilities developed and qualified during
EADS Astrium the
ST (France)
qualification flight
Flight softwareand their ongoing
AVUM structure and skirt, payload
evolution towards commercial exploitation. adapters
KB Yuzhnoye (Ukraine) RD-869 engine and propulsion system
Ruag Space (Switzerland) Fairing
SAAB (Sweden) Onboard computer
I. INTRODUCTION required by the customer (an orbit altitude range
SAFT (France) AVUM batteries
Selex Galileo (Italy) AVUM safety avionic unit
between 300 and 1500 km).
Thales (France) AVUM avionics, inertial reference system
VEGA was born to cover an essential role within the Zodiac Data Systems (France) AVUM telemetry avionics unit

family of European launchers; the four-stage vehicle is

tailored to cover a wide range missions in low orbit and
will complement Ariane (which is optimized for large
satellites and missions to GTO and LEO as well as
escape missions) and Soyuz (tailored for medium
satellites to LEO and small spacecraft to GTO).



Introduction Vega User’s Manual,

Issue 3


Fairing Size: 2.18-m diameter × 2.04-m height
7 Diameter: 2.600 m Dry mass: 418 kg (TBC)
Length: 7.880 m Propellant: 367-kg/183-kg of N2O4/UDMH
Mass: 490 kg Subsystems:
Structure: Two halves - Sandwich panels CFRP Structure: Carbon-epoxy cylindrical case with 4
sheets and aluminum honeycomb core aluminum alloy propellant tanks and
Acoustic protection: Thick foam sheets covered by fabric supporting frame
Separation Vertical separations by means of leak-proof Propulsion RD-869 - 1 chamber
pyrotechnical expanding tubes and horizontal - Thrust 2.45 kN - Vac
separation by a clamp band - Isp 315,5 s - Vac
- Feed system regulated pressure-fed, 87l (3,72 kg) GHe
- Burn time/ restart Up to 667 s / up to 5 controlled or depletion
Off-the-shelf devices: Clampband, Ø937 (60 kg); burn
Attitude Control
- pitch, yaw Main engine 9 deg gimbaled nozzle or four 50-
- roll Two 50-N GN2 thrusters
Off-the-shelf devices: Under development - propellant GN2; 87l (26 kg) GN2 tank MEOP 6 / 36 bar
Avionics Inertial 3-axis platform, on-board computer,

Off-the-shelf devices: ASAP Plate type (TBD kg);

. . .
Size: 3.00-m diameter × 11.20-m length 1.90-m diameter × 8.39-m length 1.90-m diameter × 4.12-m length

Fig. I: VEGA launcher at ZLV Gross mass:

95 796 kg
88 365-kg of HTPB 1912 solid
25 751 kg
23 906-kg of HTPB 1912 solid
10 948 kg
10 115-kg of HTPB 1912 solid

Structure Carbon-epoxy filament wound Carbon-epoxy filament wound Carbon-epoxy filament wound
monolithic motor case protected by monolithic motor case protected by monolithic motor case protected by
Propulsion P80FW Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) ZEFIRO 23 Solid Rocket Motor ZEFIRO 9 Solid Rocket Motor

II.1. Launch Vehicle - Thrust

- Isp
- Burn time
2261 kN – SL
280 s – Vac
106,8 s
1196 kN – SL
289 s – Vac
71,7 s
225 kN - Vac (TBC)
295 s – Vac (TBC)
109.6 s
Attitude Control Gimbaled 6.5 deg nozzle with electro Gimbaled 7 deg nozzle with electro Gimbaled 6 deg nozzle with electro
actuator actuator actuator
Avionics Actuators I/O electronics, power Actuators I/O electronics, power
Interstage/Equipment 0/1 interstage:

VEGA is a single-body launcher composed by three bay: Structure: cylinder

shell/inner stiffeners

Housing: Actuators I/O electronics,

29.9 m
solid-propellant stages (P80FW first stage, Zefiro 23
1/2 interstage: 2/3 interstage: 3/AVUM interstage:
Structure: conical aluminum shell/inner Structure: cylinder aluminum Structure: cylinder aluminum
stiffeners shell/inner stiffeners shell/inner stiffeners

second stage, Zefiro 9 third stage), a liquid propellant 3.025 3.025 m Housing: TVC local control equipment;
Safety/Destruction subsystem
TVC local control
Housing: TVC control equipment;
Safety/Destruction subsystem,
power distribution, RF and telemetry

upper module (AVUM, Attitude Vernier Upper

Lift-off mass 137 t Stage separation: Linear Cutting Charge/Retro rocket Linear Cutting Charge/Retro rocket Clamp-band/ springs
thrusters thrusters

Module) and the Upper Composite (fairing

Figure anddatapayload
1.1 – LV property Fig. II: VEGA Launcher schematics and major
adapter). Total mass at lift off is 1-6
136.7 tonnes; height is industrial partners for the launch vehicle development Arianespace©, March 2006

30.1 m; the maximum diameter is 3 m. VEGA is

compatible with payload masses ranging from 300 kg to The three Solid Rocket Motor stages perform the
2500 kg, depending on the type and altitude of the orbit main ascent phase while the AVUM, the fourth stage,
*Vega Operational Launch System Project Manager, LAU-EVO,

