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Heat Energy

Light Energy
(Energi Panas) (Energi Cahaya)

Sound Energy
Electrical Energy
(Energi Suara)
(Energi Listrik)
Sound energy
Object around us (Benda-benda disekitar kita

how to describe objects around us (bagaimana mendeskripsikan suatu benda disekitar kita ) we can see an
object from its color, size, shape, texture and material.
Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c.

1. Where do this car get energy? 8. Where do the flash light get energy?
a. Sun
The energy sources for the objects
b. Water below are... The energy sources for
c. Oi l the objects below are... The energy
sources for the objects below are...
2. Which one is source of energy? (manakah a. Battery
yang termasuk sumber energi?) b. Electricity
c. Water

9. Look at the picture!

a. c.

3. Where do this boy get energy? The picture above shows form energy is ...
a. Food (Gambar diatas merupakan contoh dari
b. Sun bentuk energi ...)
c. Battery
a. Heat Energy (Energi panas)

4. Form energy of boiling water is ... b. Sound Energy (Energi suara)

c. Light Energy (Energi cahaya)
a. Heat Energy (energi panas)
b. Sound energy (energi
suara) 10. We can hear different sounds by help of
c. Light energy (energi
our ...
(Kita bisa mendengarkan bunyi yang berbeda-
5. Wind energy (Energi Angin) can be used for? beda dengan bantuan ...)
a. c.

a. c.


6. Form energy of Drum is ...
a. Heat Energy (energi panas)
b. Sound energy (energi suara) 11. Sound is produced by ...
c. Light energy (energi cahaya) (Bunyi dihasilkan oleh ...)

7. Electricity can be used for ... a. Vibration (Getaran)

b. Food (Makanan)
c. Sport (Olahraga)
a. c. 12. The example of Natural sound is ... (Contoh
b. dari bunyi alami adalah ...)
a. b. c.
13. What kind of this sound below? (Apakah 18. Which one is artificial sound?
jenis dari bunyi dibawah ini?) a. c.
a. Natural sound
b. Artificial sound
c. Cat sound b.

14. Look at this picture below! 19. Which one is natural sound?

a. c.

The picture above shows an example of a type b.

of sound?... (Gambar diatas menunjukkan
contoh dari jenis bunyi?...) 20. Where do the student above get energy?
a. Water
a. Natural sound b. Oil
b. Artificial sound c. Food
c. Helicopter sound
21. This clock has the shape of … *

15. What kind a type of sound of the picture a. Circle

below? (Apakah jenis bunyi dari gambar b. Rectangle
c. Sound
dibawah ini?)

22. The doll (boneka) is example of … *

a. Hard object
b. Soft objcect
c. Bad object
a. Artificial sound
b. Guitar sound 23. Which objects the texture is smooth?
c. Natural sound

a. c.
16. What is the name of sound below?
a. Bird sound b.
b. Frog sound
c. Helicopter sound
24. . The door is made from…
17. Where do this flower get energy?
a. Electricity (Listrik)
b. Sun (matahari)
a. c.
c. Oil (Minyak)
b. . 7. Why does the earth become bright during the
day? (mengapa bumi menjadi terang di siang
hari )?
1. _____because of sunlight
25. The box is made from … 8. Mention three source of sound !
1.__ the sound of a knock on the door
2.__ the sound of a trumpet blowing
3.__ the sound of a drum being hit
9. Mention three kind nature of sound !
a. . c.
1.___ the sound of birds chirping
2.___ thunder sound
3.__ the sound of a rooster crowing
10. Mention three kind artificial of sound !
II. Answer these question below !
1._the sound of a plucked guitar
1. Mantion three kind source of energy!
2._ car horn sound
1.wind energy ________________ 3._the sound of an airplane

2._water energy ________________

11. What are the shape of these shape !
3._sun energy _________________

2. Mention three kind form of energy !

1._heat energy __________________ Square
Circle Triangle
2._light energy __________________
3_sound energy __________________ 12. What are the shape of these object !
3. Mention three transportasion that use
pertroleum ( minyak bumi )?
2.__motorcycle_______________________ Cylinder cube Sphere
3. __plane _________________
4. Mention three kind object that source of energy 13. Which are soft and which are hard from these

from the batteries! object!

1.__toy car_______________________
2.__clock _____________________
Hard Hard Soft
3.__flaslight ____________________
5. Why can kites fly high?
14. Which are smooth and which are rough from
1.__ because it was blown by the wind
these object!

6. Mention 3 ways to conserve electricity ( cara

menghemat energy) !
1.__ turn off the lights in the morning___
Smooth Rough Rough
2.__ Close the water tap when it is full
15. Which are the the object according to the
shape that triangular?

√ √ ×

16. Which are the shape according to the shape

that rectangelur?

√ x √

17. Which are material made from wood !

√ √ x

18. Which are material made from metal ( logam)


x √

19. Which are material made from plastic !

√ x

20. Which are material made from clay ( tanah

liat) !

x x

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