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10th Grade How Will You Be

Brother Robert F. Baray This course is designed to drive you to reconsider your
position on different topics. Throughout each unit, you
will be asked to evaluate your perspective on the topic
Welcome to English Class Sophomores! You Are Awesome!
being discussed. This perspective will be voiced—and
The objective of this class is to continue to master the English evaluated—through speaking and writing.
Language so that you can express yourself better verbally and in
To keep track of your sources and ideas, you will be asked
to keep evidence logs, word networks, and a Quickwrite
We will accomplish this by: journal.

Learning academic vocabulary We will also be working on Vocabulary and grammar. You
are expected to take notes in class. They are not included
Learning common idioms and phrases on your workbooks. We will be working with different
Working on grammar and writing conventions worksheets and other activities. To demonstrate your
knowledge of vocabulary terms, grammar concepts, and
Reading American Literature reading comprehension there will be exams.
Improving academic writing

Presenting in front of the class and/or larger audiences

Class Materials How Will You Be Graded?

We will be using the book My Perspectives from Pearson Activities—30%
Education. You should have received workbooks for the
class before today. You can leave your book in the Evidence Logs
classroom if it is clearly labeled with your name and
Word Networks
Grammar worksheets
Other materials that you will need to bring to class are
the following: Journals
Pen: blue or black Vocabulary activities
Composition notebook Quick writes
Colors, crayons, or color highlighters Teamwork
(at least four different colors)

File paper folder Tests—30%

File folder with pocket Grammar

Class Expectations/Class Rules Reading Comprehension
● Follow all the directions.

● Show up on time. Remember being late to class three times = one unexcused absence.

● Deadlines. Turn in your assignments when they are due.

● Take personal responsibility for your actions.

● Positive attitude. Always show up to class with a positive attitude.

● Respect. Show respect for yourself and others.

● Make learning a priority.

● Get involved. Class participation is REQUIRED.

● Our classroom is an ENGLISH ONLY - ZONE, you are expected to speak in English.

● No eating in class.

If your behavior is not following our class expectations and rules, you may face the following consequences:

● Consequence 1: Warning

● Consequence 2: Teacher/Student conference during the next Homeroom period.

● Consequence 3: The student will be referred to the principal’s office.

Note: All rules stated in the Student Handbook will be enforced in class.

10th Grade
Brother Robert F. Baray

Student’s name: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

I have read and understood the class expectations. I have explained them to my parents:

Student’s Signature: ________________________________ Parent’s signature ________________________________

Parent contact information :

Name : ___________________________ Phone Number : ____________________________

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