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
compensates the solid propulsion performance • Launch base utilities (telecommunications, energy
scattering, circularizes the orbit and executes the de- supply, fluids, gases, water and the access road
orbiting maneuvers. This module also contributes to system, etc.)
provide roll control during the SRMs’ boost phase, and • The Z23 and Z9 stages storage area is the existing
3-axes control during ballistic phases up to the payload pyrotechnic zone (BPZ)
separation. • Small pyrotechnic equipment and launcher batteries
are prepared in existing facilities
• The upper composite is integrated in the EPCU
• Telemetry, ground tracking station and safety
facilities same used for Ariane 5

Fig. IV: CSG launch base facilities used for Vega

During the launch system development and

qualification all facilities and infrastructures mentioned
were adapted to the Vega needs and finally qualified
with the first flight. In particular on the infrastructures
side, most facilities existed and were adapted or
Fig. III: Vega launcher assemblies and stages
Figure!3:!VEGA!stages! refurbished for Vega except the facilities at ZLV and
definition BPZ areas that were built ad-hoc.
Each objective has a responsible, which is in charge of writing the associated SMO file(s),
exploiting the results of the test, and judging whether or not the objective is reached. The TheZLV main building is the mobile gantry (MG)
The stages are grouped into assemblies for integration
objective definition includes the description of the objective, with enough detail allowing for the integration and preparation of the Vega launcher
the identification proposes. The figure
of the functions above
and/or depicts
systems the stage
concerned. Theassembly as well asorthe bunker fitted with control-command front
criteria are qualitative
on ground
quantitative elements during
to be fulfilled launcherthe integration
and represent thresholds to be and
ends,in air
conditioning, fluids, low current and safety
to reach the validation.
corresponding If thestage
test was not executed
in flight or if the objectives are not
definition. met, the
consequences on the first launch campaign are identified. Specific measurements are
The Vega mobile gantry is a complex multipurpose
required to aid judging whether the identified criteria are reached. In particular, the
II.2. Launch Base
necessary instrumentation and Ground
is identified, Segmentif not included in the
especially facility:
instrumentation and/or in the ground nomenclature. The present test report • addresses
First of all it is a large integration building with
each test objective The launch base
identifying whatforisVega
the European Spaceport
partially achieved or requiring
associated machinery for translating the entire
additional validation
in Kourou,prior or in the Guiana.
French frame of the qualification
Maximum usescampaign.
of existing structure, associated travelling crane for lifting the
installations and ground infrastructure, as well as the stages and machinery for translating the platforms
requirements of the Kourou range safety, have driven required for preparing the launcher;
the development choices for the launch pad, launcher • It includes a complete propellant filling and
integration and control building. decontamination facility for Vega’s AVUM liquid
Page 15/201 Vega ground segment is mainly composed of the propulsion fourth stage;
Combined Tests – Synthesis Report
Vega Launch Zone (ZLV, Zone de Lancement Vega),
Date 19 November 2011 - Issue 2 - Rev 0 • It is also used for Vega’s P80 first stage acceptance,
formerly Ensemble de Lancement #1 (ELA1) used for in particular the Thrust Vector Control system
first Ariane launches. acceptance tests;
As mentioned, to reduce recurrent and development • Last but not least it integrates all necessary electrical
costs, existing facilities were adapted/used for the Vega and ventilation systems for the launcher and
ground segment, i.e.: payload conditioning during the integration and
• The launch zone is ZLV (ex ELA1) launcher preparation phase.
• The control room is in the CDL3

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ZLV for the neutralization of the toxic propellants
before storage and shipment back to Europe.
The launcher and payload ventilation system is
dispatched at several levels and capable of delivering
Nitrogen, Helium or filtered dry Air according to the
need. The Helium supply is primarily used for the solid
boosters pressurization, while the regulated dry
Nitrogen supply is constantly supplied for payload
ventilation. In addition to the ventilation, the entire
mobile gantry is constantly conditioned at 25°C and
70% humidity and kept in overpressure to protect the
launcher equipment from the harsh equatorial
environment at CSG. The required conditioned
environment can be achieved in 20 minutes from main
Fig. V: Launcher integrated in the mobile gantry, access doors closure.
platforms are retracted ready for gantry translation

The fist stage integration is served by a set of fixed

platforms positioned at the levels where intervention is
required. These platforms can be partially removed to
allow the gantry to translate in its south position for
launch. From the second stage upwards the integration
is served by two elevating platforms that can be
positioned where needed up to the tip of the launcher.
The fluidic systems are integrated in the mobile
gantry. The liquid propellant one is served at level 37
meters, the fourth stage level, while the gas ventilation
system is served at several levels for stage and payload
Fig. VII: Pallet and Mast

The electrical and ventilation lines are channeled

through the Mast structure and then through the
umbilical lines to the launcher, allowing them to be
always installed and functional in both gantryIss.positions.
VG-SMO-21007-C-0020-OCI 10 Rev. 0
There are two independent ground
for power
The AVS andis totelemetry
device function
shedding phenomena.
allow the respect between launcher
of the bending stiffness and
requirement, due toground,
the vortex

