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Faster EFT - Robert Smith - Notes on YouTube Videos

Making Friends with the Saboteur Within

Part 1
Mainly introduction
Rubbing same as tapping !

Part 2
Experience: learning to drive
Routine memories disappear
Memories of abuse pushed to back - but affect behaviour
Saboteur tries to keep you safe - problems due incorrect understanding
Saboteur based on beliefs - programs from past experiences:
Emotions, pictures, images, sounds

Part 3
Saboteur protects against bad memories that you have stored
- emotional, physical, mental abuse and problems
Own you own problems - past is over - you recreate only in mind
Change memories !! Replace problems with PEACE
Depression caused by you - and what is stored within
Changes can be made fast - and last long
Back to past - find how you represent it - change representation

Part 4
You pick up good & bad from parents, family - attracts similar, all
Heal inner self by releasing what you hold - EFT does this
Tapping works on (acupressure) meridians to affect programs in subconscious
Body follows mind/brain. You think it - body makes it
Go back to happy memory - notice all your feelings
You can feel good by merely changing focus of thought
Go back to bad memory - make feelings very strong
Tree pulled out by roots dies
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and let go - all sadnesses"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I release and let go - all fears"
Tap below eye:
"I release and let go - all emotional traumas, guilt, helpless feelings"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"I release and let go - all rejection, abandonment, betrayal,
and everything else - it is safe to let these go"
Grab wrist, deep breath "I am OK". Breath out - "PEACE"
Making Friends with the Saboteur Within Page 2

Part 5
Focus inside yourself
Go back to bad memory - may not be able to !
If just reduced, feel it, see it agian - as strong as you can
If cleared, pick another bad memory
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and let it go"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"It is safe to let it go"
Tap below eye:
"I am letting it go"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"It is OK for me to let it go - the past is over, I am here now"
Grab wrist, deep breath "I am OK". Breath out - "PEACE"
Go back to memory - any emotions or feelings with it ?
Responses: Regret, Anger
Tap Karate point (hand edge between liitle finger & wrist):
"Even though I have this regret (and/or) anger - and all this does is
torment me
It does not change it, undo it, or fix it; all this does is torment me
I am doing this to me.
"I release and let it go"
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I forgive myself"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I let it go"
Tap below eye:
"It is safe to let it go"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"It is time to pick up and move on"
Grab wrist, deep breath "I let it go". Breath out - "PEACE"
If memory still there (even if reduced), close eyes, deep breathe, see picture in
mind Is it in colour ? Adjust 'colour knob in mind' to make it black & white
Sensations now reduced. Now push picture far away so reduced in size.
Adjust 'colour knob in mind' to make it ochre as in very old photos
Now get a match (in mind) and burn old photo - when burnt, deep breathe,
blow away Blow ashes away. Recall happy memory - step into it, note happy
feelings, deep breathe, PEACE
Many people beleive image in mind is truth - now you know you can change
If you change memory you feel better.
If you feel bad, you influence all you meet to feel bad !
Make Friends with the Saboteur Within by: embrace it, look it, change its
Making Friends with the Saboteur Within Page 3
Part 6
Beliefs are things that you feel strongly, having proof (memory, etc)
Proofs are made up - internal references based on perceptions (often incorrect
from childhood)
Eliminate emotional charge memory representation
Tapping on a person (no disclosure of item) - audience on self
"Affects all my life" "Fear" - recall earliest experience;
Close eyes, deep breathe, go back to past, see what you saw, hear what you
heard, feel it is true
Notice who was there. Make memory very strong (10+) Go through other
memories, find strongest
Are you ready to let go ? See tree, pull out by root. See waht happens to tree -
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and let go - all sadnesses"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I release and let go - all fears"
Tap below eye:
"I release and let go - all emotional traumas"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"I release and let go - all guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, rejection,
abandonment, betrayals, all the let-downs, and everything else
associated with this. It is safe to
let it go. I forgive myself, I forgive all involved, especially myself. I forgive
Grab wrist, deep breath "I let it go". Breath out - "PEACE"
Go back to past - no emotions, belief not true. Make it true - "I can't"
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and let it go - I forgive myself"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I did the best that I could"
Tap below eye:
"It is safe to move forward"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
It was just an idea backed by emotions and old beliefs that are not true.
I am here now"
Grab wrist, deep breath "I let it go". Breath out - "PEACE"
Go back to original memory - see yourself there - see expression on face -
Remember first pet - good feeling - send to your own self as little girl.
Send more - and more
Walk over to little girl, wrap arms around her and whisper in ear "I Love You"
Hold her more tightly, so that she drifts inside you ! She is safe in you,
both OK now
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I am OK now"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I am OK now"
Tap below eye:
"We both are OK now"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"We both are OK. It is safe to change how I think about myself.
Grab wrist, deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Making Friends with the Saboteur Within Page 4

