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Canadian Society of Questers


Volume 28 No 4 Journal #85 Winter Solstice 2008

The Canadian Society of Questers Convention
Autumn 2008


Images by Will Clark

Front: Joshua
Back: Keywest

Will Clark’s article

Visual Fre·quen·cies
Is on page 27

The Quester 2

President’s Report John Theobald 4

Editorial Angela Espiritu 5
Conference Report Merlin Beltain 6
Tribute to Tom Passey Viki Mac Millan 8
Remembering Tom Roberta Britt 9
Seeing is Believing! Tom R. Passey 10
Music, The Sacred Catalyst Robert James Haywood 14
The Art of Holding William Bloom 16
A Water Resources Mission
to Equador Steven G. Herbert 17
Tune Up - By Toning! John Living 22
Visual Fre-quen-cies Will Clark 27
Integration Helen Pearl 33
Garden of Eden Maggie Carruthers 34
Why It Matters to Buy
Heirloom Plants and Seeds Annie B. Bond 43
Energy Transfer Tony Heath 45
GOING UP! Ascension News Carol Heywood-Babrauskas 47
Intervention Lloyd Pye 50
Book Review: Blink Serah Roer 58
Statement of Purpose/
Editorial Policy 60
Directory 61
Chapters 62
Kindred Spirits 63

3 Winter 2008
As I write this, we are rapidly approaching the
end of the 5th night of the Mayan Galactic cycle
on the 12th of November I have personally felt,
and observed the disruptive energies of this time
The worlds economy crumbles, as we look at
the results of an inconclusive and deadly boring
election in Canada, featuring a record low turnout, similar to the
previous election, contrasted with the recent excitement and drama of
the American election, featuring as dramatic a result as one could
imagine. Canadians chose to maintain the status quo, and Americans
have chosen apparent change. What is to come of this?
By the time you read this, we will be well into the Mayan 6th Day,
with the trauma of the 5th night fading in the distance, or so I hope.
Yet the more things change, the more they stay the same - why?
Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are
always, always forced to repeat it. That is why we are in the state we
are in now.
The Mayan cycle of night and day, of destruction and rebirth, grinds
inexorably onward. Francisco Quiroga a Mayan Priest representing the
Mayan Council of Elders, is now visiting BC (he comes to us from
Colombia, South America) to share the wisdom, knowledge and insight
based on the Mayan teachings pertaining to the changes that we are
now experiencing. Perhaps, with this knowledge, we can break the
One thing that he said struck me. There are many people who feel
that at the last minute, before Armageddon befalls the planet, we will be
whisked away to safety by friendly ET's in their UFO's. Francisco says
that this is not a solution - we must stay and solve our problems here,
we must especially work with and from the heart. Think for a
moment, what would happen if a large number of earthlings were
transplanted to an other world ? Exactly - the same problems we have
now would almost certainly reappear. I agree with him, we need to
stand our ground and solve our problems here and now with the tools
we have at hand. That is why we are here.
The Annual general meeting and conference at 100 Mile house,
while attendance was down slightly, was still a resounding success. A
couple of highlights saw the status of Honourary Life Member
bestowed upon John Living, honouring his many years of service to the
dowsing community. Not one to relax and take life easy, John has taken
on the task of converting all past journals of the Society to digital

The Quester 4
format so that they can be posted to the internet. This will be a lengthy
project, producing a valuable resource for us. Thank you John.
DVDs from the recent, and past conferences will be listed on the
website so that they can be more conveniently ordered.
The 2007/8 Board of directors was re-elected at the AGM with the
addition of one new member Anar Kassam from Calgary - welcome
aboard, Anar. See a complete listing of board members and appointees
at the end of this issue.
I want to acknowledge the new 100 Mile House chapter. They
submitted their application at the AGM, and it was of course accepted.
I wish everyone a bountiful Yule, and a happy and prosperous New
Year in the light of the Mayan 6th day.

As we look forward to the New Year, we become more mindful of
the improvements we can make in our lives and those of others.
Steven Herbert’s work in cooperation with the Water for Humanity
Fund is an example of how members of the dowsing community can
bring valuable resources which provide access to clean drinking water
and proper sanitation to less developed regions in the world.
Maggie Carruthers’ article, ‘Garden of Eden’, describes how Charles
and Judith Hubbard have empowered themselves and others by using
biodynamic farming practices. They incorporate dowsing, radionics,
and pyramid energy on their farm to achieve success in growing
excellent quality, high vibrational food under challenging conditions.
I apologize to those I have not mentioned but I am grateful to all
those who contributed to this journal and helped in its distribution.
Peace, Good Health and Blessings for the coming New Year!

In the last issue of The Quester, the

following photo credits were not
listed: The image on the left of a
bee atop a buddleia globosa is by
Claire Waring of the National
Beekeepers Association. The
Blessing Ceremony was
photographed by Simon Buxton and
all other images were photographed
by Dave Sanguine.

5 Winter 2008
The Canadian Society of Questers
Convention, Autumn 2008

Conference Report

80 people including 4 scholarship attendees, 4 Honorary

Life Members, 12 speakers, and 10 staff attended the 29th
Annual CSQ Fall Conference Sep. 26, 27, 28, 2008 at 100 Mile
House. Attendance was down somewhat from previous
years; likely due to: gas prices, the overall economy,
member concerns regarding accommodation in 100 Mile,
and several usual attendees had other plans. For many,
many reasons, we will have to look for another location for
our 30th Annual Conference for September 2009.
As usual, those who attended enjoyed visiting with each
other, hearing interesting and varied presenters, and doing
the macarena at the social.

Conference Speakers & Attendees

Above: Robert Nichol,
John Theobald, and Niel Anderson
Right: Ervin Breitkreutz

The Quester 6
The theme ‘Completion’ reflected my 9th and final
conference organised for CSQ. Next year, I will oversee 5
people. Marion Phillips will look after venues, Lee Bromley
will look after getting speakers, John Theobald will organise
the staff, Georgie Miller will receive conference registrations,
and Joan Pearson will continue as Conference Secretary.
These are the people to talk to for the Spring and Fall
Conferences of 2009. SPRING CONFERENCE IN
CHILLIWACK, APRIL 17, 18 and 19, 2009. More to come.
As I reflect over the last many conferences, several things
come to mind. First, organising conferences has been a
whole lot of fun. I have had the opportunity to work with
many dedicated volunteers and to meet and come to know
many of you and many wonderful speakers. Continue to
support the new crew. They deserve it and you will enjoy the
experience too!
See you in Chilliwack.
Merlin Beltain

Right: Paul Elder

with CSQ member
Robert Oberheide

Bottom: Vlasty &

Diane Senovsky

Thank you to Tom Duke

for graciously
contributing all the
Conference Photographs

7 Winter 2008
Tribute to Tom Passey
December 28, 1923 - September 10, 2008

Tom Passey passed away peacefully with his family at his side on
September 10th, 2008. He is pre-deceased by his wife June and
survived by his son Gordon, daughter-in-law Kathy and grandson
Trevor of North Vancouver, B.C.
Tom was born in South Wales and immigrated to Canada in 1946.
He travelled and worked throughout Canada, Africa and England before
settling permanently in Vancouver, B.C..
Tom was an early member and former president of the Questers and
brought his many spiritual gifts, including his humour, booming Welsh
voice and generous spirit to all he touched. An avid life-long-learner
and master dowser, Tom lived by his word, taught and gave many of us
his care and insights. He gave of himself “for the good of all”.
I miss Tom and will be forever grateful for this proud and yet,
humble man. I reflect on his warm fatherly presence, happy smile, his
strong grip, hugs and the love of life he so willingly shared with me…I
will hold him in my heart and remember him as a vibrant, caring, most
sincere and dedicated man.

“Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day”
~ Dylan Thomas
Tom’s friend
Viki Mac Millan
North Vancouver, B.C.

The Quester 8
Falling Leaves
Remembering Tom....................
There is so much one can say to describe Thomas R. Passey or TRP
as he signed his articles for the Quester Journal before the massive
stroke laid him low and unable to do so. No longer would we see him
striding into a room waving his magic wand or instrument of
divination which was the slender "tail end" of a fishing rod, and as
highly sensitive as its owner. Nor would we hear that pleasant Welsh
Tenor voice explaining the intricacies and philosophy of dowsing, and
when asked questions regarding spiritual development he would reply
that the first thing to do is examine your motives carefully and tell
your ego to move over... which may seem harsh, but to him, a priority.

He had many friends and he travelled extensively, going wherever he

could to expand peoples' knowledge and understanding of dowsing.
As a Master dowser, Geomancer, Psychic and Healer, there are many
people who have received healing for themselves and family... houses
and barns cleared of unpleasant or damaging energies. A man of
many talents, remaining modest simple and understanding

Many contacted him by phone, and when he became unable to travel

kept in touch that way, others visited making his restricted life a little
more tolerable, but he continued to work in his own way until his
passing. There is far too much in my life to recall regarding Tom, but
one might be of interest, and that is when he first visited my cottage in
PR where he found energy lines and replaced them with rainbows.
This was a feature which delighted people when they came… and we
made a rule. No spats or fights… because it would chase away the
rainbows.....Let's hope there are rainbows for Tom who is now free
from all restrictions... and restraint.
with love, Roberta

Roberta Britt is the Editor Emeritus of the Canadian Society of Questers

9 Winter 2008
by Tom R. Passey
As a tribute to Tom Passey’s contribution to the dowsing and
metaphysical community, his article is reprinted here.

Some years ago, Arthur Ellison, Professor of Electrical Engineering

at the University of London, conducted an experiment.
He had given a lecture to a mixed group of scientific members of the
general public, at the conclusion of which he asked his audience to
participate in an experiment, regarding the power of their collective
concentration. There was a small planter of flowers on the “rostrum,”
and he asked his audience to concentrate and try to levitate the planter.
He also explained that to help them concentrate he would play a
recording of the “Buddhist Chant” (O'm). The concentration of the
audience grew deeper as the chanting continued, and after a while the
planter levitated a centimeter or so off the table.
The audience looked in amazement, the “chanting” stopped, and the
planter banged back down onto the table. There was an excited buzz of
conversation among the audience. But the point of this story is not the
levitation, but the fact that two people came up to the professor
afterwards (one an elderly lady), and said: “When the bowl lifted, I saw
a grey substance between the bowl and the table,” the second person
was a professor of physics and snorted, “I don’t know what all the fuss
is about, nothing moved at all and I don’t believe it even if it were
The bowl had actually levitated, because the professor had cheated
using “Electro Magnets,” and all the chanting did was to mask the hum
of the electro magnets operating.
What does the foregoing tell us:
(1) The old lady saw something that wasn’t there!
(Belief system)
(2) The physics professor saw nothing!
(Also a belief system because he didn’t think it could be done.)
Getting back to Einstein’s train, imagine a train traveling at a
constant speed, and passing a fixed point along a railroad embankment:
two observers, one on the train and one sitting on the bank. The
observer on the train is holding a ball which he will drop when it
comes abreast of the observer on the embankment. The observers are
instructed to do three things:

The Quester 10
(1) They are not to speak to one another.
(2) Their attention must be completely on the ball.
(3) They report their observations as accurately as they can.
The observer on the train reports what he saw: “I saw the ball
getting smaller and smaller and moving in a direction opposite to that
which the train was going, until it hit the ground.”
The observer on the embankment then reports what he saw: “I saw
the ball fall from the train, and move in the same direction that the train
was traveling, gradually going into a steeper curve until it landed on the
ground. The ball did not appear to get smaller.”
You say well that’s common sense, sure it is. That’s what
“Relativity” is all about. Now let’s introduce something else say a third
or fourth or even a fifth observer, placed in different locations, say 45
degrees to the train, directly overhead, and one traveling in the opposite
direction in another train, and ask each observer to report. Each one
will see something that is entirely different from everyone else.
Similarly when we look say at a constellation in the sky, we are not
seeing it as it is but as it was when it’s light started to come towards us
in the distant past. Furthermore, if you were far out in space looking at
the same constellation you would see something which looks
completely different.
From the foregoing it is obvious that “Reality” depends where you
are and when you are there, and that there can be no such thing as an
absolute reality.
We can therefore conclude that even in the fact of observing, belief
systems can get in the way, and cloud the issue.
Don’t laugh because we all do it, to a greater or lesser degree.
Smithsonian Director Professor Langley was publicly disgraced and
kicked out of the Smithsonian in the 1880’s for presenting a paper
which said that mankind would have ‘heavier than air’ machines in the
He was succeeded by Professor Newcomb who proved beyond all
reasonable doubt that man would never be able to fly in a ‘heavier than
air’ machine.
Regarding “Astronomy”. In Britain at one time even to suggest that
meteorites were of extraterrestrial origin was enough to have a member
expelled. Then, I think about 1845 when it was proven that they did
come from space, the rules were changed and a member “got the chop”
if he maintained meteorites were of the earth.
Then we come to relativity.