The AVSthrough
system, shownthe in Fig. upper
comprises the following items:
177, is installed via
on the Upper Pallet the
floor Mast
as shown in Fig. into
189 and the

fourth stage (called POE) and one through the

AVS Ring + Spring columns
supporting pallet
Blocking System (object into the first stage (called PCE).
of this SMO)

AVS ring


Fig. VI: MG sketch showing the fluidic systems 2nd interface


Three independent systems are present necessary for

propellant filling operations of UDMH, NTO and
Hydrazine in the AVUM’s main engine tanks and roll
and attitude control system tank. All three propellants Spring columns Retainer shim
are extremely toxic; reason why critical operations are AVS ring Retainer

remotely controlled and the propellant containers are Fig. VIII: Anti Vortex Shedding (AVS) device
Fig. 188 AVSD layout
dispatched from dedicated sealed rooms. All toxic
propellant rooms are constantly monitored by toxic The launch vehicle is integrated onto a supporting
vapors detection and other safety systems. The fluidic pallet that slides on the launch table. A key element of
system performs also decontamination functions the launcher interface surface is the AVS (Anti Vortex
supported by a set of washing columns installed in the Shedding) device. This device is essentially a stiff

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Rheinmetall Italia S.p.A
321 RR 404 188 KV L
RN 401 282 A
metallic ring supported by a set of calibrated spring • First stage transferred to mobile gantry (beginning
columns that have a damping function above certain of launch campaign and launcher preparation) and
frequencies. It is called anti vortex shedding because by acceptance tested in mobile gantry
damping the launcher oscillations that couple with the • Launch vehicle integration in mobile gantry
wind vortexes, it avoids building up of dangerous (i.e. o P80, Interstage ½, Z23, Z9, AVUM
catastrophic) high amplitude resonant oscillations. o Integration of pyro devices, batteries
The ZLV facilities are
Ref.: VG-SMO-200091-0315-VCS completed
Issue: 1 Rev.: 3 with the
26 of 38 • Launch vehicle avionic testing and acceptance
Author’s Ref.: SMO_VOL_2_CCV Date: 06-10-2011 including annexes
Room comprising two independent operational controls (synthesis control test)
3.4.7and monitoring
CCV External interfacessystems: the Vega Control Bench • Payload assembly composite integration and launch
(CCV) and the housekeeping control-command system preparation
CCV external interfaces are summarised by the following drawing : o Final preparation of the launch base and
dress rehearsal
o Liquid propellants loading into the AVUM
• Countdown (gantry roll back, general checkout,
avionics on) and countdown (automatic sequence)
• Launch vehicle flight monitoring
Bunker ZLV
gantry ZLV
• Post flight analysis
Process Ground


2 CCV 3


5 Launcher
6 Architect External
+ Users

CSG/BLA Project Room

Project Room

Fig. IX: VegaFigure

3 – CCVbench
External external
Interface interfaces
Kourou & ESA/ESRIN project room are considerate as part of CCV, thus interface n° 10 is not an
The control bench is the independent operational
external interface properly said but it has been represented for better legibility.
Fig. X: Figure!2:!Operational!concept!
Vega operations schematics
control and monitoring system of the Vega launch
Based on the above requirements and operational guidelines, the combined tests campaign
(1) It is used
Launcher interfaces : for the acceptance of the stages during The launch campaign operations are described in the
was ordered by a number objectives as described in the combined tests plan. Each objective
in combination with the VES (Vega
Hardwired interface ( via POE et PCE) : logic reports, analogue measurements, power lines,
following page.
is characterized by a file Thewhich
number, transport and
includes thestorage of the
identification stages
of the implied system
Electrical Simulator), for the verification of the launcher and the can
campaign (e.g.: S-M-01well
be performed = system test, mechanical
in advance campaign). Hereafter
to the beginning of the
and launch system, and it interfaces with all launch base the launch campaign, though currently the launch rate is
parameters required for launch, e.g. as the launch base mainly driven by the production rate of the stages,
time synchronization system. Operated manually by a Systems the P80 in Guiana. The
especially PhasesZefiri boosters are
System S Mechanical tests M
number of specialized operators, it runs also several stored in BPZ, the AVUM
Payload A5 inElectrical
HA, tests
while theE P80
automatic procedures especially during countdown. currently
Avionicscan only be stored AV in the mobile
Fluidic testsgantry. F
Zefiro 9 + IS2/3 A3
P80 + IS0/1 A1
The Vega launch system assembly, integration and Ground G

testing operations are the sequence of activities Table!1:!Objectives!classification!

necessary for preparing the launch system to launch.
They are characterized by the following phases,
performed in chronological order:
• Stages assembling and acceptance
o In Europe for all stages except the P80 Page 14/201
Fig.Report XI: Vega launch campaign typical timeline
(A1A) which is prepared in French Guiana
Combined Tests – Synthesis
Date 19 November 2011 - Issue 2 - Rev 0
• Stages and satellite shipping to launch base
The launch campaign operations are preceded by a
• Satellite preparation at launch base week of preparations where the launch system and

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ground facilities are checked for readiness to begin III.2 Integration and verification of the Vega Launcher
operations. During this week the Vega pallet is
transferred to the BIP and prepared with its refurbished In parallel to the first stage acceptance, the second
AVS; at this stage the almost over 90t P80 is mounted and third stage are removed from their transport
on the pallet using a heavy-lift travelling crane. containers and finalized before integration in BPZ. In
particular, the pyro-igniters are installed and leak tested;
III.1 Integration and acceptance tests of the first stage the stage cannot travel with the igniters installed,
(P80) meaning this operation needs to be performed at CSG.

