Applied Anatomy Sample Questions

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1-Long & short questions (Give an account / Enumerate / Complete…)

-Define: Le Fort Type I OR Le Fort Type II OR Le Fort Type III fracture maxilla
-Give management of fracture maxilla
-Give areas of strength of the mandible
-Give areas of weakness of the mandible
-Give frequent fracture sites of the mandible
-Define favorable & unfavorable fracture of mandible
-Define brain concussion
-Define brain compression
-Define brain lacerations
-Give a short account on salivary gland infections
-Give a short account on salivary gland stones
-Give a short account on salivary gland tumors
-Give a short account on clicking of the TMJ
-Define TMJ dislocation
-Give the causes of TMJ dislocation
-Give the symptoms & signs of TMJ dislocation
-Give the treatment of TMJ dislocation

1-Le Forte type I is:
a-Transverse fracture crossing through the mandible
b-Transverse fracture crossing through the maxilla
c-Transverse fracture crossing through nasal bridge
d-Transverse fracture crossing through naso-frontal suture
2-An area of strength of the mandible:
c-Inferior border of the mandible
d-Mandibular foramen area
3-An area of weakness of the mandible:
a-External oblique ridge
b-Internal oblique (mylohyoid) ridge
c-Area of deep impacted teeth
d-Inferior border of the mandible
4-The commonest site of fracture of mandible is:

5-Favorable fracture of the mandible is the fracture in which:
a-Muscles pull will oppose the displacement of fractured bones
b-Muscles pull will assist the displacement of fractured bones
c-Fractured bones are fixed with plate and screw
d-Fractured bones are fixed with wire
6-Unfavorable fracture of the mandible is:
a-Muscles pull will oppose the displacement of fractured bones
b-Muscles pull will assist the displacement of fractured bones
c-Fractured bones are fixed with plate and screw
d-Fractured bones are fixed with wire
7-Closed reduction of fracture mandible is done by:
a-Skin incision
b-Vestibular incision
c-Maxillomandibular fixation
d-a & b
8-Extra oral skin incision for mandible fracture surgical treatment can be done by:
a-Submental approach
b-Submandibular approach
c-Retromandibular approach
d-All of the above
9-Brain concussion is due to:
a-Jarring of the brain inside the skull
b-Increased intra cranial pressure
c-Hemorrhage inside the brain
d-Laceration of the brain
10-Brain compression leads to:
c-Pupil dilatation
d-All of the above
11-Tear of brain tissue is called:
a-Brain concussion
b-Brain compression
c-Brain laceration
d-Brain stroke
12-In blockage of salivary gland ducts by stones:
a-Swelling & pain increase after eating
b-Bacteria can infect stagnant saliva
c-Stones never pass out spontaneously

d-a & b
13-Salivary gland swelling that feel hard & is attached to surrounding tissues is due
c-Malignant tumor
d-All of the above
14-Malignant parotid tumor may lead to paralysis of:
a-Ophthalmic nerve
b-Maxillary nerve
c-Mandibular nerve
d-Facial nerve
15-Clicking of the TMJ is due to:
a-Anterior displacement of articular disc
b-Posterior displacement of articular disc
c-Superior displacement of articular disc
d-Inferior displacement of articular disc
16-In TMJ dislocation, mandibular condyle becomes displaced out of mandibular
fossa and become fixed ……………………………. to the articular eminence.
17-Causes of TMJ dislocation include:
a-Anterior displacement of the articular disc
b-Trauma force against a partially opened mandible
c-Excessive opening of mandible during as during eating & laughing
d-b & c
18-Symptoms of TMJ dislocation include:
a-Inability to open the mouth
b-Inability to close the mouth
c-Inability to move the tongue
d-All of the above
19-Manual reduction of TMJ dislocation is done by pressing the mandible:
a-Upward then backward and finally downward
b-Upward then forward and finally downward
c-Downward then backward and finally upward
d-Downward then forward and finally upward
20-Bondage applied after TMJ dislocation reduction is called:
a-Le Forte bondage

b-Langer bondage
c-Barton bondage
d-Best bondage
MCQs Key Answer:
1-b ; 2-c ; 3-c ; 4-d ; 5-a ; 6-b ; 7-c ; 8-d ; 9-a ; 10-d ; 11-c ; 12-d ;
13-c ; 14-d ; 15-a ; 16-c ; 17-d ; 18-b ; 19-c ; 20-c


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