11 Winter 2008
In 1905 Albert Einstein proposed his “Theory of Relativity.” At
that time it was known as “The Special Theory of Relativity”, however,
a lot of people had trouble with this as it wasn't geared for the “man in
the street.” So in 1927, he published a book called simply “Relativity”
(Crown of New York), and in that little book he described what
relativity was all about. Two thirds of the book described his
experiments with trains, embankments, and balls.
The idea behind relativity is very simple, and you don’t need math
or complicated apparatus to see how it works, and what it means to our
everyday lives. What it does, however, is show that both space and
time are changeable and not rigid absolutes.
(It may be stated at this point that our concept of our surroundings
drawn by using Newtonian physics, have taken a beating.)
The simple act of looking at oneself in a mirror demonstrates this.
Einstein demonstrated to us, that there is no single or universal reality;
the observer on the train was in one reality, and the observer sitting on
the bank was in another reality, both valid to each. Einstein’s view was
completely contrary to our common sense view of the universe (or the
Newtonian concepts).
However, fortunately the “Light at the end of the tunnel” is
beginning to show, and strangely enough it is from the upper echelons
of the “Scientific Community” that the glimmer of understanding is
To quote a few:
(1) The universe looks less like a great machine, and more like a great
thought. (Sir James Jeans)
(2) Propositions arrived at by purely logical means, are completely
empty of reality. (Albert Einstein)
(3) The stuff of the world is mind stuff. (Arthur Eddington)
In fact, the latest from the scientist goes something like this:
(1) Space and time are elastic changeable qualities.
(2) Space and time are different according to where you are.
(3) Physics cannot study reality, but only the connection between the
mind of the experimenter, and the system being experimented on.
(4) An absolute reality is probably non-existant.
(5) Objects and events which appear to our senses separate may in fact
be connected.
(6) The assumption that cause always precedes effect may not apply in
all cases.

The Quester 12
We fall into the error of identifying appearance with reality. For
example: Ask what light is; particles and light waves which exist only
as mental concept. In other words, we make our own world. Buddha
said in the “Dhamapada”:



Take a look at our so called science of Mathematics; Bertrand

Russell said “Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we
never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying
is true.”
Regard also ‘Occam’s Law’, “Entities are not to be multiplied
except for necessity.” In other words, the minimum laws needed to get
the job done.
I conclude with two quotations, one from Einstein and one from
Leonardo da Vinci.
Einstein said, “The religious feeling of the scientist takes the form
of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law which
reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it,
all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly
insignificant reflection.”
Leonardo da Vinci said, “Learning the laws of nature, we magnify
the first inventor, the designer of the world; and we learn to love
him, for the great love of God results from great knowledge. He
who knows little loves little.”

1) Relativity, A. Einstein (Crown)
2) Across the Frontiers, W. Heisenberg (Harper)
3) The Medium, The Mystic & The Physicist, L. Le Shan (Turnstone)
4) Mind over Matter, K. Pedler (Thames)

Tom R. Passey was a past President and long-standing member of the CSQ.
This article was originally published in The Quester Journal, April-May-June
1990 , Volume 10 Number 2.

13 Winter 2008
by Robert James Haywood

The connection between us as human

beings and music is stunningly obvious.
Music is energy vibrating at frequencies,
creating what we perceive to be sounds, and
indeed, we beings are energy, vibrating at
frequencies creating the appearance of a
'solid' body; and to some lovely beings, they
can actually see and hear us as sounds as well! We all know this to be
quite true, because we know we are made up of a bunch of atoms,
flying in close formation together...
Without going into detailed history, let's have a look at what can
happen when we combine the two ~ music and human beings ~ and we
throw in creative self expression, both written and drawn, and free form
dance for entrée and dessert.
There you are, driving to work perhaps or walking through a
shopping mall, and THAT piece of music comes on ~ you know the
one, after thinking to yourself 'oh no', your knees go a little weak, your
heart starts to crumble with emotions connected to 'you know when' and
you battle valiantly (or otherwise) to keep it all together, while berating
yourself all the while, 'you idiot that was.... years ago, what is the
matter with you? It's all over, gone, done and dusted - get a grip.'
The wise outside observer and mentor may suggest that what you
just experienced was a great blessing! And while you digest that
thought not too graciously in your mind, while keeping that little fixed,
non-agressive smile on your dial, you continue to feel that you are a
little bit stupid to be feeling so at the mercy of these feelings that have
surfaced, and wondering what the heck to do with them. 'Yeah, right.
There is a great blessing here. Is this an Irish Joke or something?'
The blessing is that when sounds and humans interact, energy
moves. This energy can take many forms. These can be the
aforementioned uncomfortable memories, some may refer to as blocked
energies; they can be inspirations and insights and wisdoms; they can
be energies moving in their own little sacred dance without any
conscious understanding of why, how or where from... When one
places oneself in a sacred space of stillness or supportive nurturing,
great healing/ growth/release/nurturing is given permission and space to
take place.

The Quester 14
So what happens when that piece of 'nasty' music moves us and
stimulates long forgotten feelings? They release from where they have
been locked away, hiding, into the conscious, their story is, 'scuse me, I
know it has been awhile, and you may think that by simply forgetting
me and 'moving on' actually heals me; well, I am still here - would you
like to let me move now?' And confirmation of this movement comes
in a very personal way - some blessed day, down the track, having done
some of the above and understood that what is still locked in now has a
way to move ~ you will hear that piece of music, sometime, somewhere
- and nothing will happen. The heat, the locked away energy of that
experience has now moved and been freed. Nothing, no heat, no
reaction is left to happen. Beautiful - and you did it all yourself!
To not end up like 'War and Peace' here,
the first thing to do is b r e a t h e. And in the
The blessing appropriate space, writing, drawing and
is that when dancing those feelings that arrive into the
sounds and conscious mind then allows those parts of us
humans that usually trap and hold these uncomfortable
energies, to express, free and allow them to
interact, move from body, mind and emotional, buried
energy moves. and triple locked deep inner chests that we all
have, but few acknowledge.
How could something so simple be so powerful? And most of you
reading this already have discovered that answer through the growing
and changing journey of your own life tapestry. Simplicity. Not 15th
level, disassociated toast making; not hanging out for the alien taxi
service to come and rescue the chosen few; simplicity.
Be it healing, growth, release, insight, inspiration, inner adventure -
it is simply the movement of energy.
And to experience simplicity, in the gentle guiding hands of a music
shaman, releases that incredible beauty and divinity that we seem to
find so hard to see in our earthly mirror...
Healing ~ our understanding of what it is and why it all does come
from within, in the next issue. aum shanti

Robert James Haywood is a Music Shaman, (a Medicine Man working

through the sacred wisdoms of music), he has developed his own unique style
of practical spiritual teaching, supporting healing and personal development
through the sacred catalyst that is music, using creative written and drawn
expressions and free form dance. He currently resides on the Gold Coast of
Queensland, Australia . He will be on his first tour of Canada, in 2009.
Robert’s website is:

15 Winter 2008
Therapeutic Presence
By William Bloom,

What is the greatest single act of service we can give to our

fellow beings? High up on my list is the art of ‘holding’. Holding a
space. Holding a group. Holding an individual.
What does this mean? How is it done? It is not rocket science.
The strategy is straightforward and most people instinctively
understand it first time, because it is a natural thing to do if you love,
respect and care for someone who needs support.
• You feel calm in your body.
• Your mind is generous.
• Your heart is open and warm.
• Then, from your torso, like friendly
wings or arms, you extend and radiate
your energy to encircle and safely
hold the space and anyone in it.
People forget the comfort that is
radiated by a grounded and stable body.
In hospitals, patients in distress often
reach for the reassuring hand of the
porter or cleaner, not the nurse or the
doctor, because it is the solid body of
the physical worker that radiates a
healing and reassuring vibration.
In tribal situations where the whole “The Rescuing Hug”
community may come together in order One of these twins was not
to discuss a crucial issue, there are expected to live. Against
hospital rules, a nurse
elders in the circle whose major role is placed them together in one
simply to hold the space. This holding incubator. Eventually, the
is not done like hands-on healing which healthier baby’s embrace
radiates into tissue in order to repair it. helped the weaker baby’s
It is a calm lake of warm energy that heart rate stabilize and her
temperature rose to normal.
c r e a t e s s a f e t y a n d p r o t e c t i ve
boundaries. In it people feel reassured and more able to be genuine
and take risks.
If you hold the space in a business meeting, or family Christmas,
or supermarket queue, it can dramatically alter the atmosphere.

The Quester 16
by Steven G. Herbert

In the three weeks between January 22nd

and February 13th, once again I made my
annual winter trip to Latin America, acting as
Water for Humanity Fund “ambassador”.
The WFH Fund, founded in 1991, operates
under the auspices of the American Society
of Dowsers, with the primary purpose of
improving water resources in areas of critical need, in terms of quantity,
quality and accessibility. In belated observance of World Water Day on
March 22nd and Earth Day on April 22nd, as well as what the UN has
designated the international year of sanitation, what follows is an
account of my activities on this recent trip to promote access to clean
drinking water and proper sanitation.
This year I made my second trip to Ecuador and tenth trip to Latin
America overall, but this time accompanied by Michelle Devost of
Easton, NH. Our main objective was to conduct water resources
development projects, but we began our
trip by doing a personal excursion to the
Amazon Basin. Outside the town of
Tena, we spent two wonderful days
exploring the flora and fauna of both
primary and secondary growth forest, as
well as taking a float trip down the Anzu
River and visiting an indigenous village.
We had just returned to Quito, the capital
city, when we heard that along an
alternate route from Tena which we had
not taken, the Tungurahua volcano had
had a major eruption, necessitating
evacuations from the nearby town of
Baños and making international news.
The work began when we flew to the
Pacific coast and the province of Manabi,
Miguel (our translator),
Matildo (our guide) and
normally dry and drought-prone as it is
Michelle standing in shallow situated in the rain shadow of the Andes.
stream which served as our At this particular time, however, it was
trail through the jungle
getting an unusual amount of rain.

17 Winter 2008
Ecuador as a whole was
experiencing the coldest
temperatures in 50 years, a
result they told us of climate
change. Here we teamed up
with Heifer Project
International’s program in
Ecuador to offer a two-day
Steve demonstrates a map dowsing
dowsing and water resources
technique during a two-day dowsing and course to 26 very enthusiastic
water resources workshop given in the rural farmers. It is always
dry coastal region of Ecuador, sponsored
by Heifer Project International extremely gratifying to train

The Quester 18
and empower people who are
poor and have so little, to do
something such as find water
and do it even better than
university-trained profession-
als with expensive equipment.
One man by the name of
Alberto Zambrano, inspired
by my brief introduction to
dowsing last year, had been
dowsing over the year in An ancient technique of water collection
and storage called an albarrada is used to
between with great success. capture rainy season floodwaters and store
Several in the class attested to it through the dry season

his successful wells. One

woman told how a drill rig
had made three attempts to
drill a well near her house,
only to encounter an
impenetrable layer of rock.
She called in Alberto to
dowse where they could
miss the hard rock and still
find water. The drill easily
penetrated on the spot
A culvert build with funding from a NH church Alberto had marked, and
group allowed seasonal flood waters to fill the
local albarrada established a successful
On the next phase of our trip, we
traveled to the northern highlands to
meet up with Pete Shear, formerly of
Vermont and now living in
Cotacachi, Ecuador with his Ecuador-
an wife and daughter. Pete offers his
services as a guide, and runs a non-
profit organization called Centro
Inter-Americano para los Artes, el
Sustento y Accion (CASA – see Here we
The president of the eco-tourism
were collaborating with Pete and committee poses with Pete Shear
CASA to help a network of and Michelle Devost at the gates of
eco/cultural-tourism centers build the eco-tourism center in the
highlands of northern Ecuador.
composting latrines.