The transfer of the P80 to gantry nominally marks

the beginning of the Vega launch campaign operations,
though as mentioned it could also be transferred and
stored awaiting the beginning of the operations. It is
transferred using a heavy capacity truck, capable of
carrying the over 100t of P80 and pallet.

Fig. XIII: Z23 during hoisting on the first stage

The Zefiri Z23 booster is then transferred by truck to

the mobile gantry and hoisted onto the first stage using
the traveling crane in combination with the erection
swivels that allow verticalizing the stage. Replacing the
igniter’s safety snap ring with the flight grade one, and a
set of avionic availability tests, complete the integration
of the second stage on the launcher.
The third stage follows an identical integration flow.
During these avionic tests where the launcher is only
partially integrated, the VES functions as a simulator for
the rest of the launcher so the nominal set of control
algorithms can be used by the control bench to run the
required tests.
Finally the fourth stage is integrated. It is transported
by truck and hoisted in its transport container to
minimize exposure of the launcher’s core avionics to the
humid external environment.
Once completed the mechanical and electrical
integration of the four propulsive stages, the final
critical phase of the launch vehicle system level testing
is performed. The synthesis control test is performed by
simulating a complete mission using a dedicated version
of the flight software and verifying that all systems
Fig. XII: The P80 during its transfer by truck to the perform as expected. The sign verification test is then
mobile gantry performed to verify the actuations are performed in the
correct direction using the actual flight software. At this
Once in front of the gantry the pallet slides on rails point the launcher is declared ready for flight and
into its final position. An air cushion system allows for delivered form the launch vehicle prime to the launch
fine positioning. At this stage a two-week period of operator for final launch preparation.
finalization of the first stage begin with a set of thrust
vector control system acceptance testing and overall III.3 Preparation of the payload and its integration on
stage testing. At the end of the acceptance phase the the launch vehicle
stage is delivered to the launch vehicle prime contractor,
and integration of the other stages can begin. In parallel to the launcher integration and
verification, the satellite is prepared and tested in the

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payload preparation facility (EPCU). Once ready it is As soon as the PAC is installed on the launcher, it is
installed onto the payload adapter and finally connected to the MG’s ventilation system allowing the
encapsulated into the fairing and prepared for its required temperature and humidity regulation.
integration on the launcher.
III.4 Preparation of launch vehicle and launch pad
facilities for lift-off

Finally with the launch vehicle fully integrated the

final operations before filling and countdown are
performed. The principal one consisting in running the
dress rehearsal, where the destruction command is
verified during a launch system level test involving the
radar and telemetry station.
The filling operations of the fourth stage are
performed after the dress rehearsal, which confirms all
launch system elements are ready for launch. In three
days each of the AVUM propellants is loaded, UDMH
and NTO for the bipropellant fourth stage main engine,
Fig. XIV: Payload during encapsulation into the fairing and N2H4 for the monopropellant roll and attitude
control system. The operations are concluded with the
Once the payload assembly composite (PAC) is pressurization of the AVUM high-pressure Helium tank,
ready and instrumented it is transported by truck to the and final decontamination of the ground propellant lines
mobile gantry and hoisted into the launcher using the and evacuation of the ground propellant tanks.
MG’s travelling crane, as for the other stages. The final operation before countdown consists in
Particular care has to be taken with the ventilation of arming the launcher with the pyrotechnic initiators,
the satellite during all operations. A set of Dry Air (or operation done the day before launch. Now the launcher
Dry Nitrogen if required) bottles connected to a is in full flight configuration.
specifically developed pressure regulator and safety
relief valve keep the fairing constantly ventilated and in
overpressure respect to the external environment. The
fairing is not thermally regulated, meaning the transfer
to the launch site is currently performed at nighttime
limiting the temperature to increase over the specified

Fig. XVI: Fairing during final launch preparations

The countdown begins 12 hours before launch with

the roll back of the mobile gantry to launch position and
the beginning of the avionics activations and checks
sequence. The alignment of the inertial platform marks
the readiness for the final phase of the countdown.
Fig. XV: AVUM during functional tests before PAC The countdown is an extremely critical phase lasting
integration approximately 4 minutes, fully automatic, which fully
arms the launcher igniters, performs a final set of
An adaptation of the Soyuz payload assembly avionics and thrust vector control availability tests, then
transfer means is ongoing with active ventilation and initiates the flight program software and finally hands
thermal control that will allow a day transfer. It will be over the bus control to the on-board computer for
operational for the Vega fourth launch late this year. ignition and lift-off.