Part 7
Go back to time of accident - hold memory image strongly - hold anger strongly
See tree, pull out by roos, see what happens - dies
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and let go - all my sadnesses"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I release and let go - all my fears"
Tap below eye:
"I release and let go - all my angers"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"I release and let go - all my emotional traumas, all the guilt, bitterness
unforgiveness, betrayals, and everything else. This is really my problem
- I am the one feeling it - I let it go"
Grab wrist, deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Go back too tiome of accident - hold memory image strongly - what do you feel ?
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and it let go"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I was just a little girl"
Tap below eye:
"I did the best I could at the time"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"I was curious, I made a mistake. It is over - it is time to get on with my
life now.
I am sorry. I forgive myslf. I forgive my mother. It is now OK"
Grab wrist, "I am OK". Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Check on feelings, etc. now - "She is trusting"
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I am OK"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I am safe now"
Tap below eye:
"I forgive myself"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"It is safe for us to heal. It is time to move on."
Grab wrist, "I am OK". Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Make this bother you again. Any remarks, etc. by others ? Other problems ?
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I am OK"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"We are all OK"
Tap below eye:
"We are all OK"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"Everything works out now and I am OK"
Grab wrist, Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Check on feelings, etc. now - "Peaceful, all OK"
"It was all in layers, all in colour. Doing it myself I could not get rid of the colour
- this session I let go of colours and feelings."
Making Friends with the Saboteur Within Page 5

Part 8
Mind/Body is one - fear controls us, pain that becomes our master.
We keep it inside - it tells us what to do. I want to be free !
The way to make Tylenol work faster !!!
EFT works better than verbal affirmations by themselves.
Strongest affirmations are your thoughts and actions
If you have ANY feeling in any part of your body, just tap it away
Tap "Let it go" at each tapping points - repeat until changed !!!
Aim at the sensations, feelings, textures, sounds, looks, expressions, etc.
Do it until whatever it is feels good (for you). If resistance, work harder, (&
both sides)
- do all points until EFT works well for you

Part 9
Person on strong medication
Neck represents stubbornness, not looking at issue
Heavy shoulder - carrying world !
Stomach - what we are experiencing and digesting - all emotions !
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and let it go - all sadnesses"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I release and let it go - all fears"
Tap below eye:
"I release and let it go - all emotional traumas"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"I release and let it go - all angers, all helpless feelings, all trapped
feelings, regrets, unforgiveness, stubbornness, 'way of the world', 'its all
my fault'- I let it go"
Grab wrist, "I let it go", Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Let it bother you again "a six" - "Fear of not getting rid of problem - return
when I leave"
Think about it again - strong as possible
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"I release and let it go - the helplessness"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"I release and let it go - the hopelessness"
Tap below eye:
"It is going to meet me at the door"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"it is going to follow me around; this tapping is just a temporary fix
plus I won't use it after I leave here. Because it works - will ruin all my
bad feelings. What will I worry about then ? Just tap it away !"
Grab wrist, "Just tap it away", Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Trick: EFT works only when you use it !
Making Friends with the Saboteur Within Page 6

Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:

"This is a skill"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"This is a life skill"
Tap below eye:
"Something that I will use forever"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"If I don't use it - I will be as before and suffer - I let it go"
Grab wrist, "I let it go", Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Neck pain gone. Shoulder a 7 or 8
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"That feeling right there"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"That feeling right there"
Tap below eye:
"That feeling right there"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"That feeling right there"
Grab wrist, "Whatever it means"
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"Even though I have this feeling"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"And whoever he is"
Tap below eye:
"He has his problems"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"He has his problems - I am OK to let him go"
Grab wrist, "I let it go", Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Check pain again - sharpness
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"That sharp pain"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"That anger"
Tap below eye:
"That little (catch ?)"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"That little (catch ?) hurting my shoulder - whatever it means on the
unconscious level
I lovingly release and let it go. It is safe now"
Grab wrist, "I let it go", Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Making Friends with the Saboteur Within Page 7

Check pain again - reduced sharp pain

Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"That sharp pain back there"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"That sharp pain back there"
Tap below eye:
"Whatever it means"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"Whatever it means - it is safe to heal this part - I forgive myself - I let go
of the anger, resentment, and the anticipation of pain"
Grab wrist, "I let it go", Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
Check pain again - slight pain in arm
Tap on forehead between centre of eyes:
"That deep pain inside me"
Tap on side of eye (temple):
"Whatever it means"
Tap below eye:
"Whatever it came from"
Tap Collar Bone (Mans Bow Tie):
"Whatever let it in"
Grab wrist, "I am safe to let it go", Deep breath. Breathe out - "PEACE"
When you lie in bed at night, go to feelings of pain, to memories involved,
Address pain in memory, current pain (in mind) then physically (or mentally)
tap !

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