19 Winter 2008
In both the
c o m mu n i t i e s we
visited, Pijal and La
Chimba, a group of
indigenous people had
formed a committee to
start a tourism project.
Their motive was to
provide the economic
means to stay within
their communities and
help stem the tide of
out-migration to the
Steve and local members of the Pijal ecotourism cities. They also
committee after excavation for new composting latrine wanted an alternative
to taking jobs in
flower farming,
Ecuador’s fifth largest
industry, but one
which has been very
harmful to both the
environment and to
health of workers due
to heavy pesticide use.
If their strategy is
successful, this will be
the first step in a
l ar ge r e c on o mi c
development project
Preparations are completed for construction of the
footings for a composting latrine in La Chimba t o i n c l u d e
establishment of a
native forest tree
nursery (to sell and
plant trees for carbon
credits), trout farming,
a micro-credit co-op,
dairy co-op, coffee
and fruit plantations,
artisanal crafts, and
manufacture of
The walls of the composting latrine vaults are nearly friendly cleaning
done in La Chimba.

The Quester 20
Given the emphasis on environmental sustainability, when tourists’
cabins had been built and it came time to install sanitation facilities,
these groups were very receptive to Pete’s suggestion that they institute
composting latrines. In this way they would be setting a good example,
conserving water compared to the flush toilet, providing a more
hygienic alternative to the pit latrine, and protecting groundwater better
than either. Pete promoted a design which I had introduced the year
before; the double-vault, alternating use and urine-separating system.
In the tropics, this design operates more or less passively (though
slower at these high altitudes) to manage oxygen, moisture, temperature
and carbon to nitrogen ratio to provide optimum conditions for aerobic
decomposition. During our short stay, we were able to oversee the
beginning of construction in each village.
In between, Michelle and
I had meetings to follow up
on a well project in the
Andean rainforest, took a
tram to 13,450 feet on the
top of a volcano on the
outskirts of Quito, visited
the equator, browsed the
largest artisanal market in
the Americas at Otavalo,
hiked to Peguche Falls, and
made an excursion to see the
earthen pyramids at the
archaeological site of
Cochasqui. We came home
having had a great
experience and feeling like
we had accomplished a lot
and done much good.

Steve Herbert is an earth scientist, transpersonal anthropologist, and

international dowser who has been a dowsing for 23 years. He dowses for
water while a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa, throughout Latin America
and for clients in the USA. He has served as Secretary on the A.S.D.’s Water
for Humanity Fund for 11 years. He can be reached at P.O. Box 824,
Colchester, VT 05446, by cell phone at (603) 616-7872. He invites your
comments and feedback at
The website of WFH is
For more information on The American Society of Dowsers or the Water for
Humanity Fund, call (802) 684-3417 in Danville, Vermont, email them at, or visit them at their website at

21 Winter 2008
By John Living

It is amazing that Spirit seems to get people on

Galiano Island to buy most outstanding books and
then send them to our re-cycling Library for me to
take – so I get good information free! And I have
great pleasure in sharing some gems with you, my
fellow Questers!
‘Healing Sounds’ is a book by Jonathan Goldman, subtitled ‘The
Power of Harmonics’, ISBN 1-8523-0314-X published by Element in
1992. He is the director of the Sound Healers Association, located in
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
One interesting chapter is on Healing the Chakras by toning. He
explains that extra benefit is gained when sub-tones are generated by
keeping the nasal passages open. This may be done by using the
aspirate ‘H’ before the actual vowel sound – and may be enhanced by
ending with a transition to an ‘…mmm’ sound.
“Each of the chakras is said to resonate with different sounds. Many
years ago, I did a study of different systems which utilized sound to
resonate the chakras. There are many of these systems and they all
seemed to work. This was for me a time of great confusion since I
could not understand how different sounds and frequencies could
seemingly have the same effect. It was then that I began to become
aware of the importance of intention in this work with sound and the
fact that the intention coupled with the frequency would be the reason
why these different systems should all be effective.”
“One of the importances of awareness of chakras is that there seems
to be a direct relationship between the chakra and the portion of the
body it is associated with. Imbalances in chakras seem to lead to
imbalances in the physical body and vice-versa. Often, by aligning and
balancing a chakra associated with an organ that is experiencing
discomfort, the organ can become healthy and the problem may
“Sound seems to have the ability of being a tool that will allow an
individual to go only as far as he or she is vibrationally ready to go in
terms of activation of Kundalini energy. It is therefore safe. You
cannot force open a chakra with your own sound and do damage.
Sound is safe and gentle and works with the natural resonance of the

The Quester 22
Vowel Sounds and the Chakras
“I prefer to work with vowel sounds in that they truly do create a
resonance in the physical body. We can actually feel different portions
of our body vibrate with sound. For those who have had no experience
working with the subtle body, this physical resonance makes it easier
for them to accept the possibility of resonating subtle energy as well,
for if the stomach area is being activated by sound, it seems entirely
possible to them that the etheric fields may also be affected.”
“While each vowel has the potential of creating every harmonic,
each vowel also has particular harmonics which are stressed. Often by
working with vowels as mantras and focusing upon the vowels,
individuals will begin to hear and create the harmonics without any
further training.”
“While there are many varying schools of thought about the
relationship between sound and the chakras, one relationship that seems
to be fairly consistent is that of pitch and the chakras. It seems that the
lower chakras are influenced by lower sounds and the upper chakras are
influenced by higher sounds. This is also true about our body cavities.
For example, the lowest sound that we can make seems to resonate the
very deepest part of our trunk and also influences the base chakra.
Mid-range sounds seem to resonate the middle part of our trunk and
depending upon the pitch can influence the navel, heart or throat
chakra. The upper ranges, and in particular, the highest sound we can
make, seems to vibrate the top of the head and the crown chakra.”

Jonathan Goldman's System

This particular system of using vowel sounds and pitch to resonate
chakras is one that he has worked with for several years by himself and
in the teaching of groups, and which he found to be the most effective
system. This does not mean it is the only method for working with the
vowels and the chakras – but it is the most universally accepted system.
For this exercise, direct your attention to the portion of the body and
the corresponding chakra as instructed. Before you begin this exercise,
find a comfortable position sitting either on the floor or in a chair.
You may put your hands in any position that is comfortable; on your
knees or in your lap, or you may put them over the part of your body
where you are resonating the sound. This sometimes amplifies the
effect of the sounding and helps focus intention.
When you tone these vowel sounds, use one complete breath with
each vowel; it is recommended that you be aware of your posture and
keep your spine as straight as possible.

23 Winter 2008
It is important when working with self-created sound to take a deep
breath, doing diaphragmatic breathing, so that as you breathe in, the
stomach expands.
Begin with an ‘UH’ sound (as in the word ‘huh’) that is the very
deepest sound you can make. Focus your attention on the base chakra,
located at the base of the spine. If you would like to add a colour
visualization to this exercise, use the colour red.
Now begin to tone the very deepest ‘UH’ sound that you can make.
This sound can be very soft and gentle. It does not have to be loud.
Close your eyes while you are making this sound. Become aware of
where the sound is resonating in your body. The sound will always
resonate in your throat, but become aware of where else that sound is
Now focus your attention on the lowest part of your trunk and
project your intention so that you visualize the sound resonating at the
base of your spine and in your reproductive area. Feel the sound
vibrating that area and, as it does, become aware that the energy centre
associated with that area is also resonating, becoming balanced and
aligned. Make this ‘UH’ sound for a minute or two, or for however
long you feel comfortable. We suggest doing this for no more than five
Now focus your attention on the second chakra located about three
inches below the navel. The vowel sound for this is an ‘000’ sound (as
in the word ‘you’). A colour that will complement a visualization for
this sound is orange.
Begin to tone an ‘OOO’ sound, making it a little less deep and a bit
higher in pitch than the last sound. This sound should be soft and
gentle, as should all the sounds we will be making for this exercise.
Close your eyes and become aware of where the sound is resonating in
your body.
Now focus your attention on the area of the second chakra and
project the sound there. As the sound resonates the second chakra,
experience this energy centre balancing and aligning with the other
chakras. Make this ‘OOO’ sound for a minute or two.
As with the base chakra and the other vowel sounds for the chakras,
do this sounding for no more than five minutes. As you become more
experienced at sounding and resonating your physical and subtle self,
the time can expand.
The sound for the navel chakra, located at the navel area and several
inches above is ‘OH’ (as in the word ‘go’). Yellow will complement
your visualization. Begin to tone a very gentle and soft ‘OH’ sound,

The Quester 24
that is beginning to fall within the mid range of your voice. This sound
should be higher than the last sound. Become aware of where that
sound is resonating in your body.
Now focus your attention on the navel and solar plexus area and
focus the sound there. As the sound resonates this area, experience this
energy centre balancing and aligning with the other chakras. Make this
‘OH’ sound for a minute or two.
The vowel sound for the heart chakra, located in the middle of the
chest, to the right of our physical heart, is ‘AH’ (as in the word
‘father’). If you wish to add a colour to complement this sound, use
green. Begin to tone a soft and gentle mid range ‘AH’ sound, higher in
pitch than the last sound. Become aware of where the sound is
resonating in your body.
Now focus your attention on the heart chakra and project the sound
there. As you resonate the heart centre with sound, experience this
energy centre balancing and aligning with the other chakras. Make this
sound for one or two minutes.
The vowel sound for the throat chakra, located at the throat, is
‘EYE’ (as in the word ‘I’). A colour to complement this sound is blue.
Begin to tone a soft and gentle ‘EYE’ sound which is still higher in
pitch than the last sound. Become aware of where the sound is
resonating in your body.
Now focus your attention on the throat chakra and project sound
there. As the sound resonates the throat chakra, experience this energy
centre balancing and aligning with the other chakras. Make this ‘EYE’
sound for a minute or two.
The vowel sound for the third eye, located in the forehead between
the two eyes and slightly above them, is ‘AYE’ (as in the word ‘say’).
A colour that works well with this sound is indigo. Begin to tone a soft
and gentle ‘AYE’ sound higher in pitch than the last sound. Close your
eyes while making this sound and become aware of where that sound is
resonating in your body.
Now focus your attention on this chakra and project the sound to that
area. As the sound resonates the third eye, experience this energy
centre aligning and balancing with your other chakras. Make this
‘AYE’ sound for a minute or two.
The vowel sound for the crown chakra, located at the top of the
head, is the ‘EEE’ (as in the word ‘me’) sound that you can create. A
colour that is used here is purple. Begin to tone the highest ‘EEE’
sound that it is possible for you to make. For men, it is often useful to
use a falsetto voice to achieve this. Make this sound soft and gentle.