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Figure 1: Chronology Validation Logic

• Verification of all mechanical interfaces, both

internal and between launcher and ground
• Validation of launcher-ground fluid interfaces,
SRM’s pressurization and Nitrogen replacement
with Helium in MG, in addition to propellant
loading, unloading, and drying procedures
• Verification of electrical and RF interfaces between
launch vehicle and launch base
• Verification of the overall functionality of the
launcher (including software), including validation
Figure 2: Launcher and BCV Chronology
Fig. XVII: Final countdown automatic sequence of EGSE and relevant procedures allowing
Page 5/21
coverage of all flight phases; then “real-time”
Chronology and Final Countdown
Countdown Sequence
Date 06/02/2012 Issue 1 Rev 0
Monitoring Limitation
Degraded Cases

N/A No Degraded branch

ground mission simulation in closed-loop
Ventilation Stop
Optical System Activation
H0 Load into OBC
N/A No Degraded branch
(hardware in the loop), from pre lift-off check-out
up to payload injection into orbit
FPS Checksum Calculation MSSYN01 CSSYN01 5.21 TC02 Not Existing FPS file (impossible to calculate checksum)
5.22 TC02 1553 SCOE disconnection during OBT Synchronisation
OBT Synchronisation MSSYN01 CSSYN01 5.23 TC02 OBT Drift overlimit
5.24 TC02 Update Equipment Time LN2 tool error
PSU Commutation on Battery
BCVE Arming
PSU Feedback acquisition not correct
Ground Application relay not correctly open • Verification of the SRM’s, and TVC performances
5.25 TC03 Ground Current Consumption overlimit
MFU Power Supply on Battery
SAS-A Supply on Battery
SAS-B Supply on Battery
Ground Application relay not correctly open
Ground Voltage overlimit after commutation while firing, and LPS and RACS performances
TVC Power Switch Closure

TVC1 Actuation


Power Switch not correctly closed
Maximum duration reached for the sequence
Initial GO commanding incorrectly processed
while firing

5.30 TC06 Jack Position Out of limit after commanding
TVC2 Actuation
TVC3 Actuation
TVC4 Actuation
CSSYN01 5.31
TC06 Current Out of Limits for 55V power rail
Verification of aerodynamic, aero-acoustic and lift-
off acoustics analysis results by using small scale
TVC Protected Mode Removal MSSYN01 CSSYN01 5.32 N/A TVC1 Protected mode removal not correct
ESB2 Arming MSSYN01 CSSYN01 TC07
ESB1 Arming MSSYN01 CSSYN01 TC07
Stop General Monitoring
FPS Start (BC Handover first step)
No Degraded branch
OBC Bus Control Handover failure
OBC Bus Control Handover failure

TX Start and FSA Inhibition MSSYN02 CSSYN02 5.39 TC10 Fatal System Alarm not correctly Inhibited
BC Handover
Safe Abort Time
T1 (MCA Branch 3 Execution)
OBC Bus Control Handover too late event
Early FPS FDIR detection
No Degraded branch
Verification of separations (at system and/or
Fig. XVIII: Automatic procedures used in the final subsystem level).
countdown sequence Other specific launch vehicle test campaigns were:
• UCMEC: the Upper Composite Mechanical model
A very important role is played by the emergency was subject to mechanical, acoustic, separation
control bench, which is always ready to stop the environmental testing
sequence in case of an anomaly detected, even in the
final seconds. In this case the launcher is immediately
put in a safe condition and initial conditions restored.



The launch system qualification process was based

on an incremental qualification logic starting from the
development and qualification of various components,
subsystems, stages and functions of the launch vehicle
as well as the development, validation and certification
of the various components of the ground segment and
the related launch base infrastructure, the verification of
the interfaces between the launch vehicle and the
ground segment and finally the operational concept.
Each of the system functions was subject to positive
verification, being this achieved through analysis (also
including similarity and review of design) and/or
testing. Below a non-exhaustive list of verification
performed during launch system qualification:
• Verification of EMC compatibility of critical parts
of the launcher electronics; alone and with respect
to the launch base EMC environmental requirement
• Verification of the predicted maximum dynamic
environment to be applied to the electronics and to
the payload
Fig. XIX: Vega qualification flight lift-off

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
• UCEMC: further to the avionics units tests, a set of • MOEL: Electrical and software campaign.
tests were carried out on the upper composite part, • MRA: Fluid campaign dedicated to the AVUM
where most of the avionics is located, in order to fluid operations, including propellant loading.
verify the conducted and radiated margins of the These four sub-campaigns were grouped in two main
design and compatibility with respect to the campaigns at launch vehicle level:
payload • ISV1 that includes MDL, MDPH and MRA,
• SWIL/HWIL: verification of the overall • ISV2 that corresponds to MOEL.
functionality of the launch vehicle by verifying the
functions using software simulations to check the
algorithms to be implemented in the flight program
software (FPS); hardware units were then
introduced in the verification process
• Firing tests on flight representative units, performed
both in Guiana on the P80 and in Sardinia on the
Specific test campaigns were performed also on the
ground segment side, in particular they can summarize
• Industrial acceptance of each subsystem
• Integrated tests at system level (without launcher
neither launcher mock-up) for technical Fig. XXI: Electrical set-up during ISV2 campaign using
qualification of the ground systems VES
The launch system level test campaigns were aimed
at verifying both interfaces and operations, and confirm One of the main objectives of the combined tests
the launch system design and operability. The was to lead to operational readiness of the Launch
qualification of the system came with a stepwise System: ground segment operational readiness,
approach from combined tests to launch campaign. validation of launcher-ground interfaces, operational
ISV1 In this respect it validated the full operational flow:
Launcher and
Debugging with
real launcher
• Mechanical integration of the launcher constituted
VV01 Launch
Mechanical Campaign
of SRM’s loaded with inert propellant (the whole
and Fluidic process starting with transportation from Colleferro
Systems ISV2
• Simulation of
all launcher
Launch System
to Kourou),
operations Launcher and
• Full chronology
• Mechanical integration of the PAC,
• Ground Ground validated
Electrical and simulating all
launch system
• Fluid tests (gases and real propellants),
and MG
operations (MG
backwards, CSG, • Electrical and software tests,
Equipment and etc.)
• Validation of launcher ventilations,

