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Executive Summary

The Garki Village PHC Project, an initiative led by the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) team, is poised to transform the Garki Village Primary
Healthcare Center and its surrounding environment. This project is a direct response to a pressing need
identified during a thorough assessment conducted by the SDGs team, revealing critical challenges such
as persistent sewage leakage, inadequate facilities, and waste management issues. These conditions which
pose significant health risks to the community, particularly vulnerable populations like pregnant women
and children, have led to an increase in the spread of diarrhoeal diseases such as cholera and dysentery, as
well as typhoid. Sadly, due to the poor state of the tuberculosis isolation container, patients and guardians
visiting the healthcare centre for other reasons have been exposed to other diseases due to

The project's primary goal is to improve the overall health and well-being of Garki Village residents by
addressing these urgent issues. By repairing the damaged sewage system, installing a sunshade for
waiting patients, and providing waste collection materials along with medical outreach and sensitisation,
the project aims to create a safer, healthier, and more sustainable environment for all community
members. The successful implementation of these interventions will not only enhance the functionality
and accessibility of the healthcare centre but also empower the community to adopt healthier practices
and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the project's outcomes.


Garki Community, located in the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja, Nigeria, is home to over 200,000
people of different cultures, professions, and ages. However, this community is faced with significant
healthcare challenges. Her primary healthcare centre, while essential for providing medical services,
suffers from inadequate infrastructure and sanitation facilities. These shortcomings hinder the centre's
ability to deliver quality care and pose health risks to both patients and staff.

The NYSC CDS-SDGs team, a group of young Nigerian graduates dedicated to advancing the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals, has taken the initiative to address these challenges. Recognizing
the urgent need for intervention, the team conducted a comprehensive assessment of the healthcare centre
and surrounding community, identifying key areas for improvement.

This project directly aligns with four crucial SDGs:

● SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages: The project's focus on
improving sanitation and hygiene, providing a comfortable waiting area, and addressing waste
management issues will directly contribute to better health outcomes for the Garki Village
community, particularly for vulnerable populations like pregnant women and children.

● SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all: The
project's focus on repairing the sewage system and improving waste management directly
contributes to achieving this goal by ensuring a clean and healthy environment for the

● SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable: By
enhancing the healthcare centre's infrastructure and promoting sustainable practices, the project
aims to create a more inclusive, safe, and resilient community.

● SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts: By addressing waste
management issues and promoting sustainable practices, the project contributes to mitigating the
environmental impact of waste and promoting a healthier ecosystem.

Problem Statement

The Garki Village Primary Healthcare Center and the surrounding community face several interconnected
challenges that hinder the well-being of residents and the effective delivery of healthcare services.

1. Sewage Leakage: A persistent sewage leakage, originating from a container placed atop the
sewage system during a renovation, poses a significant health risk. The leakage contaminates the
environment, exposing patients, staff, and local food vendors to potential waterborne diseases.
The proximity of the leaking sewage to the healthcare centre and food vendors raises serious
concerns about hygiene and sanitation, potentially leading to outbreaks of illnesses. The World
Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2 billion people globally use drinking water sources
contaminated with faeces, which can transmit diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery,
typhoid, and polio. In Nigeria, waterborne diseases account for an estimated 162,000 deaths
annually, particularly among children under five.
2. Inadequate Facilities: The healthcare centre lacks essential facilities, including sufficient seating
for patients and a sunshade to protect waiting patients from harsh weather conditions. Pregnant
women and children are particularly vulnerable to the discomfort caused by these inadequacies,
potentially deterring them from seeking necessary medical care. This has led to preventable
health complications for both mothers and children due to delayed or lack of access to healthcare.
For instance, a study in Nigeria found that inadequate infrastructure at healthcare facilities was a
significant barrier to maternal healthcare utilization, contributing to the country's high maternal
mortality rate.

3. Waste Management Issues: The community struggles with improper waste disposal,
contributing to environmental pollution and health hazards. The lack of waste collection materials
and awareness about proper waste management practices exacerbates the problem, creating an
environment conducive to the spread of diseases. Stagnant waste can become breeding grounds
for disease vectors, such as mosquitoes, flies, and rodents, increasing the risk of malaria, dengue
fever, and other vector-borne diseases. Additionally, the burning of waste can release harmful
pollutants into the air, contributing to respiratory problems and other health issues. According to
the World Bank, Nigeria generates over 32 million tons of solid waste annually, with only about
20-30% collected and properly disposed of.