25 Winter 2008
Close your eyes and become aware of where that sound is resonating in
your body.
Now focus your attention on your crown centre and begin to project
sound there. As the sound resonates the crown chakra, experience this
energy centre balancing and aligning with the other chakras. Make this
‘EEE’ sound for a minute or two.
At the completion of this exercise, which should take between 10
and 20 minutes to experience properly, you may feel very light-headed.
Perhaps you should sit in a state of meditation and enjoy this
experience. Are there any images or thoughts which are coming to you
in this state?
Take adequate time when you have completed the exercise for
processing the experience you have had with sounding the chakras in
this manner.
What did you feel like before you began the exercise? What do you
feel like now that you have completed it?
With this exercise, you are moving energy up the body from the root
chakra to the crown chakra - it is powerful! If at the end of this
exercise, you wish to bring the energy back down into your body, tone
the deepest ‘UH’ sound you can make - the first chakra vowel sound
you experienced.
If you tone this sound it will immediately bring the energy back into
your physical body and help ground you. Alternative sounds suggested
by other systems are listed below, after Jonathan Goldman’s choice.
You may find that you can load up your breathe with intent, and then
let your Heart chose which sound to make for a particular purpose –
instead of you deciding in your logical mind.
Chakra Sound as in Colour Alternatives
Base UH huh Red OOO
Navel OOO you Orange OH, UH
Solar Plexus OH you Yellow AW
Heart AH father Green AH
Throat EYE I Blue AYE. EH
Third Eye AYE say Indigo EEE, IH
Crown EEE me Purple MMM

John Living may be contacted at or 1-866-369-7464

Please visit the Holistic Intuition Society website at

The Quester 26
Visual Fre·quen·cies
By Will Clark
“If it were possible to transport ourselves through time and
space, to the very origin of human life and, thus, the human
need for expression, we would find one very potent truth that
underlies virtually all of mankind's most brilliant creations: the
celebration of the Divine through beauty and creativity.”
~Siddhartha V. Shah

Central to the development of this new or remembered art/science is

the knowledge of interconnected natural patterns. This art or science of
patterns will unify our knowledge of structures, processes and subtle
energies with sacred geometry being the essential foundation for its’
creation. Only by understanding the complete relativity of these
patterns and their interconnectedness to the universal process can we
responsibly seek to use this knowledge.
From this perspective what we call sacred geometry is in fact our
ancestors legacy of pattern knowledge. At every scale of existence,
from the subatomic to the galactic, the same key patterns bring all
things into existence. It is a remarkable historical fact that many of
these same patterns including shapes, forms, proportions, and rhythms,
have been well known for centuries.
Sacred Geometry is an ancient science and a key to understanding
the way the universe is designed. It is a "map" of the step-by-step
movement of energy into matter creating the physical world, as we
know it. It is the "language" of creation that exists at the foundation of
all life revealing the basic building blocks of our universe!
Exploring the world of sacred
geometry you begin to see the
wonderful patterned beauty of
creation. Examples can be found in
the patterns of snow flakes, pine
cones, flower petals, crystals, the
branches of trees, a nautilus shell, the
star we spin around, the galaxy we
spiral within; all life forms as we
know them. These forms emerge out
of the timeless geometric codes.
Bio-geometry (a science that
deals with the energy of shapes)
Water rings 102305 continues to support my theory about

27 Winter 2008
these natural forms. Bio-geometry uses shape, color, motion,
orientation and sound to produce a vibrational quality that balances
energy fields. These shapes interact with the earth’s energy fields to
create balance on biological systems as well as multiple other levels.
This work was developed and patented by Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim,
D.Sc. in Cairo, Egypt, during research that began in 1968. Bio-
geometry was, and still is, mainly dedicated to the development of a
new art form that enhances the human biological system and gives new
meaning to the concept of “sacred space.” We are living in a world of
patterns, symbols and forms.
Early in my career as a designer I
made a choice to shift from a
creative direction as an artist, to the
corporate world of marketing. I
immersed myself for many years in
my work while climbing the
corporate ladder. Then, one day,
while on assignment I visited an
artist friend who offered me a chance
to once again create. Starting with a
large blank canvas I had been given
an opportunity to paint and freely
express myself without interruption
Waterfall for as long as I wished. This simple
gift changed my life!
What unfolded in the next few days seemed as if I was literally
walking between the worlds? I soon realized that I had cracked open the
cosmic egg, that ball of creative energy I had been holding like a rock,
in my chest. Even today it is hard for me to describe this experience in
words. The real world (as I knew it) no longer made any sense. For
nearly a year my world was turned upside down and I literally thought
that I was going insane. I was finally able to regain a normal
relationship with the 3-D world by working with a psychologist who
eventually understood what had taken place.
I had been guided to move to the New Jersey shore where I could
heal. Long walks on the shore helped me to realize that something was
awakening from within. This newly acquired sensitivity also allowed
me to see things with a whole new perspective. This path also included
meeting Joya, who is now my wife. I moved to New England, away
from the chaos of the city, which gave me an even greater oneness with
this natural phenomenon. Joya introduced me to dowsing, which helped
explain even more what was behind that veil of unknowing. Dowsing
allowed me to better comprehend many of the secrets of the earth’s

The Quester 28
energies, which are now visually revealed from this awakening.
Dowsing has also given me tools for communicating with this
new/remembered realm, with my eyes wide-open.
Shortly after our move to
New Hampshire, Joya and I
were asked to be artists-in-
residence at The Fells
(, now an
historic 680-acre landmark and
formerly the summer home of
John Hay (private secretary to
Abraham Lincoln, ambassador
to Great Britain and Secretary-
of-State under presidents
Will iam McK inley and
Theodore Roosevelt). While there as artist-in-residence, I became
intrigued with the random (chaotic) way that birch branches had fallen
on the forest floor around the base of the tree; like a white line drawing
there seemed to be a creative intelligence at work. I spent most of the
weekend photographing these random patterns.
Later, in my studio, I created a series of carpet patterns by mirroring
these natural images back upon themselves. What I began to notice was
previously unseen images were emerging from this process.
Upon further exploration, I discovered that this mirroring process
revealed hidden imagery unique to the parent image and pattern. I also
discovered that dowsing would allow me to communicate with these
hidden forms. I dowse which area within an image to mirror, I dowse

29 Winter 2008
how many segments will best reveal this unseen form and I dowse the
modality of the energy attached to the form with its unique frequency
and vibration.
By revealing these forms, I soon discovered that all around us there
is a new kind of magic, a new way to see. It's another world that comes
from the other side of the looking glass, from beyond its portal, in a
place where chaos gives birth to order. It is a place of exquisitely
strange beauty, filled with Visual Essences© each one with its own
unique “frequency.”
Are these new previously unseen forms maps of our consciousness,
similar to the Tibetan Mandela? Could they be bio-geometric signatures
hidden from our normal view or are they sacred geometric shapes
existing just out of human sight, vibrating thoughts into visual form?
Every new form that I create with its own unique shape, color and
texture, vibrates within a specific code of its own. These vibrations I
now call Visual Fre·quen·cies©. These visual frequencies seem to
accentuate the senses and gently guild you to a meditative/awakened
state. They are focal points for intention and manifestation, shifting the
subtle energies within a space. Another unique factor that I have
noticed with these revealed forms is that each person responds to them
differently. I have witnessed individuals brought to tears by merely
seeing an image. Sometimes they could not stop gazing at the image as
they were moved by the energy that it emitted. Perhaps they were
remembering its origin or just bathing in the vibration.
My current research includes the creation of digital images based on
these natural forms and matrix patterns. These unique forms emerge
from a chaotic and random collection of natural images. The forms are
processed through a mathematical formula of proportions based in
sacred geometry and the mirroring of themselves, to release these
previously unseen characters. I then dowse the revealed form to validate
the character of the energy that it holds.
I developed a dowsing chart, which allows me to identify the overall
sacred geometric form of the image, the dominant color spectrum and
its energy. This allows me to label each pattern with the corresponding
frequency, be it a Platonic Solid or a sacred shape and its corresponding
values from the various modalities.
As my exploration evolves, I have begun cataloging the images
according to their individual vibrational signature. This is a further
attempt to explore how they effect or promote specific subtle energy
shifts. ( See page 32 for Visual Fre·quen·cies© Vibrational Chart )
This visionary art reflects our true nature as spiritual beings and our
relationship to the universe. New images arise from this exploration that

The Quester 30

resonate with our ancient source, and move us closer to our luminous
future selves. By cataloging these various unseen forms and revealing
their true nature, I predict that they will soon reveal the reason for their

Will Clark has an MFA in Graphics and has worked extensively in the
publishing, graphic and dimensional marketing industries. He has always been
aware of the subtle energies in nature and our connection to them. He has
spent most of his adult life studying various spiritual modalities, nature and
sacred art. Will is currently an elected trustee of the American Society of
Dowsers and heads their Internet communication efforts.
Will has presented his work along with his wife Joya’s Visual Essences© at
various gatherings including the ASD Annual Convention.
Contact them at:, by phone: 603.225.6438 USA
or snail mail: 26 South Main St #242, Concord, NH 03301 USA

31 Winter 2008
Visual Fre·quen·cies© Vibrational Chart
Title: Sacred Waters
Color: Full Spectrum
Frequency: Just below the visible range at 100 GHz
Platonic Solid: Icosahedron (Water)
Sacred Geometric Shape: Circle (Infinity)

Images by
Will Clark
0322508 33
072407 a 89

The Quester 32

My soul slipped into a tree,

and there I was.
There I stayed
until the wind knocked me over.
Till then,
I knew no different
than that I was a tree.

My soul slipped into a rock

and there I was.
There I stayed the rock,
until it crumbled away.
Till then
I knew no different
than that I was that rock.

My soul slipped into being human.

Loving and sensing rocks and trees,
I touched them
with my hands and knowing
as they touched me with a magnetic attraction,
I knew no different
than that I was a human body.

~ Helen Pearl

33 Winter 2008
Creating a Living Classroom
An Organic Biodynamic system of
farming and growing food
in harmony with all
By Maggie Carruthers

The Quester 34
Imagine for a moment…
The end of the day is arriving
and it is time to prepare supper
which includes a salad and
vegetables. You walk out to your
garden where you find a wonderful
choice of leafy greens, carrots,
tomatoes, and green onions - all
ready for the choosing. They are
still warm from the day's sun. As you walk amongst the garden the
smell of the soil encourages you to take a long, conscious breath. As
you pick just enough vegetables for supper, you are filled with deep
gratitude and appreciation as you experience the enjoyment that comes
from picking food grown by your own labour. While these are your
emotions, separate from the product just picked, somehow they find
their way to the harvest seemingly enhancing the taste of the
vegetables. It is as if you were in partnership with your food. Before
going in to prepare supper, you pick a few garden companion flowers to
adorn the table. As you eat your supper you realize that each mouthful
reunites you with the vibrations of earth and sky - you have become
part of a greater whole! And the gratitude you so easily feel in that
moment ignites the flame of hope. For many this image is familiar. For
those thinking that there is not enough time, energy or money in the day
to create such a moment, establishing a living classroom is much easier
than it would seem. Even larger gardens or farms can work to this end.
Just minutes away from Northport, Nova Scotia, a unique farming
family is run by Charles and Judith Hubbard. They have worked the
land for over 38 years, immigrating from England to this very remote
area of the province, establishing a 550 acre farm. Over the years the
farm has had Jersey cows for milk production, hogs (including
registered breeding stock sold across North America), and crops for
grain and forage...
Besides harvesting the bounty of the land and the experience of
living with the land, their life has included the gift of 7 children and 11
Charles is an internationally recognized dowser, researcher with 25
years experience, 50 years experience in farming.
Charles is quick to point out that this venture would not be possible
without teamship with his wife Judith who has also worked full time on
the farm all these years.
Here is what Charles has found through his experience of farming...