simulators in • Degraded cases
VES used to validated

• Pressurization,
validate • No-Go CSG
automatic • No-Go LV
sequence • BCVE H0+
• The umbilical disconnections.
Fig. XX: Launch system qualification approach Moreover specific launcher tests were performed at
launch system level, as modal testing of the launcher
The combined test campaign is derived from the installed on the AVS device, verifying the effectiveness
standard operations plan, and verified all launch of both launcher and AVS design against vortex
operations by using a mock-up of the launcher, which is shedding.
representative from the mechanical, thermal, fluidic and The Qualification Flight was the final step of this
avionic point of view. Electrical simulators were used to process. Its objective was to demonstrate the correct
fully reproduce the avionic system of the real launcher. behavior of all elements and functions of the Launch
Mechanical and fluidic systems were very close to the System in real conditions and in particular to
real launcher. The combined test campaign was divided demonstrate the Launch Vehicle performances and
in four sub-campaigns: Payload Services in real flight conditions, once the
• MDL: Mechanical campaign consisting in the qualification process on ground has been completed.
integration of the whole launcher and system As the first flight of a new launch system, the
validations. The campaign activities are mainly qualification flight aimed at demonstrating the nominal
mechanical. behavior and performance of all elements of the launch
• MDPH: Campaign activities related to the system, starting from the preparation phase of the
validation of the payload operations, preparations vehicle up to the flight and the separation of the
and transfer to the mobile gantry. payloads. In this regard, the qualification flight was the

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
final step of an incremental qualification process started Readiness Review and the Launch Readiness Review.
with the development and qualification of various The GQR was successfully completed on December the
components, subsystems, assemblies, and functions of 5th 2011. The Combined Tests campaign, consisting as
the vehicle and the ground segment, and ended with the mentioned in a full verification tests plan between the
verification of the interfaces between the vehicle, the Inert Static Vehicle and the ground segment
ground segment and the launch base infrastructures thus infrastructure, in particular the Vega Control Center
pronouncing the readiness for flight. (CCV) aimed at validating all test procedures to be used
during the qualification launch campaign. The results of
Results of Modal Analysis
the Combined Tests and the operational qualification of
Mode No. Frequency Frequency Description
[Hz] [Hz] the launch system were independently assessed in the
blocked unblocked Operational Readiness Review (ORR) successfully
completed on February the 11th 2012. The launch
1 0.465 0.296 st
1 bending Y-direction
2 0.471 0.293 st
1 bending Z-direction
2nd bending Z-direction
bending Y-direction
campaign started on 7 November 2011, with the arrival
Target Modes of the VEGA MOKA Test Article of the A1 (first stage) assembly on the launch zone.

Nominal Verification
Chronology Chronology

No Fluidics
Reduced Rehearsal
Chronology Nominal Dress
1st and 3rd Mode Shape of the VEGA TVC-1) Nominal Rehearsal
MOKA Test Article – unblocked • No TVC-2,3,4 Chronology
(blocked similar) • No Fluidics
• Full chronology
Debugging • No RF successfully Reduced
Xmitter (for
Fig. XXII: Modal analysis results from the system tests •
second test with
simulating all
• RF
performed during the ISV1 campaign
TA33-TM-14/1 09.06.2011 © IABG 2011 62
launch system
operations (MG

backwards, CSG,
• Degraded cases
An impressive number of tests were performed Debugging
• No-Go CSG

progressively, from components to system level. The •

No-Go LV

qualification flight was the final confirmation of the

Fig. XXIV: Validation of the final countdown and its
design of the launch system, and the final validation of
automatic procedures during the qualification
the system models used for the definition of the mission
in flight conditions.
Results Vortex Test (10) – Night and Day – Dynamic Response vs
A number of tests during the qualification campaign
Speed were performed to compete the qualification, in
particular the validation of the automatic procedures and
of the final countdown using the real launcher, closing
the gap left with VES validations during the combined
The VV01 qualification flight was successfully
performed on 13 February 2012. The final countdown
was run on time without interruption and the lift-off
occurred at the 1st second of the launch window,
10h00’00’’UTC. Overall, the flight mission
management behaved as expected and the actual flight
timeline was in line with the predictions taking into
account the uncertainties and dispersions for the
Fig. XXIII: Wind speed effects results from the system On the operations side, the qualification campaign
Logarithmic performed during the ISV1 campaign confirmed the assumptions on the nominal 40-day
duration achievable for the exploitation phase. Though
The launch campaign was anticipated by two main it lasted twice as much, in total 80 days, it confirmed the
events. The Ground Qualification Review (GQR), that flow of operations were in line with the plan when no
independently assessed the conformity of52 the launch major anomaly was encountered.
09.06.2011 © IABG 2011