4. Health Challenges: The community faces a high prevalence of preventable diseases, including
malaria, cholera, and respiratory infections, due to unsanitary conditions and limited access to
healthcare. These diseases can lead to increased morbidity and mortality rates, particularly among
vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and those with underlying health conditions.
Nigeria has one of the highest burdens of malaria globally, with an estimated 27% of global
malaria cases and 32% of global malaria deaths occurring in the country.

5. Climate-Related Issues: The lack of a sunshade exposes patients to extreme heat, which can
exacerbate existing health conditions and contribute to heatstroke, dehydration, and other
heat-related illnesses. Additionally, the improper disposal of waste, particularly the burning of
waste, can contribute to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases, further
impacting the community's health and well-being. Nigeria is already experiencing the adverse
effects of climate change, including rising temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, and increased
frequency of extreme weather events, which pose significant risks to public health. The World
Health Organization estimates that between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause
approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea, and heat

Project Goals and Objectives

The Garki Village Small-Scale Project aims to address the identified challenges and achieve the following

1. Improve Sanitation and Hygiene:

○ Repair and upgrade the sewage system to eliminate leakage and prevent environmental
contamination, thereby reducing the risk of waterborne diseases and improving overall
community health.
○ Provide waste collection materials (e.g., bins, gloves, masks) and conduct sensitization
campaigns to promote proper waste disposal practices, leading to a cleaner and healthier
2. Enhance Healthcare Access and Comfort:
○ Install a sunshade at the healthcare centre to provide shelter and comfort for waiting
patients, particularly pregnant women and children, encouraging them to seek necessary
medical care and improving patient satisfaction.
○ Improve the overall infrastructure and facilities of the healthcare centre to create a more
welcoming and conducive environment for patients and staff, thereby enhancing the
quality of care provided.
3. Promote Environmental Sustainability:
○ Implement sustainable waste management practices to minimize environmental pollution
and health risks, contributing to a healthier ecosystem and reducing the community's
vulnerability to climate-related health issues.
○ Raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and encourage
community participation in maintaining a clean and healthy environment, fostering a
sense of ownership and responsibility among residents.
4. Mitigate Health Risks:
○ Reduce the prevalence of preventable diseases, such as malaria, cholera, and respiratory
infections, through improved sanitation, hygiene, and waste management practices.
○ Protect vulnerable populations, including pregnant women, children, and the elderly,
from heat-related illnesses by providing shade and promoting awareness of preventive
To achieve these goals, we have set the following specific, measurable objectives:

1. Eliminate sewage leakage within one month of project implementation.

2. Install a sunshade at the healthcare centre within two weeks of project commencement.
3. Distribute waste collection materials to 20% of households in the healthcare environment within
one week.
4. Conduct sensitization campaigns on proper waste management practices, reaching at least 50% of
the community within two weeks.
5. Achieve a 20% reduction in reported cases of waterborne diseases within one month of project
6. Achieve a 15% increase in patient satisfaction with the healthcare centre's facilities within six
months of sunshade installation.
7. Reduce the amount of waste observed in public areas by 30% within two months of project

Project Activities

The Garki Village Small-Scale Project encompasses three key interventions:

1. Repair of Damaged Sewage System:

○ Activities: Removal and safe disposal of contaminated soil, repair or replacement of
damaged pipes and tanks, installation of a new drainage system to redirect wastewater,
and thorough disinfection of the affected area.
○ Timeline: 3 weeks
○ Responsible Parties: Project design team, local plumbers and sanitation workers, and
community volunteers.
2. Installation of Sunshade at Healthcare Center:
○ Activities: Design and construction of a sturdy sunshade structure using locally sourced
materials, ensuring adequate size and coverage for waiting patients.
○ Timeline: 1 week
○ Responsible Parties: Project design team, local carpenters and construction workers, and
community volunteers.
3. Provision of Waste Collection Materials and Sensitization:
○ Activities: Procurement and distribution of waste bins, gloves, masks, brooms, rakes, and
shovels to households and public areas. Conduct sensitization workshops and awareness
campaigns to educate the community on proper waste disposal, recycling, and hygiene
○ Timeline: Ongoing throughout the project
○ Responsible Parties: Project management team, community health workers, local
volunteers, and educators.

Implementation Plan

The project will be implemented in phases, with each intervention having a specific timeline and
designated responsible parties. Regular meetings will be held to monitor progress, address challenges, and
ensure effective coordination among team members. The project will also leverage the support and
expertise of local authorities, healthcare professionals, and community leaders to ensure successful
implementation and sustainability.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a cornerstone of this project. Throughout the implementation process, the
project team will actively involve community members in various activities, such as:

● Participatory Decision-Making: Engaging community members in discussions and decisions

regarding the design and implementation of interventions.
● Volunteer Opportunities: Encouraging community members to volunteer their time and skills in
project activities, such as waste collection and sensitization campaigns.
● Capacity Building: Providing training and workshops to community members on sustainable
waste management practices and hygiene promotion.
● Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing channels for community feedback and incorporating their
input into project implementation and evaluation.