35 Winter 2008

When a dynamic approach is used for growing food, the garden or

farm evolves into a "living classroom". The classroom can range from
the backyard garden of a single container to a 50 acre (or more) farm.
As the farm or garden is approached with the intention of a living
classroom, principles of harmony, innovation and effective stewardship
result in a self-sufficient environment.
The end benefit is food that some suggest tastes better, is
inexpensive to produce and contains a measurably higher vibration of
energy, which in turn, benefits the vibrational energy of the consumer.
The ingredients to make this possible:
In the many years that Charles and Judith have been farming,
starting from "traditional" farming methods, they have moved
to seeing more, and have learned to "connect the dots" of
evident outcomes, gathering valuable knowledge of how to
work with the energies of nature. In true farming form, they
wear many hats as they care for the land, animals and crops. The
following is a brief overview of the "dots" that have culminated into a
place that, in my opinion, is much more than a just a farm, it has
become a classroom of peace, refuge and hope that embraces the
essence of sacredness. It is Charles' belief that we can all create this for
ourselves whether living on a farm or in a large metropolitan area, and
that we must begin to make conscious choices that insure there is food
for future generations.
Charles' experience with his living classroom holds the following
Component #1: Pyramid Structure
Many studies have concluded that the angles of a pyramid structure
create a dynamic energy within it. These energies can efficiently
support the growth of food without the use of any additional energy,
other than naturally occurring
earth energies.
Currently there are two places
on the farm where Charles uses
pyr amid ener gy to grow
♦ one within an outdoor garden
where there are two small
wooden framed structures
(pictured right)

The Quester 36
and one large pyramid
hot-house style
structure (pictured
Each structure is
capped to further
amplify and contain the
energy of the structure.
The smaller wood-
framed structures are 5'
by 5' and vegetables are
grown in them as you
can see by the picture below. Also within this outdoor garden Charles
has dowsed to find the proper location for a garden earth energy circle.
The original intention of this circle was to support the growth and
plentitude of the crops within this garden. The wheel is 6 feet in
diameter. More in earth circles later....
Aside from pyramid energy, Charles is able to extend his growing
season with innovative structures like these that he has designed
himself. Each section is on castors and can easily be moved along a
track. The structure is made out of simple hardware supplies such as
3/4 galvanized pipe (bent to shape) and greenhouse plastic.

37 Winter 2008
The other, larger pyramid structure
is actually a double pyramid, a 10
square foot green house topped with
a pyramid roof, surrounded by a 20
square foot outer frame pyramid
structure made with copper piping.
Charles installed both structures in
late 2005 and has been consistently
experimenting and successfully
growing in-season and out-of-season
crops since then. It is impressive
that during our coldest winter days in
2005-06 (approx. - 20c), the
temperature within this pyramid
green house was +14c at 9 am - long
before the sun's low angle winter
rays had arrived to add their heat.
The picture (above) was taken in August.
When I visited Charles' farm mid-July,
2006 tomato plants planted in the third
week of May from starters, had grown
almost double in height compared to
similar plants planted in the other gardens
on the farm. By August, as seen in this
picture (right), what was to be a low
growing cherry tomato plant had grown to
nearly 6' in height in the pyramid green
house. Charles uses standard everyday
seeds for his planting.
The double structure allows for
growing outside the greenhouse while the
weather is good while still accessing the pyramid energies that enhance
growing. Charles uses standard concrete blocks to grow plants. The
concrete, he has found, also maintains a consistent warmth in the soil. I
noticed plants growing within the framed boundary of the 20' outer
structure were considerably more mature than those growing just on the
outer side of the frame or in other parts of the farm.

Component #2: Earth Energies

Using the easy-to-learn technique of dowsing to determine the
electromagnetic flow of earth energies, Charles has laid out earth
energy circles that further enhance the energy of the farm.

The Quester 38
In 1996, he dowsed to find 4 lines
intersecting on the land which lead
him to create a 28' diameter energy
circle in the ground (picture right).
With the circle laid out, a vortex
emerged from the circle and began to
create an energy field for the farm.
The initial intention and purpose of
the first wheel is to "broadcast" the
energy of reagents placed in a vial in
the circle (using the principles of
Radionics) out to the fields and crops.
This might include necessary
ingredients needed in the soil to
insure healthy crops and yield (such
as seaweed), and acts as a way of
applying biodynamic homeopathic
preparations to the farm, including soil and animals.
Charles discovered that a second such wheel was needed and so he
laid out a 17' diameter circle in a nearby field. When the two circles
were finished, Charles discovered an energy dome of approximately
100 acres had been created by the circles engulfing the land and farm.
This dome continues today to support a perceptible energy level far
above that which I have experienced on any other land and serves to
further broadcast and energize the whole farm.
Charles has found that these earth energies (and elementals) further
support the farm by him asking for help through directed intention or
prayer - more on this shortly.

Component #3: Organic Biodynamic System

Charles explains this as "farming the air" for cosmic energies. This
long-standing approach to growing and planting is still found in
resources such as farmer's almanacs that give planting times based on
moon and earth phases, etc. Much of this knowledge of working with
nature is no longer applied and the reasons for doing so are becoming
Biodynamic farming functions by applying farming principles and
utilizing one's power of observation. It is through observation that one
begins to "plug in" to one's environment and recognize how everything
is interconnected. Charles' experience estimates the breakdown between
principle and observation to be 40% farming principle and 60%
knowledge gained through observation.

39 Winter 2008
Truly, this is where the idea of a "classroom" comes from, as it is
through the farmer's observations of the quality of living harmony on
the farm that determines what may be needed to further support the life
force of the farm. Similar to the unison experienced when riding a
horse, when the rider and animal become one, the biodynamic system
of growing merges the planter, land, earth & cosmic energies and
elements into one.
Component #4: Labyrinth
In conjunction with the energy
circles, Charles has made room on his
property for two 7-circuit sacred Cretan
labyrinths: one for humans (made about
8 years ago) and one for horses (made
about 4 years ago). The labyrinth for the
horses (pictured left) provides them with
mental stimulation.
The human labyrinth (pictured
right) is a place for reflection,
inspiration, and where the
farmer can quiet his mind to
better hear the needs of the
farm. It is used to bring
harmony and healing to
problems of the body, mind and
spirit of the farmer and his
Charles has also found that
the labyrinths add to the overall earth energies that combine to create
this living classroom, and that along with the 100 acre dome of energy
created by the earth energy circles the labyrinths raise the harmonious
vibrations of the land and animals.

Component #5: Prayer or Directed Intention

Recent scientific studies have discovered that vibrations of thought
can be imprinted into water and that prayer (or directed intentional
thoughts) further enhance and harmonize energy.
Charles firmly believes that it is the act of prayer or laying out a
specific intention that ties all the ingredients of a living classroom
together establishing reciprocal communication with the entire farm
that results in effective food production. When working in harmony
with nature in this way, the benefit is a living, vibrant joy that
encompasses every living element of the farm.

The Quester 40
Component #6:
Measurement tools such as Radionics Analyzer & Refractometer
A Radionics Analyzer is an important part of the picture allowing a
farmer to analyze and treat the soil and animals. It allows the
measurement of energy, or life force, being held within the product or
element of the farm. Without such feedback, it is virtually impossible to
have a full impression of what unseen dynamics are taking place on the
Using a Brix scale, the Refractometer measures the level of natural
sugars (sucrose) contained in crops/produce. The higher the sugar
content, the higher the vibrational energy in the food. Brix scores reflect
the level of fertility of the land; if the land is low in fertility, the food it
produces will have a lower nutritional level. The "sugars" referred to
here are those that naturally occur in food. When there is a balanced
mix of sugars and other properties, the total nutritional value of the
product is more balanced.

Component #7: Dowsing

Dowsing is a tool in the biodynamic farming system, similar to
kinesiology, that provides information to come from an internal, deeper
knowledge base. In the environment of a living classroom, it is used to
improve the efficacy of planting by determining where a plant/crop
would best be planted. Working on the premise that every living thing
reacts and interacts with its environment, a seed will flourish when
planted in harmony with its surroundings. The intention for good is the
only use for dowsing here.

Component #8: Animals, birds & compost

For your large farm environment,
birds and animals, especially, play an
important role in the production of
food. Farm animals create the
foundation of good compost through
their manure, they eat excess crops
"keeping the farmer happy", as Charles
says, and they bring balance to all
aspects of the farm. Wild birds bring
their early morning and afternoon
songs the vibration of which coaxes
and encourages farm plants to open up
- this allows them to take in the
nutrients and energy needed to grow.

41 Winter 2008
Charles has found that compost made from animal manure and rock
dust provides the main, essential ingredient needed to insure a complete
balance in the soil. Along with perhaps a few biodynamic preparations
"broadcasted" to the land, as described earlier, this compost serves to
help maintain the soil's richness.

Component #9: Farmer and his family

Of course, none of this would be possible without the facilitator: the
Farmer and his Family.
A Garden of Eden is incomplete unless the farm family reflects a
balance similar to the farm. By living in love, harmony and peace, they
transmit and reflect their life force vibrations adding to the greater
whole of the farm. Stress, we can relate, affects us all on many
different levels, so too, stress affects the farm and its success.
that Charles has found combine to create his Garden of Eden - a
living classroom are:
Hope an intentional legacy of life-giving food production sufficient
for future generations
Directed intention or prayer the vehicle that provides
communication throughout
Effective stewardship working in partnership, as a team, with the
land, air, and earth energies
Holding Love for the Land in every thought, word and action
Working harmoniously with earth energies founded in principles
of sacred geometry and the power of observation
The benefits of creating a living classroom:
• Enjoying out of season foods
• Eating foods grown locally that contain the vibration in harmony
with your own vibration
• Eating foods that contain the energy of your efforts as they are in
harmony with the earth energies
• Stress reduction
• Reconnecting with the earth and your "natural" self

Maggie Carruthers is an energy worker and an animal communicator.

To contact Charles Hubbard about his workshops you may write to: Smithmill
Road, RR #4, Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada B4H 3Y2 or call 902-661-4006
In keeping with living life simply, Charles chooses to not correspond via email.
You may purchase his book, Sacred Stewardship: Regaining our Spiritual
Partnership with the Food We Eat at

The Quester 42
by Annie B. Bond
The loss of genetic seed diversity facing us today may lead to a
catastrophe far beyond our imagining. The Irish potato famine, which
led to the death or displacement of two and a half million people in the
1840s, is an example of what can happen when farmers rely on only a
few plant species as crop cornerstones.
One blight wiped out the single potato type that came from deep in
the Andes mountains; it did not have the necessary resistance. If the
Irish had planted different varieties of potatoes, one type would have
most likely resisted the blight.
We can help save heirloom seeds by learning how to buy and save
these genetically diverse jewels ourselves.
One kind of seed, called First generation hybrids (F1 hybrids), have
been hand-pollinated, and are patented, often sterile, genetically
identical within food types, and sold from multinational seed
A second kind of seeds are genetically engineered. Bioengineered
seeds are fast contaminating the global seed supply on a wholesale
level, and threatening the purity of seeds everywhere. The DNA of the
plant has been changed. A cold water fish gene could be spliced into a
tomato to make the plant more resistant to frost, for example.
A third kind of seeds are called heirloom or open-pollinated,
genetically diverse jewels that have been passed on from generation to
With heirloom seeds there are 10,000 varieties of apples, compared
to the very few F1 hybrid apple types.
The Mayan word “gene” means “spiral of life.” The genes in
heirloom seeds give life to our future. Unless the 100 million backyard
gardeners and organic farmers keep these seeds alive, they will
disappear altogether. This is truly an instance where one person – a
lone gardener in a backyard vegetable garden – can potentially make all
the difference in the world.
Here are two sources for finding heirloom seeds from seed saving
organizations. These organizations represent a movement of several
thousand backyard gardeners who are searching the countryside for
endangered vegetables, fruits and grains.

43 Winter 2008
The Seed Savers Exchange (SSE), is a non-profit tax-exempt
organization that is saving old-time food crops from extinction.
Kent and Diane Whealy founded SSE in 1975 after an elderly,
terminally ill relative bestowed three kinds of garden seeds brought
from Bavaria four generations earlier.
The Whealys began searching for other “heirloom varieties” (seeds
passed down from generation to generation) and soon discovered a vast,
little-known genetic treasure.
SSE’s members are maintaining thousands of heirloom varieties,
traditional Indian crops, garden varieties of the Mennonite and Amish,
vegetables dropped from all seed catalogs and outstanding foreign
varieties. Each year hundreds of members use SSE’s publications to
distribute such seeds to ensure their survival.
Each winter SSE publishes a 304-page Seed Savers Yearbook which
contains names and addresses of 900 members and 6,000 listings of rare
vegetable and fruit varieties that they are offering to other gardeners.
Seeds are obtained by writing directly to the members who are listing
those varieties. The Seed Savers Exchange:

Native seeds/SEARCH (NS/S) is a non-profit seed conservation
organization working to preserve the traditional native crops of the U.S.
Southwest and Northwest Mexico. For centuries Native American
farmers have grown corn, squash, beans and other crops under a variety
of growing conditions.
NS/S encourages the continued use of these plants in their native
habitats, and also distributes them widely to home gardeners,
researchers and free of charge to Native American farmers. Wild
relatives of crops – such as wild beans, chiles, gourds and cotton – are
included in Native Seeds/SEARCH’s conservation efforts.
NS/S’s informative annual seed catalog lists more than 200 varieties
for sale. Each crop listing includes seed saving information as well as
culture and folklore. Native seeds/SEARCH:

Editor’s Note: The Seed and Plant Sanctuary for Canada is a project that
grew out of Salt Spring Seeds. They are starting to have a cross-Canada
network of members.