system to the high-level system requirements, as well as In fact a detailed analysis of the operations
the suitability for maiden flight. The GQR also allowed performed proved that the nominal recurrent operations
the preparation of the qualification phase and represented less than half of the total effort and
contributed to the authorization process for starting the duration, with anomaly investigation and resolution at
qualification launch campaign through the Flight roughly 1/7 of the total. The remaining being

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
qualificationREX: VV01
flight Launch
specific Campaign
activities As-
not be repeated in delays were mostly due to external factors as
Run Analysis
the following campaigns. meteorological conditions.
VEGA VV01/LARES Launch Campaign Trend Chart # Info Title Expected Start October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013
WK 42 WK 43 WK 44 WK 45 WK 46 WK 47 WK 48 WK 49 WK 50 WK 51 WK 52 WK 1, WK 2, WK 3, WK 4, WK 5, WK 6, WK 7, WK 8, WK 9, WK 10 WK 11 WK 12 WK 13 WK 14 WK 15 WK 16 WK 17 WK 18 WK 19
46 0 VV02 launch operations synthesis plan 26/11/2012 VV02 launch operations synthesis plan
Launch 1 Ship arrival with Zefiri and IS-1/2 30/11/2012 Ship arrival with Zefiri and IS-1/2

2 Ship arrival with Fairing 31/01/2013 Ship arrival with Fairing

3 Plane arrival with Avum, Vespa and new RT/TC… 16/02/2013 Plane arrival with Avum, Vespa and new RT/TC station
4 Plane arrival with P2 plate (ALTS plate) 11/03/2013 Plane arrival with P2 plate (ALTS plate)
Nominal dress rehearsal
5 Plane arrival with LB-MKII 14/03/2013 Plane arrival with LB-MKII

PAC integration 6 Plane arrival with SSIS equip. (CSA, DD, AR) 14/03/2013 Plane arrival with SSIS equip. (CSA, DD, AR)

7 Plane arrival with SS-ASAP 28/02/2013 Plane arrival with SS-ASAP

Start of launch system operational qualification 8 Plane arrival with Isipod (incl. Cubesat) 07/03/2013 Plane arrival with Isipod (incl. Cubesat)

9 Plane arrival with Proba-V 08/03/2013 Plane arrival with Proba-V

10 Plane arrival with VNREDSat-1 08/03/2013 Plane arrival with VNREDSat-1

31 Synthesis control checks 11 Ship arrival with GPT/GHT propellant tanks 22/03/2013 Ship arrival with GPT/GHT propellant tanks

12 Launcher stages storage at CSG 30/11/2012 Launcher stages storage at CSG 2.49 months

21 P80 finalization at BIP 07/01/2013 P80 finalization at BIP 2 weeks

25 Ground segment activities 26/11/2012 Ground segment activities 4.6 months

26 79 Campaign preparation (ERO) 09/01/2013 Campaign preparation (ERO) 2.4 weeks

88 Campaign support activities 28/01/2013 Campaign support activities 3.2 months


100 Launcher integration campaign (POL) 25/01/2013 Launcher integration campaign (POL)

101 A1 25/01/2013 A1 1 month

117 A1 external finalization 20/03/2013 A1 external finalization
AVUM integration 118 A2 14/02/2013 A2 2 weeks

125 A3 21/02/2013 A3 3.4 weeks

134 A3 External thermal protection finalization 11/03/2013 A3 External thermal protection finalization 1w
135 A4 09/03/2013 A4 3.8 weeks

Z9 integration 144 Launcher accepted (synthesis control) 22/03/2013 Launcher accepted (synthesis control)

145 Ni-Cdm batteries removal for charging 02/04/2013 Ni-Cdm batteries removal for charging 4d

11 146 A5 finalization at CSG in S1B-N (reste-à-faire) 18/02/2013 A5 finalization at CSG in S1B-N (reste-à-faire) 3 weeks

151 Finalized Vespa and PLF delivery 11/03/2013 Finalized Vespa and PLF delivery

Z23 integration 152 A5 (Pre-POC) 08/03/2013 A5 (Pre-POC) 3.8 weeks

161 Launch Vehicle delivery (DRB) 05/04/2013 Launch Vehicle delivery (DRB)

6 Interstage-1/2 integration 162 Basecover integration 15/04/2013 Basecover integration 1.2w

163 Satellites campaign (POS) 11/03/2013 Satellites campaign (POS) 1.2 months

178 Combined operations readiness review (BT-POC) 09/04/2013 Combined operations readiness review (BT-POC)

P80 transfer to MG 179 LV fueling readiness review (BT-REMPL) 22/04/2013 LV fueling readiness review (BT-REMPL)