Evaluation Metrics

● Sanitation and Hygiene:

○ Reduction in reported cases of waterborne diseases (e.g., cholera, typhoid fever) within
one year of project completion.
○ Percentage of households in Garki Village reporting proper waste disposal practices after
six months of sensitization campaigns.
○ Visual inspection of the repaired sewage system to ensure no leakage or contamination.
● Healthcare Access and Comfort:
○ Patient satisfaction surveys were conducted at the healthcare centre before and after the
installation of the sunshade.
○ The number of patient visits to the healthcare center before and after project completion.
○ Qualitative feedback from healthcare staff on the impact of the sunshade on patient
comfort and waiting times.
● Environmental Sustainability:
○ Reduction in the amount of waste observed in public areas and waterways after six
months of project implementation.
○ The number of community members actively participating in waste collection and
recycling initiatives.
○ Qualitative assessment of community awareness and attitudes towards environmental
sustainability through focus group discussions.

Sustainability Plan

To ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the implemented solutions, the project will focus
on the following strategies:

● Community Ownership: Establish a community-led maintenance committee responsible for the

upkeep of the sewage system, sunshade, and waste collection facilities.
● Training and Capacity Building: Train local personnel on the proper maintenance and repair of
the sewage system and sunshade. Conduct regular workshops and training sessions on sustainable
waste management practices for community members.
● Resource Mobilization: Explore opportunities for generating income from recycled waste to
support the ongoing maintenance of waste collection facilities.
● Partnerships: Collaborate with local government agencies, NGOs, and private sector
organizations to secure additional funding and technical support for long-term sustainability.
● Monitoring and Evaluation: Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the project's impact
to identify areas for improvement and ensure the continued effectiveness of the implemented

Call to Action

The Garki Village Small-Scale Project presents a unique opportunity to make a significant and lasting
impact on the lives of over 2,000 residents in Garki Village. By addressing critical healthcare and
sanitation challenges, this project will not only improve the immediate health and well-being of the
community but also contribute to the broader goals of sustainable development in Nigeria. The project
aims to alleviate the suffering of the Garki people, who currently face a high prevalence of preventable
diseases like malaria, cholera, and respiratory infections due to the unsanitary conditions caused by a
damaged sewage system. This has led to a high mortality rate, especially among vulnerable groups like
children under five.

We are seeking a total of ₦22,700,920 (approximately $30,268 USD) to fund this transformative project.
Your generous contribution will directly support the following:

● Repair and upgrade of the sewage system: Ensuring a clean and healthy environment for the
community, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases by up to 20%, and improving overall
● Installation of a sunshade at the healthcare center: Providing comfort and protection for
waiting patients, particularly vulnerable groups, and encouraging greater utilization of healthcare
services, with a projected increase of 15% in patient visits.
● Provision of waste collection materials and sensitization campaigns: Promoting proper waste
management and hygiene practices, leading to a cleaner environment and reduced health risks,
with an estimated 30% reduction in waste observed in public areas within six months.

Investing in the Garki Village Small-Scale Project is an investment in the future of this community. By
supporting this initiative, you will be contributing to:

● Improved health outcomes: Reducing the prevalence of preventable diseases by 20% and
improving maternal and child health by ensuring a clean and safe environment.
● Enhanced healthcare access: Creating a more welcoming and functional healthcare center that
encourages a 15% increase in patient visits, allowing residents to seek necessary medical care.
● Community empowerment: Fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among
community members through participation in project activities and decision-making, leading to a
self-sustaining project.
● Environmental sustainability: Promoting sustainable waste management practices and reducing
the community's environmental footprint, contributing to a healthier ecosystem and mitigating the
effects of climate change.

We have already secured the support of the Garki Medical Center and the village leadership, ensuring a
smooth implementation process and community buy-in. Additionally, we have a dedicated team of NYSC
SDG members who are eager to drive this project to success.


The Garki Village Small-Scale Project is a testament to the power of collaboration and community-driven
development. By partnering with us, you will be joining a dedicated team of young Nigerians committed
to creating a brighter future for their community. Your support will not only transform the lives of Garki
Village residents but also serve as a model for sustainable development initiatives across Nigeria.

We are confident that together, we can achieve lasting positive change in Garki Village. We thank you for
your time and consideration and eagerly await the opportunity to discuss this proposal further.

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