The Cottage Gardener is an heirloom seed and plant nursery in southern

Ontario, Canada.

The Quester 44
An explanation of our method of ‘Recovery of
Disappeared Sites’ and a discussion of the ‘Make up’
in Energy Terms of these sites.
by Tony Heath

In our dowsing examinations during the last 3 to 4

years, I have increasingly become aware of a possible explanation of
the reason, that we as a group – The Society of Moorland Dowsers, can
seek out and identify sites of ancient habitation, from a distance away.
Our work at Paradise Copse, Broadclyst, Exeter amply illustrated the
technique we have developed and used with great success in locating
‘disappeared’ buildings of all types, and this was greatly expanded in
our comprehensive examination at Ugbrooke, Chudleigh.
We are aware that work carried out by previous occupiers of land
have left visible traces of earth banks, pits and distortions to the natural
surface - beneath which may lay foundations or trenches and other
ground works, which are no longer visible to the naked eye.
Referring to Albert Einstein’s formula – Mass-energy equivalence,
in which he stated that Energy = mc2, and further that Energy cannot be
created or destroyed. In all of its forms, trapped energy exhibits Mass.
In relativity, Mass and Energy are two forms of the same thing, and
neither one appears without the other.
The concept of mass-energy equivalence unites the concepts of
conservation of Mass and Conservation of Energy, allowing ‘rest’ Mass
to be converted to forms of active energy (such as kinetic energy, heat,
or light) while still retaining mass. Conversely, active energy in the
form of kinetic energy or radiation can be converted to particles, which
have rest mass.
Active Energy - Natural Flowing Energy that is being constantly
processed within most planetary bodies, energy that is the result of
natural forces ie. Electrical discharges from Thunderstorms, Magnetic
energy produced constantly from Atomic processes within the globe,
energy produced and discharged from natural growth in vegetation and
from its decay, also energy that is produced within Animals and used to
convey messages from the brain to muscles to facilitate movement.
Also the Energy that is active in the course of the Movement of Water.
We are Animals in the broad sense and we produce electrical energy
from the food we eat, which is then used by our bodies to power our
needs to move about and perform various tasks. We are in fact Mobile
Batteries. The Heat that we discharge is the result of overproduction of

45 Winter 2008
energy and to a certain degree this discharge of energy is at the heart of
Dowsing when we allow our rods to point forward and send out a
discharge of energy, to identify and illuminate a possible site.
Rest Energy that is Dormant, is energy that is bound up in the
products of human ingenuity, clay products, vegetable products like
wood / animal skins / metal products / modern refined products – oil
etc.. These items are converted from their previous active energy basis
by Human intervention into Dormant energy items.
When Human activity constructs a building using rocks / bricks /
clay tiles / timber / metal items / amalgams of Limestone & Sand /
animal bonding of Blood etc., the New Building changes from a
holding of Dormant Energy into an Active Energy centre. This site
becomes an entity (a whole body) - actively used by the occupiers in a
frequent manner, therefore having its own energy pattern.
When the building becomes redundant and falls slowly into decay,
the active Energy dissipates back down into its original dormant energy
As we dowsers approach a previously uncharted site, our personal
energy moves ahead of us through our alert rods, projecting our
personal energy, seeking any Dormant energy area that there may be
As soon as we reach the Dormant site, we begin to pass our personal
energy into that site, which then begins to absorb it.
The process of dowsing around and through any site drains us of
quantities of our personal energy, until we withdraw away from that
area. The proof of the effect of that transfer of energy away from us, is
the feeling of deflation in our energy reserves.
Our boosting of the Dormant energy site converts that site
temporarily into an Active energy site which resumes its original
features, which we are then able to mark out with markers and identify
the various features of that site.
How long does the boost of energy last? Well we don’t know if we
are truthful, but the fact that we have to repeat the whole exercise to
resume work next day, suggests that our boosting begins to fade very
shortly after we vacate the site.
Our boosting of the Dormant energy site into an Active energy site
does not completely reconstruct that building or site, but re-invigorates
the energy patterns of the constituents of that site. The site does not
reinvent its self in a material fashion, but resumes its energy form; thus
we can say- “we can walk through walls” in their energetic state.
Copyright: Tony Heath The Society of Moorland Dowsers. April 2008.

The Quester 46
November, 2008
Harnessing the Infinite
By Carol Heywood-Babrauskas

Two previous updates have been

abandoned in favor of my desire to share the
expansive perspective I have been enjoying for just a couple of days
now. It started while I was on the airplane on my way home from yet
another great group experience in Yelapa, Mexico. I am still finding it
a bit difficult to put into words, but it is significant enough that I want
to try, so please bear with me.
While in a drifting state of consciousness somewhere between
meditation and sleep, it was as if a little door opened somewhere in the
gridwork of my perceived reality, and I flew out like a bird escaping its
cage. I perked right up and started to pay attention to these new
surroundings that my new-found freedom was allowing me to discover.
I found myself in a very energetic sea of brightly-colored, free-flowing,
intermingling fractals that seemed to originate from one source and then
sped off in all directions conforming to various shapes of sacred
geometry. I was totally enthralled and entertained by this colored light
fountain and would have been happy to just watch for hours on end, but
the plane landed and I flew back into the cage, but not without noticing
the location of this door and making sure that it did not lock behind me
when I came back in.
That night, these fractals filled my dreams as I rode them like the
most incredibly fun amusement park ride ever! I always have loved a
good roller coaster ride. When I woke up in the morning I still felt a bit
of physical trip weariness, but my spirit was so buoyant after a night of
such fun play that it did not take my body long to respond to that
positive energy. The day was to be filled with all the usual post-trip
catching-up activities, and it was, but I felt a new sense of lightness and
excitement as I could sense these playful and beautiful fractals dancing
all around me, standing by for me to join them whenever I got the
Following a late afternoon chiropractic adjustment to get things back
in alignment after the usual Mexican rigors, a hot Epsom salt bath was
in order. I sank into relaxation and this time, along with the fractals,

47 Winter 2008
came a message for me to look into the work of Nassim Haramein. I
recognized the name as having been around in the spiritual teaching
circles, but I had never before explored his teachings. I spent the next
few hours in an internet romp through his work on YouTube and
assorted websites and so enjoyed receiving the explanations regarding
my new expanded, playful reality. I learned that these fractals are what
lies beyond quantum physics. They are what flows from infinite Source
and they keep dividing and breaking down infinitely. Quantum
physicists will never be able to capture the tiniest particle because even
the tiniest particle keeps breaking down infinitely because all come
from these fractals that cannot end.
With the help of Haramein and my inner teachers, I learned the role
of these fractals in the creation of personal realities. The free, infinite
energy of the fractals interacts with our minds. Our thought forms act
as perimeters or fences around packets of these energy fields so it
captures this animating force that brings the image of the thought form
to life. Voila! One custom reality manufactured to specs as ordered.
Knowledge of this process is downright revolutionary!
It is totally within our power to open the gates of our limited
perception realities and release the trapped energy back into the flow so
we can re-create from this new place of understanding how this process
works and the implications of having an infinite supply to work with.
As you know from my previous writings, I have had a grasp of this
unlimited potential for quite some time. What is new to me is this sense
of pure light-hearted fun that comes from interacting and experiencing
on this level. Knowing this is here for me whenever I allow has given
me a new child-like sense of awe and wonderment, like everyday is
This does not necessarily translate into a bury-my-head-in-the-sand
attitude about the major changes that are happening as we enter a time
of increased solar activity on the planet. Haramein has come to the
same conclusion and knows things are heating up quickly, much
quicker than published scientists are predicting. Most scientists are
only looking at man’s contribution to global warming, which is actually
only a very small part of a much bigger picture. The whole galaxy is
heating up. Ice at the poles on Mars is melting. Things are getting
hotter and there is nothing anyone can do about it except adapt.
Haramein agrees that by tapping into the now-available vast sources of
knowledge and staying connected to Mother Earth, remarkable new
technologies can come forth to help us adapt to the conditions of this
new phase of evolution. We can even learn how to reverse gravity and
levitate ourselves and even our dwellings.

The Quester 48
When our minds can conceive and create thought forms based on
adapting to current conditions, no matter how severe they seem from
our current limited place, the free-spirited, brightly-colored, beautiful
fractals will fill those forms with life-force and Voila! One custom
reality manufactured to specs as ordered and delivered on time! There
is absolutely no discernment, no process of inspection, no judgment, no
standard specifications, no input in the thought form creations
whatsoever offered by these fractals. They are just happily harnessed
by and conform to whatever thought form comes their way and they
eagerly set about bringing it into reality with its animating life force.
If you are interested in a bigger and deeper picture of the physics of
creation and evolution, I encourage you to further explore Nassim
Haramein’s teachings. He is founder of the Resonance Project that is
headquartered in Hawaii and the website is:

I hope that you will

invite the light-hearted,
joyous, buoyant,
beautiful energies of
these delightful fractals
from Source into your
energy fields so you
can join me in this
wondrous dance of co-
creation in partnership
with Mother Earth and
each other.

Pictured right: Carol

with rainbow orb taken in
Yelapa, Mexico.

Carol He yw o o d -
Babrauskas is the author
of Passionate Pinky and
the Evolutionary
Experiment available
through her website at:
or at
She may be contacted at

49 Winter 2008
The New Theory Muscling in on
Evolution, Creation, and
Intelligent Design, Part 2
by Lloyd Pye

Intervention theory began in 1968 with the publication of Erich
Von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods. Von Daniken focused on the
wide array of megalithic structures around the world that so obviously
are beyond modern capacities to match. Surely, he argued, only inter-
vention by non-human, off-world entities could explain how such im-
mense structures could be built to tolerances that today’s engineers can
only marvel at. One favorite quote is that the Pyramids are “Rolex
watches built on a scale of small mountains,” as are Baalbek in Leba-
non, Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, and Sachsahuaman and Ollantaytambo in
Peru, among dozens less cyclopean in size but no more likely to have
been created by the minds and muscles of ordinary humans.
Like Alfred Wegener in 1915, Erich Von Daniken was undoubtedly
correct when asserting that no Stone Age culture could possibly have
created such immense, intricate edifices. But also like Wegener, he
couldn’t provide a mechanism whereby off-planet visitors could make a
journey to our planet in a reasonable time span. Our sun’s closest
neighbor is Proxima Centauri at 4.2 light years away. Assuming the
speed of light is as constant as Einstein claimed (this is now challenged
by considerable frontier science research), intergalactic travel at earthly
speeds on earthly timescales seems improbable. However, these factors
are limiting or absolute only because scientific hubris makes them so.
In reality they might not exist at all. Unfortunately for Von Daniken, in
1968 he had no way to counter scientific ridicule of his ideas.
As a result, he was effectively laughed out of the ring.