180 Combined operations campaign (POC) 10/04/2013 Combined operations campaign (POC) 1.07 months

11 Feb 2012
13 Feb 2012
7 Feb 2012
9 Feb 2012
3 Feb 2012
5 Feb 2012
30 Jan 2012
1 Feb 2012
24 Jan 2012
26 Jan 2012
28 Jan 2012
20 Jan 2012
22 Jan 2012
16 Jan 2012
18 Jan 2012
10 Jan 2012
12 Jan 2012
14 Jan 2012
4 Jan 2012
6 Jan 2012
8 Jan 2012
29 Dec 2011
31 Dec 2011
2 Jan 2012
23 Dec 2011
25 Dec 2011
27 Dec 2011
19 Dec 2011
21 Dec 2011
15 Dec 2011
17 Dec 2011
11 Dec 2011
13 Dec 2011
7 Dec 2011
9 Dec 2011
3 Dec 2011
5 Dec 2011
29 Nov 2011
1 Dec 2011
23 Nov 2011
25 Nov 2011
27 Nov 2011
17 Nov 2011
19 Nov 2011
21 Nov 2011
11 Nov 2011
13 Nov 2011
15 Nov 2011
7 Nov 2011
9 Nov 2011

196 Launch system qualification tests 09/03/2013 Launch system qualification tests 1.9 months

207 Launch base preparation 21/01/2013 Launch base preparation 3.65 months

213 Range Preparation Review - phase 2 (RPB2) 29/04/2013 Range Preparation Review - phase 2 (RPB2)

214 Launch Readiness Review (RAL) 30/04/2013 Launch Readiness Review (RAL)

215 CSG green-light on safety flight gabarit 19/04/2013 CSG green-light on safety flight gabarit

FRR1 Schedule Actual Planned Milestones FA Number 216 Launch 06/05/2013 Launch

Fig. XXV: Qualification campaign trend chart, and

ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use REX Steering Board - ESRIN June 5, 2012
Fig. XXVII: VV02 Vega second launch campaign as-
milestones and number of non-conformances per day run plan

Considering this was the first real campaign, it can The transition to the commercial phase will be
be stated with confidence that the target is easily performed within the ESA program VERTA, where
achievable for the exploitation phase, leaving also qualification will be completed in parallel to
of improvement,
VV01 Launch demonstrated then fully with
Campaign As- consolidating the operational flow and proving the
Run Analysis
the second qualification flight. reliability of the launch vehicle and launch system, and
its integration and validation process.
VV01$manpower$breakdown$$ VV01$specific$


Fig. XXVI: Qualification flight effort breakdown

ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use REX Steering Board - ESRIN June 5, 2012

Clearly a reduction in campaign duration and

manpower required will represent a reduction in launch
cost to the benefit of Vega’s attractiveness on the
commercial launch service market.
Another indicator of the achieved level of
qualification and confidence on the targets is the
relatively limited number of non-conformances raised
during the first campaign (all closed before launch),
considering it was a qualification campaign. It is known
from the Ariane experience that the number of
anomalies decreases rapidly after the first flight to a
physiological minimum during recurring operations.
The second launch campaign, concluded in early Fig. XXVIII: VV02 multi-payload adapter with both
May 2013 with a second successful flight. It carried two spacecraft integrated
earth observation satellites (Proba V and VNREDSat)
while having significant qualification objectives. The Five flights are earmarked in the period 2013-2015,
launcher integration was significantly improved respect other four VERTA launchers procured by ESA and one
to the first launch, and overall the launch operations from the first batch of 10 commercial launchers

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
procured by Arianespace in 2013. Most of the launchers The second qualification flight was successfully
of the batch of 10 have been sold to commercial clients, performed on May 6th, 2013, validating among other
with the remaining under negotiation securing flights up systems the new flight guidance software and the
to 2017. VESPA multi-payload adapter.
In parallel ESA began development of the first In both launches the launch vehicle and the ground
evolution of the Vega launcher to increase by roughly infrastructure of the Vega launch system performed
20% its payload mass capability in order to secure the flawless and in a timely manner. The third flight is
earth observation targeted market. It will be operational under preparation and planned for April 2014.
starting 2017.
Further studies began at ESA to significantly boost VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
its performance and market reach into MEO orbits, on
one hand with an Electric Upper Stage and on the other The Vega Launch System is managed by the
with a redesign of the solid and liquid boosters by European Space Agency, and was developed by an
increasing largely its lift capability. The latter integrated ESA team including staff from the Italian
development is not scheduled to be operational before (ASI) and French (CNES) Space Agencies.
2024. Prime contractor for the development, qualification
and production of the Vega Launcher System is ELV
VII. CONCLUSION (I), a 70% Avio S.p.A. (I) and 30% ASI company.
Prime contractor for the development and the
The launch operations and ground facilities were qualification of the Vega Launch Complex is Vitrociset
presented and their qualification path outlined. The S.p.A. (I).
qualification flight of the Vega launch system took Prime contractor for the Launch Range at the Guiana
place successfully on February 13th, 2012. The detailed Space Center is CNES.
analysis of the flight measurement confirmed the Prime contractor for VERTA flights and Launch
excellent results of the maiden flight. Operator for commercial flights is Arianespace (F).

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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