In 1976 a new champion of intervention appeared. Zecharia Sitchin

published The Twelfth Planet, which supplied a different array of evi-
dence to support Von Daniken’s assertion that earth bristled with the
remains of non-human activity in a not-too-distant past. Sitchin based
his conclusions on the voluminous written records of Sumer, the
“sudden civilization” that sprang up virtually overnight in the Tigris-
Euphrates Valley of modern Iraq. Historians can’t begin to plausibly

The Quester 50
explain how Sumerians were transformed from Stone Age farmers to
extremely sophisticated city dwellers in a matter of only a few hundred
years around 5,000 years ago. The mystery is so deep and so profound,
few historians dare attempt to deal with it, mostly leaving only one
thing about Sumer openly discussed in history classes—writing.
Sumerians combined myriad orientations of a single wedge-shaped
image to create a complex, convoluted, cleverly subtle graphic tech-
nique known as cuneiform, which is readily acknowledged as the first
form of writing. The wedges were pressed into clay tablets that were
then put into the first kilns (one of dozens of sophisticated technologies
introduced by this supposedly “primitive” society) and fired into stone
to provide what became the gold standard of knowledge in all subse-
quent cultures: written in stone.
Historians are so baffled by the things Sumerians wrote, they clas-
sify nearly all of it as “myth,” nothing more than flights of fancy by
surprisingly creative “primitives.” When Albert Einstein was asked how
he came to see the basics of his great theories, he replied, “I ignored an
axiom.” Fortunately for those in the intervention movement, Zecharia
Sitchin did the same thing.

When Albert Einstein was asked how he came to

see the basics of his great theories, he replied,
“I ignored an axiom.”

Sitchin rejected the “myth” appellation officially applied to Sumer-

ian writings, treating them as the true history Sumerians said they were.
Looking beyond the flourishes of the language, its subtleties and allego-
ries, he found an astonishing array of facts that could be corroborated
by modern research. What he found was literally mind-boggling in
1976, and it remains so today.
Sumerians wrote in stone 4,000 years ago that superior beings from
beyond earth lived among them as their lords and masters, and in far
earlier times actually created humans “in their own image, after their
own likeness” (words exactly copied 2,000 years later to be incorpo-
rated into Genesis) in a “house of fashioning” (a genetic laboratory?)
where also were created all of the known domesticated plants and ani-
mals “to give the gods their ease.”
The Sumerians always referred to their gods in a multiple sense and
never with upper case emphasis. They wrote about those gods in mat-
ter-of-fact terms, describing them as flesh-and-blood beings with whom
they could have sex, produce hybrid offspring, even occasionally

51 Winter 2008
marry. And Sumerian knowledge went much deeper. They had a plausi-
ble explanation for how our solar system came to have its unusual
lineup of planets and moons. Earth’s missing crust and Wegener’s tec-
tonic plates are impossible in an astral body forming normally in the
vacuum of space, yet the Sumerians accounted for both. It is equally
impossible for earth’s oceans of water to form as close to the sun as the
planet now orbits, yet there it is. The Sumerians gave a reason that
makes sense. Earth’s overly large, precisely aligned moon is also dealt
with, as is the asteroid belt, another conundrum they neatly accommo-
Then comes the cruncher, a swing-from-the-heels knockout punch.
The Sumerians wrote that our immediate solar system contained
nine planets plus one other, a tenth, traveling in a 3600-year elliptical
(rather than the usual circular) orbit around the sun. That planet they
called Nibiru, the home of their gods, whom they called the Anunnaki.
At a stroke this negated the objection that off-world beings couldn’t
make a journey to earth from the closest star systems in anything ap-
proaching a reasonable timeframe. These gods came from the neighbor-
hood, so to speak, from just around the corner.

Yet the vast majority of people in the world today

have no idea any of this ever existed.

The Sumerians also counted planets from the perspective of the

space-faring gods on Nibiru, from the outside in, calling earth the sev-
enth, rather than the third rock from the sun. And, with a stunning flash
of insight, they wrote that when viewed from “on high” in the heavens,
Uranus and Neptune looked like “blue-green watery twins.” Most as-
tronomers assumed anything past Saturn was likely to be a cold dead
rock, so it came as quite a surprise to see photographs from Voyager 2
in 1986, and again in 1989, proving the Sumerians were right. Uranus
and Neptune were made of blue-green slush.
How could the Sumerians know such things? How could they know
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were even there, much less how they
looked if viewed up close in space? We didn’t learn about the existence
of those three planets until 1781, 1846, and 1930, respectively. How
could the Sumerians know about any of it, much less all of it? Simple…
their gods told them.
They were refreshingly candid about it. All they knew, all they were,
their very existence was owed to the beneficence of the Anunnaki gods
who created them, created their “sudden” culture and civilization, and

The Quester 52
who often erratically ruled their lives as the fortunes of one principal
god waxed and another’s waned. They wrote of an astonishingly active
history thrust upon them by living on earth at that unique time, in that
unique place. Yet the vast majority of people in the world today have
no idea any of this ever existed.
As Sitchin points out in the title of his book, Sumerians also in-
cluded the moon and the sun to make twelve major members of this
solar system—a number that crops up in Sumerian writings more than
once. They introduced the world to twelve signs of the zodiac, the same
ones that have, by nothing short of a miracle, come down to us today
intact, the same twelve that have passed through the Egyptians, Greeks,
Romans, and all cultures in between. The Sumerians also had twelve
major Anunnaki gods (the same twelve of Egyptians, Greeks, Romans,
and others) ruling in Sumer over a plethora of lesser gods and their
adamu (which came to Genesis as “Adam”), the human slaves and ser-
vants they engineered to make their lives easier on what had to be a
hardship outpost on a planet far distant and different from their own.
In doing that engineering, they gave the intervention theory a fresh
new foothold in the origins debate, and this one is finally gaining trac-

That possibility sent shudders through every

scientist forced to seriously consider it.
In 1998, intervention theory was taken to the next level by Lloyd
Pye (yes, that’s me) in the book Everything You Know Is Wrong. De-
spite that facetious title, the book revealed a mechanism that Erich Von
Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin had lacked, a mechanism that could un-
mistakably establish proof of outside intervention on earth—genetics.
Sitchin made clear that the Anunnaki claimed to create humans as well
as all the known domesticated plants and animals in a “house of fash-
ioning,” which he logically assumed must be their name for a genetics
lab. But in 1976 not enough was known about human DNA to look for,
much less establish, proof of such a claim.
By 1998 enough was known, and Pye revealed it. In 1996, only two
years earlier, geneticists announced the results of their years-long ef-
forts to establish when humans split off from the “common ancestor”
they shared at some point with chimpanzees, our closest genetic rela-
tives. The uniformly accepted timeframe of archeologists and anthro-
pologists was between 5.0 million to 8.0 million years ago, so geneti-
cists felt they could put a bracket inside that wide range by analyzing
the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of a statistically meaningful array of

53 Winter 2008
modern humans to determine which groups were the oldest, and then
date those by counting mutations to their mtDNA.
When the answer came in, everyone was flabbergasted. Human
DNA history didn’t go back to 8.0 million years ago, or to 5.0 million
years ago. It went back only a relative eye blink—to just 200,000 years!
Something had to be wrong, hugely wrong, with such a recent date. If
humans were no older than 200,000 years…. That possibility sent
shudders through every scientist forced to seriously consider it. It just
had to be wrong. However, subsequent testing of the male Y chromo-
some showed it was unquestionably true.

I’m well aware of how this sounds, but it is true

and defendable.
Because there was no way to rationally or logically explain such a
glaring discrepancy in the evolutionist story of human origins, the new
date had to be explained away. This was done by creating the phantas-
magorical device of a “genetic bottleneck” through which humanity
could be squeezed. For as absurd as that sounds (and is), here is how
the scenario played out:
“First, nobody get excited. Okay? Everything’s gonna stay the same.
Humans did, in fact, evolve from an ancient common ancestor with
chimps. Yes, this mitochondrial mess was a close call, but now Jake’s
come up with a loophole, so we can go back to normal and move ahead
like nothing ever happened. Everybody got that? Good. Now, here’s
what we have to say….”
By some unknown but deadly means, virtually every human ancestor
alive at 200,000 years ago was wiped out. Only a literal handful in
southern Africa (where the geneticists proved the earliest humans ap-
peared) managed to avoid the plague that felled everyone else. That
literal handful, no more than a few dozen at most, became the breeding
stock for every member of every race on the planet today—all six bil-
lion of us. Only by imagining such an improbable worldwide catastro-
phe can Darwinian evolution be distorted enough to jibe with the im-
possible-to-distort mitochondrial DNA results.
Suddenly, our creation at the hands of the Anunnaki from Nibiru, the
tenth planet in our solar system, doesn’t seem quite so farfetched. Now
add this kicker: the Sumerians wrote that the Anunnaki claimed to have
created humans in “the house of fashioning” in southern Africa
200,000 years ago!
I’m well aware of how this sounds, but it is true and defendable.

The Quester 54
Even more compelling and defendable are the immense physical
gaps between humans and every other “higher” primate, not just chim-
panzees. In 1911, then-famous British anthropologist, Sir Arthur Keith,
quantized all of the anatomical characteristics that set a species of ape
apart from the others. He found that gorillas had 75 unique physiologi-
cal attributes; chimpanzees, 109; orangutans, 113; gibbons, 116; and
humans, 312. Thus, humans have an array of traits that are three times
more distinctive than higher primates.
This is surprising because evolutionists so loudly trumpet that hu-
mans and chimps share 98% the same DNA. This is, it should come as
no surprise, powerfully dependent on who does the counting and how it
is done; but the bottom line is that its trumpeting is a subterfuge to hide
from view several embarrassing facts known about the inner structure
of the human genome.
First up: the chromosome count. All higher primates have 48 but
humans have “only” 46. How could that happen? How could two entire
chromosomes—a significant chunk of the 20,000 or so genes humans
are now known to possess—be lost, yet somehow we end up three times
as different physiologically as our ape relatives and a light year differ-
ent in intellectual capacity? Better yet, how were they lost? Where did
they go?
Well, guess what? Here’s a great secret… shhhhh! …a great secret
evolutionary biologists and geneticists would hate to see turned into
public discourse, especially within hearing range of their opponents in
the battle over human origins. Those two “missing” chromosomes are
not missing!

These things are not new, not original, not rare,

and are certainly nothing to get excited about.

It turns out the 2nd and 3rd chromosomes in all higher primates have
miraculously been fused together in humans to make one long chromo-
some that still contains all of the higher primate’s DNA. That fact is
remarkable enough. However, it borders on miraculous when we dis-
cover that by more sleight-of-hand by nature, certain areas on key hu-
man chromosomes have been flipped—literally cut loose in certain
places, turned on end, and then reinserted and re-fused into the chromo-
somes to make them whole again.
Talk to any geneticist or read any genetics text and these miracles of
nature will be explained in blandly prosaic terms. These things are not
new, not original, not rare, and are certainly nothing to get excited

55 Winter 2008
about. This is political spinning at its most glaring. They know the
truth, in the same way scientists in 1915 knew the truth about Alfred
Wegener’s discovery. But just as earlier scientists were not ready or
willing to accept that the earth could be unstable beneath their feet,
modern scientists are equally unwilling and unprepared to confront the
alarming bottom line of intervention theory.
We humans are not now, and never have been, alone. Period.

As with the megalithic stones, our DNA clearly

reveals evidence of their handiwork while here.

I began this essay by saying that as intervention theory enters the

origins debate against its vastly better known opponents, it brings
Roberto Duran’s famous “hands of stone,” which in our case is com-
prised of literal stone—hundreds of megalithic structures around the
world, and extensive writings of the ancient Sumerians. Then I moved
to genetics, which at first glance is not in any way related to stone; but
it actually is in this context:
Intervention says that human beings and all domesticated plants and
animals are the result of genetic engineering by off-world beings of
some kind, whether they prove to be the Anunnaki or not. As with the
megalithic stones, our DNA clearly reveals evidence of their handiwork
while here. But another array of stones makes it equally clear that hu-
mans did not evolve on earth in the way every evolutionist insists had to
occur. Those stones are the fossils of the so-called “prehumans” of the
past five or six million years.
We’ve all seen their mug shots, so I’m not asserting anything that
can be construed as distortion. From the early Australopithecines (Lucy
and her type), through all of the Homos (Habilis, Erectus, Neandertal),
every single “prehuman” fossil (which, please recall, is bone turned into
stone) presents an array of physical features diametrically opposed to
modern humans.
They all have thick heavy brow ridges above large round night-
vision eyes. They have no forehead, wide nasal passages, no chins, and
mouths that project from their faces in the prognathous fashion. From
Australopithecines to Neanderthals this is their uniform pattern, then at
“only” 120,000 years ago (so far) the first true human, Cro-Magnon,
appears in the fossil record. This timeframe is a comfortable chrono-
logical fit within the 200,000 years since the creation of humans estab-
lished by the Sumerians 4,000 years ago.

The Quester 56
Like it or not, agree with it or not, stone is what it is and says what it
says, with no chance ever to change it, revise it, alter it, or shred it.
I assume this essay will be upsetting, if not infuriating, to many of
those who read it. On the other hand, equal numbers—if not a substan-
tial majority—will hear echoes of doubts they might have registered
along the course of their lives when struck by some simplicity or ab-
surdity passed off as “truth” by mainstream scientists desperately cling-
ing to old convictions.
It was the same in 1915 and will remain the same far into the future,
unless and until ordinary people open their minds enough to fairly
evaluate all opposing viewpoints; and if circumstances dictate a change
in direction, they will have to rise up and literally cram unwanted facts
down the throats of a scientific community more worried about social
status, job tenure, and running afoul of peer reviews for grants than
honestly searching for truth.
Let me close by repeating the quote from Max Planck:
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventu-
ally die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”
This essay was written to familiarize a new generation—as well as
open-minded individuals in the entrenched one—with the fundamentals
of intervention theory. When enough doubters lift the prejudicial ropes
keeping it out of their mental rings, a very different fight over origins
will begin.

The Starchild Skull

Lloyd Pye is an author, researcher, and lecturer in the field of alternative

knowledge. He calls on over 30 years of experience to write and speak about
the origins of life, human origins, Hominoids (bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, and oth-
ers), and Zecharia Sitchin’s work. He is best known for his research on the
‘Starchild skull’. The mysterious origins of this skull have many believing that it
is of a human - alien hybrid. All Original Material Copyright 2007© Lloyd Pye
To learn more, visit Lloyd Pye’s website:

57 Winter 2008
Book Review BLINK: The Power of Thinking
Without Thinking
by Malcolm Gladwell
Published by Back Bay Books
Reviewed by Serah Roer

On May 23rd, Tyhson and I were at the

Vancouver Airport for 6 hours, waiting to connect
with the flight to the UK. I needed a book to read
and picked up blink, by Malcolm Gladwell at the bookshop there. A
few days later I had hungrily read it all and left it with my brother and
sister-in-law in London. On the way home I went back to the airport
bookstore in Vancouver and bought another copy to take home and for
Tyhson to read one day!
It’s a book that made me think that perhaps most of us think more
than we need to! That is if you need to arrive at a conclusion that is
important and worthwhile. If you enjoy thinking things through and
analyzing stuff to the n’th degree, this book could knock you sideways!
We have all experienced a first impression that turned out to be right
on the mark. Conversely we get indignant when we hear of the statistics
calling the drivers of red sports cars the ones who get stopped most
often by the police; the long haired men who get pulled up for a second
look by officers at the boarder or airport. How much are we affected by
stereotypes? Is our first impression always governed by stereotypical
nudges? If so how can we reduce this unfair and trendy reaction in
ourselves? Malcolm Gladwell calls this ‘an unconscious bias’, when
someone fits the stereotype we become blind to other considerations.
One example of many from blink sites that ‘Tall, Dark and Handsome
Men’ often seem to get the best jobs. This he calls ‘The Warren
Harding Error’. Warren Harding, who was chosen to run as Republican
Party President of the US in 1920 because he looked like the perfect US
presidential candidate but was one of the worst in American History!
‘In the US population about 14.5% of all men are 6’ or taller.
Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that number is 58%.........even
more striking, in the general American Population 3.9% of adult men
are 6’2” or taller. In the CEO sample, almost 1/3 were 6’2” or over.’
Being rather tall myself, I was intrigued! Using the expression,
‘stand out like a sore thumb’ when in a photo, I’d tower over my
friends. But to read in this book that a research project found that an
inch of height is worth $789.00 a year in salary……..!!

The Quester 58
Or that a 6’ tall person otherwise identical to someone 5’5” will
make $85,525.00 more per year………Have you ever wondered why so
many mediocre people find their way into positions of authority in
companies and organizations? It makes me a little concerned that folks
with my height could be pushed into positions beyond their capabilities
while vertically-challenged, brilliant people could be passed over.
A more positive story from blink, is the one about the tennis pro’,
Vic Braden, who would watch top-class tennis matches and know when
a player was going to serve a double fault. He did not know how or
why he was able to do this, he was instinctively aware of the error as
the ball was being hit. This is termed ‘thin-slicing’ by some
psychologists (not in tennis stroke terms). Our unconscious is able to
find patterns in situations and behaviours based on very narrow slices
of experience.
There are many fascinating examples and stories in this amazing
book. One more is called ‘priming’ –that refers to subtle triggers that
influence our behaviours without our awareness of such changes. The
example tells of in Spain, where classical music was played in subways
and incidents of vandalism and littering drastically decreased.
Advertising could also be an example of manipulative priming!
How can you, as the ‘expert’ be as unbiased as possible in judging a
prize-apple pie or a musician playing in audition? Marking a student’s
examination papers or smelling a special perfume? Your need to know
anything about the person involved, age, colour of skin, sex etc. is
immaterial and can often skew your fair and final appraisal. We do
make snap judgments from our unconscious bias that have no bearing
on a person’s abilities and blink tells me that this can be avoided. For
example, our senses can tell us, they do it in a ‘blink’. So listen to your
solo classical musician on CD, can you tell from the music, the age, sex
and nationality of the musician? So many more female musicians have
started playing in large orchestras since the auditions have been played
behind screens, out of sight of the judges!
It is fun to imagine how the expert dowser could and does bypass all
unconscious bias as the pendulum swings in tune with the un-thought
This would be a great book for a book club to use. There is a
Reading Group Guide at the back, added to the original edition.

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, by Malcolm Gladwell is also

the author of The Tipping Point. Published by Back Bay Books. Little Brown
and Co., 2005 and 2007. ISBN-978-0-316-17232-5 (hc) / 978-0-316-01066-5
(pb). Quotations from the book are in italics.
Serah Roer is the Membership Secretary of The CSQ. She lives near Salmon
Arm, British Columbia.

59 Winter 2008
The Canadian Society of Questers (1986) is a federally-incorporated society
pursuant to the Canada Corporations Act (202.522.4). Founded in 1979, it was
registered in the Province of British Columbia on Aug 20, 1980.
• The society seeks to correlate modern science with the philosophies and
metaphysics of various cultures throughout the ages.
• The society seeks to understand and develop human mental and physical
sensing capacities, and to inform interested others in unselfish, good-purpose
mindquesting (a.k.a. divining, dowsing, radiesthesia or questing).
• The society seeks to encourage, assist and instruct those who seek a fuller
understanding of the metaphysical, parapsychological and paranormal aspects of
• The society seeks to develop the sensory and questing techniques of its
members by studying parapsychology, divining, dowsing, radiesthesia and other
quests, and by educating them in good-purpose mindquesting.

The Journal is sent quarterly to all members of the Canadian Society of
Questers. It is intended to provide a forum for the views of its contributors on a
broad range of topics - including dowsing, subtle energies, healing and spirituality
- relevant to the pursuits of the Society.
All work for the Chapters of the Society is voluntary. The Journal is funded by
the membership and the yearly conventions, where back issues may be displayed
and made available for purchase by those in attendance.
The Journal is not to be used for profit or advertising of any kind.
Material for the Journal should be sent directly to the Editors, preferably by
email, and should bear the sender's name and contact information for further
The Editors reserve the right to edit material submitted for brevity and clarity.
Any editing of content that the Editors deem necessary will be done in consultation
with the author. The Editors further reserve the right to refuse publication of any
material that they consider to be either of unacceptable quality or of a nature that is
not in keeping with the ethics and/or purpose of the Society.
Material which has been reprinted from other sources must be accompanied by
permission from that source, or permission from the original author where
Full credit for the original source must be given and printed clearly.
Reference to health and healing matters is not to be regarded as negating the
need for medical diagnosis or medical advice and treatment for any health
Editors shall at all times be responsible for competent selection, compilation,
layout and editing of the journal, and providing fair copy for final printing. The
Journal shall not be used or exhibited for personal gain on business cards or
letterheads of a professional or political nature, and the editors shall act in
accordance with the aims and ethics of the Society.
Any and all opinions, concepts and ideas expressed in this journal are strictly
those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Canadian
Society of Questers.

The Quester 60
Canadian Society of Questers
DIRECTORY 2008-2009
Elected Officers

President Membership Secretary

John Theobald Sarah Roer 5404A Sunnybrae Canoe Pt Rd.
Tappen, BC V0E 2X1
Vice-Presidents 250-835-8236
Tyhson Banighen
250-835-8236 Directors at Large
Vic Lindal
Carol Heywood-Babrauskas 250-383-4623
Georgina Miller
Past President 250-836-2082
Merlin Beltain
250-542-5940 Anar Kassam
Joan Pearson
250-545-3256 Conference Coordinator
Merlin Beltain
Box 163 , Parker Cove,
Vernon, BC V1H 2A1
Lee Bromley

Board Appointments

Webmaster Editor
Wayne Follett Angela Espiritu
604-460-0525 (o) (250)539-5807

61 Winter 2008

Calgary Okanagan - Vernon

Merope Gervais Jacqueline Rose
403-217-2702 250-542-1887

Edmonton Shuswap
Cindi Huskins Glen Livingstone
780-975-9973 250-833-1397
Brenda Wallace
John Theobald

Mid-Island, Vancouver Island Victoria

Christine Karssen Liane Gustafson
250-752-1419 250-727-2173

Okanagan - Kelowna 100 Mile House

Jim Wilson Carmen Starbuck
250-768-1012 250-456-6039


Hay River Saltspring Island

Ben Greenfield Jack and Barbara Lynard
867-874-6414 250-653-4469

To join the CSQ Discussion Group, visit:
CSQ Mailbox: PO Box 4873, Vancouver, BC, V6B 4A6, Canada

The Quester 62
American Society of Dowsers New Zealand Society of Dowsing
Box 24 And Radionics Inc.
Danville, VT 05828 USA P0 Box 41-095
(802) 684-3417 St. Luke's, S.Q.
Fax: (802) 684-2565 Mt.Albert, Auckland 1030 New Zealand

BSD Earth Energies Group Ozark Research Institute

Mr. David Sangwine, Chairman P0 Box 387
Goodman's Cottage Fayetteville, AR 72702-0387
Welford Rd., South Kilworth (479) 582-9197
Leicestershire LEI7 6DY Fax: (479) 582-3684
England www.

British Society of Dowsers Toronto Dowsers

2 St. Ann's Road, Malvern Marilyn Gang
Worcestershire WR14 4RG (416) 322-0363
Tel/fax: 44 01624 576969 mgang@dowsers. info
The Society of Irish Diviners
Canadian Society of Dowsers Moya Henderson, Secretary
Jo-Anne Eadie, Membership Secretary 31 Ardmore Grove
487 Lynden Road Artane
R. R. # 8 Stn. Main Dublin 5, Ireland
Brantford, ON
N3T 5M1 Canada
1-519-647-2257 The Society of Moorland Dowsers Anthony Heath
28 Five Acres
Dowsers Society of New South Wales New Park
The Secretary, Jane Scammell Bovey Tracey
21 Clontarf Street, Seaforth Devon TQ13 9JN, UK
Sydney NSW, Australia 2092 West Midland Dowsers
25 Calthorpe Close
Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. Walsall
PO Box 2635, Mount Waverley West Midlands WS5 3LT
Victoria 3149, Australia England Phone Michael Guest (0121) 357-1117

63 Winter 2008

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